Educational Studies

(The TQCC of Educational Studies is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Trainee teachers and academic literacy: process, pedagogy and practice111
Lesson recordings and analysis as part of teacher professional development programmes: what are the student teachers’ opinions?66
2023 vision for education in Turkey in the shadow of 1968 curriculum27
Does intense contact with people with disabilities lead to more inclusive behaviour within professional practice?20
The mediating effect of teacher self-efficacy regarding the relationship between transformational school leadership and teacher agency14
Effects of learner-centred education on academic achievement: a meta-analysis13
Examining the relationship between multiple facets of professional development and teacher job satisfaction in the United States13
Comparing learners’ emotional experiences under face-to-face, videoconferencing and online learning settings12
A multi-level analysis of upper elementary students’ performance on the STAAR reading exam: comparing growth trajectories of rural and non-rural school districts10
Modesty brings gains: linking humble leadership to knowledge sharing via psychological safety and psychological empowerment in professional learning communities10
Application of artificial intelligence APP in quality evaluation of primary school science education9
Supervising teachers’ orientations and conceptions about content and process in teaching practice9
Effects of educational robotics on the creativity and problem-solving skills of K-12 students: a meta-analysis9
Relationship between mentoring and coaching experience, teaching self-efficacy and job satisfaction of vocational school teachers in Thailand8
Exploring school factors related to professional learning communities: a machine learning approach using cross-national data8
Relationship between transformational leadership, work engagement, and organisational citizenship behaviour: the moderating effect of work engagement8
Academic literacy skills and the challenge for Australian higher education8
Exploring the role and practice of teacher leaders in professional learning communities in China: A case study of a Shanghai secondary school7
Science learning through problems in gifted and talented education: reflection and conceptual learning7
Learning to facilitate dialogue: on challenges and teachers’ assessments of their own performance7
Social entrepreneurship and career adaptability: the mediating effect of pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy6
Teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge of two specific historical contexts captured and compared6
Building event management skills through authentic assessment6
Teachers’ well-being and job satisfaction: the important role of positive emotions in the workplace6
Individual and collective teacher support towards students in urban schools: identifying underlying school characteristics6
Examining Teacher Identity Construction in Action Research: The Mediating Role of Experience6
Windows and mirrors? Cultural authenticity of Chinese-themed children’s books5
Answering it or skipping it: predicting item nonresponse in school self-evaluation questionnaires5
Pre-service Science and Mathematics teachers’ reasoning: a think-aloud study5
The relationship between perceptions of instruction quality, intrinsic motivation, and reading achievement: a longitudinal analysis5
What do prospective teachers know about the sort of activities that are helpful in learning science? A progression of learning during a science methods course5
Responding to educational inequality in Ireland; Harnessing teachers’ perspectives to develop a framework for professional conversations4
The effect of teacher influence relative to principal influence in school decision-making on teacher job attitudes4
“I feel like it’s not my place because I don’t know anything about it.”: Preservice teachers, praxis in classroom management4
A comparison of parents and inspectors views regarding homeschooling4
Mathematics teaching and student algebra and geometry performances in Hong Kong, Chinese Taipei, and US4
Student expectations when entering an innovative learning environment: identifying longitudinal patterns across student subgroups4
Does distributed leadership matter for student achievement? Evidence from a centralised education system4
Re/Imagining time, space and identity through qualitative narrative research with teachers: “These ghosts came back to haunt me”4
Barriers to school principals’ effective instructional supervision practices: evidence from a centralised educational context4
Learning to become a teacher: student teachers’ experiences and perceptions of a one-year initial teacher education programme4
Expectancies, learning anxiety, and students’ achievement3
Shadow education, enabler or barrier: insights from Malaysian secondary school students3
Students’ perceptions of good citizenship in an East Asian society: A secondary analysis of the ICCS 20163
Passion for learning: what we know about passion for learning English3
Modelling of the relationships between students’ grade-level, epistemic beliefs, metacognition, and science achievement in low and high - achieving schools3
The impact of sibling size on children’s academic performance; a case study of female high school students in Tehran3
Gender gaps in the evaluation of academic abilities and their role in shaping study CHOICES3
Towards home-school partnership: parents’ perspectives on school-based parent activities in childcare centres in Hong Kong3
Improving cross-cultural comparability: does school leadership mean the same in different countries?3
Problematising conceptions of “effective” home-school partnerships in secondary education3
Educational inequality in Indonesia: are intergovernmental fiscal transfers effective in reducing the gap?3
Gender differences in teacher feedback and students’ self-regulated learning3
The relationship between emotional intelligence and the learning motivation of students with specific learning disorders moderated by the inclusion ability of special education teachers in Arab minori3
Influence of different types of interclass ability grouping on students’ academic achievement in mathematics: evidence from the Confucian Asian cluster3
Effect of an 8-week programme of active breaks between classes on cognitive variables in secondary school3
Images of violence: can lynching photographs prepare students for the world?3
Occupational reproduction and mobility in STEM – parental narratives of their child’s occupational choice3
Free meals for all: the effects of Tennessee’s community eligibility provision on student non-academic outcomes3
The effect of shared leadership on job satisfaction: the mediating role of teacher self-efficacy*3
Developing the next generation of leaders: a global study of student leadership3