Industrial Law Journal

(The median citation count of Industrial Law Journal is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
EU Collective Labour Law19
In the Name of Liberty. The Argument for Universal Unionization19
‘Fire and Rehire’: Four Lessons from Australia15
We’re Miles Apart: Disproportionate Deductions from Wages, Industrial Action and Human Rights8
Jobs and Homes. Stories of the Law in Lockdown7
Strategic Injustice and the 1984–85 Miners’ Strike in Scotland6
Protection of Trade Union Activities or Managerial Prerogative? Trouble with Email Lists in University College London v Brown5
Workers’ Rights: A Public Health Issue: R (on the application of The Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain) v The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions5
Special Issue on Migration and Exploitation in Employment: Editorial Introduction4
J.K. v TP S.A. and the ‘Universal’ Scope of EU Anti-Discrimination Law at Work: A Paradigm Shift?4
Devolution and Employment Standards4
The Future of Unions and Worker Representation: The Digital Picket Line4
Human Rights Unbound: A Theory of Extraterritoriality4
Legal Mobilisations, Trade Unions and Radical Social Change: A Case Study of the IWGB3
Uber BV v Aslam: ‘[W]ork relations … cannot safely be left to contractual regulation’3
Canadian Jurisprudence and the Employment Contract3
Special Issue, Work on Demand: Editorial Introduction3
Menopause at Work: An Analysis of the Current Law and Proposals for Reform3
Discovering the Contributions of Academic Wives to the Development of Labour Law: Liesel Kahn-Freund3
Work and Health: 50 Years of Regulatory Failure2
Landmark Cases in Labour Law2
An Implied Term of Procedural Fairness During Disciplinary Processes: Into Contracts of Employment and Beyond?2
Towards a European Employment Status: The EU Proposal for a Directive on Improving Working Conditions in Platform Work2
Democracy at Work. Contract, Status and Post-Industrial Justice2
Perceived Disability Discrimination and the Deficient Equality Act: Interpretive and Legislative Remedies2
Correction to: Reducing Worker Exploitation in Time-Limited, Low-Wage Visa Schemes: Lessons from South Korea and Thailand2
Does Labour Law Trust Workers? Questioning Underlying Assumptions Behind Managerial Prerogatives2
Towards a More Effective Health and Safety Regime for UK Workplaces Post COVID-192
Tackling Labour Monopsony by Gig Platforms: The Anti-Monopoly Law as an Alternative Legal Approach to the Labour Law System in China2
CSR and the Constitutive Role of Law: Harnessing Social Norms for Labour Law Enforcement2
Modern Slavery and Directors’ Disqualification: A Convergence of Opportunity and Challenge1
Labour and the Wage: A Critical Perspective1
Check off, Variation of Contract and Collective Voice: Secretary of State for the Home Department v Cox1
Reconceptualising the Nautical Fault Exception in the Fog of Emerging Technologies1
The Vicissitudes of (Working) Life: Employee Economic Well-being, Risk Allocation and Indemnification1
The Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act) Act 2023: Implications for Protection Against Sexual Harassment1
Migrant Work, Gender and the Hostile Environment: A Human Rights Analysis1
Response to Bogg and Ewing, ‘Collective Bargaining and Individual Contracts in Kostal UK Ltd v Dunkley A Wilson and Palmer for the Twenty-First Century’1
A Culture of Commodification? Labour Rights in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union1
Stigma and Whistleblowing: Should Punitive Damages be Available in Retaliation Cases?1
International Employment Cases Post-Brexit: Choice of Law, Territorial Scope, Jurisdiction and Enforcement1
Correction to: Subordination Theory in Practice: An Empirical Analysis of Chinese Courts’ Approaches to Classifying Labour Relationships in Platform Cases1
Private Regulation of Labor Standards in Global Supply Chains: Problems, Progress, and Prospects1
The Future of the Employment Contract1
