European Journal of Political Research

(The median citation count of European Journal of Political Research is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Political trust during the Covid‐19 pandemic: Rally around the flag or lockdown effects?172
How the coronavirus crisis affects citizen trust in institutions and in unknown others: Evidence from ‘the Swedish experiment’165
Between governance‐driven democratisation and democracy‐driven governance: Explaining changes in participatory governance in the case of Barcelona45
Multiple roots of the populist radical right: Support for the Dutch PVV in cities and the countryside37
Regional inequality and institutional trust in Europe35
The partisan nature of support for democratic backsliding: A comparative perspective35
Class and social policy in the knowledge economy35
From chasing populists to deconstructing populism: A new multidimensional approach to understanding and comparing populism29
Uncooperative society, uncooperative politics or both? Trust, polarization, populism and COVID‐19 deaths across European regions28
Bring in the experts? Citizen preferences for independent experts in political decision‐making processes26
Far‐right protest mobilisation in Europe: Grievances, opportunities and resources24
Emotions, governmental trust and support for the restriction of civil liberties during the covid‐19 pandemic24
Global warming and polarization. Wind turbines and the electoral success of the greens and the populist radical right23
Do citizens care about government debt? Evidence from survey experiments on budgetary priorities23
Why are the affluent better represented around the world?23
Contesting Covid: The ideological bases of partisan responses to the Covid‐19 pandemic22
Public opinion towards welfare state reform: The role of political trust and government satisfaction21
Technocratic attitudes in COVID‐19 times: Change and preference over types of experts21
Social status, political priorities and unequal representation20
Does counter‐mobilization contain right‐wing populist movements? Evidence from Germany19
Unpacking the politics of legislative debates19
Institutionalising participatory and deliberative procedures: The origins of the first permanent citizens’ assembly18
Redistribution attitudes and vote choice across the educational divide17
Explaining the immigration policy mix: Countries' relative openness to asylum and labour migration17
The electoral roots of unequal representation. A spatial modelling approach to party systems and voting in Western Europe14
The micro–macro interactive approach to political trust: Quality of representation and substantive representation across Europe14
Issue politicization and social class: How the electoral supply activates class divides in political preferences13
New institutional leadership goes viral EU crisis reforms and the coming about of the covid recovery fund13
‘Pinkwashing’ the radical‐right: Gender and the mainstreaming of radical‐right policies and actions13
The family policy positions of conservative parties: A farewell to the male‐breadwinner family model?12
Having a say or getting your way? Political choice and satisfaction with democracy12
Rallying in fear? Estimating the effect of the UK COVID‐19 lockdown with a natural experiment11
Do party supporters accept policy compromises in coalition governments?11
Ministerial policy dominance in parliamentary democracies11
Can the use of minipublics backfire? Examining how policy adoption shapes the effect of minipublics on political support among the general public11
Welfare state reforms and mass media attention: Evidence from three European democracies11
Political socialization, political gender gaps and the intergenerational transmission of left‐right ideology11
Agenda‐setting under pressure: Does domestic politics influence the European Commission?11
The pandemic and the question of national belonging: Exposure to covid‐19 threat and conceptions of nationhood11
Threat or corrective to democracy? The relationship between populism and different models of democracy11
The effect of women's parliamentary participation on renewable energy policy outcomes11
Organised interests in the media and policy congruence: The contingent impact of the status quo11
Voter expectations of government formation in coalition systems: The importance of the information context10
Subnational economic conditions and the changing geography of mass Euroscepticism: A longitudinal analysis10
Transformation of the political space: A citizens’ perspective10
Male MPs, electoral vulnerability and the substantive representation of women's interests10
Testing the input‐process‐output model of public participation10
Stability and change in political trust: Evidence and implications from six panel studies10
Public support for deliberative citizens' assemblies selected through sortition: Evidence from 15 countries9
How parties led by a woman redefine their positions: Empirical evidence for women's green, alternative and libertarian agenda9
A regional perspective to the study of affective polarization9
What's left after right‐wing extremism? The effects on political orientation9
Public support for state surveillance9
The legitimacy‐conferring capacity of constitutional courts: Evidence from a comparative survey experiment18
When democratic experience distorts democracy: Citizen reactions to undemocratic incumbent behaviour8
