Theoretical Computer Science

(The TQCC of Theoretical Computer Science is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Efficient card-based zero-knowledge proof for Sudoku53
How to construct physical zero-knowledge proofs for puzzles with a “single loop” condition34
An analysis of architecture, framework, security and challenging aspects for data aggregation and routing techniques in IoT WSNs31
Physical zero-knowledge proof for Ripple Effect28
Securely computing the n-variable equality function with 2n cards26
Optimizing hybrid metaheuristic algorithm with cluster head to improve performance metrics on the IoT25
Community-based rumor blocking maximization in social networks: Algorithms and analysis25
Deep learning and natural language processing in computation for offensive language detection in online social networks by feature selection and ensemble classification techniques25
Structure connectivity and substructure connectivity of wheel networks23
Card-based protocols for secure ranking computations23
Maximum Nash welfare and other stories about EFX23
Spiking neural P systems with target indications23
Relationship between extra edge connectivity and component edge connectivity for regular graphs22
Identity-based encryption with equality test and datestamp-based authorization mechanism21
When hypermutations and ageing enable artificial immune systems to outperform evolutionary algorithms21
Multiple birds with one stone: Beating 1/2 for EFX and GMMS via envy cycle elimination20
Fault-tolerant complete visibility for asynchronous robots with lights under one-axis agreement19
Almost envy-freeness in group resource allocation19
Design and analysis of diversity-based parent selection schemes for speeding up evolutionary multi-objective optimisation18
A Secure Energy Aware Meta-Heuristic Routing Protocol (SEAMHR) for sustainable IoT-Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)18
Fault diagnosability of Bicube networks under the PMC diagnostic model17
Quality gain analysis of the weighted recombination evolution strategy on general convex quadratic functions17
Collusion-resistant identity-based Proxy Re-encryption: Lattice-based constructions in Standard Model17
Continuous leakage-resilient certificate-based signcryption scheme and application in cloud computing16
An anomaly-based intrusion detection system using recursive feature elimination technique for improved attack detection16
Arbitrary pattern formation by asynchronous opaque robots with lights16
On cherry-picking and network containment16
Structure and substructure connectivity of divide-and-swap cube16
The component (edge) connectivity of shuffle-cubes15
Beyond pointwise submodularity: Non-monotone adaptive submodular maximization in linear time14
Lower bounds on the run time of the Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm on OneMax14
A proof system for disjoint parallel quantum programs14
A combinatorial view on string attractors14
Dynamical behavior of additive cellular automata over finite abelian groups13
Rumor correction maximization problem in social networks13
Byzantine-tolerant causal broadcast13
Hardness results for three kinds of colored connections of graphs13
The h-restricted connectivity of the generalized hypercubes13
Enumeration of subtrees and BC-subtrees with maximum degree no more than k in trees13
Facility location games with optional preference12
DESN: An unsupervised MR image denoising network with deep image prior12
On the performance of learned data structures12
Gathering robots in graphs: The central role of synchronicity12
A code-based signature scheme from the Lyubashevsky framework12
Component conditional fault tolerance of hierarchical folded cubic networks12
Approximation algorithms for the minimum power cover problem with submodular/linear penalties12
A constrained two-stage submodular maximization12
Improved lower bounds for the radio number of trees12
Causality analysis and fault ascription in component-based systems12
Analysis of the (1 + 1) EA on subclasses of linear functions under uniform and linear constraints12
Embedded connectivity of ternary n-cubes12
How majority-vote crossover and estimation-of-distribution algorithms cope with fitness valleys11
NextPriorityConcept: A new and generic algorithm computing concepts from complex and heterogeneous data11
Fast algorithms for single and multiple pattern Cartesian tree matching11
Constructing dual-CISTs of folded divide-and-swap cubes11
Connectivity and super connectivity of the divide-and-swap cube11
Edge-fault-tolerant strong Menger edge connectivity on regular graphs11
Stagnation detection meets fast mutation11
Measuring diversity in heterogeneous information networks11
