Addictive Behaviors

(The TQCC of Addictive Behaviors is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Dual and polytobacco use after a period of enforced tobacco cessation233
Editorial Board204
An examination of the effects of ADHD symptoms and sex on the relation between cannabis protective behavioral strategies and cannabis consequences142
Use of protective behavioral strategies and blackout experience among mandated college students122
The Big-five personality traits and their link to problematic and compensatory Facebook use: A systematic review and meta-analysis88
A systematic review of randomized controlled trials and network meta-analysis of e-cigarettes for smoking cessation88
Value-based decision-making in regular alcohol consumers following experimental manipulation of alcohol value86
Network analysis of social anxiety and problematic mobile phone use in Chinese adolescents: A longitudinal study68
Characterizing alcohol cue reactive and non-reactive individuals with alcohol use disorder63
Demographic risk factors for co-occurring suicidality and cannabis use disorders: Findings from a nationally representative United States sample57
Cannabis advertising impacts on youth cannabis use intentions following recreational legalization in Canada: An Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) study57
Top-down and bottom-up attentional biases for smoking-related stimuli: Comparing dependent and non-dependent smokers51
Trends and consumption patterns in the use of e-cigarettes among adolescents and young adults in Germany (the DEBRA study)50
Sticking with it? Factors associated with exercise adherence in people with alcohol use disorder49
The influence of perceived parental phubbing on adolescents’ problematic smartphone use: A two-wave multiple mediation model49
Cross-sectional and longitudinal AUD symptom networks: They tell different stories47
Youth mental health and nicotine vape use: The moderating role of rural-urban/suburban school environments47
The longitudinal mediating effect of rumination on the relationship between depressive symptoms and problematic smartphone use in Chinese university students: A three-wave cross-lagged panel analysis46
Prevalence and correlates of flavored novel oral nicotine product use among a national sample of youth46
Symptoms of tobacco dependence among middle and high school tobacco users – Data from the 2019–2020 National Youth Tobacco Survey45
Adverse childhood experiences and alcohol related negative consequence among college student drinkers45
Alcohol-related consequences and the intention to seek care in treatment naïve women and men with severe alcohol use disorder44
The association between student loan debt and perceived socioeconomic status and problematic drinking and mental health symptoms: A preliminary investigation44
Predictors of electronic nicotine product quit attempts and cessation: Analysis of waves 3 and 4 of the PATH study43
Socioeconomic status across the life course and smoking cessation among older adult smokers in the U.S43
Editorial Board43
The needle in the haystack: Is the dimensionality of the PGSI a prized object, or something to discard? A response to Tabri & Wohl’s commentary ‘There is (still) a global factor that underlies the43
Editorial Board41
Stealth vaping and associated attitudes, perceptions, and control beliefs among US college students across four tobacco-free campuses40
Preloading, exit intoxication related to energy drink usage, and gender differences within night-time entertainment districts for young people39
How gambling problems relate to health and wellbeing in Australian households: Evidence from the Household Income and Labour Dynamics of Australia Survey37
The reliability of attentional biases for gambling-related images in free-viewing eye-tracking paradigms37
Early-onset prescription drug misuse in Indiana youth36
Who benefits from alcohol screening and brief intervention? A mini-review on socioeconomic inequalities with a focus on evidence from the United States34
Fatal drug overdose among middle-aged Black men: A life table analysis34
Latent profiles of cannabis use, protective behavioral strategies, and health beliefs in college students34
Acute effects of exercise among individuals with schizophrenia who smoke cigarettes34
An evening of alcohol consumption negatively impacts next-day immune fitness in both hangover-sensitive drinkers and hangover-resistant drinkers33
Differences in health care provider advice on abstaining from tobacco use: Findings from the 2020 National Youth Tobacco Survey32
Differences in biobehavioral measures of cigarette smoking by depression symptomology32
Trajectory classes of engagement with an alcohol text message intervention and predictors of intervention engagement31
Editorial Board30