The electoral benefits of environmental position‐taking: Floods and electoral outcomes in England 2010–20198
Cabinet ministers and inequality8
Europe's migration crisis: Local contact and out‐group hostility8
The scope of exclusionary public response to the European refugee crisis8
Parties’ attack behaviour in parliaments: Who attacks whom and when7
Environmentalism as an independent dimension of political preferences7
Understanding unequal representation7
Immigration and the sociocultural divide in Central and Eastern Europe: Stasis or evolution?7
Blame shifting and blame obfuscation: The blame avoidance effects of delegation in the European Union7
It's about the type of career: The political ambition gender gap among youth wing members7
A nativist divide? Anti‐immigration attitudes and diffuse support for democracy in Western Europe7
Is ideological polarisation by age group growing in Europe?7
The party road to representation: Unequal responsiveness in party platforms6
The power of the loser: Evidence on an agenda‐setting model of opposition policy influence6
Voter turnout in direct democracy: A joint analysis of individual, referendum and community factors6
Mind the gap: How party–voter incongruence fuels the entry and support of new parties6
Populism's rise in post‐communist countries: Breaking electoral promises and incumbent left parties’ vote losses6
Investing in the knowledge economy: The comparative political economy of public investments in knowledge‐based capital6
Contextual welfare chauvinism: Left‐wing governments and immigrant welfare rights in Western Europe6
Interest group networks in the European Union6
Do politicians anticipate voter control? A comparative study of representatives’ accountability beliefs6
Majority representation and legitimacy: Survey‐experimental evidence from the European Union6
Blame games and democratic responsiveness6
Consequences of affective polarization: Avoidance, intolerance and support for violence in the United Kingdom and Norway5
It depends on personal networks: Feelings of stigmatisation among populist radical right party members5
When the chickens come home to roost: The long‐term impact of party positions on religious voting5
The gender divide in issue attention5
The consequences of repeatedly losing on legitimacy beliefs5
The transnational influence of natural disasters on environmental attitudes5
Government dominance and the role of opposition in parliamentary democracies5
Who talks about what? Issue strategies across the party hierarchy5
Reflective political reasoning: Political disagreement and empathy5
Explaining the ‘democratic malaise’ in unequal societies: Inequality, external efficacy and political trust5
Political tolerance in Europe: The role of conspiratorial thinking and cosmopolitanism5
Who cares about the public sphere?5
COVID‐19‐related anxieties do not decrease support for liberal democracy5
Political challengers and norm erosion in advanced democracies5
Do opportunistic snap elections affect political trust? Evidence from a natural experiment5
Is the left right? The creeping embourgeoisement of social democracy through homeownership5
The leadership dilemma: Examining the impact of strong leaders on parties5
Citizens and the state during crisis: Public authority, private behaviour and the Covid‐19 pandemic in France5
Citizen conceptions of democracy and support for artificial intelligence in government and politics5
International threats and support for European security and defence integration: Evidence from 25 countries5
The institutional and political roots of complex policies: Evidence from the European Union5
Voter preferences as a source of descriptive (mis)representation by social class5
The European refugee crisis and public support for the externalisation of migration management5
Why are the highly educated more sympathetic towards welfare recipients?4
The Berlin puzzle: Why European solidarity prevailed in the adoption of the Corona recovery fund4
Collaboration or competition? Experimental evidence for coalition heuristics4
Rule omission, rule migration and the limits of financial industry power4
Subjective losers of globalization4
Those were the what? Contents of nostalgia, relative deprivation and radical right support4
The people as ‘Volk’ or ‘Bürger’? The implications of ethnic and civic conceptions of the people for the measurement of populist attitudes4
Mainstream parties and global warming: What determines parties’ engagement in climate protection?4
Income changes do not influence political involvement in panel data from six countries4
Intergenerational social mobility and the Brexit vote: How social origins and destinations divide Britain4
Issue trade‐offs and the politics of representation: Experimental evidence from four European democracies4
Left behind: Voters’ reactions to local school and hospital closures4
Us versus them: Do the rules of the game encourage negative partisanship?4
Populism and intra‐party democracy4
Committee strength in parliamentary democracies: A new index4
Stagnating incomes and preferences for redistribution: The role of absolute and relative experiences4
Public support and advocacy success across the legislative process4
How do parties react to defections? Electoral strategies after a valence loss3
Carbon inequality and support for carbon taxation3
Punishing the pseudo‐opposition: Accountability under a minority government3
Does fiscal pressure constrain policy responsiveness? Evidence from Germany3
