Journal of Medieval History

(The TQCC of Journal of Medieval History is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
The earliest English prose4
The first issue of annuities by the Diputación of the kingdom of Aragon (1376–1436): raising capital and sovereign debt in the Middle Ages3
Donations, discipline and commemoration. Creating group identity in the transport workers guilds of mid fifteenth-century Riga3
Beautiful power: panegyric at the court of Emperor Henry III (1039–56)2
Reconsidering the medieval experience at the shrine in high medieval England2
Picti: from Roman name to internal identity2
Writing history in Portugal before 12002
The papal monopoly of the canonisation and translation of saints on the peripheries of Latin Christendom: the case of Bohemia before c.11502
Not so strange bedfellows: new thoughts on King Philip I of Francia’s marriage to Bertrada of Montfort2
Accountable to the community? Medieval officials in Castile: the perspective from below2
Behind the scenes: Urban secretaries as managers of legal and diplomatic conflicts in the Baltic region, c.1470–15401
From author to authority: Anselm’s public reputation and the Council of Bari (1098)1
The language of history-writing in the ninth century: an entangled approach1
Poor commons and kings’ propines: food and status in later medieval Aberdeen1
A voyage to the land of mirrors: Felix Fabri’s narration of the Virgin Mary’s pilgrimages as a model for late medieval Mendicant piety1
Guild formation and the artisanal labour market: the example of Castelló d’Empúries, 1260–13101
Multiple lordship in twelfth-century England: a quantitative study1
John of Garland on the Jews1
Mazers and the drinking culture of late medieval England1
Urban protest in thirteenth-century north-western Europe: a comparative approach1
The Frisian exception. Why are there hardly any traces of written Frisian from the eighth and ninth centuries?1
The price of the throne. Public finances in Portugal and Castile and the War of the Castilian Succession (1475–9)1
The ‘custodial experiment’ of 1204: comital administration and financial reform under King John of England1
‘I would be rather pleased if the world were to be rid of monks.’ Resistance to Cluniac integration in late eleventh- and early twelfth-century France1
How to make a warhorse: violence and behavioural control in late medieval hippiatric treatises1
Rumour and reputation management in fourteenth-century England: Isabella of France in text and image1
Reconstructing Kilmainham: the topography and architecture of the chief priory of the Knights Hospitaller in Ireland, c.1170–13491
Revisiting the compilation of Matthew Paris’s Chronica majora: new textual and manuscript evidence1
Arnulf of Lisieux and the crisis at Grestain 1164–6: brother bishops, inherited policies and failed leadership1
Credit practices and networks in the medieval Italian city: the memoriale of Dr Iacopo di Coluccino of Lucca1
Brewing difference: malting, gender and urbanity in medieval England. An examination of drying and malting kilns, c .1150–15001
Italian and French responses to Urban V’s visual communications, c.1368–14200
Power, celebration and circuits of legitimation: the local use of papal letters in late twelfth-century Denmark0
The dead in dreams: medieval Icelandic conceptions of the unquiet dead0
Carolingian After-Images: Hariulf’s History of St Riquier and Its Context0
‘A competent mess’: food, consumption and retirement at religious houses in England and Wales, c.1502–380
Pursuing the Percys: the original owners of the Percy Psalter-Hours0
Barns, granaries and security: crop storage, processing and investment in medieval England0
Bodies of earth and air: corporeality and spirituality in pre-modern British narratives of the undead0
‘A land of horror and vast wilderness’: landscapes of crusade and Jerusalem pilgrimage in Arnold of Lübeck's Chronica Slavorum0
The Iberian ambition of a duke of Burgundy: Philip the Handsome and the royal treasury in the Crown of Castile (1502–6)0
Direct speech in Heliand and Otfrid von Weissenburg's Evangelienbuch: a shared vernacular tradition?0
Resonet Vox Fidelis: Scribal Colophons and Ecclesiastical Reform in Medieval Iberia0
Christian Community and the Barbarians in the Life of Severinus of Eugippius0
Wars of our fathers: Hauteville kin networks and the making of Norman Antioch0
Penance, Murder, and the Sanctity of Close Kinship in Early Medieval England and Francia0
A simple food with many meanings: bread in late medieval England0
Self-presentation and geographical origin at the fifteenth-century University of Paris: an analysis of manuscript decoration0
Inventing and ethnicising Slavonic in the long ninth century0
Ethnographic writing in the kingdom of Jerusalem: in search of a neglected intellectual tradition0
Trade, taste and ecology: honey in late medieval Europe0
Meanings of food in medieval Britain and Ireland: themes0
Miraculous rivers and monstrous cities: landscapes and gender performance in thirteenth-century crusading culture0
Patterns of communication during the 1241 Mongol invasion of Europe: insights from the Ottobeuren letter collection0
Food security and insecurity in medieval Irish towns0
Elite Attitudes to the ‘Public Sphere’ in Fifteenth-Century Castile0
Miracles and Misadventures: Childhood and Public Health in the Late Medieval Low Countries0
To receive ‘the best form and example of living’: ascetic instruction in the Life of John of Gorze0
‘For help and comfort and to resist the enemy of God’: Greek refugees in the Burgundian Low Countries0
In dialogue: responses to papal communication0
Papal crusade propaganda and attacks against Jews in France in the 1230s: a breakdown of communication?0
Vernacular languages in the long ninth century: towards a connected history0
The smallest matters: vanishing water, missing birds, revived animals, recovered coins and other trifling miracles in the Thomas Becket collections0
Antiquarian knights in Mediterranean island landscapes: the Hospitaller Order of St John and crusading among the ruins of classical antiquity, from medieval Rhodes to early modern Malta0
