Journal of Oral Rehabilitation

(The median citation count of Journal of Oral Rehabilitation is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Prevalence of temporomandibular disorders in subjects affected by Parkinson disease: A systematic review and metanalysis82
Consensus on the terminologies and methodologies for masticatory assessment80
Impact of temporomandibular disorders on oral health‐related quality of life: A systematic review and meta‐analysis62
Prevalence of temporomandibular disorders in children and adolescents evaluated with Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders: A systematic review with meta‐analysis61
Diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders (DC/TMD) for children and adolescents: An international Delphi study—Part 1‐Development of Axis I59
Prevalence of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) in pregnancy: A systematic review with meta‐analysis58
Distribution of anxiety and depression among different subtypes of temporomandibular disorder: A systematic review and meta‐analysis52
Economic inequalities and temporomandibular disorders: A systematic review with meta‐analysis46
Standardised Tool for the Assessment of Bruxism45
Conservative treatment of temporomandibular joint condylar fractures: A systematic review conducted according to PRISMA guidelines and the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interv39
Age‐related differences in diagnostic categories, psychological states and oral health–related quality of life of adult temporomandibular disorder patients38
Association between sleep bruxism and stress symptoms in adults: A systematic review and meta‐analysis37
Signal acquisition and analysis of ambulatory electromyographic recordings for the assessment of sleep bruxism: A scoping review35
The prevalence of awake bruxism and sleep bruxism in the Dutch adolescent population34
Prevalence of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) in obesity patients: A systematic review and meta‐analysis34
Post‐traumatic stress, prevalence of temporomandibular disorders in war veterans: Systematic review with meta‐analysis33
Effectiveness of manual therapy applied to craniomandibular structures in temporomandibular disorders: A systematic review33
Developing a research diagnostic criteria for burning mouth syndrome: Results from an international Delphi process28
The development of the Standardised Tool for the Assessment of Bruxism (STAB): An international road map27
Association between waking‐state oral behaviours, according to the oral behaviors checklist, and TMD subgroups26
Comparison of psychological states and oral health–related quality of life of patients with differing severity of temporomandibular disorders26
Construction of virtual intercuspal occlusion: Considering tooth displacement25
Chin tuck against resistance exercise for dysphagia rehabilitation: A systematic review25
Transitioning to chronic temporomandibular disorder pain: A combination of patient vulnerabilities and iatrogenesis23
Association between polysomnographic parameters of sleep bruxism and attrition‐type tooth wear22
Automation and deep (machine) learning in temporomandibular joint disorder radiomics: A systematic review22
Utility of Smartphone‐based real‐time report (Ecological Momentary Assessment) in the assessment and monitoring of awake bruxism: A multiple‐week interval study in a Portuguese population of universit22
Smartphone‐based evaluation of awake bruxism behaviours in a sample of healthy young adults: findings from two University centres21
Comparative effectiveness of low‐level laser therapy with different wavelengths and transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation in the treatment of pain caused by temporomandibular disorders: A systemat21
Three‐dimensional morphological and positional analysis of the temporomandibular joint in adults with posterior crossbite: A cross‐sectional comparative study20
Hyaluronic acid injections for pain relief and functional improvement in patients with temporomandibular disorders: An umbrella review of systematic reviews19
Centric relation critically revisited—What are the clinical implications?19
Subjective sleep quality and temporomandibular disorders: Systematic literature review and meta‐analysis19
Diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders in children and adolescents: An international Delphi study‐Part 2‐Development of Axis II19
Temporal relationship between sleep‐time masseter muscle activity and apnea–hypopnea events: A pilot study18
Lower serotonin levels in severe sleep bruxism and its association with sleep, heart rate, and body mass index18
Improvement of oral hypofunction by a comprehensive oral and physical exercise programme including textured lunch gatherings18
A conceptual model of oro‐facial health with an emphasis on function17
What conservative interventions improve bite function in those with temporomandibular disorders? A systematic review using self‐reported and physical measures17
