Annals of Nuclear Energy

(The median citation count of Annals of Nuclear Energy is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
An innovative method for building the model of oxidation resistance of Cr coatings106
Mechanism research of two-phase flow regimes during bottom reflooding in narrow rectangular channel99
Influence of crust formation on the heat load to a reactor vessel under an in-vessel retention condition53
Neutronics/thermal-hydraulics/fuel-performance coupling for light water reactors and its application to accident tolerant fuel49
Experimental measurements to evaluate the effects of fuel microstructure on fission gas release in thoria47
Experimental study on the influence of inclination on operating characteristics of secondary side passive residual heat removal system46
The development of fuel management code TRACS for HFETR based on Unstructured-mesh variational nodal method44
Heat transfer system design of sodium test facility STELLA-244
Implementation and testing of unscented transformation and low rank approximation to enhance SCALE code uncertainty calculations41
Operator actions evaluation for MSGTR accident mitigation40
Multi-generation point kinetics for subcritical systems38
Nuclides selection method for nuclear reactor shielding based on non-dominated sorting36
Extension of the DYN3D/ATHLET code system to SFR applications: models description and initial validation36
An application of sensitivity and representativity approach for the design of a 100%MOX BWR experimental program in ZPR35
A physics-based parametric regression approach for feedwater pump system diagnosis34
Operation and safety analysis of space lithium-cooled fast nuclear reactor34
Characteristics of liquid film rupture at wave plate corner: A short communication34
A new sampling scheme combining maximum entropy and moment matching techniques for reactor physics uncertainty quantification34
Source extrapolation scheme for Monte Carlo fission source convergence based on RMC code32
Study on neutron shielding performance of hot cell shielding door for nuclear power plant32
Evaluation of probabilistic safety margin of nuclear power plant based on optimized adaptive sampling method31
VVER-1000/V446 spent fuel pool risk assessment and support through portable mitigating equipment30
Evaluation of power distribution calculation of the very high temperature reactor critical assembly (VHTRC) with Monte Carlo MVP3 code29
Experimental study on the influence of drainage tank structure on separation performance of vertical corrugated plate dryer in PWR29
Analysis of the Power and Temperature distribution in molten salt reactors with TRACE. Application to the MSRE29
New approach to find the equilibrium cycle in PWR reactors using genetic algorithms28
Impact of the extended computational domain at inlet and outlet on natural convection in a vertical rectangular channel28
The gamma deposition matrix method for gamma heating calculations for LWRs28
Evaluation of existing correlations and development of a new correlation for single-phase friction factor in rod bundle assembly28
Lubrication performance analysis of Lead-Bismuth Internal-Feedback bearings in the nuclear main pump system27
Neighbor-informed burnup correction for gadolinia depletion in pin-homogenized core calculation27
Sensitivity study of thermal-hydraulic nodalization for MELCOR simulations of severe accidents in a pressurized water reactor27
Research for axial power distribution control of a space nuclear reactor based on nonlinear model26
Extension of the discrete generalized multigroup method using SPH factors26
Editorial Board26
An improved analysis of the OECD/NRC PWR MOX/UO2 core transient benchmark with PARCS/Serpent25
Experimental analysis of boron dilution transient flow mixing characteristics based on planar laser induced fluorescence measurement24
Modeling elaborate dead time in reactor monitoring using SDE’s24
Experimental study on combustion characteristics of mixed sodium fire in a well-ventilated environment compared with confined space24
SCALE depletion capabilities for molten salt reactors and other liquid-fueled systems24
Development and verification of Geant4-based parallel computing Monte Carlo simulations for nuclear logging applications24
Experimental modeling of slip velocity in an L-shape pulsed packed extraction column using response surface methodology24
Impact of the resonance elastic scattering on reactor-core physics calculation results based on the deterministic method23
An experimental study related to axial constraint of fuel rod under LOCA conditions23
Seismic experiments on short coaxial multi-layered cylindrical shells with fluid–structure interaction in fast reactors23
Photo-neutron production of medical linear accelerator Elekta, precise model: A study with the Geant4 MC toolkit23
Time-dependent leakage model for the identification of defective fuel assemblies of VVER-type nuclear reactors, part 1: Theory22
CFD analysis of curvature and inclination effect on steam condensation in the presence of air22
Analysis of heat transfer and solidification within CANDU corium22
Emission of the backscattered electron in the energy range of 20 to100 keV22