Depressive symptoms predict trajectories of electronic delivery nicotine systems, cigarette, and cannabis use across 4.5 years among college students30
Decision-making and frontoparietal resting-state functional connectivity among impulsive-compulsive diagnoses. Insights from a Bayesian approach29
Alternative combusted tobacco product and multiple tobacco product use among individuals with serious mental illness enrolled in a large pragmatic randomized controlled trial29
The effects of alcohol and marijuana co-use patterns on intimate partner aggression perpetration28
Network analysis reveals the associations of past quit experiences on current smoking behavior and motivation to quit28
How do high school seniors get marijuana? Prevalence and sociodemographic differences27
Measurement invariance of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale across black and white adults with cocaine use disorder27
Gambling disorder seeking treatment patients and tobacco use in relation to clinical profiles27
Cue-based treatment for light smokers: A proof of concept pilot27
Above the influence of vaping: Peer leader influence and diffusion of a network-informed preventive intervention27
Examining the prevalence of nicotine vaping and association of major depressive episodes among adolescents and young adults by disability type in 202126
Distal and proximal risk factors of problematic cannabis use associated with psychotic-like experiences26
Estimating perceived parental substance use disorder: Using register data to adjust for non-participation in survey research26
Does alcohol-related desire thinking predict in-the-moment drinking behaviours?26
Do the associations between the use of electronic cigarettes and smoking reduction or cessation attempt persist after several years of use? Longitudinal analyses in smokers of the CONSTANCES cohort25
Role of sex on the relationship between sexual minority status and past 30-day marijuana use among high school students (YRBS, 2015–2019)25
A four-year longitudinal analysis examining the effects of e-cigarette advertisements and disparities among youth with internalizing problems25
Digital marketing of smokeless tobacco: A longitudinal analysis of exposure and initiation among young adults24
New directions in the evaluation and rehabilitation of neurocognitive processes in addictive disorders24
The intergenerational continuity of alcohol use in a population sample23
Editorial Board23
Characterizing the dimensions of positive emotion functioning in young adult alcohol use and alcohol-related problems23
Prevalence and characteristics of co-occurrence of smoking and increasing-and-higher-risk drinking: A population survey in England23
Tobacco use behavior among adults exposed to cumulative adverse childhood experiences: A systematic review and meta analysis23
Obsessive-compulsive symptoms and problematic alcohol use: The explanatory role of drinking motives22
Modified Drinking Motives Questionnaire–Revised: Psychometric Validation in a Psychiatric Sample of Young Adults with Predominantly Polysubstance Use22
Fun/intoxication pre-drinking motives lead indirectly to more alcohol-related consequences via increased alcohol consumption on a given night22
Multi-directional pathways of tobacco and marijuana use, including comorbid use, among a population-based cohort of adolescents in Texas: A six-wave cross-lagged model22
Life-course Accumulated Cannabis Use and Recent Cannabis-related Problems in the Washington Panel Survey22
Depression and substance use: The CES-D’s utility in predicting treatment outcomes in a longitudinal multi-site study of residential treatment centers22
Factorial validity of the problematic social media use scale among Chinese adults22
Trends in cannabis views and use among American adults: Intersections with alcohol consumption, 2002–201821
Communicating the benefits of quitting smoking on mental health increases motivation to quit in people with anxiety and/or depression21
Predictive validity of the original and expanded susceptibility scales for smokeless tobacco21
Tobacco withdrawal-induced changes in sensorimotor filtering as a predictor of smoking lapse in trauma-exposed individuals21
Editorial Board21
The interactive effect of anxiety sensitivity and negative smoking cessation cognitions on reductions in cigarette consumption during acute cessation21
Cannabis use to manage stimulant cravings among people who use unregulated drugs21
Nonjudgmental acceptance: Associations with substance-related cue reactivity in adults with substance use disorders and posttraumatic stress21
Emotion-based decision-making as a predictor of alcohol-related consequences in college students20
Editorial Board20
Simultaneous use of marijuana and alcohol: Potential prevention targets among young adults who use alcohol20
Prospective associations between sleep disturbances and cannabis use among Veterans: A behavioral economic approach20
