OMEGA-International Journal of Management Science

(The median citation count of OMEGA-International Journal of Management Science is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Combining social network and data envelopment analysis: A proposal for a Selection Employment Contracts Effectiveness index in healthcare network applications168
Risk-based shelter network design in flood-prone areas: An application to Haiti143
An online review-driven two-stage hotel recommendation model considering customers’ risk attitudes and personalized preferences139
Design of Blockchain and Strategic Financing Service under the Platform Economy137
Multi-stage resource leveling problem with self-operation and outsourcing cooperation in sharing logistics111
From investigation of expressiveness and robustness to a comprehensive value-based framework for multiple criteria sorting problems105
Managing strategic inventories in a three-echelon supply chain of durable goods99
Hedging against uncertainty in transportation network design through flexible scheduling93
Optimal depot locations for humanitarian logistics service providers using robust optimization77
The impacts of blockchain adoption on a dual-channel supply chain with risk-averse members77
Analysis of global brands’ green procurement strategy: Co-opetitive local sourcing vs. overseas sourcing under delivery disruption77
Coordination between forward and reverse production streams for maximum profitability73
Accurate response in agricultural supply chains70
Procurement decisions over multiple periods under piecewise-linear shortage costs and fixed capacity commitments68
On the design, implementation, and feasibility of hospital admission services: The admission lounge case63
Revisiting relational-based ordinal classification methods from a more flexible conception of characteristic profiles60
Supply chain planning: A case for Hybrid Cross-Docks60
Decision support framework for tactical emergency medical service location planning60
Assessing the performance of banks through an improved sigma-mu multicriteria analysis approach57
Multi-period share pledging with sequential three-way proportion decision54
CWBCM method to determine the importance of classification performance evaluation criteria in machine learning: Case studies of COVID-19, Diabetes, and Thyroid Disease53
On-line strategy selection for reducing overcrowding in an Emergency Department53
Strategic horizontal integration for drug cost reduction in the pharmaceutical supply chain52
Inventory control with demand substitution: new insights from a two-product Economic Order Quantity analysis51
Cost-Based attraction recommendation for tour operators under stochastic demand50
Continuous covering on networks: Improved mixed integer programming formulations49
An integrated slacks-based super-efficiency measure in the presence of nonpositive data48
Optimal Train Rescheduling in Oslo Central Station45
Heterogeneous joint vaccine allocation and quarantine restriction planning under uncertainty: The COVID-19 pandemic45
Deciding on scheduling, secrecy, and patenting during the new product development process: The relevance of project planning models45
Reduced food waste through inventory control despite throwing out food before expiration: Online vs. offline retail45
Optimizing physician schedules with resilient break assignments44
A multiple criteria Bayesian hierarchical model for analyzing heterogeneous consumer preferences44
Energy-efficient automated vertical farms43
Optimal coverage-based placement of static leak detection devices for pipeline water supply networks43
Single machine scheduling with due date assignment to minimize the total weighted lead time penalty and late work42
Pricing and advertising in a supply chain in the presence of strategic consumers42
Editorial Board40
Multi-sector environmental efficiency and productivity: A general Leontief optimization method38
Social responsibility disclosure format in a supply chain38
Holding diverse market beliefs by firms: Information flow, profit performances, and channel structure37
A unified framework for nonperforming loan modeling in bank production: An application of data envelopment analysis37
Acknowledgement to Reviewers36
Dynamic ordering and buyer selection policies when service affects future demand36
Newsvendor overconfidence and advertising36
Modeling criteria and project interactions in portfolio decision analysis with the Choquet integral36
A profit difference decomposition model for measuring group performance: an application to Chinese and Taiwanese commercial banks36
Random Serial Dictatorship for horizontal collaboration in logistics35
Acknowledgement to Reviewers35
A dynamic ordering policy for a stochastic inventory problem with cash constraints34
Optimal differential subsidy policy design for a workload-imbalanced outpatient care network34
A Stochastic Multi-criteria divisive hierarchical clustering algorithm33
Modelling the semi-additive production technology in DEA33
Editorial Board33
Dynamic pricing and advertising in the presence of strategic consumers and social contagion: A mean-field game approach33
Mechanism design of multi-strategy health insurance plans under asymmetric information33
Designing optimal masks for a multi-object spectrometer33
Editorial Board32
A real-world case of autoclave loading and scheduling problems in aerospace composite material production32
Optimal energy management and operations planning in seaports with smart grid while harnessing renewable energy under uncertainty32
Slacks-based measures of efficiency and super-efficiency in presence of nonpositive data32
Economic cross-efficiency31
Network flow based approaches for the pipelines routing problem in naval design31