The Global Gig Economy: How Transport Platform Companies Adapt to Regulatory Challenges—A Comparative Analysis of Six Countries1
TUPE’s public–private divide: Bicknell (1) The British Medical Association (2) v NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Commissioning Board1
The 2020 Judicial Attitude Survey Reveals the Views of Employment Judges1
Protected Beliefs Under the Equality Act: Grainger Questioned1
A Critical Analysis of the Mauritius Workers’ Rights (Working from Home) Regulations 2020 in the Wake of COVID-191
Nothing to Lose but Their Restraints of Trade: Lessons for Employment Non-Compete Clauses from EU Competition Law1
Is There ‘No Place in the Work Context’ for Religious Proselytism?1
Crossing the Rubicon: The Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act 2023 as an Authoritarian Crucible1
Hard Exterior, Soft Interior: Skill Regulation and Employer Control over Migrant Worker Selection Policy in Australia1
Domino Dancing: Mutuality of Obligation and Determining Employment Status in Ireland1
Towards a More Conventional Approach: Article 10 and Unfair Dismissal in England (Case Comment)1
Labour Rights and the Catholic Church – The International Labour Organisation, the Holy See and Catholic Social Teaching1
Discrimination and Manifestation of Belief: Higgs v Farmor’s School1
Correction to: One Man, Two Guvnors: Revisiting the Principle Against Two Employers1
Elite Athletes and Worker Status0
The ABC Test: A New Model for Employment Status Determination?0
A History of Regulating Working Families: Strains, Stereotypes, Strategies and Solutions0
New Developments in the Campaign against Unwanted Workplace Banter0
Silencing at Work: Sexual Harassment, Workplace Misconduct and NDAs0
Shaping Contracts for Work: The Normative Influence of Terms Implied by Law0
The Problems and Paradoxes with the EU’s Regulation of Traineeships: A Way Forward0
Inching Forward: Preliminary Victory for Equal Value at Tesco and Asda0
A New Approach to Australia’s Sex Discrimination and Labour Laws is Designed to Improve Equality for Women at Work0
Collective Bargaining for the 'New' Working Class: Putting Personal Work Relations to Work for Street Vendors0
The Legal Concept of Work0
Gendered Distributive Injustice in Production Networks: Implications for the Regulation of Precarious Work0
Disavowing an Implied Term of Fairness0
Ceding Control and Taking it Back: The Origins of Free Movement in EU Law0
Is it Discriminatory to Mistreat a Migrant Domestic Worker? The Cases of Taiwo and Onu0
Withdrawn as duplicate: The Legal Concept of Work0
Access to Work for Those Seeking Asylum: Concerns Arising from British and Swedish Legal Strategies0
Migrant Workers and Wage Theft: Is Legal Action an Effective Form of Collective Action?0
Reducing Worker Exploitation in Time-Limited, Low-Wage Visa Schemes: Lessons from South Korea and Thailand0
Getting a Foot in the Door: Lessons for the UK from Australian and New Zealand Approaches to Trade Union Right of Entry0
Criminality at Work0
Scores as Decisions? Article 22 GDPR and the Judgment of the CJEU in SCHUFA Holding (Scoring) in the Labour Context0
The Status of European Works Councils in UK Law Post-Brexit: A Commentary on EasyJet PLC v EasyJet European Works Council and Olsten (UK) Holdings Limited v Adecco Group European Works Counc0
Introducing Fair Work through ‘Soft’ Regulation in Outsourced Public Service Networks: Explaining Unintended Outcomes in the Implementation of the Scottish Living Wage Policy0
‘Business Risk-Assumption’ as a Criterion for the Determination of EU Employment Status: A Critical Evaluation0
From ‘Code’ to ‘Guidance’: Revising the Instrument on Data and Employment0
‘The Simple Things You See Are All Complicated’: Thoughts on Deliveroo0
Posting Highly Mobile Workers: Between Labour Law Territoriality and Supply Chains of Logistics Work—A Critical Reading of Dobersberger0
The Expansion of Wage Theft Legislation in Common Law Countries—Should Ireland be Next?0