Calculate of an additional resistance with reverse flow in steam generator under steady-state conditions21
Editorial Board21
Simulation of lateral jet formation in high-speed liquid droplet impingement and its impact on crater side wall21
Estimation of weight window parameters based on recursive Monte Carlo approach for reactor shielding problems20
A new strategy for validating transient neutronic solver using the measurement data during the dynamic rod worth measurement process20
Time-dependent leakage model for the identification of defective fuel assemblies of VVER-type nuclear reactors. Part 2: Expediting the solution and applications to a nuclear power plant20
Numerical simulation analysis of debris filtration in the bottom nozzle20
Numerical simulation of safety injection and natural circulation in two containers by smoothed particle hydrodynamics on the effects of filling levels and thermal diffusivities19
Assessment of strategy robustness under disruption of objective in dynamic fuel cycle studies19
CMT and PBL study in the high-pressure phase on the advance core-cooling mechanism experiment with RELAP 519
Safety analysis of pressurized water reactors with annular fuel during different transients19
Application of hybrid renewable energy for supplying the emergency power supply system in case of station blackout in nuclear power plant19
Mapping radioactive environments by use of sparse Gaussian processes regression19
Improved macroscopic depletion in 2-D nodal analysis by 2x2 albedo-corrected parameterized equivalence constants method19
Vectorial finite element method for neutron transport solving with preconditioning GMRES acceleration19
Numerical calculation method of steam-liquid separation efficiency of the corrugated plate dryer based on the discrete phase model and the Euler water film model: A short communication18
Design and validation of a broad-group shielding library for fast reactors by using particle swarm optimization18
Design and performance analysis of a mobile, land-based micro-reactor18
Researches on thermal hydraulics and fuel performance of ATFs during extreme steam generator tube failure without ECCS and DHRS in NuScale18
The influence of internal flow on fluidelastic instability of a flexible tube in tube bundles subjected to two-phase cross-flow18
AI-Guided Reasoning-Based Operator Support System for the Nuclear Power Plant Management18
Performance analysis of nuclear reactor core loaded with Accident-Tolerant Fuel: Mo/Cr metallic microcell UO2 pellets and CrAl coating18
Development and verification of the coupling code of discrete ordinates and Monte Carlo methods18
Application of the MOCABA algorithm and the FSTC tool for source term predictions during severe accident scenarios18
Research on non-uniform control rod system of PWR18
Full-core reactor physics analysis for accident tolerant cladding in a VVER-1000 reactor18
Dynamic response of dry cask storage systems for spent nuclear fuel to near field blast loading18
A molten salt test loop for component and instrumentation testing18
Accelerated Monte Carlo perturbation calculation by surface recovery18
Neutronics and fuel cycle modeling of a thorium-fueled two-fluid molten salt iso-breeder reactor17
Editorial Board17
Underlying mathematical relations for efficient COMET response expansion coefficient and core calculations17
Qualification activities of the spliced joint for CFETR17
Experimental study on fire resistance of electrical penetration assembly (EPA) under extreme circumstances17
FUAS: An uncertainty and sensitivity analysis toolkit for fuel rod performance code17
Editorial Board17
One-dimensional transient analysis of the dual-fluid reactor system17
Assessment of different internal flow blockage scenarios for LFR fuel assemblies with different configurations17
Experimental and theoretical study on fluidelastic instability of tube bundles subjected to cross-flow in the parallel direction16
Innovative HPIS regulation system enhancing reactor safety in SBLOCA for WWER-1000/V446 NPP16
Numerical simulation of the early startup period of heat pipe cooled reactor system from the room temperature state16
Evaluation on 131I production based on molten salt reactor off-gas extraction16
Problems on neutron production data of Be-9 in TENDL-2017 and -2019 deuteron sub-libraries16
Parallel implementation of Red–Black ordering preconditioners for accelerating GMRES solutions in neutron transport code PANDAS-MOC16
Path integral radiative transfer via polyline representation allowing GPU implementation16
The combination method of functional failure and device fault for passive safety system in nuclear power plant16
Influence of the structure of drainage tank on the separation performance of corrugated plate dryer in NPPs: A short communication16
Experimental investigation on sodium leak behaviour through a pinhole16
Void effect research on MOX-fueled lead-cooled fast reactor16
Research of dynamic rod worth measurement technique based on the pin-by-pin response function15
Time dependent full-core multiphysics analysis of nuclear thermal propulsion reactors15
Dynamic modeling and intelligent hybrid control of pressurized water reactor NPP power transient operation15
Editorial Board15
