Stochastic Processes and Their Applications

(The median citation count of Stochastic Processes and Their Applications is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Macroscopic limit for stochastic chemical reactions involving diffusion and spatial heterogeneity21
Targeted immunization thresholds for the contact process on power-law trees20
Superdiffusive planar random walks with polynomial space–time drifts16
Some properties of stationary continuous state branching processes15
Quasi-potential for the one dimensional SSEP in weak contact with reservoirs15
Strong Gaussian approximation of metastable density-dependent Markov chains on large time scales14
Weak Dirichlet processes and generalized martingale problems13
Extremes of locally stationary Gaussian and chi fields on manifolds13
Editorial Board12
Stochastic evolution equations driven by cylindrical stable noise12
Euler scheme for SDEs driven by fractional Brownian motions: Malliavin differentiability and uniform upper-bound estimates11
On estimation of quadratic variation for multivariate pure jump semimartingales10
The effect of disorder on quenched and averaged large deviations for random walks in random environments: Boundary behavior10
Telegraph random evolutions on a circle10
Exponential ergodicity of Lévy driven Langevin dynamics with singular potentials9
New results for stochastic fractional pseudo-parabolic equations with delays driven by fractional Brownian motion9
Unbiased Optimal Stopping via the MUSE9
Weak-disorder limit for directed polymers on critical hierarchical graphs with vertex disorder9
Heat kernel fluctuations and quantitative homogenization for the one-dimensional Bouchaud trap model9
Parabolic Anderson model on critical Galton–Watson trees in a Pareto environment9
Nonparametric calibration for stochastic reaction–diffusion equations based on discrete observations8
Drift estimation for a multi-dimensional diffusion process using deep neural networks8
Entrance laws for annihilating Brownian motions and the continuous-space voter model8
1-stable fluctuation of the derivative martingale of branching random walk8
Two-dimensional random interlacements: 0-1 law and the vacant set at criticality8
Nonparametric estimation for SDE with sparsely sampled paths: An FDA perspective8
Simplified calculus for semimartingales: Multiplicative compensators and changes of measure8
Fluctuation analysis for particle-based stochastic reaction–diffusion models8
Liouville theorem for V-harmonic maps under non-negative 8
Centralized systemic risk control in the interbank system: Weak formulation and Gamma-convergence7
Quasi-stationary distributions for subcritical superprocesses7
Well-posedness and approximation of some one-dimensional Lévy-driven non-linear SDEs7
A hierarchical mean field model of interacting spins7
Editorial Board7
Competing growth processes with random growth rates and random birth times7
Mean-field limit of age and leaky memory dependent Hawkes processes7
Strict local martingales and the Khasminskii test for explosions7
Estimates on transition densities of subordinators with jumping density decaying in mixed polynomial orders7
Probabilistic approach to singular perturbations of viscosity solutions to nonlinear parabolic PDEs7
An 7
Skorohod and Stratonovich integrals for controlled processes7
Editorial Board7
Concentration on Poisson spaces via modified Φ-Sobolev inequalities7
Time-inhomogeneous Gaussian stochastic volatility models: Large deviations and super roughness7
Limit theorems for Hawkes processes including inhibition7
A Yaglom type asymptotic result for subcritical branching Brownian motion with absorption6
Parameter estimation for discretely sampled stochastic heat equation driven by space-only noise6
Optimal portfolio choice with path dependent benchmarked labor income: A mean field model6
SLLN and annealed CLT for random walks in I.I.D. random environment on Cayley trees6
Stationary determinantal processes: ψ-mixing property and correlation 6
Renormalization of stochastic continuity equations on Riemannian manifolds6
Propagation of singularities for the stochastic wave equation6
Probabilistic approach to the heat equation with a dynamic Hardy-type potential6
Heat kernel bounds for a large class of Markov process with singular jump6
Stochastic filtering of a pure jump process with predictable jumps and path-dependent local characteristics6
Misspecified diffusion models with high-frequency observations and an application to neural networks6
A functional Itō-formula for Dawson–Watanabe superprocesses6
Correlation bound for a one-dimensional continuous long-range Ising model6
On a first hit distribution of the running maximum of Brownian motion6