Insomnia as a moderator of alcohol use and blackout: Potential role in acute physiological consequences20
Problem gambling severity, gambling behavior, substance use, and mental health in gamblers who do and do not use cannabis: Evidence from a Canadian national sample20
Feasibility and acceptability of texting school-aged adolescents to assess daily substance use among community-based black and white youth20
Classifying risky cannabis involvement in young adults using the Marijuana Consequences Questionnaire (MACQ)20
Effects of methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone on actigraphy-based sleep-like parameters in male rhesus monkeys20
Impaired control over drinking predicts changes in alcohol-related consequences over and above alcohol use and facets of impulsivity20
Editorial Board19
Does the relationship between alcohol retail environment and alcohol outcomes vary by depressive symptoms? Findings from a U.S. Survey of Black, Hispanic and White drinkers19
Drugs age-of-onset as a signal of later post-traumatic stress disorder: Bayesian analysis of a census protocol19
Editorial Board19
Flavored cigar availability in Oakland after a partial ban19
Examining the role of problematic drug use in the relationship between discrimination and sleep disturbance in transgender and nonbinary individuals19
Editorial Board19
A dyadic examination of alcohol use and intimate partner aggression among women in same-sex relationships19
The dynamics of smoking quit motivation in daily life: Associations with momentary self-regulation and nightly quit intentions19
What pandemic? A multisite study of drinking motives and drinking games participation among college students during a pandemic (COVID-19) academic year19
The many forms of cannabis use: Prevalence and correlates of routes of administration among nationally representative samples of U.S. adult and adolescent cannabis users18
Cigarette smoking frequency, quantity, dependence, and quit intentions during adolescence: Comparison of menthol and non-menthol smokers (National Youth Tobacco Survey 2017–2020)18
Motives to play videogames across seven countries: Measurement invariance of the Videogaming Motives Questionnaire18
Editorial Board18
Psychometric properties of the short UPPS-P scale in adolescents: Gender, age invariance, and validity among italian youth17
Cannabis and nicotine co-use among primary care patients in a state with legal cannabis access17
Associations between e-cigarette marketing exposure and vaping nicotine and cannabis among U.S. adults, 202117
Cannabis use trajectories over time in relation to minority stress and gender among sexual and gender minority people17
Longitudinal examination of ENDS characteristics, flavors, and nicotine content for cigarette cessation: Findings from PATH waves 5–617
Assessing the association between e-cigarette use and cardiovascular disease: A meta-analysis of exclusive and dual use with combustible cigarettes17
Longitudinal assessment of PTSD and illicit drug use among male and female OEF-OIF veterans17
Associations between social media engagement and young adults’ subsequent onset of ENDS dependence symptoms one year later17
Housing status as a social determinant of disparities in adolescent smoking, vaping, and dual use of cigarettes and e-cigarettes17
Additive effectiveness and feasibility of a theory-driven instant assessment and feedback system in brief cannabis intervention: A randomised controlled trial16
Academic procrastination precedes problematic mobile phone use in Chinese adolescents: A longitudinal mediation model of distraction cognitions16
Driving under the influence of cannabis, alcohol, and illicit drugs among adults in the United States from 2016 to 202016
Does the time to nicotine dependence vary by internalizing symptoms for young people who use e-cigarettes? An analysis of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) study, (Waves 1–5; 201316
Cigarette use, anxiety, and insomnia from adolescence to early adulthood: A longitudinal indirect effects test16
Gamblers’ beliefs about responsibility for minimizing gambling harm: Associations with problem gambling screening and gambling involvement16
Perception and intention of using less harmful and less addictive hypothetical modified risk tobacco products among never tobacco users in the united states16
A trauma model of substance use: Elaboration and preliminary validation16
A preliminary investigation of physical and mental health features of cannabis & nicotine co-use among adolescents and young adults by sex16
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)-containing e-cigarette, or vaping, product use behaviors among adults after the onset of the 2019 outbreak of e-cigarette, or vaping, product use-associated lung injury (EVA16
Smoking cessation interventions for U.S. adults with disabilities: A systematic review16