A high-order and efficient numerical technique for the nonlocal neutron diffusion equation representing neutron transport in a nuclear reactor15
Influence of nitrogen impurities on the characteristics of helium discharge at high pressure15
Extension of droplet/aerosol heat transfer model coupling Lagrangian approach in containment atmosphere under severe accident15
Dynamic modeling and characteristic analysis of the double-reactor and quadruple-turbine nuclear power system based on steam main-pipeline distribution characteristics15
Mitigation of long-term station blackout accident of advanced boiling water reactors15
Feasibility of innovative design concepts of Burnable poison pins for 24-month cycle PWR15
Probabilistic safety margin characterization of an integrated small modular reactor using MFM and adaptive polynomial chaos15
Multi-objective optimization of method of characteristics parameters based on genetic algorithm15
Minimal requirements to thermal-hydraulics/3D-neutron kinetics clustering for BWR transient analysis15
The neutron number probability distribution in coupled lumped assemblies15
An investigation of structural strength of PWR fuel assembly spacer grid with fuel rod clad15
Fission product depletion chain simplification method based on quantitative contribution function14
Development of radiation characteristics analysis code system for geological disposal and application to vitrified waste disposal with various LWR burnup conditions14
Study on flow and heat transfer characteristics of supercritical CO2 inside horizontal tube under ocean rolling condition14
Technical Note: Development of a generalized source model for flux estimation in nuclear reactors14
Editorial Board14
Research and validation on the numerical algorithm of mechanical module in a transient fuel rod performance code for fast reactor14
Demonstration of prospective application of the dual number automatic differentiation for uncertainty propagation in neutronic calculations14
Preferred core conceptual design of pebble bed advanced high temperature reactor14
The station blackout accident in a dual-cooled annular fuel of a VVER-1000 reactor with application of portable pumps for mitigating the accident14
Development of OpenMC/Trivac two-step scheme for fast reactor core neutronics analysis14
Editorial Board14
A perturbation-based acceleration for Monte Carlo – Thermal Hydraulics Picard iterations. Part I: Theory and application to extruded BWR unit-cell.14
Experiments and simulation of helium breakdown at high pressure and temperature in a non-uniform electric field14
Experimental investigation on pressure drop characteristics of two-phase flow in a rod bundle geometry under high pressure conditions14
Dynamic characteristics and scaling distortion of gravity-driven draining process in Core Makeup Tank14
Addressing challenges in nuclear data adjustment techniques using integral experiments based upon uranium solution thermal systems13
The numerical analysis of the impact of CASTOR-1500 cask model simplifications on temperature distribution in the cask13
Research on the clearance flow between stator and rotor cans in canned motor RCP13
Benchmark tests for the MATXS-formatted XMAP libraries based on ENDF/B-VIII.0 and ENDF/B-VII.113
A continuous learning monitoring strategy for multi-condition of nuclear power plant13
LASSO reconstruction scheme for radioactive source distributions inside reactor building rooms with spectral information and multi-radionuclide contaminated situations13
Eigenvalue separation and eigenmode analysis by matrix-filling Monte Carlo methods13
A set of transient correlations for fast and unprotected loss of flow accident in VVER-1000 reactor using single-heated channel approach and Gene Expression Programming13
Uncertainty quantification and target accuracy assessment of nuclear data to effective neutron multiplication factor of heat pipe cooled reactor13
Editorial Board13
On the simulation of neutron noise using a discrete ordinates method13
Machine learning application to single channel design of molten salt reactor12
Development of a partitioned coupling method based on multi-scale data exchanges between porous and CFD solvers for a nuclear core12
3DGShield: A new 3D gamma ray shielding code for arbitrary source and shield geometry based on point kernel technique12
Reduction of the source term of an assumed criticality accident in a fuel fabrication facility with solution system12
Assessment of WWER 1000 core degradation in a severe accident condition induced by MB-LOCA12
Clearance of building of a former uranium concentrates plant12
Resilience assessment for nuclear power plants using Petri nets12
Design of reactor physics experiments in support of chloride-fueled Molten Salt Reactor research & development12
Numerical simulation on transient thermal and hydraulic characteristics in sodium pool of CEFR under OPT-SLOOP and OPT-RHROSL conditions12
An efficient hybrid multi-level CMFD in space and energy for accelerating the high-fidelity neutron transport calculation12
Generic method to assess transmutation feasibility for nuclear waste treatment and application to irradiated graphite12
Flow distribution in the air cooler of HTGR passive cavity cooling system12