When does ideology matter? Party lists, personal attributes and the effect of ideology on intra‐party success3
How do executives communicate about crises? A framework for comparative analysis3
How one gesture curbed ethnic discrimination3
Unravelling the ‘devolution paradox’: Citizen preferences for self‐rule and for shared rule3
Territorial disputes and affective polarization3
Online versus offline: Exploring the link between how candidates campaign and how voters cast their ballot3
Corruption and support for decentralisation3
The place of political experience in lobbyist careers: Decisive, divergent or diverse?2
Agents of past principals: The lasting effects of incumbents on the political ideology of bureaucrats2
Financial regulatory conundrums in the North Atlantic2
The links between basic human values and political secularism: Evidence from Germany2
Do voters' biases impede future‐oriented policy‐making?2
Daring to fail: Input‐oriented voting under supranational policy constraints2
Who's to blame? How performance evaluation and partisanship influence responsibility attribution in grand coalition governments2
Reassessing the relationship between homophobia and political participation2
Issue framing, political identities, and public support for multilateral vaccine cooperation during Covid‐192
Age and support for public debt reduction2
Silent responsiveness: How public opinion affects party discourse on wedge issues2
Who won the election? Explaining news coverage of election results in multi‐party systems2
Bringing geography back in: Borderlands and public support for the European Union2
Adaptation or inflexibility? Niche party responsiveness to policy competition, with evidence from regionalist parties2
Voter responses to refugee arrivals: Effects of settlement policy2
A political Esperanto, or false friends? Left and right in different political contexts2
Class cleavage electoral structuring in Western Europe (1871–2020)2
The people versus the money: What drives interest group influence in the European Union?2
Populist radical right rhetoric increases discrimination towards minorities: Welfare ethnocentrism and anti‐Roma attitudes2
The political space in the European parliament: Measuring MEPs' preferences amid the rise of Euroscepticism2
Bounded solidarity? Experimental evidence on cross‐national bonding in the EU during the COVID crisis2
Mobilising support when the stakes are high: Mass emails affect constituent‐to‐legislator lobbying2
Legislated candidate quotas and women's descriptive representation in preferential voting systems2
The implications of cohabitation between working age children and parents for political opinions2
Party‐interest group ties: The resource exchange model revisited1
The determinants of the media coverage of politicians: The role of parliamentary activities1
Do parties matter for policy accumulation? An analysis of social policy portfolios in 22 countries1
Coalition bargaining time and governments’ policy‐making productivity1
Political narratives in representation: Maiden speeches of ethnic minority members of parliament1
Multilevel governance and women's legislative representation1
Do populist parties in government produce unconstitutional policies? Evidence from Austria, 1980–20211
The times they are a‐changin': An experimental assessment of the causes and consequences of sudden policy U‐turns1
Issue Information1
How much does issue salience matter? A model with applications to the UK elections1
Political mobilisation and socioeconomic inequality in policy congruence1
The politicisation of internet privacy regulation1
Denationalization and the recentring of political authority in multilevel governance1
International Monetary Fund programmes and the glass cliff effect1
Bureaucratic entrepreneurship and morality politics: Dividing lines within the state1
Issue Information1
Duty calls but not for all: The policy involvement of cabinet ministers during crisis1
Patterns of democracy and democratic satisfaction: Results from a comparative conjoint experiment1
Long‐term income trajectories and the evolution of political attitudes1
Everyone will know someone who died of Corona: Government threat language during the COVID‐19 pandemic1
Preferences for growth strategies in advanced democracies: A new ‘representation gap’?1
Candidate evaluations across the aisle: Cross‐cultural evidence that out‐partisans value candidate warmth more than in‐partisans1
Treaty obligations and support for collective defence: Evidence from Italy after the invasion of Ukraine1
Sweet victory, bitter defeat: The amplifying effects of affective and perceived ideological polarization on the winner–loser gap in political support1
Populism in the eye of the beholder? A conjoint experiment on citizens’ identification of populists1
The politics of distributing blame and credit: Evidence from a survey experiment with Norwegian local politicians1
Still proud at the polls? LGBT+ rights don't dilute the sexuality turnout gap1
Populist parties and the two‐dimensional policy space1
Mistakenly misinformed or intentionally deceived? Mis‐ and Disinformation perceptions on the Russian War in Ukraine among citizens in 19 countries1
Where has everyone gone? Depopulation and voting behaviour in Spain1
The electoral risks of austerity1
Should we include margins of error in public opinion polls?1
Voting for bureaucracy? Contestation, suffrage and meritocracy1
With a little help from my friends? The impact of social networks on citizens' forecasting ability1