Predictors of substance use in a clinical sample of youth seeking treatment for Trauma-related mental health problems16
Associations between problematic internet use, life satisfaction, and deliberate self-harm among Chinese adolescents: A multi-centered longitudinal study16
Adolescent problematic gaming and its association with maternal behaviors: A dyadic study focusing on the relational-emotional correlates16
The effect of alcohol use disorder symptom and recovery narratives on problem-recognition: A randomized online trial16
Maternal trajectories of cannabis use and young adult cannabis and nicotine dependence15
Methods used to quit vaping among adolescents and associations with perceived risk, addiction, and socio-economic status15
Methamphetamine use and technology-mediated psychosocial interventions: A mini-review15
Association between relationship adaptation and Internet gaming disorder among first-year secondary school students in China: Mediation effects via social support and loneliness15
Examining the social and behavioral dynamics of substance use in a longitudinal network study in rural Appalachia15
Severity of substance use as an indicator of suicide risk among U.S. military veterans15
Associations between sleep patterns, smoking, and alcohol use among older adults in Canada: Insights from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA)15
E-cigarette and combustible cigarette cessation patterns, reasons, and methods among adolescents, young adults, and adults15
Cannabis use and social anxiety in young adulthood: A meta-analysis15
Predictors of suicide attempts in male UK gamblers seeking residential treatment14
Collateral consequences of the school-to-prison pipeline: Adolescent substance use and developmental risk14
Assessing barriers to providing tobacco use disorder treatment in community mental health settings with a revised version of the Smoking Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (S-KAP) instrument14
How is intolerance of uncertainty related to negative affect in individuals with substance use disorders? The role of the inability to control behaviors when experiencing emotional distress14
Choice of smoking cessation products among people with substance use problems in the US: Findings from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) study Wave 614
Is psychological distress the key factor in the association between problematic social networking sites and poor sleep quality?14
Social comparison orientation and fear of missing out as mediators between self-concept clarity and problematic smartphone use14
Daily meaningfulness among patients with opioid use disorder: Examining the role of social experiences during residential treatment and links with post-treatment relapse14
Gambling disorder in minority ethnic groups14
Do emotion regulation and impulsivity differ according to gambling preferences in clinical samples of gamblers?14
What’s sleep got to do with it? Longitudinal associations between insomnia, PTSD, and alcohol use among U.S. Veterans14
A network analysis of eating disorder symptoms and co-occurring alcohol misuse among heterosexual and sexual minority college women14
Daily-level analysis of drinking intensity and acute physical consequences14
Youth and gambling disorder: What about criminal behavior?14
Mental health and drinking to cope in the early COVID period: Data from the 2019–2020 US National Alcohol Survey14
Self-control and smoking in a sample of adults living with HIV/AIDS: A cross-sectional survey14
Emotion dysregulation mediates the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and problematic gaming14
Event-level patterns of methamphetamine and poly-drug use among millennial sexual minority men: The P18 Cohort Study14
Comparing identity, attitudes, and indicators of effectiveness in people who smoke, vape or use heated tobacco products: A cross-sectional study14
Differential psychopathological profile of male intimate partner violence perpetrators depending on Problematic alcohol use14
Intersection of familial risk and environmental social control on high-risk drinking and alcohol dependence in a US national sample of adults14
Momentary versus retrospective reports of alcohol or cannabis use, sexual activity, and their co-occurrence14
Emotion dysregulation, transdiagnostic vulnerabilities, and e-cigarette expectancies in a young adult sample14
Does cognitive-behavioral treatment affect putative mechanisms of change among individuals with problem gambling? A systematic review and exploratory meta-analysis14
Daily sensation-seeking and urgency in young adults: Examining associations with alcohol use and self-defined risky behaviors14
Anxiety as a predictor of the age of initiation of tobacco and cannabis use in adolescents and young adults13