Wong–Zakai approximations for quasilinear systems of Itô’s type stochastic differential equations5
Shuffling cards by spatial motion5
Stability of higher order eigenvalues in dimension one5
Reduced-form framework for multiple ordered default times under model uncertainty5
A stochastic maximum principle for partially observed general mean-field control problems with only weak solution5
Spiked multiplicative random matrices and principal components5
The reverse Hölder inequality for matrix-valued stochastic exponentials and applications to quadratic BSDE systems5
Dimension-free Wasserstein contraction of nonlinear filters5
Continuous-state branching processes with collisions: First passage times and duality5
Convergence rate for a class of supercritical superprocesses5
Large population limits of Markov processes on random networks5
Markov projection of semimartingales — Application to comparison results5
Branching random walk with infinite progeny mean: A tale of two tails5
A unified approach to the small-time behavior of the spectral heat content for isotropic Lévy processes5
High order asymptotic expansion for Wiener functionals5
On the meeting of random walks on random DFA5
Optimal non-asymptotic analysis of the Ruppert–Polyak averaging stochastic algorithm5
Spectral gap of replica exchange Langevin diffusion on mixture distributions5
Asymptotic deviation bounds for cumulative processes5
Markovian lifting and asymptotic log-Harnack inequality for stochastic Volterra integral equations4
Small ball probabilities for the stochastic heat equation with colored noise4
On the weak rate of convergence for the Euler–Maruyama scheme with Hölder drift4
Moderate deviations of density-dependent Markov chains4
Stochastic representation for solutions of a system of coupled HJB-Isaacs equations with integral–differential operators4
Metastability for the degenerate Potts Model with positive external magnetic field under Glauber dynamics4
Loop-erased partitioning via parametric spanning trees: Monotonicities & 1D-scaling4
Whittle estimation based on the extremal spectral density of a heavy-tailed random field4
Lines of descent in a Moran model with frequency-dependent selection and mutation4
Fine asymptotics for the maximum degree in weighted recursive trees with bounded random weights4
Estimating the interaction graph of stochastic neuronal dynamics by observing only pairs of neurons4
Hydrodynamic limit for a boundary driven super-diffusive symmetric exclusion4
Non-asymptotic statistical tests of the diffusion coefficient of stochastic differential equations4
An optimal sequential procedure for determining the drift of a Brownian motion among three values4
The extremal process of super-Brownian motion4
Stochastic functional differential equations with infinite delay under non-Lipschitz coefficients: Existence and uniqueness, Markov property, ergodicity, and asymptotic log-Harnack inequality4
Risk sensitive optimal stopping4
The Feller Coupling for random derangements4
Geodesics cross any pattern in first-passage percolation without any moment assumption and with possibly infinite passage times4
Mean-field limits for non-linear Hawkes processes with excitation and inhibition4
Scaling limits of nonlinear functions of random grain model, with application to Burgers’ equation4
On the center of mass of the elephant random walk4
AR(1) processes driven by second-chaos white noise: Berry–Esséen bounds for quadratic variation and parameter estimation4
Tightness of discrete Gibbsian line ensembles4
A central limit theorem for sets of probability measures4
Mean field games with absorption and common noise with a model of bank run4
Large deviations for slow–fast processes on connected complete Riemannian manifolds4
Empirical optimal transport under estimated costs: Distributional limits and statistical applications4
American options in a non-linear incomplete market model with default4
Asymptotic normality of spectral means of Hilbert space valued random processes4
Networks of reinforced stochastic processes: A complete description of the first-order asymptotics4
LASSO estimation for spherical autoregressive processes4
Asymptotic analysis of Poisson shot noise processes, and applications4
Erratum to: “Statistical test for an urn model with random multidrawing and random addition” [Stochastic Process. Appl. 158 (2023) 342-360]4
Interacting Hawkes processes with multiplicative inhibition4
Convergence rate analysis in limit theorems for nonlinear functionals of the second Wiener chaos4
Asymmetric attractive zero-range processes with particle destruction at the origin4
Scale-free percolation mixing time4