The worm and the corpse: Carolingian visions of Gehenna’s undead cemetery0
Difficult gifts: gifts to and from the popes in twelfth- and thirteenth-century England0
Lex Salica between Latin and vernacular0
The vitality of the dead in medieval cultures0
‘Our Dearest Lord and Father Received Him From the Baptismal Font’: The Life and Career of Philippe le Convers0
The earliest English culinary recipes: dietary advice in Old English medical texts0
‘Blood and water flowed to the ground’: sacred topography, biblical landscapes and conceptions of space in the Libellus de expugnatione Terrae Sanctae per Saladinum0
In (political) love. Building social order and consensus through emotional politics in fifteenth-century urban Castile: the case of the city of Cuenca0
Between violent outbreaks and legal disputes: the contested cityscape of Frankish Jerusalem through the prism of institutional and socio-economic conflicts0
Holy war and Church reform: the case of Gerhoch of Reichersberg (1092/3–1169)0
Introduction: landscapes of conflict and encounter in the crusading world0
The royal forests of the Árpáds in the eleventh and twelfth centuries0
‘Theologians know best’: Paris-trained crusade preachers as mediators between papal, popular and learned crusading pieties0
Law and spiritual sanctions: asserting the stability of pro anima donation charters in late tenth- and eleventh-century central Italy0
The judgement of God and the fate of a dog: the ninth-century ordeal debate and the anonymous Song of Count Timo0
Of Saxons and spectres0
Medical knowledge in thirteenth-century preaching: the sermons of Luca da Bitonto0
History in liturgy: negotiating merit in Ely’s virgin mothers0
A vernacular genre? Latin and the early English laws0
Sorrow, masculinity and papal authority in the writing of Pope Innocent III (1198–1216) and his curia0
Pro sustentatione castrorum: the role of the Hospitaller priory of Hungary in King Matthias Corvinus’ anti-Ottoman defensive policies, c.1464–900
The crowd’s two faces: keeping the peace and fearing the stranger in late medieval Flanders0
Wild lands and the southern sun: claims to north Africa during the thirteenth-century crusades0
The intellectual background of the earliest Irish grammar0
The Making and Meaning of the Bayeux Tapestry Revisited0
The emergence of written Slavonic (c.860–c.880): where and why?0
The ‘Lamb of God’ in the early Middle Ages: a zooarchaeological perspective0
Jews, Lordship, and the Experience of Power in Early Eleventh Century France0
Converse with the dead as a technology of the self: agreements to return from the other-world in Peter of Cornwall’s Book of Revelations0
A medieval effort toward unity: Latins, Greeks, Russians and the Mongol Khan0
The necromancer and the abbot: summoning the dead in Cistercian exempla0
‘Very great strife’: the monks of Saint-Clément as competitors in twelfth-century Metz0
Talking with ghosts: Rancière, Derrida and the archive0
Margery Kempe and the Late-Medieval Image Debates in England: The Curious Case of the Non-Animating Crucifix0
Papal communications and historical writing in Angevin England0
Landscapes of the dead in the late medieval imagination0
The Translatio imperii and the Spatial Construction of History in the Twelfth Century0
A Florentine merchant’s visit to Canterbury Cathedral in 14440
Byland Revisited, or, Spectres of Inheritance0
Noble violence and civic justice: rural lords under trial in the Italian city communes 1276–13220
St Stephen's, Vienna, and the crises of 1408: practice theory and the socio-politics of the medieval building site0
Gregory of Tours And the Merovingian letter0
Parliament, politics and protocol: the Modus tenendi parliamentum and the settlement of the realm under Edward II0
The Heliand in tenth-century England: translation, transmission and turbulence0
From Christmas Candlesticks to Deathbeds: The Material Culture of the Male ‘Middling Sort’ in Late Medieval English Wills0
Richer of Senones and the peculiar story of Sibylla of Marsal: pseudo-sanctity, mendicants and the end of the world in the Gesta Senoniensis Ecclesiae0
Status, gender and emotions: family conflicts at the Parlement de Toulouse0
Out of sight, out of mind? The wills of monastic and mendicant bishops in Britain and Ireland, 1350–15350
The empress and the humanist: profit and politics in the correspondence of Anne of Świdnica and Petrarch0
Reconsidering the shift from Latin to Romance, from the perspective of the Council of Tours (813)0
Heretical refugees and persecution of German Waldensians, 1393–14000
The clergy between town and country in late Merovingian hagiography0
Diplomacy, counsel and the nobility of fourteenth-century England: the diplomatic service of Edward III’s earls, 1337–600
Theorising the religious borders of the Latin East: some reflections on the inter-Christian landscape of Frankish northern Syria0
Magistrae of the Beguines of Valenciennes and Their Social Networks0
Peace in the desert, peace in the realm: the Carthusian monastery of Durbon, protection and the safeguard of exempt monasteries in Angevin Provence0
Peasants and food security in England and Wales c. 13000
Medieval Liturgy and the Making of Poland: A Study in Early Medieval Political Identification (c. 960s—c. 1030s)0
Mountains of doom and mountains of salvation: topographies of conflict in the early medieval Latin chronicles of Iberia0
A monastic angelology in stone: the sculpted angels at Conques0
Of relics and kings: Cyprus in Franciscan apocrypha of the Trecento0
Governing through influence at the thirteenth-century papal court0
The Investiture Contest in the margins: popes and peace in a manuscript from Augsburg cathedral0
Representing the mysteries of the vine: drinking wine with Gregory of Tours0
A healthy Christian city: Christianising health care in late fourteenth-century Seville0
Word, example and practice: learning and the learner in twelfth-century thought0
‘Agite, agite et uenite!’ Corrupted breath, corrupted speech and encounters with the restless dead in Geoffrey of Burton’s Vita sancte Moduenne virginis0