GABAergic polygenic risk for cocaine use disorder is negatively correlated with precuneus activity during cognitive control in African American individuals13
Evaluation of a virtual reality E-cigarette prevention game for adolescents13
E-cigarette devices, brands, and flavors attract youth: Informing FDA's policies and priorities to close critical gaps13
A randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of combinations of ‘why to reduce’ and ‘how to reduce’ alcohol harm-reduction communications13
Social norms and problematic gaming among adolescents: The role of Internet use coping motives13
Perceptions of e-cigarettes among Australian adolescents, young adults, and adults13
Specific biomarker comparison in current smokers, e-cigarette users, and non-smokers13
Problematic social media use and associated consequences on academic performance decrement during Covid-1913
Parent’s awareness of, and influence on, their 14–17-year-old child’s vaping and smoking behaviours; an analysis of 3242 parent–child pairs in Australia13
Homegrown perceptions about the medical use and potential abuse of CBD and THC13
Assessing alcohol use in situ: Correlates of self-report vs. objective alcohol consumption13
A measure of expectancies for alcohol analgesia: Preliminary factor analysis, reliability, and validity12
Longitudinal association between exposure to e-cigarette advertising and youth e-cigarette use in the United States12
Longitudinal associations between team sport participation and substance use in adolescents and young adults12
Metacognitions as a predictor of problematic social media use and internet gaming disorder: Development and psychometric properties of the Metacognitions about Social Media Use Scale (MSMUS)12
Guilt in alcohol use: A systematic review12
Trends in coping reasons for marijuana use among U.S. adolescents from 2016 to 202212
The independent and joint effect of socioeconomic status and Multiracial status on the prevalence and frequency of substance use and depression among U.S. adolescents12
Factors associated with changes in flavored tobacco products used: Findings from wave 2 and wave 3 (2014–2016) of the population assessment of tobacco and health (PATH) study12
Editorial Board12
Not always as advertised: Different effects from viewing safer gambling (harm prevention) adverts on gambling urges12
In-home cannabis smoking more prevalent than in-home tobacco smoking among 2019 Global Drug Survey respondents11
Associations of housing stress with later substance use outcomes: A systematic review11
Twisted memories: Addiction-related engrams are strengthened by desire thinking11
Double trouble? Associations of parental substance use and eating behaviors with pediatric disordered eating11
Intimate partner violence as a predictor of substance use outcomes among women: A systematic review11
How drug cravings affect metacognitive monitoring in methamphetamine abusers11
Post-legalization changes in marijuana use in a sample of young California adults11
The “alcoholic other”: Harmful drinkers resist problem recognition to manage identity threat11
Device features and user behaviors as predictors of dependence among never-smoking electronic cigarette users: PATH Wave 411
The effects of emotion dysregulation and negative affect on urge to smoke and nicotine dependence: The different roles of metacognitions about smoking11
Social anxiety and risky Marijuana use: The role of underutilization of protective behavioral strategies11
Adult attachment, social anxiety, and problematic social media use: A meta-analysis and meta-analytic structural equation model11
Predictors of electronic cigarette dependence among non-smoking electronic cigarette users: User behavior and device characteristics11
Substance, use in relation to COVID-19: A scoping review11
The longitudinal relationships between problematic smartphone use and anxiety symptoms among Chinese college students: A cross-lagged panel network analysis11
An integrated dual process simulation model of alcohol use behaviours in individuals, with application to US population-level consumption, 1984–201211
Substance use and abuse, COVID-19-related distress, and disregard for social distancing: A network analysis11
Age-varying time trends in cannabis- and alcohol-related risk perceptions 2002–201911
Assessment of online compulsive buying: Psychometric properties of the Italian compulsive online shopping scale (COSS)11
Treatment outcomes in individuals diagnosed with comorbid opioid use disorder and Posttraumatic stress disorder: A review11
Reciprocal associations between shyness, depression, and Internet gaming disorder among Chinese adolescents: A cross-lagged panel study11
A narrative systematic review of associations and temporality between use of methamphetamine, ecstasy/MDMA, or cocaine with anxiety or depressive symptoms11
Examining the effect of exercise on the relationship between affect and cravings among smokers engaged in cessation treatment11