Development of angle-dependent linear source approximation for three-dimensional method of characteristics transport analysis method in STREAM12
Lie group analysis of the point-reactor neutron kinetics equations for various reactivity models12
Preliminary design of control rods in the single-fluid double-zone thorium molten salt reactor (SD-TMSR)12
Fuel performance analysis of Cr-coated Zircaloy-4 cladding during a prototypical LOCA event using BISON12
Monte Carlo sensitivity analyses of isothermal temperature coefficient in solid-moderated and solid-reflected cores at Kyoto University critical assembly12
Editorial Board12
Monte Carlo neutronics benchmarks on nuclear fuel depletion: A review12
Development of a transient module based on FROBA-ROD code and assessment for fuel rod performance under reactivity-initiated accident12
On integrating Monte Carlo calculations in and around near-critical configurations – II. Pressurized water reactors12
Design of temperature controlled instrumented irradiation capsule for irradiation experiments in FBTR12
Analysis of ZPPR-15 experimental data for VTR software validation12
Optimised structured state feedback controller for zone power and bulk power control of PHWRs12
Research on global neighbor list method in Monte Carlo code RMC12
Experimental study on gas mixing and transport induced by external cooling on large-scale facility12
Steady-state thermal–hydraulic analysis of an NTP reactor core based on the porous medium approach11
The effect of heavy reflector on neutronic parameters of core11
Development of a friction factor correlation for a foam flow in a horizontal circular pipe11
Development of a multi-physics coupling system based on ICoCo interface and its validation on NEA-OECD core transient benchmark11
Ventilation pattern and heat dissipation characteristics of a vertical dry storage cask for spent nuclear fuel: Wind tunnel experiments and CFD simulations11
A compact Double-spiral electromagnetic pump for liquid metal cooling11
Evaluating uncertainties: Heat transfer parameter effects on stratified melt pool simulation11
Radioactive study of oxidation-corrosion materials activated by neutron in lead-bismuth eutectic reactors11
Analysis of the influence of bottom flow holes in control rod guide tubes on flow field and control rod displacement11
A numerical analysis for a damage propagation in a plate-type fuel assembly of a research reactor11
Research on core thermal hydraulic parameters prediction based on the improved GAN method and combined ANN model11
Improved subgroup method coupled with particle swarm optimization algorithm for intra-pellet non-uniform temperature distribution problem11
Critical response to M. Worrall et al. Published in Annals of Nuclear Energy 207 (2024) 11073111
A novel method for rapid calculation of moderated neutron spectrum and its application in deep penetration11
A comparative study of machine learning approaches for identification of perturbed fuel assemblies in WWER-type nuclear reactors11
Irradiation experiments of titanium beryllide samples in the WWR-K reactor11
Development of mechanistic model for CHF based on boiling crisis process11
Pool scrubbing in unit 1 of fukushima daiichi11
Impact of experimental effects on a resolved resonance evaluation for practical applications11
Towards a Monte Carlo simulation of a pebble bed type high temperature gas cooled reactor using Geant411
General solution of Bateman equations using Cauchy products and the Theory of Divided Differences11
Development and verification of an efficient collision algorithm for seismic analysis of fast reactor core assemblies11
A study on the optimization through the evaluation of radiation exposure by scenarios during steam generator dismantling11
Insights into calculating Reference Discontinuity Factors with Serpent Monte Carlo code11
Natural convection compound heat transfer enhancement by discrete rings and the chimney effect in a vertical cylinder11
Program development and study on supercritical CO2-cooled reactor sub-channel thermal hydraulic11
Monte Carlo based absolute efficiency calibration of power reactor spent fuel NDA measurements11
Experimental investigation of pool boiling heat transfer and bubble dynamics for the downward facing heating11
Malfunction diagnosis based on residence time distribution of radiotracer signals in industrial processes using machine learning techniques11
A scaling method based on the density variation for natural circulation in lead cooled fast reactors11
Fault diagnosis and degree evaluation of steam generator heat transfer tube rupture based on hybrid method11
OpenFOAM CFD simulation of critical heat flux in vertical pipe under typically PWR conditions11
A nodal method based on CMFD for pin-by-pin SP3 calculation11
Power distribution bias from equilibrium xenon effects when insufficient neutron histories per cycle are used in Monte Carlo simulation of CANDU611
Online beam orbit correction of MEBT in CiADS based on multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm11
Intergranular fracture induced by helium bubbles segregation in NiFe single-phase concentrated solid solution alloys11
Neutron spectrum measurements inside a self-shielded cyclotron during 18F production using a single-cylindrical neutron spectrometer with gold and indium activation foils11