Towards designing and operating physical internet cross-docks: Problem specifications and research perspectives31
The rebound effect in transportation31
Sequencing and scheduling appointments on multiple servers with stochastic service durations and customer arrivals31
Pricing the COVID-19 vaccine: A mathematical approach30
Mixed data-driven decision-making in demand response management: An empirical evidence from dynamic time-warping based nonparametric-matching DID30
Behavior-Based pricing under asymmetric channel competition with strategic consumers30
Optimising the assignment of swabs and reagent for PCR testing during a viral epidemic30
Online commodity recommendation model for interaction between user ratings and intensity-weighted hierarchical sentiment: A case study of LYCOM29
An expanded robust optimisation approach for the berth allocation problem considering uncertain operation time29
Modeling collaborative data service provision around an open source platform under uncertainty with stochastic provision games29
Efficient targets and reference sets in selectively convex technologies29
The development of data-driven logistic platforms for barge transportation network under incomplete data28
Evaluating the efficiency of structural funds: An application in the competitiveness of SMEs across different EU beneficiary regions28
A column generation driven heuristic for order-scheduling and rack-sequencing in robotic mobile fulfillment systems27
Discretionary investment managers evaluation in pension fund: Shared input dynamic network DEA approach27
Bundle generation for last-mile delivery with occasional drivers27
Incorporating quality in economic regulatory benchmarking27
Remanufacturing configuration in complex supply chains27
Tactical capacity planning in an integrated multi-stakeholder freight transportation system27
Contracting models for pricing and capacity decisions in healthcare systems26
Assessment of sustainable integration of new products into value chain through a generic decision support model: An application to the forest value chain26
Collaborative real-time optimization strategy for train rescheduling and track emergency maintenance of high-speed railway: A Lagrangian relaxation-based decomposition algorithm26
The role of energy consumption in robotic mobile fulfillment systems: Performance evaluation and operating policies with dynamic priority26
An optimization model for determining cost-efficient maintenance policies for multi-component systems with economic and structural dependencies26
Technological cooperation or competition? optimal strategies of incumbent and entrant in ICT markets26
As a service or a product? A comparison of electric vehicle battery supply models26
Trade credit provision under uniform price regulation26
Check Only Once? Health Information Exchange between Competing Private Hospitals26
Fairness models for multi-agent kidney exchange programmes25
Optimizing a complex multi-objective personnel scheduling problem jointly complying with requests from customers and staff25
Balancing traffic flow in the congested mass self-evacuation dynamic network under tight preparation budget: An Australian bushfire practice25
Performance evaluation of two-stage network structures with fixed-sum outputs: An application to the 2018winter Olympic Games25
Multi-criteria decision making in dynamic slotting for attended home deliveries25
A Multi-objective integrated approach to address sustainability in a meat supply chain25
A MILP model for quasi-periodic strategic train timetabling24
Optimal energy and reserve scheduling in a renewable-dominant power system24
Repairable spare parts provisioning for multiregional expanding fleets of equipment under performance-based contracting24
The optimal vehicle product line strategy considering product information disclosure under government carbon regulation24
An analysis on strategy evolution of research & development in cooperative innovation network of new energy vehicle within policy transition period24
The value of buyer financing with a minimum quantity commitment in pull supply chains24
Beyond kemeny rank aggregation: A parameterizable-penalty framework for robust ranking aggregation with ties24
Adapting supply chain operations in anticipation of and during the COVID-19 pandemic24
Coordination between smart distribution networks and multi-microgrids considering demand side management: A trilevel framework24
Promised-delivery-time-driven reselling facing global platform's private label competition: Game analysis and data validation23
Profit- and risk-driven credit scoring under parameter uncertainty: A multiobjective approach23
The value of aggregate service levels in stochastic lot sizing problems23
Consumer preference analysis: Diverse preference learning with online ratings23
A Bayesian Belief Network-based probabilistic mechanism to determine patient no-show risk categories23
Stochastic optimization of supply chain resilience under ripple effect: A COVID-19 pandemic related study23
Optimal competitive capacity strategies: Evidence from the container shipping market22
Reducing supply risks by supply guarantee deposit payments in the fashion industry in the “new normal after COVID-19”22
Value-driven preference disaggregation analysis for uncertain preference information22
Alliance strategy in an online retailing supply chain: Motivation, choice, and equilibrium22
TODIMSort: A TODIM based method for sorting problems21
Environmental sustainability under production competition with costly adjustments: An appraisal of firms’ behavior with regard to pollution dynamics21
Courier satisfaction in rapid delivery systems using dynamic operating regions21
Quality assessment of the Portuguese public hospitals: A multiple criteria approach21