Speeding up the AIFV-2 dynamic programs by two orders of magnitude using Range Minimum Queries11
Minimum power partial multi-cover on a line11
The 4-set tree connectivity of (n,k)-star networks11
Super fault-tolerance assessment of locally twisted cubes based on the structure connectivity11
Attribute-based proxy re-encryption from standard lattices11
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease prediction using Internet of things-spiro system and fuzzy-based quantum neural network classifier10
Optimizing flight trajectory of UAV for efficient data collection in wireless sensor networks10
Analysis on methods to effectively improve transfer learning performance10
Small SNQ P Systems with multiple types of spikes10
Exponential slowdown for larger populations: The (μ + 1)-EA on monotone functions10
Reversible computing from a programming language perspective10
The generalized 3-connectivity of two kinds of regular networks10
The reliability analysis of k-ary n-cube networks10
A logical and graphical framework for reaction systems10
Speech enhancement with noise estimation and filtration using deep learning models10
A note of vertex arboricity of planar graphs without 4-cycles intersecting with 6-cycles10
An approximation algorithm for General Energy Restricted Sweep Coverage problem10
Structure fault tolerance of balanced hypercubes10
Generalized abstraction-refinement for game-based CTL lifted model checking9
Investigation of E-voting system using face recognition using convolutional neural network (CNN)9
Joint realizability of monotone Boolean functions9
Local certification of graphs on surfaces9
The complexity of dependency detection and discovery in relational databases9
Formal verification of parallel prefix sum and stream compaction algorithms in CUDA9
Extended partial key exposure attacks on RSA: Improvement up to full size decryption exponents9
k-Critical graphs in P5-free graphs9
A simplified run time analysis of the univariate marginal distribution algorithm on LeadingOnes9
Stable matching with uncertain pairwise preferences9
Energy efficiency optimization for multiple chargers in Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks9
Conditional diagnosability of Cayley graphs generated by wheel graphs under the PMC model9
Multistage graph problems on a global budget9
Complexity of modification problems for best match graphs9
Reliability and hybrid diagnosis of exchanged hypercube9
Modelling of oppositional Aquila Optimizer with machine learning enabled secure access control in Internet of drones environment8
On the g-extra diagnosability of enhanced hypercubes8
Novel algorithms for maximum DS decomposition8
influence: A partizan scoring game on graphs8
Optimal radio labellings of block graphs and line graphs of trees8
Constrained synchronization and commutativity8
Running time analysis of the (1+1)-EA for robust linear optimization8
Group sweep coverage with guaranteed approximation ratio8
Quantum algorithm for the multicollision problem8
Delivery Route Optimization with automated vehicle in smart urban environment8
Unified graphical co-modeling, analysis and verification of cyber-physical systems by combining AADL and Simulink/Stateflow8
Encoding Boolean networks into reaction systems for investigating causal dependencies in gene regulation8
Generalised information systems capture L-domains8
Note on R-conditional diagnosability of hypercube8
Time-free cell-like P systems with multiple promoters/inhibitors8
A new quantum random number generator certified by value indefiniteness8
An improved ranking methodology for malignant carcinoma in multicriterian decision making using hesitant VIKOR fuzzy8
Recognizing the tractability in big data computing8
Solving hard stable matching problems involving groups of similar agents8
Blocking total dominating sets via edge contractions8
Maximize a monotone function with a generic submodularity ratio8
Time sensitive sweep coverage with minimum UAVs7
Arbitrary pattern formation on infinite regular tessellation graphs7
Exponential upper bounds for the runtime of randomized search heuristics7
Variety of mutual-visibility problems in graphs7
Subnetwork reliability analysis of bubble-sort graph networks7
Cryptanalysis of the RSA variant based on cubic Pell equation7
Maximum star deleted from Ramsey graphs of book and tree7
Sequential reprogramming of biological network fate7
Survivability development of wireless sensor networks using neuro fuzzy-clonal selection optimization7
Bandwidth-efficient threshold EC-DSA revisited: Online/offline extensions, identifiable aborts proactive and adaptive security7
Towards more efficient methods for solving regular-expression heavy string constraints7