Regulating On-demand Work in China: Just Getting Started?0
Domestic Servitude and Diplomatic Immunity: The Decision of the UK Supreme Court in Basfar v Wong0
Before the Gig Economy: UK Employment Policy and the Casual Labour Question0
Structural Injustice and Workers’ Rights0
Finding Fault in the Law of Unfair Dismissal: The Insubstantiality of Reasons for Dismissal0
Strike Cover, Consultation and Quashing: An Analysis of R. (Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen) v Secretary of State0
Law and Legalities at Work: HR Practitioners as Quasi-Legal Professionals0
OP v Commune d’Ans: Another Step in the Wrong Direction for Headscarf-Wearing Women0
Walter Citrine. Forgotten Statesman of the Trades Union Congress0
The Sword and the Shield: The Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages in the EU0
What Is Human Resources Law?0
Every Little Helps: Permanent Benefits, Contract Interpretation, and ‘Fire and Rehire’0
Scapegoats and Guinea Pigs: Free Movement as a Pathway to Confined Labour Market Citizenship for European Union Accession Migrants in the UK0
The Migrant Personal Work Relation: A New Category of Employment0
Going Beyond the Right to Disconnect in a Flexible World: Light and Shadows in the Portuguese Reform0
The Impact of Supreme Courts on the Development of Labour Law in Europe0
Stress at Work: Individuals or Structures?0
Undermining the Role of Women in the Economy: The Interplay Between Paid Work and Unpaid Care Work in India0
Discrimination by Legal Design? UK Supreme Court in Mencap v Tomlinson-Blake Finds Care Workers are Not Protected by Minimum Wage Law for Sleep-in Shifts0
Worlds of Labour: Introducing the Standard-Setting, Privileging and Equalising Typology as a Measure of Legal Segmentation in Labour Law0
For Labor to Build On: Wars, Depression, and Pandemic0
Academic Freedom and Protected Philosophical Belief: Strengthening the Legal Analysis0
Strategic Implications of Legal Constitution: Between Necessity and Contingency0
Interpreting Discrimination Law Creatively: Statutory Discrimination Law in the UK, Canada and Australia0
‘Technology Managing People’: An Urgent Agenda for Labour Law0
Will Robots Automate Your Job Away? Full Employment, Basic Income and Economic Democracy0
From Prevention to Empowerment: A New Model for UK Labour Law0
Patterns of Exploitation: Understanding Migrant Worker Rights in Advanced Democracies0
Consent to Labour Exploitation0
From the Recognition of ‘Psychiatric Disorder Caused by Asbestos Exposure’ to the Mobilisation of Dignity in Labour Law: A Comparison of France and Sweden0
The Limits of the Law: Work in the Light of Capitalist Reproduction0
The Effective Enforcement of EU Labour Law0
Agreement to Discuss: The Social Partners Address the Digitalisation of Work0
Quality, Formality and the Evolution of International Labour Law: The New ILO Quality Apprenticeships Standard0
Leaving a Legacy: Recent Jurisprudence of the European Court on Transfer of Undertakings0
Employment Status and Trade Union Rights: Applying Occam’s Razor0
The Redress of Law: Globalisation, Constitutionalism and Market Capture0
Less or More Labour Law for Social Change?0
Collectivism in Labour Law: Only by Exception0
How Effective Is Private Dispute Resolution? Evidence From Ireland0
Pursuing the Innovation Economy: Implications for Startup Labour0
PAYEr Beware: Analysing the Treatment of Employment Status in Atholl House and Kickabout0
Implementation Behaviours and a Strength-Based Approach to Equality and Human Rights Implementation0
Subordination Theory in Practice: An Empirical Analysis of Chinese Courts’ Approaches to Classifying Labour Relationships in Platform Cases0
Shared Parental Leave: Can Transferable Maternity Leave Ever Encourage Fathers to Care?0
Social Security Reform and the Untapped Potential of Human Rights Law0
Extending Statutory Protection to Action Short of Dismissal for Participating in Industrial Action: The Supreme Court on the Right to Strike in Secretary of State for Business and Trade v Mercer0