Mapping Oral Disease Impact with a Common Metric (MOM)—Project summary and recommendations17
Prevalence of temporomandibular disorders in clear aligner patients using orthodontic intermaxillary elastics assessed with diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders (DC/TMD) axis II evaluat16
Oral health‐related quality of life in X‐linked hypophosphataemia and osteogenesis imperfecta16
Efficacy of oral myofunctional therapy in middle‐aged to elderly patients with obstructive sleep apnoea treated with continuous positive airway pressure16
Oral behaviours and wake‐time masseter activity in patients with masticatory muscle pain16
Osseoperception following dental implant treatment: A systematic review16
The bruxism screener (BruxScreen): Development, pilot testing and face validity15
Assessment of posterior tongue mobility using lingual‐palatal suction: Progress towards a functional definition of ankyloglossia15
Survey of oral hypofunction in older outpatients at a dental hospital15
Sensorimotor tongue evaluation and rehabilitation in patients with sleep‐disordered breathing: a novel approach15
Chewing function and related parameters as a function of the degree of dementia: Is there a link between the brain and the mouth?15
Masticatory dysfunction in older adults: A scoping review14
Risk factors of tooth wear in permanent dentition: A scoping review14
Aetiology, Prevention and Management of Alveolar Osteitis—A Scoping Review14
Online Bruxism‐related information: Can people understand what they read? A Cross‐Sectional Study14
A world panorama of bruxism in children and adolescents with emphasis on associated sleep features: A bibliometric analysis13
Occlusal disharmony and chronic oro‐facial pain: from clinical observation to animal study13
Self‐reported sleep bruxism in 1990 and 2011 in a nationwide twin cohort: Evidence of trait persistence and genetic liability13
Prevalence of temporomandibular disorders and bruxism in seniors13
Prevalence of painful temporomandibular disorders, awake bruxism and sleep bruxism among patients with severe post‐traumatic stress disorder13
A systematic review and meta‐analysis of the effects of intraoral treatments for neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia13
Are oral overuse behaviours associated with painful temporomandibular disorders? A cross‐sectional study in Portuguese university students13
Mandibular condylar hyperplasia and its correlation with vascular endothelial growth factor13
Frequency of awake bruxism behaviour in orthodontic patients: Randomised clinical trial: Awake bruxism behaviour in orthodontic patients12
Tongue cleaning in the elderly and its role in the respiratory and swallowing functions: Benefits and medical perspectives12
A novel artificial neural network for the diagnosis of orofacial pain and temporomandibular disorders12
Even mild catastrophic thinking is related to pain intensity in individuals with painful temporomandibular disorders12
The use of self‐report questionnaires in an analysis of the multidimensional aspects of pain and a correlation with the psychological profile and quality of life in patients with burning mouth syndrom12
Research routes on awake bruxism metrics: Implications of the updated bruxism definition and evaluation strategies12
Dropout and adherence of obstructive sleep apnoea patients to mandibular advancement device therapy: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials with meta‐analysis and meta‐regression12
Factors associated with orthodontic pain12
Changes in oral and cognitive functions among older Japanese dental outpatients: A 2‐year follow‐up study12
Sleep‐disordered breathing and malocclusion in children and adolescents—a systematic review12
The effect of tongue elevation muscle training in patients with obstructive sleep apnea: A randomised controlled trial11
Prevalence of oral behaviours in general dental patients attending a university clinic in Italy11
C‐X‐C motif chemokine ligand 1 and its receptor C‐X‐C motif chemokine receptor 2 in trigeminal ganglion contribute to nerve injury‐induced orofacial mechanical allodynia11
Oral health‐related quality of life in patients with Parkinson’s disease11
Can masticatory performance be predicted by using food acceptance questionnaire in elderly patients with removable dentures?11
Prevalence of tooth grinding in children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders: A systematic review and meta‐analysis11
Disturbed sleep may be a core risk factor for jaw functional limitation in patients with painful temporomandibular disorders11
Effect of platelet‐rich plasma injection combined with individualised comprehensive physical therapy on temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis: A prospective cohort study11
Correlation between occlusal contact area at various levels of interocclusal thicknesses and masticatory performance11
Changes of bolus properties and the triggering of swallowing in healthy humans11
Relationship between tongue pressure and handgrip strength: A systematic review and meta‐analysis11