Bicriteria algorithms to balance coverage and cost in team formation under online model7
Matching influence maximization in social networks7
A study on the effects of normalized TSP features for automated algorithm selection7
A hierarchy of local decision7
Model independent approach to probabilistic models7
M UFLP: Universal facility location problem in the p-th power of metric space7
Eccentricity function in distance-hereditary graphs7
Efficient scheduling of a mobile charger in large-scale sensor networks7
The component connectivity, component diagnosability, and t/k-diagnosability of Bicube networks7
The vertex-pancyclicity of data center networks7
Exploring the gap between treedepth and vertex cover through vertex integrity7
Computational power of dynamic threshold neural P systems for generating string languages7
Single- and multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for the knapsack problem with dynamically changing constraints7
A trusted effective approach for forecasting the failure of data link and intrusion in wireless sensor networks7
Computational power of sequential dendrite P systems7
New bounds for energy complexity of Boolean functions7
Simultaneous FPQ-ordering and hybrid planarity testing7
Universal product learning with errors: A new variant of LWE for lattice-based cryptography7
Tightly secure inner product functional encryption: Multi-input and function-hiding constructions7
Tight security for the generic construction of identity-based signature (in the multi-instance setting)7
Faster balanced clusterings in high dimension7
A post-quantum hybrid encryption based on QC-LDPC codes in the multi-user setting7
Control languages accepted by labeled spiking neural P systems with rules on synapses7
The t/s-diagnosability and t/s-diagnosis algorithm of folded hypercube under the PMC/MM* model7
Online presentations of finitely generated structures7
Absolutely no free lunches!7
Physarum-inspired multi-commodity flow dynamics7
Operator precedence temporal logic and model checking6
Computing longest palindromic substring after single-character or block-wise edits6
Being a permutation is also orthogonal to one-wayness in quantum world: Impossibilities of quantum one-way permutations from one-wayness primitives6
On parameterized algorithms for fixed-order book thickness with respect to the pathwidth of the vertex ordering6
On the complexity of solution extension of optimization problems6
Finding Cheeger cuts in hypergraphs via heat equation6
Modified Schelling games6
A fixed point theorem in rough semi-linear uniform spaces6
Representable Markov categories and comparison of statistical experiments in categorical probability6
Exact algorithms for the repetition-bounded longest common subsequence problem6
Identity-based encryption with security against the KGC: A formal model and its instantiations6
Two-way and one-way quantum and classical automata with advice for online minimization problems6
Tight FPT approximation for constrained k-center and k-supplier6
Constant-size CCA-secure multi-hop unidirectional proxy re-encryption from indistinguishability obfuscation6
Reliability assessment of the divide-and-swap cube in terms of generalized connectivity6
Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms are generally good: Maximizing monotone submodular functions over sequences6
Multi-attribute based influence maximization in social networks: Algorithms and analysis6
Monotone k-submodular secretary problems: Cardinality and knapsack constraints6
On approximation algorithm for the edge metric dimension problem6
New results for the k-secretary problem6
Multiple facility location games with envy ratio6
The diagnosability of Möbius cubes for the g-extra condition6
The unpaired many-to-many k-disjoint paths in bipartite hypercube-like networks6
Chosen-ciphertext lattice-based public key encryption with equality test in standard model6
Model checking QCTL plus on quantum Markov chains6
Constructing dual-CISTs with short diameters using a generic adjustment scheme on bicubes6
On the steady state analysis of covariance matrix self-adaptation evolution strategies on the noisy ellipsoid model6
Fixed-parameter tractable algorithms for Tracking Shortest Paths6
Rewriting theory for the life sciences: A unifying theory of CTMC semantics6
On dispersable book embeddings6
Disjoint paths and connected subgraphs for H-free graphs6
A unique secure multimodal biometrics-based user anonymous authenticated key management protocol (SMUAAKAP) based on block chain mechanism for generic HIoTNs6
Embedding algorithm of spined cube into grid structure and its wirelength computation6