Investigation on radioisotopes evolution in the fuel of Lead-Bismuth eutectic (LBE) cooled SPARK-NC core11
Experimental study on the plate-type fuel melting behavior based on alternative materials11
Experimental study on CHF enhancement of different oxidized surfaces of low carbon steel in nanofluid11
Development of active and passive reactivity control systems for a fast spectrum small modular reactor11
Lambda modes comparison for different approximations of the neutron transport equation: Diffusion, SN and SP311
Deep heterogeneous joint architecture: A temporal frequency surrogate model for fuel performance codes11
Neutron transmission measurements for silica glass at the KURNS-LINAC11
Calculation scheme for thermal neutron scattering cross-sections of hydrogenous molecules in liquid and solid phases by molecular dynamics10
High-efficiency simulation of VENUS-3 neutron-shielding problem with an automatic and enhanced hybrid Monte-Carlo-Deterministic method10
Uncertainty analysis of source term and off-site consequence for WH600 using MELCOR and WinMACCS10
Influence of coupled factors on premixing and fragmentation of mild thermal interaction10
Moderation device design for detecting hidden highly enriched uranium based on D-T neutron generator10
Study on the thermo-hydraulic behaviors within a CiADS 61-pin wire-wrapped fuel assembly under porous blockage conditions based on LBEblockageFoam10
Comparing the time-eigenvalues of the natural mode equation by weight balancing and α-k methods10
Pulse operation mode of inertial electrostatic plasma confinement devices10
Simulation of in-core neutron monitoring with U-235 micro fission chamber for CiADS-like LFR10
Rasterized coarse mesh finite difference acceleration on method of characteristics for a reactor core with a generalized boundary10
Classification of group structures for a multigroup collision probability model using machine learning10
Large-break LOCA analysis of CSR100010
Probability analysis of ex-vessel steam explosion induced pressure load based on analysis code SEINA10
Thermionic conversion performance analysis of the single-cell thermionic fuel element based on FROBA-THERMION code10
Polynomial interpolation cross-section parameterization method with the RMC Monte Carlo code10
Dynamic mode decomposition for subcriticality measurement using measured data at single location10
Stability analysis of a parallel channel-loop system with single-phase natural circulation under asymmetric conditions10
Experimental study on the influence of initial state parameters on the start-up and heat transfer characteristics of separated heat pipe system10
Towards simulations of fuel rod behaviour during severe accidents by coupling TRANSURANUS with SCIANTIX and MFPR-F10
Monte Carlo transport correction for graphite-moderated nuclear reactors using the Cumulative Migration Method10
Characteristics and linear stability analysis of RELAP5 two-fluid model for two-component, two-phase flow10
Research and educational applications of the Aerojet General Nucleonics 201-M at the University of New Mexico10
Modelling and simulations of reactor neutron noise induced by mechanical vibrations10
Digital-twin-based improvements to diagnosis, prognosis, strategy assessment, and discrepancy checking in a nearly autonomous management and control system10
Preliminary neutronics and thermal analysis of a heat pipe cooled traveling wave reactor10
Thermal hydraulic analysis of a deformed SFR fuel assembly using CFD10
Modelling of the expansion phase of Sodium fast reactor severe accident10
A low order MOC-based synthetic acceleration scheme of the MOC neutron transport method for molten salt reactors10
Global Sensitivity Analysis for Segmented Inverse Uncertainty Quantification in the Safety Analysis of Nuclear Power Plants10
Theoretical study on the Passively Decay Heat Removal System and the primary loop flow rate of NuScale SMR10
Analysis for the use of thorium based fuel in LWRs10
Efficient adsorption and in situ solidification of cesium from aqueous solution using mesoporous MnO2@SBA-159
CFD assessment of RANS turbulence modeling for solidification in internal flows against experiments and higher fidelity LBM-LES phase change model9
Comparative study of flow and heat transfer characteristics of HCF rod bundles in rectangular and triangular arrangement9
Design of an integrated simulation platform and its application to control system for supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle cooled reactor system9
New computational technique based on Bernstein polynomials and higher order finite difference schemes for temporal and spatial reactor calculations9
An efficient numerical method for fractional neutron diffusion equation in the presence of different types of reactivities9
Development of a WENO-type numerical solver for two-phase two-fluid six-equation model9
Predicting and optimizing the thermal-hydraulic, natural circulation, and neutronics parameters in the NuScale nuclear reactor using nanofluid as a coolant via machine learning methods through GA, PSO9
Steady and transient solutions of neutron diffusion equations via computational methods based on Hartley series and higher order finite difference schemes9