Journal of Archaeological Science

(The TQCC of Journal of Archaeological Science is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Improved quality control criteria for stable carbon and nitrogen isotope measurements of ancient bone collagen77
A call for caution in the analysis of lipids and other small biomolecules from archaeological contexts61
Deep learning reveals extent of Archaic Native American shell-ring building practices35
Provenance of tin in the Late Bronze Age Balkans based on probabilistic and spatial analysis of Sn isotopes34
Applications of deep learning to decorated ceramic typology and classification: A case study using Tusayan White Ware from Northeast Arizona33
A miner's perspective on Pb isotope provenances in the Western and Central Mediterranean32
Ancient DNA typing indicates that the “new” glume wheat of early Eurasian agriculture is a cultivated member of the Triticum timopheevii group32
Local domestication or diffusion? Insights into viticulture in Greece from Neolithic to Archaic times, using geometric morphometric analyses of archaeological grape seeds30
All about wood ash: Long term fire experiments reveal unknown aspects of the formation and preservation of ash with critical implications on the emergence and use of fire in the past28
The origins of agriculture: Intentions and consequences27
Snapshots in time: MicroCT scanning of pottery sherds determines early domestication of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) in East Africa26
Earliest arrival of millet in the South China coast dating back to 5,500 years ago25
Wine consumption in Bronze Age Italy: combining organic residue analysis, botanical data and ceramic variability25
The archaeometry of ochre sensu lato: A review25
Examining collagen preservation through glutamine deamidation at Denisova Cave25
Iron Age hunting and herding in coastal eastern Africa: ZooMS identification of domesticates and wild bovids at Panga ya Saidi, Kenya24
Debasement of silver throughout the Late Bronze – Iron Age transition in the Southern Levant: Analytical and cultural implications24
Searching for hidden activities: Percussive tools from the Oldowan and Acheulean of West Turkana, Kenya (2.3–1.76 Ma)23
Geochemical changes during Egyptian copper smelting? An experimental approach to the Ayn Soukhna process and broader implications for archaeometallurgy22
Direct dating of the earliest domesticated cattle and caprines in northwestern China reveals the history of pastoralism in the Gansu-Qinghai region21
Archaeological herbivore δ13C and δ34S provide a marker for saltmarsh use and new insights into the process of 15N-enrichment in coastal plants20
The sources of Baltic oak20
The preservation of ancient DNA in archaeological fish bone20
Lipid residues in pottery from the Indus Civilisation in northwest India20
Use of non-traditional heavy stable isotopes in archaeological research20
The Salcombe metal cargoes: New light on the provenance and circulation of tin and copper in Later Bronze Age Europe provided by trace elements and isotopes20
Weapons in transition: Reappraisal of the origin of complex projectiles in the Levant based on the Boker Tachtit stratigraphic sequence20
Implications for paleomobility studies of the effects of quaternary volcanism on bioavailable strontium: A test case in North Patagonia (Argentina)20
A comprehensive investigation of Bronze Age human dietary strategies from different altitudinal environments in the Inner Asian Mountain Corridor20
Permanent signatures of birth and nursing initiation are chemically recorded in teeth19
Management systems of adhesive materials throughout the Neolithic in the North-West Mediterranean19
Deep learning artificial neural networks for non-destructive archaeological site dating19
New findings of ancient Greek silver sources18
It's getting hot in here – Microcontextual study of a potential pit hearth at the Middle Paleolithic site of El Salt, Spain18
End-to-end Bayesian analysis for summarizing sets of radiocarbon dates18
A large-scale environmental strontium isotope baseline map of Portugal for archaeological and paleoecological provenance studies18
From peaks to ports: Insights into tin provenance, production, and distribution from adapted applications of lead isotopic analysis of the Uluburun tin ingots17
Two independent methods for dating rock art: Age determination of paint and oxalate layers at Eagle Cave, TX17
Starch taphonomy, equifinality and the importance of context: Some notes on the identification of food processing through starch grain analysis16
The colours of archaeological copper alloys in binary and ternary copper alloys with varying amounts of Pb, Sn and Zn16
Sorting the flock: Quantitative identification of sheep and goat from isolated third lower molars and mandibles through geometric morphometrics16
Manure for millet: Grain δ15N values as indicators of prehistoric cropping intensity of Panicum miliaceum and Setaria italica16
Theoretical and observed C/N ratios in human bone collagen16
Microbotanical evidence for the spread of cereal use during the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the Southeastern Europe (Danube Gorges): Data from dental calculus analysis16
Neolithic to Bronze Age economy and animal management revealed using analyses lipid residues of pottery vessels and faunal remains at El Portalón de Cueva Mayor (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain)16