Critical Droplets and sharp asymptotics for Kawasaki dynamics with weakly anisotropic interactions4
Density analysis for coupled forward–backward SDEs with non-Lipschitz drifts and applications4
OrnsteinUhlenbeck type processes on Wasserstein spaces3
Editorial Board3
A new Mertens decomposition of Y3
Existence and smoothness of the densities of stochastic functional differential equations with jumps3
Green’s function for cut points of chordal SLE attached with boundary arcs3
Scaling limits for a class of regular Ξ-coalescents3
Tail asymptotics for the delay in a Brownian fork-join queue3
Large sample covariance matrices of Gaussian observations with uniform correlation decay3
Spectral norm bounds for block Markov chain random matrices3
Local and global survival for infections with recovery3
Existence, uniqueness and comparison theorem on unbounded solutions of scalar super-linear BSDEs3
Rates of convergence for the superdiffusion in the Boltzmann–Grad limit of the periodic Lorentz gas3
Strict Kantorovich contractions for Markov chains and Euler schemes with general noise3
Random motions in R<3
On the first and second largest components in the percolated random geometric graph3
The obstacle problem for stochastic porous media equations3
Kernel representation formula: From complex to real Wiener–Itô integrals and vice versa3
Editorial Board3
Editorial Board3
On the weak invariance principle for ortho-martingale in Banach spaces. Application to stationary random fields3
Generalized Feynman–Kac formula under volatility uncertainty3
An explicit approximation for super-linear stochastic functional differential equations3
Editorial Board3
Convergence of densities of spatial averages of stochastic heat equation3
Left–right crossings in the Miller–Abrahams random resistor network and in generalized Boolean models3
Incompressible Euler equations with stochastic forcing: A geometric approach3
Asymptotic behavior of a class of multiple time scales stochastic kinetic equations3
Moderate deviations and local limit theorems for the coefficients of random walks on the general linear group3
Asymptotic results of a multiple-entry reinforcement process3
Measure-valued growth processes in continuous space and growth properties starting from an infinite interface3
Majority dynamics and the median process: Connections, convergence and some new conjectures3
Droplet dynamics in a two-dimensional rarefied gas under Kawasaki dynamics3
Introducing article numbering to Stochastic Processes and their Applications3
Weak convergence of non-neutral genealogies to Kingman’s coalescent3
Non-semimartingale solutions of reflected BSDEs and applications to Dynkin games3
Infinitesimal gradient boosting3
The domain of definition of the Lévy white noise3
A binary embedding of the stable line-breaking construction3
A stochastic spatial model for the sterile insect control strategy3
Lyapunov exponents in a slow environment3
The replicator equation in stochastic spatial evolutionary games3
Editorial Board3
Existence, uniqueness and ergodicity for the centered Fleming–Viot process3
Measure-valued affine and polynomial diffusions3
Francis Comets’ Gumbel last passage percolation3
Change point inference in ergodic diffusion processes based on high frequency data3
Limit of the environment viewed from Sinaï’s walk3
Long-range dependent completely correlated mixed fractional Brownian motion3
Moderate deviations for the current and tagged particle in symmetric simple exclusion processes3
RAP-modulated fluid processes: First passages and the stationary distribution3
The discrepancy between min–max statistics of Gaussian and Gaussian-subordinated matrices3
Editorial Board3
Asymptotics for push on the complete graph3
A stochastic calculus for Rosenblatt processes2
Quantitative fluctuation analysis of multiscale diffusion systems via Malliavin calculus2
Volterra equations driven by rough signals2
Site frequency spectrum of a rescued population under rare resistant mutations2
Editorial Board2
Linking the mixing times of random walks on static and dynamic random graphs2
On the identifiability of interaction functions in systems of interacting particles2
Approximation for the invariant measure with applications for jump processes (convergence in total variation distance)2
Strict inequality for bond percolation on a dilute lattice with columnar disorder2
Non-standard limits for a family of autoregressive stochastic sequences2
Editorial Board2
Editorial Board2
Local-density dependent Markov processes on graphons with epidemiological applications2
Strong solutions of forward–backward stochastic differential equations with measurable coefficients2