Comparison of outcomes with the single‐puncture and double‐puncture techniques of arthrocentesis of the temporomandibular joint: An updated systematic review and meta‐analysis10
Interexaminer reliability of the German version of the DC/TMD10
Efficiency of oro‐facial myofunctional therapy in treating obstructive sleep apnoea: A meta‐analysis of observational studies10
Modulation of tongue motion and tongue pressure during liquid swallowing with different bolus volumes10
A comparative study of condyle position in temporomandibular disorder patients with chewing side preference using cone‐beam computed tomography10
Risk estimation of degenerative joint disease in temporomandibular disorder patients with different types of sagittal and coronal disc displacements: MRI and CBCT analysis10
Promoting regular dental attendance in problem‐orientated dental attenders: A systematic review of potential interventions10
Mapping research trends of temporomandibular disorders from 2010 to 2019: A bibliometric analysis10
Cytokines in temporomandibular joint synovial fluid and tissue in relation to inflammation9
Acute and Chronic Temporomandibular Disorder Pain: A critical review of differentiating factors and predictors of acute to chronic pain transition9
Temporomandibular disorders, bite force and osseous changes of the temporomandibular joints in patients with hypermobile Ehlers‐Danlos syndrome compared to a healthy control group9
Diagnostic performance of magnetic resonance imaging for degenerative temporomandibular joint disease9
Painful and non‐painful symptoms evoked by experimental bracing and thrusting of the mandible in healthy individuals9
Digital pain drawings are a useful and reliable tool for assessing patients with temporomandibular disorders9
Molecular mechanism in trigeminal nerve and treatment methods related to orthodontic pain9
The effect of the ischaemic compression technique on pain and functionality in temporomandibular disorders: A randomised clinical trial9
Impact of botulinum toxin injection into the masticatory muscles on mandibular bone: A systematic review9
Classification of temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis on cone beam computed tomography images using artificial intelligence system9
Polarization of macrophages in the trigeminal ganglion of rats with pulpitis9
Association between sleep bruxism, use of antidepressants, and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: A cross‐sectional study9
Temporomandibular disorders and dietary changes: A cross‐sectional survey9
Implementation of biopsychosocial supported self‐management for chronic primary oro‐facial pain including temporomandibular disorders: A theory, person and evidence‐based approach9
Occurrence of Temporomandibular Disorders among patients undergoing treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome (OSAS) using Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD): A Systematic Review conducted acco9
Effect of orofacial physiotherapeutic and hygiene interventions on oral health–related quality of life in patients with Parkinson’s disease: A randomised controlled trial9
Curcumin plays a local anti‐inflammatory and antioxidant role via the HMGB1/TLR4/NF‐ΚB pathway in rat masseter muscle under psychological stress9
Is jaw muscle activity impaired in adults with persistent temporomandibular disorders? A systematic review and meta‐analysis9
Centric relation—A biological perspective of a technical concept9
Artificial intelligence to support early diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders: A preliminary case study9
The contribution of autonomic mechanisms to pain in temporomandibular disorders: A narrative review9
Who is the individual that will complain about temporomandibular joint clicking?9
A novel three‐dimensional morphological analysis of idiopathic condylar resorption following stabilisation splint treatment9
Effect of contingent vibratory stimulus via an oral appliance on sleep bruxism after the splint adaptation period9
Prevalence of temporomandibular disorders in musicians: A systematic review and meta‐analysis8
Measuring the difference in natural head position between the standing and sitting positions using an inertial measurement unit8
Dimensional analysis of the upper airway in obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome patients treated with mandibular advancement device: A bi‐ and three‐dimensional evaluation8
Efficacy of stabilisation splint and low‐level laser therapy for patients with chronic closed lock from non‐reducible displaced temporo‐mandibular joint discs: A parallel randomised clinical trial8
Effect of ageing and tooth loss on sensory function of alveolar mucosa8
Randomized controlled feasibility trial of swallow strength and skill training with surface electromyographic biofeedback in acute stroke patients with dysphagia8
Effects of occlusal splint therapy on opposing tooth tissues, filling materials and restorations8
Comparison of Axis II psychosocial assessment methods of RDC/TMD and DC/TMD as part of DC/TMD‐FIN phase II validation studies in tertiary care Finnish TMD pain patients8
