Theoretical Computer Science

(The median citation count of Theoretical Computer Science is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Editorial Board34
Untangling temporal graphs of bounded degree31
Distributed approximation for f-matching28
Greedy algorithm for maximization of semi-monotone non-submodular functions with applications26
Privacy-preserving file sharing on cloud storage with certificateless signcryption26
Factorisation in the semiring of finite dynamical systems26
Complexity of modification problems for best match graphs25
A generalization of properly colored paths and cycles in edge-colored graphs23
A secure hierarchical deterministic wallet with stealth address from lattices23
Checked corecursive streams: Expressivity and completeness21
On coresets for support vector machines18
The exponential-time hypothesis and the relative complexity of optimization and logical reasoning problems17
The longest cycle problem is polynomial on interval graphs17
A process calculus approach to detection and mitigation of PLC malware16
Dynamic threshold P systems with delay on synapses for shortest path problems16
Arbitrary pattern formation on infinite regular tessellation graphs16
Polymorphic higher-order context-free session types14
Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms are generally good: Maximizing monotone submodular functions over sequences14
Two-machine open shop problem with a single server and set-up time considerations13
Self-assembly of and optimal encoding within thin rectangles at temperature-1 in 3D13
Rapid left expansivity, a commonality between Wolfram's Rule 30 and powers of p/q13
The Steiner k-eccentricity on trees12
Optimally integrating ad auction into e-commerce platforms12
Exponential slowdown for larger populations: The (μ + 1)-EA on monotone functions12
Biometric-based two-factor authentication scheme under database leakage12
Overlapping edge unfoldings for convex regular-faced polyhedra12
Authentication of fragments with short tags12
Synthesising elementary net systems with localities11
Small SNQ P Systems with multiple types of spikes11
The diameter of rectangular twisted torus11
On the parametrized complexity of read-once refutations in UTVPI+ constraint systems11
Not all strangers are the same: The impact of tolerance in Schelling games11
Temporal logic specification mining of programs11
The parameterized complexity of welfare guarantees in Schelling segregation11
Ordered scheduling in control-flow distributed transactional memory10
Editorial Board10
Integer k-matching preclusion of some interconnection networks10
Editorial Board10
How real is incomputability in physics?10
Categorical specification and implementation of Replicated Data Types10
First-order logic axiomatization of metric graph theory10
Improvements in the computing efficiency of the probabilities of the LIL test for the PRNG evaluation10
Rational power series in several noncommuting variables and the Skolem–Mahler–Lech theorem10
Wildcarded identity-based encryption from lattices10
Decidability and k-regular sequences9
Molecular pattern formation on grids in the Moblot model9
A tighter proof for CCA secure inner product functional encryption: Genericity meets efficiency9
On the power of threshold-based algorithms for detecting cycles in the CONGEST model9
New (k,l,m)-verifiable multi-secret sharing schemes based on XTR public key system9
A data structure for substring-substring LCS length queries9
Partial sums on the ultra-wide word RAM9
Complexity and algorithms for neighbor-sum-2-distinguishing {1,3}-edge-weighting of graphs9
A Petri net view of covalent bonds9
Computing the hull and interval numbers in the weakly toll convexity9
Approximation by lexicographically maximal solutions in matching and matroid intersection problems8
On geometric shape construction via growth operations8
Editorial Board8
Inductive definitions in logic versus programs of real-time cellular automata8
Computable subcontinua of semicomputable chainable Hausdorff continua8
Approximation algorithms for sorting by bounded singleton moves8
Editorial Board8
Weighted 2-sections and hypergraph reconstruction8
Finite and infinite closed-rich words8
Finding the edges in optimal Hamiltonian cycles based on frequency quadrilaterals8
Approximation algorithms for fair k-median problem without fairness violation8
A unique extension of rich words8
Editorial Board8
On efficiency of notations for natural numbers8
Deterministic rendezvous in infinite trees8
Distributed distance domination in graphs with no K2,-minor8
Colourful components in k-caterpillars and planar graphs8
Editorial Board8
An optimal algorithm for 2-bounded delay buffer management with lookahead8
Behavioural logics for configuration structures8
On knot-free vertex deletion: Fine-grained parameterized complexity analysis of a deadlock resolution graph problem8