Scheduling a set of jobs with convex piecewise linear cost functions on a single-batch-processing machine21
Product line selection of fast-moving consumer goods21
Parameter uncertainty in estimation of portfolio efficiency: Evidence from an interval diversification-consistent DEA approach21
Evaluation to fixed-sum-outputs DMUs by non-oriented equilibrium efficient frontier DEA approach with Nash bargaining-based selection21
Incorporating social learning into the optimal return and pricing decisions of online retailers21
Managing price and fleet size for courier service with shared drones21
Data-driven prioritization strategies for inventory rebalancing in bike-sharing systems21
Profit-driven weighted classifier with interpretable ability for customer churn prediction20
Two-stage DEA models with fairness concern: Modelling and computational aspects20
A Lagrangian heuristics for the truck scheduling problem in multi-door, multi-product Cross-Docking with constant processing time20
Deposit or reward: Express packaging recycling for online retailing platforms20
Runway scheduling during winter operations20
Two-agent scheduling problems under rejection budget constraints20
Integrating SBM model and Super-SBM model: a one-model approach20
Specific capacity investment in supply chains19
Maximizing the number of satisfied charging demands of electric vehicles on identical chargers19
Optimal pooled testing design for prevalence estimation under resource constraints19
Energy performance contracting in a supply chain with financially asymmetric manufacturers under carbon tax regulation for climate change mitigation19
Pricing decisions of online and offline dual-channel supply chains considering data resource mining19
Learning from the past to shape the future: A comprehensive text mining analysis of OR/MS reviews19
To Skim or not to Skim: Studying the Optimal Pricing Strategy for Technology Products19
Editorial Board18
A queuing-inventory model for manufacturing systems with fluid-type inventory18
Editorial Board18
Editorial Board18
An alternating direction method of multipliers for optimizing (s, S) policies in a distribution system with joint replenishment volume constraints18
Robust compound Poisson parameter estimation for inventory control18
Assessments in public procurement procedures18
Reach maximization for social lotteries18
Revelation mechanism and decoy strategy for a supply chain with consumer's perceived substitutability18
Editorial Board18
Editorial Board18
A new preference classification approach: The λ-dissensus cluster algorithm18
Adaptive R&D contract for urgently needed drugs: Lessons from COVID-19 vaccine development18
An equilibrium approach towards sustainable operation of a modern coal chemical industrial park18
Acknowledgments to Reviewers18
Editorial Board17
Outlier-Aware, density-Based gaze fixation identification17
Editorial Board17
Dynamic pricing in the presence of social externalities and reference-price effect17
Robust facility location under demand uncertainty and facility disruptions17
Locate vaccination stations considering travel distance, operational cost, and work schedule17
Robust inventory routing problem under uncertain demand and risk-averse criterion17
Developing a national pandemic vaccination calendar under supply uncertainty16
Examining the Contagion Effect of Credit Risk in a Supply Chain under Trade Credit and Bank Loan Offering16
Lenient vs. stringent returns policies in the presence of fraudulent returns: The role of customers’ fairness perceptions16
A ranking approach for robust portfolio decision analysis based on multilinear portfolio utility functions and incomplete preference information16
A Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for the Inventory Routing Problem with Product Substitution16
Efficient resilience portfolio design in the supply chain with consideration of preparedness and recovery investments16
Maintaining viability by rapid supply chain adaptation using a process capability index16
A consensual group ELECTRE-SORT approach considering the incomparable classes with the application of machine maintenance strategy assignment16
Power distribution in developing countries — Planning for effectiveness and equity16
An integrative framework for coordination of damage assessment, road restoration, and relief distribution in disasters15
The impact of cross-selling on managing consumer returns in omnichannel operations15
Robust optimization and its duality in data envelopment analysis15
Real-time resource allocation in the emergency department: A case study15
Single-machine scheduling with product category-based learning and forgetting effects15
Two stochastic optimization methods for shift design with uncertain demand15
Production-sharing of critical resources with dynamic demand under pandemic situation: The COVID-19 pandemic15
A bilevel framework for decision-making under uncertainty with contextual information15
Internal resource requirements: The better performance metric for truck scheduling?15
Scheduling of Multi-Robot Job Shop Systems in Dynamic Environments: Mixed-Integer Linear Programming and Constraint Programming Approaches15
A case-based reasoning approach to solve the vehicle routing problem with time windows and drivers’ experience15
Design and game-Theoretic analysis of community-Based market mechanisms in heat and electricity systems15
A novel multi-attention reinforcement learning for the scheduling of unmanned shipment vessels (USV) in automated container terminals15
The Floating-Cuts model: a general and flexible mixed-integer programming model for non-guillotine and guillotine rectangular cutting problems14
Incorporating risk fairness concerns into wine futures under quality uncertainty14