Platelet‐rich plasma injections for the treatment of temporomandibular joint disorders: A systematic review8
Treatment responses in chronic temporomandibular patients depending on the treatment modalities and frequency of parafunctional behaviour8
Functional appliance treatment for mandibular fractures: A systematic review with meta‐analyses8
Clinical‐based oral rehabilitation programme improved the oral diadochokinesis and swallowing function of older patients with dementia: A randomised controlled trial7
Masticatory performance in oral function assessment: Alternative methods7
A new masticatory performance scale to integrate food biting, comminution and mixing ability in removable partial denture wearers7
Five years after the 2018 consensus definitions of sleep and awake bruxism: An explanatory note7
Coordination of surface electromyography activity in the posterior tongue region during mastication of differently textured foods7
Oral health‐related quality of life in patients with disc displacement with reduction after counselling treatment versus counselling associated with jaw exercises7
Associated factors of primary snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea in patients with sleep bruxism: A questionnaire study7
Role of craniofacial phenotypes in the response to oral appliance therapy for obstructive sleep apnea7
Catastrophising, pain self‐efficacy and acceptance in patients with Burning Mouth Syndrome7
Diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders—INfORM recommendations: Comprehensive and short‐form adaptations for children7
Effect of hard gummy candy chewing on masticatory function7
Diagnostic correlation between clinical protocols and magnetic resonance findings in temporomandibular disorders: A systematic review and meta‐analysis7
Histopathology of the temporomandibular joint disc: Findings in 30 samples from joints with degenerative disease7
Relative risk of positional and dynamic temporomandibular disc abnormality for osteoarthritis—magnetic resonance imaging study7
Longitudinal trends in temporomandibular joint disorder symptoms, the impact of malocclusion and orthodontic treatment: A 20‐year prospective study7
Prevalence of swallowing difficulties in older people without neurological disorders: Swallowing profile of older people in the city of Santos, Brazil7
Subjective and objective evaluation of masticatory function in patients with bimaxillary implant‐supported prostheses7
HMGB1 contributes to osteoarthritis of temporomandibular joint by inducing synovial angiogenesis7
Tongue muscle strength affects posterior pharyngeal wall advancement during swallowing: A cross‐sectional study of outpatients with dysphagia7
Functional, physical and psychosocial impact of degenerative temporomandibular joint disease7
Bruxism and dental implants: A systematic review and meta‐analysis7
The role of sleep dysfunction in temporomandibular onset and progression: A systematic review and meta‐analyses7
Association between the dental occlusion and perceived ability to eat foods of Taiwanese older adults7
Occlusal function and electromyographic activity of masticatory muscles in skeletal Class III patients with different patterns of mandibular asymmetry7
Loss of oral sensation impairs feeding performance and consistency of tongue–jaw coordination7
Diagnostic accuracy of a portable device (Bruxoff®) to measure sleep bruxism6
Validity of patient self‐reports and clinical signs in the assessment of sleep bruxism based on home‐recorded electromyographic/electrocardiographic data6
Lip‐closing pressure during food intake from a spoon in normal children6
Effects of surgical mandibular advancement on the upper airways of adult class II patients: A systematic review with meta‐analysis6
Pain catastrophising in the oro‐facial pain population6
Thermography in complementary assessments of head and neck muscles: A scoping review6
Psoriatic arthritis of the temporomandibular joint: A systematic review6
Rehabilitation of shortened dental arches: A fifteen‐year randomised trial6
Association between swallowing muscle mass and dysphagia in older adults: A case–control study6
Predicting the number of physical therapy visits and patient satisfaction in individuals with temporomandibular disorder: A cohort study6
Comparison and applicability of three induction methods of temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis in murine models6
Clinical features of chronic primary pain in individuals presenting painful temporomandibular disorder and comorbidities6
Prevalence of temporomandibular disorders in adult obstructive sleep apnoea patients: A cross‐sectional controlled study6
A comparative evaluation between the reliability of gypsum casts and digital greyscale intra‐oral scans for the scoring of tooth wear using the Tooth Wear Evaluation System (TWES)6
Diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders—INfORM recommendations: Comprehensive and short‐form adaptations for adolescents6