Production and circulation of bronzes among the regional states in the Western Zhou Dynasty15
Multi-proxy analyses reveal regional cremation practices and social status at the Late Bronze Age site of Herstal, Belgium15
Factors affecting molar size in Sus scrofa15
Re-examining the use of the LSI technique in zooarchaeology15
Portable ED-XRF as a tool for optimizing sampling strategy: The case study of a Hellenistic amphora assemblage from Paphos (Cyprus)15
Age estimation of archaeological dogs using pulp cavity closure ratios15
Aminoisoscapes and palaeodiet reconstruction: New perspectives on millet-based diets in China using amino acid δ13C values15
Beyond Least Cost Paths: Circuit theory, maritime mobility and patterns of urbanism in the Roman Adriatic14
Exotic glass types and the intensity of recycling in the northwest Quarter of Gerasa (Jerash, Jordan)14
Architectural energetics for rammed-earth compaction in the context of Neolithic to early Bronze Age urban sites in Middle Yellow River Valley, China14
Characterising life in settlements and structures: Incorporating faecal lipid biomarkers within a multiproxy case study of a wetland village14
High-precision U-series dating of the late Pleistocene – early Holocene rock paintings at Tiger Leaping Gorge, Jinsha River valley, southwestern China14
Sickle gloss texture analysis elucidates long-term change in plant harvesting during the transition to agriculture14
Gendered burial practices of early Bronze Age children align with peptide-based sex identification: A case study from Franzhausen I, Austria13
Isotopic evidence of millet consumption in the Middle Bronze Age of East-Central Europe13
Deciphering ancient ‘recipes’ from charred cereal fragments: An integrated methodological approach using experimental, ethnographic and archaeological evidence13
Geochronology of a long Pleistocene sequence at Kilombe volcano, Kenya: from the Oldowan to Middle Stone Age13
Delayed demographic transition following the adoption of cultivated plants in the eastern La Plata Basin and Atlantic coast, South America13
Mapping burial mounds based on UAV-derived data in the Suusamyr Plateau, Kyrgyzstan13
A pottery workshop in Pompeii unveils new insights on the Roman ceramics crafting tradition and raw materials trade13
Geometric morphometrics sheds new light on the identification and domestication status of ‘new glume wheat’ at Neolithic Çatalhöyük13
Coupled archaeological and ecological analyses reveal ancient cultivation and land use in Nuchatlaht (Nuu-chah-nulth) territories, Pacific Northwest13
Metal provenance of Iron Age Hacksilber hoards in the southern Levant12
Hormones and bile acids as biomarkers for the characterization of animal management in prehistoric sheepfold caves: El Mirador case (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain)12
Spatial and temporal disparities in human subsistence in the Neolithic Rhineland gateway12
Pollution and human mobility in the southern Levant during the Iron Age using chemical and isotopic analysis of human tooth enamel12
Compound-specific radiocarbon dating of lipid residues in pottery vessels: A new approach for detecting the exploitation of marine resources12
A small change revolution. Weight systems and the emergence of the first Pan-European money12
First evidence of Pleistocene ochre production from bacteriogenic iron oxides. A case study of the Upper Palaeolithic site at the San Teodoro Cave (Sicily, Italy)11
Understanding Roman Gold Coinage Inside Out11
A multifaceted approach towards investigating childbirth deaths in double burials: Anthropology, paleopathology and ancient DNA11
Stressful times for women - Increased physiological stress in Neolithic females detected in tooth cementum11
Reconstructing the full temporal range of archaeological phenomena from sparse data11
Development of a novel minimally invasive sampling and analysis technique using skin sampling tape strips for bioarchaeological proteomics11
Bone degradation at five Arctic archaeological sites: Quantifying the importance of burial environment and bone characteristics11
Historical classification of ridge and furrow cultivation at selected locations in Northern and central Germany using a multi-dating approach and historical sources11
Christian-Muslim contacts across the Mediterranean: Byzantine glass mosaics in the Great Umayyad Mosque of Córdoba (Spain)10
Quantifying accessibility to Palaeolithic rock art: Methodological proposal for the study of human transit in Atxurra Cave (Northern Spain)10
What kind of calcite? Disclosing the origin of sparry calcite temper in ancient ceramics10
Food and diet of the pre-Columbian mound builders of the Patos Lagoon region in southern Brazil with stable isotope analysis10
Interpreting gaps: A geoarchaeological point of view on the Gravettian record of Ach and Lone valleys (Swabian Jura, SW Germany)10
Earthen architecture in the Mesoamerican classic period: A micromorphological approach to its manufacture process10
Climatic change and diet of the pre-Hispanic population of Gran Canaria (Canary Archipelago, Spain) during the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age10
On the use of Machine Learning methods in rock art research with application to automatic painted rock art identification10
