Pramana-Journal of Physics

(The H4-Index of Pramana-Journal of Physics is 19. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A study of curvature theory for different symmetry classes of Hamiltonian94
Charged anisotropic models via embedding73
Nanoporous alumina microtubes for metamaterial and plasmonic applications69
Influence of surface parameters and Poisson’s ratio on the buckling growth rate of a microtubule system using the modified couple stress theory43
Cross-over from microcanonical ensemble to canonical ensemble by using Gaussian ensemble for a long-range interacting spin chain40
Insights of $$\hbox {XPt}_2$$ ($$\hbox {X}=\hbox {Eu}$$ and Gd) intermetallic systems: An ab-initio approach33
Representation of equation of state using Massieu entropy function31
Nonlinear waves in electron–positron–ion plasmas including the full dynamics for all species29
Effect of fine-tuning of intermolecular interactions on crystallisation outcome: A case study of polymorphs of 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde28
On the spectrum of the many-body Pauli projector24
Bilinear form, bilinear auto-Bäcklund transformation, breather and lump solutions for a (3$$+$$1)-dimensional generalised Yu–Toda–Sasa–Fukuyama equation in a two-layer liquid or a lattice22
Enhancing traffic capacity of two-layer networks by link deletion22
Magnetoelectric composites of copper cobalt ferrite and lead zirconium titanate by screen printing method and their magnetoelectric properties22
Modelling of semiconductor laser with double external cavities for use in ultrahigh speed photonics22
Detection and optical imaging of induced convection under the action of static magnetic field gradient in a non-conducting diamagnetic fluid21
NSFD schemes for a class of nonlinear generalised advection–diffusion–reaction equation21
Pendulum controlled by a delayed proportional feedback force: Dynamical analysis and FPGA implementation19
In-silico investigation of silicon-doped 2D-activated carbon sheet19
Identification of nuclear wastage with the help of scintillation detectors19
Anisotropic flow of photons in relativistic heavy ion collisions19