
(The H4-Index of Ultramicroscopy is 19. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Event driven 4D STEM acquisition with a Timepix3 detector: Microsecond dwell time and faster scans for high precision and low dose applications43
Adaptive domain misorientation approach for the EBSD measurement of deformation induced dislocation sub-structures42
Contrast transfer and noise considerations in focused-probe electron ptychography36
Reducing electron beam damage through alternative STEM scanning strategies, Part I: Experimental findings27
3D electron backscatter diffraction study of α lath morphology in additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V27
Dose measurement in the TEM and STEM25
Spectral DQE of the Volta phase plate23
Fast versus conventional HAADF-STEM tomography of nanoparticles: advantages and challenges22
Electron backscattered diffraction using a new monolithic direct detector: High resolution and fast acquisition21
Training artificial neural networks for precision orientation and strain mapping using 4D electron diffraction datasets21
Imaging biological macromolecules in thick specimens: The role of inelastic scattering in cryoEM21
Ultra-high contrast STEM imaging for segmented/pixelated detectors by maximizing the signal-to-noise ratio20
Free, flexible and fast: Orientation mapping using the multi-core and GPU-accelerated template matching capabilities in the Python-based open source 4D-STEM analysis toolbox Pyxem20
Denoising atomic resolution 4D scanning transmission electron microscopy data with tensor singular value decomposition20
Deep learning for scanning electron microscopy: Synthetic data for the nanoparticles detection20
Orientation mapping of graphene using 4D STEM-in-SEM20
Micrograph contrast in low-voltage SEM and cryo-SEM20
Sub-pixel electron detection using a convolutional neural network19
Lattice resolution of vibrational modes in the electron microscope19