Optimizing multiple non-invasive techniques (PXRF, pMS, IA) to characterize coarse-grained igneous rocks used as building stones10
Proteomic analysis of archaeological ceramics from Tell Khaiber, southern Iraq10
Provenancing wood used in the Norse Greenlandic settlements: A biogeochemical study using hydrogen, oxygen, and strontium isotopes10
A non-linear prediction model for ageing foetal and neonatal sheep reveals basic issues in early neolithic husbandry10
Direct evidence for the co-manufacturing of early iron and copper-alloy artifacts in the Caucasus10
Human diets, crop patterns, and settlement hierarchies in third millennium BC China: Bioarchaeological perspectives in Zhengluo region10
The application of Local Indicators for Categorical Data (LICD) to explore spatial dependence in archaeological spaces10
A new method for examining maritime mobility of direct crossings with contrary prevailing winds in the Mediterranean during antiquity10
Black carbon traces of human activities in stalagmites from Turkey9
Determining the Sr isotopic composition of waterlogged wood – Cleaning more is not always better9
An isotopic and genetic study of multi-cultural colonial New Zealand9
Narrowing provenance for ancient Greek silver coins using Ag isotopes and Sb contents of potential ores9
Micro-slag and “invisible” copper processing activities at a Middle-Shang period (14th-13th century BC) bronze casting workshop9
The tempo of the Iberian megalithic rituals in the European context: The cemetery of Panoría9
Unsupervised clustering of Roman potsherds via Variational Autoencoders9
The earliest silver currency hoards in the Southern Levant: Metal trade in the transition from the Middle to the Late Bronze Age9
Method for generating foodplant fitness landscapes: With a foodplant checklist for southern Africa and its application to Klasies River Main Site9
Not a bathtub: A consideration of sea-level physics for archaeological models of human migration9
AMELY deletion is not detected in systematically sampled reference populations: A Reply to Štamfelj9
Diagenesis of juvenile skeletal remains: A multimodal and multiscale approach to examine the post-mortem decay of children's bones9
Assessing the predictive taxonomic power of the bony labyrinth 3D shape in horses, donkeys and their F1-hybrids9
Turning up the heat: Assessing the impact of charring regime on the morphology and stable isotopic values of cereal grains9
Inequality, networks, and the financing of Classic Maya political power9
Direct isotopic evidence for human millet consumption in the Middle Mumun period: Implication and importance of millets in early agriculture on the Korean Peninsula9
Human origins in Southern African palaeo-wetlands? Strong claims from weak evidence9
Inca water channel flow analysis based on 3D models from terrestrial and UAV laser scanning at the Chachabamba archaeological site (Machu Picchu National Archaeological Park, Peru)8
Bronze Alloying Practice in ancient China - Evidence from Pre-Qin Coin Analyses8
Making and working Egyptian blue – a review of the archaeological evidence8
Origin of iron production in the Eastern Mediterranean: Osmium isotope and highly siderophile element evidence from Iron Age Jordan8
Climate-driven early agricultural origins and development in the Nile Delta, Egypt8
Archaeology of the invisible: The scent of Kha and Merit8
Combining ancient DNA and radiocarbon dating data to increase chronological accuracy8
Lead and strontium isotopes as tracers for Early Formative pottery exchange in ancient Mexico8
Mapping spatiotemporal variations of Neolithic and Bronze Age settlements in the Gansu-Qinghai region, China: Scale grade, chronological development, and social organization8
Introducing SourceXplorer, an open-source statistical tool for guided lithic sourcing8
Ramped pyroxidation: A new approach for radiocarbon dating of lime mortars8
A new archaeological method to reveal the arrival of cereal farming: Development of a new method to extract and date of carbonised material in pottery and its application to the Japanese archaeologica8
Use of thermogravimetric analysis to estimate collagen and hydroxyapatite contents in archaeological bone8
Sex estimation based on the analysis of enamel peptides: False assignments due to AMELY deletion8
Revealing the invisible dead: integrated bio-geoarchaeological profiling exposes human and animal remains in a seemingly ‘empty’ Viking-Age burial8
Sustainable harvest or resource depression? Using ancient DNA to study the population dynamics of guanaco in western Argentina during the Holocene8
Modelling a scale-based strontium isotope baseline for Hungary8
Machine learning ATR-FTIR spectroscopy data for the screening of collagen for ZooMS analysis and mtDNA in archaeological bone8
Virtual technical analysis of archaeological textiles by synchrotron microtomography8
Patterns in pottery use reveal different adaptive strategies between lower and higher altitude regions on the Tibetan Plateau: Chemical evidence from pottery residues8
Is it hot enough? A multi-proxy approach shows variations in cremation conditions during the Metal Ages in Belgium8
Genomic sex identification of ancient pinnipeds using the dog genome8
What were the colors of the Parthenon? Investigation of the entablature's cornice blocks8