A novel robust exact decomposition algorithm for berth and quay crane allocation and scheduling problem considering uncertainty and energy efficiency14
Free trial or no free trial: Optimal policy of electronic products with positive and negative network effects14
A continuous approximation approach to integrated truck and drone delivery systems14
Worst-case analysis of Omega-VaR ratio optimization model14
Incentive of retailer information sharing on manufacturer volume flexibility choice14
Robust actions for improving supply chain resilience and viability14
Time to shift the shift: Performance effects of within-day cumulative service encounters in retail stores14
Using a novel DEA-based model to investigate capacity utilization of Chinese firms14
Should original equipment manufacturer assist noncompetitive contract manufacturer to expand capacity?13
Multilayer network analysis for improved credit risk prediction13
The Choquet integral supported by a hedonic approach for modelling preferences in hotel selection13
Optimizing onboard catering loading locations and plans for airlines13
Optimal use of downward substitution in a manufacturing operation subject to uncertainty13
Brand-owners’ vertical and horizontal alliance strategies facing dominant retailers: Effect of demand substitutability and complementarity13
Understanding systemic disruption from the Covid-19-induced semiconductor shortage for the auto industry13
Effective and interpretable dispatching rules for dynamic job shops via guided empirical learning13
Interpreting clusters via prototype optimization13
Planning profitable tours for field sales forces: A unified view on sales analytics and mathematical optimization13
Multi-Time and Multi-Moment Nonparametric Frontier-Based Fund Rating: Proposal and Buy-and-Hold Backtesting Strategy13
Real-time order acceptance and scheduling for data-enabled permutation flow shops: Bilevel interactive optimization with nonlinear integer programming13
Integrated relief pre-positioning and procurement planning considering non-governmental organizations support and perishable relief items in a humanitarian supply chain network13
Benders decomposition for competitive influence maximization in (social) networks13
A model and solution approach for store-wide shelf space allocation13
Core, shapley value, nucleolus and nash bargaining solution: A Survey of recent developments and applications in operations management13
Evaluation of appointment scheduling rules: A multi-performance measurement approach13
Heuristics for integrated blending optimisation in a mining supply chain13
Improved MILP formulation equipped with valid inequalities for scheduling a batch processing machine with non-identical job sizes13
Can reference points explain vaccine hesitancy? A new perspective on their formation and updating13
Inventory routing under stochastic supply and demand13
Collaborative profit allocation schemes for logistics enterprise coalitions with incomplete information12
A data-driven robust optimization model by cutting hyperplanes on vaccine access uncertainty in COVID-19 vaccine supply chain12
The impact of green innovations on firm’s sustainable operations: Process innovation and recycling innovation12
Should ride-sharing platforms cooperate with car-rental companies? Implications for consumer surplus and driver surplus12
A novel regret-rejoice cross-efficiency approach for energy stock portfolio optimization12
The introduction and market expansion effects of green products considering network externalities12
Editorial Board12
Support Vector Frontiers with kernel splines12
Order assignment and two-stage integrated scheduling in fruit and vegetable supply chains12
Finding influential groups in networked systems: The most degree-central clique problem12
Hospital dual-channel adoption decisions with telemedicine referral and misdiagnosis12
Data-driven robust strategies for joint optimization of rail renewal and maintenance planning12
Optimization of train schedule with uncertain maintenance plans in high-speed railways: A stochastic programming approach12
An improved heuristic approach for the interval immune transportation problem12
Inducing a probability distribution in Stochastic Multicriteria Acceptability Analysis12
Designing a sustainable delivery network with parcel locker systems as collection and transfer points11
Determining locations and layouts for parcel lockers to support supply chain viability at the last mile11
Forecast horizons for a two-echelon dynamic lot-sizing problem11
Subsidies for green technology adoption under uncertain demand and incomplete information11
Brand extension strategy in the presence of carbon tax regulation policy and social influence11
Decomposition of quality changes: Focusing on subjective quality of life11
Online acceptance probability approximation in peer-to-peer transportation11
Information provision under showrooming and webrooming11
Brand extension and channel structure: An analysis of the effects of social influence11
Economically viable reshoring of supply chains under ripple effect11
Embracing market dynamics in the post-COVID era: A data-driven analysis of investor sentiment and behavioral characteristics in stock index futures returns11
Accurate preference-based method to obtain the deterministically optimal and satisfactory fairness-efficiency trade-off11
Bi‐objective optimization of a stochastic resilient vaccine distribution network in the context of the COVID‐19 pandemic11
Subsidization or Diversification? Mitigating Supply Disruption with Manufacturer Information Sharing11
Effect of counterfeits and fake reviews in markets for credence goods11
Finding robustly fair solutions in resource allocation11
Regulating patient care in walk-in clinics10
Case study on scheduling cyclic conveyor belts10
Editorial Board10