Multidimensional data organization and random access in large-scale DNA storage systems6
Uncertainty representation in dynamical systems using rough set theory6
Identity-based authenticated encryption with identity confidentiality6
Kindergarden quantum mechanics graduates ...or how I learned to stop gluing LEGO together and love the ZX-calculus6
Extremal set theory and LWE based access structure hiding verifiable secret sharing with malicious-majority and free verification6
Cryptographic reverse firewalls for interactive proof systems6
Computing a longest common almost-increasing subsequence of two sequences6
Parameterized algorithms and kernels for almost induced matching6
The perfect matching cut problem revisited6
Approximation algorithms for the dynamic k-level facility location problems6
Differential logical relations, part II increments and derivatives6
Reallocating multiple facilities on the line6
Determinisability of unary weighted automata over the rational numbers6
Puncturable identity-based and attribute-based encryption from lattices6
Concentration of rainbow k-connectivity of a multiplex random graph6
Polynomial kernels for hitting forbidden minors under structural parameterizations6
Finding patterns and periods in Cartesian tree matching6
Almost fully anonymous attribute-based group signatures with verifier-local revocation and member registration from lattice assumptions6
A topological perspective on distributed network algorithms6
Physical ZKP protocols for Nurimisaki and Kurodoko6
Power, positive closure, and quotients on convex languages6
Lattice-based public-key encryption with equality test supporting flexible authorization in standard model6
Complexity and approximability of the happy set problem5
Online parameterized dictionary matching with one gap5
Generating, computing and recognizing with virus machines5
Recognizing DAGs with page-number 2 is NP-complete5
On the longest common prefix of suffixes in an inverse Lyndon factorization and other properties5
Spectral concepts in genome informational analysis5
Polynomial kernels for paw-free edge modification problems5
An optimal online algorithm for single-processor scheduling problem with learning effect5
Reliability analysis of the generalized balanced hypercube5
k-Circle formation by disoriented asynchronous robots5
Improved Budgeted Connected Domination and Budgeted Edge-Vertex Domination5
Conditional probability logic, lifted Bayesian networks, and almost sure quantifier elimination5
Hybrid fault-tolerant prescribed hyper-hamiltonian laceability of hypercubes5
A process algebraic approach to reaction systems5
On the complexity of minimum maximal uniquely restricted matching5
QUBO formulations of the longest path problem5
h-extra r-component connectivity of interconnection networks with application to hypercubes5
Collaborative coalitions-based joint service caching and task offloading for edge networks5
A refinement on the structure of vertex-critical (P5, gem)-free graphs5
Complexity assessments for decidable fragments of set theory. II: A taxonomy for ‘small’ languages involving membership5
Optimal dispersion on an anonymous ring in the presence of weak Byzantine robots5
Step-by-step community detection in volume-regular graphs5
Injective coloring of planar graphs5
The longest cycle problem is polynomial on interval graphs5
The R-conditional diagnosability of international networks5
Privacy-preserving file sharing on cloud storage with certificateless signcryption5
Experimental evaluation of algorithms for computing quasiperiods5
Efficient decision procedure for propositional projection temporal logic5
Connectivity and constructive algorithms of disjoint paths in dragonfly networks5
Satisfiability threshold for power law random 2-SAT in configuration model5
Approximation algorithms for spherical k-means problem using local search scheme5
Secure connected domination and secure total domination in unit disk graphs and rectangle graphs5
A substructure based lower bound for eternal vertex cover number5
Alternation in two-way finite automata5
On invertible and stably reversible non-uniform cellular automata5
Profit maximization for competitive social advertising5
Approximation algorithms for fuzzy C-means problem based on seeding method5
A Wiener-type attack on an RSA-like cryptosystem constructed from cubic Pell equations5
On coresets for support vector machines5
Component edge connectivity of hypercube-like networks5
Computing a metric basis of a bipartite distance-hereditary graph5
Tracking routes in communication networks5
Two-machine open shop problem with a single server and set-up time considerations5
On the complexity of matching cut for graphs of bounded radius and H-free graphs5