Assessment of awake bruxism and oral mucosa indentation in adolescents6
Materials and manufacturing techniques for occlusal splints: A literature review6
Sleep duration and inflammatory mediator levels associated with long‐term prognosis in temporomandibular disorders6
Dysphagia in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Quantification of bulbar motor dysfunction6
Temporomandibular joint involvement in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis—Symptoms, clinical signs and radiographic findings6
A survey of patients’ concerns about visiting the dentist and how dentists can help6
The mouth‐opening muscular performance in adults with and without temporomandibular disorders: A systematic review6
Stress‐evoked muscle activity in women with and without chronic myofascial face pain6
Assessment of awake bruxism by a novel bruxism screener and ecological momentary assessment among patients with masticatory muscle myalgia and healthy controls6
Efficacy of a calcium‐phosphate/fluoride varnish and ionomeric sealant on cervical dentin hypersensitivity: A randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled clinical study6
Oral health‐related quality of life in patients with osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint—Results of a systematic review5
Electromyographic activities of the jaw and facial muscles in subjects with different vertical skeletal patterns and breathing modes5
Abnormal maxillary sinus diagnosing on CBCT images via object detection and ‘straight‐forward’ classification deep learning strategy5
Correlates of jaw functional limitation, somatization and psychological distress among different temporomandibular disorder diagnostic subtypes5
Mandibular border movements: The two envelopes of motion5
Effects of sitting posture and jaw clenching on neck and trunk muscle activities during typing5
Astrocytes in the rostral ventromedial medulla contribute to the maintenance of oro‐facial hyperalgesia induced by late removal of dental occlusal interference5
Kurtosis, a new variable with possible diagnostic value in analysis of jaw muscle surface EMG5
Prevalence of bruxism in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) patients: A systematic review conducted according to PRISMA guidelines and the cochrane handbook for systematic reviews of i5
Protective masks during the SARS‐CoV‐2 pandemic: Any relationship with temporomandibular disorders and orofacial pain?5
Comparative evaluation of trabecular bone structures of bruxist and non‐bruxist individuals with bone apposition in the mandible angle region by fractal analysis5
Age and sex differences in oral functions from junior high school to young adulthood: A cross‐sectional study5
Asporin levels in patients with temporomandibular joint disorders5
Detrimental impact of temporomandibular disorders (mis)beliefs and possible strategies to overcome5
Role of neuropeptides in orofacial pain: A literature review5
Is burning mouth syndrome associated with stress? A meta‐analysis5
The association between sleep bruxism and awake bruxism: Polysomnographic and electromyographic recordings in women with and without myofascial pain5
Associations between snoring and dental sleep conditions: A systematic review5
The utility of telemedicine in orofacial pain: Guidelines for examination and a retrospective review at a hospital‐based practice5
Topical clonazepam for burning mouth syndrome: Is it efficacious in patients with anxiety or depression?5
Patient satisfaction and masticatory performance of zirconia bar compared to cobalt chromium bar retaining mandibular implant overdenture: A crossover study5
Chewing side preference and laterality in patients treated with unilateral posterior implant‐supported fixed partial prostheses5
Preliminary evaluation of Kovacs digital occlusal splint in the treatment of temporomandibular disorders: A single‐centre, cross‐sectional study5
Relation between oro‐facial thermographic findings and myofunctional characteristics in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea5
Effects of therapeutic exercise and aerobic exercise programmes on pain, anxiety and oral health‐related quality of life in patients with temporomandibular disorders5
Associations between temporomandibular disorders, pain, jaw and masticatory function in dentofacial deformity patients: A cross‐sectional study5
Oral hypofunction and association with need for daily assistance among older adults in long‐term care5
Impact of different types of temporomandibular disorders on jaw functional limitation and psychological distress in orthodontic patients5
Prevalence of painful temporomandibular disorders in endodontic patients with tooth pain5
How dental teams can help patients with temporomandibular disorders receive general dental care: An International Delphi process4
Comparison between ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging of the temporomandibular joint in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: A systematic review4
