Scientia Horticulturae

(The H4-Index of Scientia Horticulturae is 44. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Spent mushroom substrate and medical stone modified composted green waste as growth media for ornamental plant Antirrhinum majus L. and Salvia splendens.84
Detachment patterns and impact characteristics of litchi fruit during vibrational harvesting82
Comparative analysis of anatomical structure, assimilate accumulation and gene expression in lignin and carbohydrate metabolism pathway during taproot thickening of taicai and pak choi80
Effects of deficit irrigation with saline water on wine color and polyphenolic composition of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Monastrell76
CPPU-induced changes in energy status and respiration metabolism of grape young berry development in relation to Berry setting72
Effect of foliar application of potassium with aquaculture wastewater on the growth of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) and Pangasianodon hypophthalmus in recirculating aquaponic system67
VvMYBAs induce expression of a series of anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway genes in red grapes (Vitis vinifera L.)66
Effects of varying concentrations of different salts on mineral composition of leaves and roots of three pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) cultivars66
Multivariate accelerate shelf life test (MASLT) based on hyperspectral imaging to estimate shelf life of cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.)65
Pre-vegetated green roof sedum mats: Mineral nutrient status and apparent fertiliser recovery during production63
Aroma profiling analysis of grape berries based on electronic nose detection62
Diversity in plastids contributes to variation in fruit color60
Appropriate increasing potassium supply alleviates the inhibition of high nitrogen on root growth by regulating antioxidant system, hormone balance, carbon assimilation and transportation in apple58
Green light promotes healing and root regeneration in double-root-cutting grafted tomato seedlings57
Ionomic differences between tomato introgression line IL8–3 and its parent cultivar M82 with different trends to the incidence of blossom-end rot57
Exogenous melatonin alleviates browning of fresh-cut sweetpotato by enhancing anti-oxidative process57
Split fertilization of phosphate in onion as strategy to improve the phopsphorus use efficiency56
Effects of ambient temperature on flower initiation and flowering in saffron (Crocus sativus L.)56
Genome-wide association studies using chromosome-scale genomes of male and female lines redefines two sex-linked loci in linkage disequilibrium in Ficus carica L.55
Effect of shading determined by photovoltaic panels installed above the vines on the performance of cv. Corvina (Vitis vinifera L.)55
Editorial Board54
L-methionine inhibits yellowing of peeled water chestnuts (Eleocharis tuberosa) and improves their quality and texture54
Novel hybrids with floral scent between Lagerstroemia caudata and three L. indica cultivars53
Horticultural performance of ‘Hass’ avocado grafted onto seedling and clonal rootstocks under tropical wet-dry climate conditions52
Fertilization of peach for yield and quality, and optimization of nitrogen application rates in China: A meta-analysis52
Calcium ammonium nitrate applications for improved leaf growth and photosynthetic responses in the CAM orchid Phalaenopsis under elevated CO2 in a greenhouse51
S-alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxides biosynthesis and free amino acids profile in different parts of postharvest chive (Allium schoenoprasum L.)51
Spermidine enhances parthenocarpic fruit formation in cucumber by promoting efficient distribution of soluble sugars and photosynthates51
Use of anaerobic digestate as biofertilizer: Another step forward in the valorisation of the invasive brown macroalgae Rugulopteryx okamurae50
Editorial Board50
Agrobacterium-mediated in planta transformation of horticultural plants: Current status and future prospects49
Several short-day species can flower under blue-extended long days, but this response is not universal49
Transcriptome and weighted gene co-expression network analysis reveal key genes involved in the proanthocyanidin biosynthesis in Cerasus humilis48
Transcription factor network analysis of the Cf-19-mediated resistance response in tomato infected by Cladosporium fulvum48
Silicon alleviates autotoxicity by regulating membrane lipid peroxidation and improving photosynthetic efficiency in cucumber seedlings (Cucumis sativus L.)48
Diversified cropping systems effect on the water status of mandarin trees under deficit irrigation47
Effects of paper pouches of different light transmittance on the phenolic synthesis and related gene expression in peach fruit47
Micronutrient Fe and Mn uptake from peat by marigold and petunia46
Comparing defoliation and canopy sprays to delay ripening of Sauvignon blanc grapes46
Stress-induced delay of the I-P rise of the fast chlorophyll a fluorescence transient in tomato45
The removal of flower buds improves the yield and quality of tea shoots by mediating carbon and nitrogen metabolism in the source leaves44
Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) grafting as affected by nitrogen fertilizer application to irrigation water44
Diurnal greenhouse gas emissions and substrate temperatures from blue-green roofs in north-eastern Italy during a dry-hot summer season44
Effects of Ethrel and auxin applications on date palm fruit abscission during development44
The HD-Zip I transcription factor MdHB-7 negatively regulates Valsa canker resistance in apple (Malus domestica)44