Journal of Econometrics

(The H4-Index of Journal of Econometrics is 31. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Editorial Board3153
Editorial Board3089
On uniform inference in nonlinear models with endogeneity1968
Is Newey–West optimal among first-order kernels?470
Editorial Board327
Robust inference of panel data models with interactive fixed effects under long memory: A frequency domain approach225
Realized matrix-exponential stochastic volatility with asymmetry, long memory and higher-moment spillovers163
The determinants of displaced workers’ wages: Sorting, matching, selection, and the Hartz reforms102
Identification of semiparametric model coefficients, with an application to collective households78
A computational approach to identification of treatment effects for policy evaluation63
The variance of regression coefficients when the population is finite59
On model selection criteria for climate change impact studies53
Asymptotic properties of Bayesian inference in linear regression with a structural break52
The law of large numbers for large stable matchings52
Estimation and inference of seller’s expected revenue in first-price auctions48
Identification of dynamic games with unobserved heterogeneity and multiple equilibria48
Wild bootstrap inference for instrumental variables regressions with weak and few clusters48
Second-order corrected likelihood for nonlinear panel models with fixed effects48
Detecting granular time series in large panels44
Testing heterogeneous treatment effect with quantile regression under covariate-adaptive randomization41
News-implied linkages and local dependency in the equity market38
Probabilistic prediction for binary treatment choice: With focus on personalized medicine38
Robust realized integrated beta estimator with application to dynamic analysis of integrated beta35
Indirect inference estimation of dynamic panel data models35
Treatment recommendation with distributional targets35
Testing high-dimensional covariance matrices under the elliptical distribution and beyond34
Time-varying unobserved heterogeneity in earnings shocks34
Editorial Board33
Two-step estimation of censored quantile regression for duration models with time-varying regressors33
One-way or two-way factor model for matrix sequences?33
Real-time Bayesian learning and bond return predictability32
Fast inference for quantile regression with tens of millions of observations31