Cambridge Journal of Education

(The H4-Index of Cambridge Journal of Education is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Establishing understanding during student-initiated between-desk instructions in project work57
Students’ self-regulated learning strategies and science achievement: exploring the moderating effect of learners’ emotional skills37
Recontextualising powerful knowledge within an ‘organic unity’ of vertical and horizontal knowledge19
The governance, leadership and management of complementary schools: the case of Greek Cypriot schools in England18
Educative mentoring in sport coaching: a reciprocal learning process18
‘I was involved as an equal member of the community’: how pedagogical partnership can foster a sense of belonging in Black, female students16
Korean adolescents’ profiles of digital citizenship and its relations to internet ethics: implications for critical digital citizenship education14
Innovative Learning Environments and spaces of belonging for students with disability in mainstream settings13
Community language schools: a scoping review of research, 2001 to 202312
Reflecting on teaching in low SES areas during COVID-19: an Australian experience11
Cultural capital and habitus in the field of higher education: academic and social adaptation of rural students in four elite universities in Shanghai, China10
Integrating phenomenography with discourse analysis to study Hong Kong prospective teachers’ conceptions of curriculum leadership10
By nature, a social animal: an exploration of perceptions of online group work10