A Legal Obligation on UK Employers to Conduct Labour Law Due Diligence: A Substantive Proposal0
Kostal UK Ltd v Dunkley: A Reply to John Bowers QC0
Gig Work as a Manifestation of Short- Termism: Crafting a Sustainable Regulatory Agenda0
Trade Unions and Platform Workers in the UK: Worker Representation in the Shadow of the Law0
Impacts of Digitalisation on Employment Relationships and the Need for more Democracy at Work0
Land Loss and Labour Control: The Intersection of Land Dispossession and Labour Law in South African History0
Race and Colonialism in the Construction of Labour Markets and Precarity0
The Influence of the EU on UK Labour Law—Before and After Brexit0
Your Boss Is an Algorithm: Artificial Intelligence, Platform Work and Labour0
An Uncertain Future for EU-Level Collective Bargaining: The New Rules of the Game After EPSU0
The Grainger Test Challenged? Thomas v Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust0
Determining the Impact of Migration on Labour Markets: The Mediating Role of Legal Institutions0
Procurement and the ‘London Living Wage’: Boohene v Royal Parks Ltd0
No Turning Back from Social Europe: A New Interpretation of the Refurbished Posted Workers Directive in Hungary and Poland0
Pay Transparency, Information Access Rights and Data Protection Law: Exploring Viable Alternatives to Disclosure Orders in Equal Pay Litigation0
30+ Years of European Social Dialogue: What Way Forward After the EPSU-Case?0
The First Revision of the Hofmann Case Law on Maternity Leave and Discrimination Against Fathers: Care-Giving as the Pivot?0
Should ‘Gender Critical’ Views about Trans People Be Protected as Philosophical Beliefs in the Workplace? Lessons for the Future from Forstater, Mackereth and Higgs0
Labour Exploitation in Human Trafficking Law0
The Right to Request Flexible Working: Evidence from Employment Tribunal Judgments0
Trade Union Activities, Industrial Action and the Human Rights Act0
Whistleblowing Litigation and Legislation in Ireland: Are There Lessons to be Learned?0
One Man, Two Guvnors: Revisiting the Principle Against Two Employers0
Energy Transition: A Labour Law Retrospective0
Contracting for Work in Tourism and Catering in Greece: Beyond a State/Market Dichotomy0
Putting Human Rights to Work: Labour Law, the ECHR, and the Employment Relation0
Mobilising Transnational Labour Law in Search of Transformation in Europe0
Environment and Sustainability in the Italian Constitutional Reform: A New Perspective on Labour Law?0
Belief vs. Action in Ladele, Ngole and Forstater0
Migrant Domestic Workers in Europe: Law and the Construction of VulnerabilityEveryday Transgressions: Domestic Workers’ Transnational Challenge to International Labour Law0
Nonwaivability of Labour Rights, Individual Waivers and the Emancipatory Function of Labour Law0
Domestic Workers, the ‘Family Worker’ Exemption from Minimum Wage, and Gendered Devaluation of Women’s Work0
Union Freedoms in the Armed Forces: Still a Taboo?0
Going Against the Grain of International Labour Law Standards: Criminalisation of Strike Action Within the Healthcare Sector in Zimbabwe (Health Service Amendment Act, 2022)0
Problems Continue in the Horticulture Sector: the Seasonal Workers Pilot Review 20190
Decent Work in the Digital Age: European and Comparative Perspectives0
The Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act 2023: An Employment Focused Overview0
Working Time Remedies Beyond Brexit: Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland and Another v Agnew and Others0
Ability Capitalism: Law’s Constitutive Role in Constructing Disability0
LF v SCRL and the CJEU’s Failure to Engage with the Reality of Muslim Women in the Labour Market0
The Curious Case of Judicial Interpretation and Labour Flexibility in India0
Bridging the Gap Between Labour Law and Company Law: Wedderburn’s Legacy: An Appreciation0
Labour Protection of Platform Workers in China: Legal Innovations and Emerging Trends0