The influence of age on the frequency of rhythmic masticatory muscle activity during sleep in general population differs from that in clinical research samples4
Adverse effect of botulinum toxin‐A injections on mandibular bone: A systematic review and meta‐analysis4
Acoustic pharyngometry ‐ A new method to facilitate oral appliance therapy4
Temporomandibular disorder–related characteristics and treatment outcomes in Oromandibular Dystonia patients in two different clinical settings: A cross‐sectional study4
Effect of side switch frequency on masticatory performance and rhythm in adults with natural dentition: A randomised crossover trial4
Survival of temporomandibular total joint replacement: A systematic review and meta‐analysis4
Online information on mandibular advancement device for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea: A content, quality and readability analysis4
Responsiveness of methods to evaluate chewing ability after removable partial denture treatments4
Impact of oral motor task training on corticomotor pathways and diadochokinetic rates in young healthy participants4
Are acupuncture and dry needling effective in the management of masticatory muscle pain: A network meta‐analysis of randomised clinical trials4
Effect of different occlusal forces on the accuracy of interocclusal records of loose teeth4
Pressure release technique versus placebo applied to cervical and masticatory muscles in patients with chronic painful myofascial temporomandibular disorder: A randomised clinical trial4
Do cone‐beam computed tomography low‐dose protocols affect the evaluation of the temporomandibular joint?4
Tongue strength and clinical correlations in Parkinson's disease4
Evaluation of temporomandibular joint dysfunction in traumatic brain injury patients4
Automated detection of smiles as discrete episodes4
Association between masticatory dysfunction and gastroesophageal reflux disease: A population‐based study in the elderly4
Assessing masticatory performance with a colour‐mixing ability test using smartphone camera images4
The role of social media for patients with temporomandibular disorders: A content analysis of Reddit4
Influence of controlled masticatory muscle activity on dynamic reactive balance4
Mapping oral disease impact with a single metric ‐ Special Issue introduction4
Painful and non‐painful comorbidities associated with short‐ and long‐term painful temporomandibular disorders: A cross‐sectional study among adolescents from Brazil, Canada and France4
Reconstructed magnetic resonance image‐based effusion volume assessment for temporomandibular joint arthralgia4
Prevalence of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) in bleeding disorders: A systematic review with meta‐analysis4
Ten‐year clinical performance of zirconia posterior fixed partial dentures4
Temporomandibular disorder symptoms in young adults: Three‐dimensional impact on oral health‐related quality of life4
Effect of electromyography‐triggered peripheral magnetic stimulation on voluntary swallow in healthy humans4
Effect of swallowing training combined with nutritional intervention on the nutritional status and quality of life of laryngeal cancer patients with dysphagia after operation and radiotherapy4
Fifty years of development of neuroscientific insights into oro‐facial pain and its control4
Effects of head flexion posture in patients with dysphagia4
Evidence for alterations to dynamic quantitative sensory tests in patients with chronic temporomandibular myalgia: A systematic review of observational studies with meta‐analysis4
Effects of class II intermaxillary elastics on masticatory muscle activity balance, occlusal contact area and masticatory performance: A multicenter randomised controlled trial4
Dental prosthesis use is associated with higher protein intake among older adults with tooth loss4
Awake bruxism in temporomandibular disorders patients referred to tertiary care: A retrospective study on its assessment and TMD management4
Causal effects of life course adiposity on temporomandibular disorders: A Mendelian randomization study4
Stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth relieve pain via downregulation of c‐Jun in a rat model of trigeminal neuralgia4
Influence of genetic polymorphisms on mechanical pain sensitivity and endogenous pain modulation of trigeminal and spinal areas4
Do dental parameters predict severity of obstructive sleep apnea and mandibular advancement device therapy outcomes? A pilot study4
Low income is associated with impaired jaw function via anxiety and depression in patients with temporomandibular disorders3
Effect of botulinum toxin type A on muscular temporomandibular disorder: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials3
What is the nocebo effect and does it apply to dentistry?—A narrative review3
Psychophysical evaluation of somatosensory function in oro‐facial pain: achievements and challenges3
The management experiences, needs and preferences of individuals seeking care for persistent intra‐articular temporomandibular disorders: A qualitative study3