Heat kernel bounds and Ricci curvature for Lipschitz manifolds2
Quenched large deviations in renewal theory2
On properties of the spherical mixed vector p-spin model2
Monotone convex order for the McKean–Vlasov processes2
Persistence probabilities of weighted sums of stationary Gaussian sequences2
One-dimensional McKean–Vlasov stochastic variational inequalities and coupled BSDEs with locally Hölder noise coefficients2
A probabilistic approach to Neumann problems for elliptic PDEs with nonlinear divergence terms2
Stochastic MHD equations with fractional kinematic dissipation and partial magnetic diffusion in <2
The concentration of zero-noise limits of invariant measures for stochastic dynamical systems2
Editorial Board2
An averaging principle for slow–fast fractional stochastic parabolic equations on unbounded domains2
Asymptotic behaviour of ancestral lineages in subcritical continuous-state branching populations2
Stochastic Volterra equations with Hölder diffusion coefficients2
2D random magnetic Laplacian with white noise magnetic field2
Backward Itô–Ventzell and stochastic interpolation formulae2
General multilevel adaptations for stochastic approximation algorithms II: CLTs2
Editorial Board2
Bandit and covariate processes, with finite or non-denumerable set of arms2
The contact process on scale-free geometric random graphs2
Ergodicity of the infinite swapping algorithm at low temperature2
The shape of the value function under Poisson optimal stopping2
Fractional stable random fields on the Sierpiński gasket2
Asymptotics of the optimum in discrete sequential assignment2
Infinite dimensional Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes2
Construction and convergence results for stable webs2
An ergodic theorem with weights and applications to random measures, homogenization and hydrodynamics2
A series expansion formula of the scale matrix with applications in CUSUM analysis2
Itô’s formula for flows of measures on semimartingales2
Universality for random permutations and some other groups2
Discrete-time simulation of Stochastic Volterra equations2
Randomized multivariate Central Limit Theorems for ergodic homogeneous random fields2
Locally interacting diffusions as Markov random fields on path space2
Minimising the expected commute time2
Extensions of Bougerol’s identity in law and the associated anticipative path transformations2
Networks of reinforced stochastic processes: Probability of asymptotic polarization and related general results2
Berry–Esseen bounds and moderate deviations for random walks on G2
On the spectral gap in the Kac–Luttinger model and Bose–Einstein condensation2
Multi-dimensional normal approximation of heavy-tailed moving averages2
Hydrodynamics for the partial exclusion process in random environment2
Tails of bivariate stochastic recurrence equation with triangular matrices2
Mean number and correlation function of critical points of isotropic Gaussian fields and some results on GOE random matrices2
Strong Gaussian approximation for cumulative processes2
Emergence of interlacements from the finite volume Bose soup2
Change-level detection for Lévy subordinators2
An optimal stopping problem for spectrally negative Markov additive processes2
Fisher information bounds and applications to SDEs with small noise2
Backward stochastic differential equations with regime-switching and sublinear expectations2
Large deviations for Markov processes with switching and homogenisation via Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equations2
Critical Gaussian multiplicative chaos for singular measures2
Efficient integrated volatility estimation in the presence of infinite variation jumps via debiased truncated realized variations2
The importance Markov chain2
Divergence of an integral of a process with small ball estimate2
Drift estimation on non compact support for diffusion models2
Maximal moments and uniform modulus of continuity for stable random fields2
Averaging of semigroups associated to diffusion processes on a simplex2
SPDE bridges with observation noise and their spatial approximation1
A stochastic analysis of particle systems with pairing1
Weak well-posedness for a class of degenerate Lévy-driven SDEs with Hölder continuous coefficients1
Importance sampling for maxima on trees1
Asymptotic expansion of the quadratic variation of fractional stochastic differential equation1
A class of processes defined in the white noise space through generalized fractional operators1
The dual Derrida–Retaux conjecture1
Large deviations of p1
Fluctuations and moderate deviations for a catalytic Fleming–Viot branching system in nonequilibrium1
Sharp approximation and hitting times for stochastic invasion processes1