Understanding pathways to e-cigarette use across sexual identity: A multi-group structural equation model11
Effects of exercise interventions on Internet addiction among college students: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials11
Causes of smoking relapse in the 12 months after smoking cessation treatment: Affective and cigarette dependence–related factors11
School-based E-cigarette cessation programs: What do youth want?11
Smoking and vaping patterns during pregnancy and the postpartum: A longitudinal UK cohort survey11
Was COVID-19 associated with increased cigarette purchasing, consumption, and smoking at home among US smokers in early 2020? Findings from the US arm of the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four C10
The effects of alcohol use on smoking cessation treatment with nicotine replacement therapy: An observational study10
Cannabidiol in the context of substance use disorder treatment: A systematic review10
Adolescent drug use initiation and transition into other drugs: A retrospective longitudinal examination across race/ethnicity10
Alcohol and cannabis use in daily lives of college-attending young adults: Does co-use correspond to greater reported pleasure?10
Corrigendum to “Interplay between personality and antisocial peer affiliation as prospective predictors of marijuana use and academic achievement in the transition into and out of college” [Addict. Be10
What is binge drinking? Insights from a network perspective10
Drinking to cope and coping strategies in Deaf/Hard of hearing college students10
Development of individuals’ own and perceptions of peers’ substance use from early adolescence to adulthood10
Mediation of beneficial effects of an alcohol-specific inhibition training on drinking of patients with alcohol use disorder: The role of cognitive demands and inhibitory performance10
Early-life trauma, negative and positive life events, compulsive sexual behavior disorder and risky sexual action tendencies among young women with substance use disorder10
Reducing tobacco use in substance use treatment: The California tobacco free initiative10
Editorial Board10
The moderating role of sex in the relationship between cannabis use treatment admission profile and treatment processes and outcomes: A gender perspective10
Volume of alcohol intake, heavy episodic drinking, and all-cause mortality in Spain: A longitudinal population-based study10
Differences between adults who smoke cigarettes daily and do and do not co-use cannabis: Findings from the 2020 ITC four country smoking and vaping survey10
Managing shame and guilt in addiction: A pathway to recovery10
Self-reported perceived negative consequences of marijuana use among U.S. young adult users, 2008–201910
Child reward neurocircuitry and parental substance use history: Findings from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study10
Predictors of morning cannabis use among young adults: Between- and within-person associations from 24 consecutive months of data10
Rethink Vape: Development and evaluation of a risk communication campaign to prevent youth E-cigarette use10
Exposure to user-generated e-cigarette content on social media associated with greater vulnerability to e-cigarette use among youth non-users10
Exploratory evaluation of online brief education for JUUL pod-mod use and prevention10
Problematic gaming, psychiatric comorbidities, and adolescence: A systematic review of the literature10
Impulse and reason? Justifications in problem gambling10
Meta-analysis of structural and functional abnormalities in behavioral addictions10
Is irregular time estimation a common factor in smoking behavior and delay discounting?10
A synthesis of the literature to inform vaping cessation interventions for young adults10
Examining the relationship between alcohol consumption, psychological distress and COVID-19 related circumstances: An Australian longitudinal study in the first year of the pandemic10
Associations between simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use and next-day negative affect among young adults: The role of sex and trait anxiety10
The relationship between delay discounting and Internet addiction: A systematic review and meta-analysis10
Mental health related adverse events of cytisine and varenicline in smokers with and without mental health disorders: Secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial10
Menthol versus tobacco e-liquid flavor: Impact on acute subjective effects, puff patterns, and intentions for use among Black and White menthol smokers10
Comprehensive measurement invariance of alcohol outcome expectancies among adolescents using regularized moderated nonlinear factor analysis9
Value-based cognition and drug dependency9
Editorial Board9
Correlates of youth Poly-E-Cigarette device use9