On the effects of hierarchical self-assembly for reducing program-size complexity7
Bi-immunity over different size alphabets7
Reconstructing parameterized strings from parameterized suffix and LCP arrays7
Massively parallel and streaming algorithms for balanced clustering7
Improved algorithms for the general exact satisfiability problem7
Improved upper bound for sorting permutations by prefix transpositions7
A skin microbiome model with AMP interactions and analysis of quasi-stability vs stability in population dynamics7
On ordering of β-description trees7
Cops and Robber on some families of oriented graphs7
Maximal degenerate palindromes with gaps and mismatches7
Kindergarden quantum mechanics graduates ...or how I learned to stop gluing LEGO together and love the ZX-calculus7
Revisiting maximum satisfiability and related problems in data streams7
On doubly symmetric Dyck words7
Algorithms for energy conservation in heterogeneous data centers7
Bipartite instances of INFLUENCE7
Hybrid fault-tolerant prescribed hyper-hamiltonian laceability of hypercubes7
Homomorphisms and inverse homomorphisms on graph-walking automata7
An approximation algorithm for diversity-aware fair k-supplier problem7
Call admission problems on grids with advice6
Editorial Board6
Editorial Board6
Finding dominating induced matchings in P10-free graphs in polynomial time6
Which is the fairest allocation in the max-min fairness-based coalitional game?6
Self-stabilizing indulgent zero-degrading binary consensus6
Dispersing and grouping points on planar segments6
Query-based selection of optimal candidates under the Mallows model6
One-visibility cops and robber on trees6
The intersection of 3-maximal submonoids6
CCA-security from adaptive all-but-one lossy trapdoor functions6
Editorial Board6
On distributability6
Monotone k-submodular secretary problems: Cardinality and knapsack constraints6
Editorial Board6
Editorial Board6
Sequentialization and procedural complexity in automata networks6
The Small Set Vertex Expansion Problem6
Sampling polynomial trajectories for LTL verification6
On prefix palindromic length of automatic words6
Online learning of smooth functions6
Computing a metric basis of a bipartite distance-hereditary graph6
Fault-tolerant distance labeling for planar graphs6
Fixed-parameter tractability for the Tree Assembly problem6
Complexity issues for timeline-based planning over dense time under future and minimal semantics6
A characterization of 2-threshold functions via pairs of prime segments6
Editorial Board6
From decidability to undecidability by considering regular sets of instances6
On the parameterized complexity of the synthesis of Boolean nets with restricted place environments6
Editorial Board6
Graph clustering via generalized colorings6
Diagnosability of multigraph composition networks6
PPAD-complete approximate pure Nash equilibria in Lipschitz games6
Generation matrix: An embeddable matrix representation for hierarchical trees6
Deciding whether four perfect matchings can cover the edges of a snark is NP-complete6
Editorial Board6
Abstract geometrical computation 11: Slanted firing squad synchronisation on signal machines6
Simple algorithms for partial and simultaneous rectangular duals with given contact orientations6
Editorial Board5
From semantics to types: The case of the imperative λ-calculus5
A generalization of a theorem of Rothschild and van Lint5
A relaxed condition for avoiding the occur-check5
Twin-distance-hereditary digraphs5
Editorial Board5
Editorial Board5
Reconfiguration of connected graph partitions via recombination5
Secret sharing schemes for infinite sets of participants: A new design technique5
Colouring graphs with no induced six-vertex path or diamond5
Editorial Board5
Improved exploration of unknown polygons5
Computational complexity aspects of super domination5
A new lattice-based online/offline signatures framework for low-power devices5
An array P system based on a new variant of pure 2D context-free grammars5
Degree-anonymization using edge rotations5
Editorial Board5
CPA/CCA2-secure PKE with squared-exponential DFR from low-noise LPN5
Frontiers of Computability, Randomness, and Complexity (dedicated to the 70th birthday of Professor Cristian Calude)5
Syntactic view of sigma-tau generation of permutations5
The road problem and homomorphisms of directed graphs5
The partial diagnosability of interconnection networks under the Hybrid PMC model5
A 5k-vertex kernel for 3-path vertex cover5
Machines that perform measurements5
Online algorithms for BP functions maximization5
The influence of maximum (s,t)-cuts on the competitiveness of deterministic strategies for the Canadian Traveller Problem5
The assignment problem5
Simultaneous FPQ-ordering and hybrid planarity testing5
Sorting by prefix block-interchanges5
Push-forward method for piecewise deterministic biochemical simulations5
Editorial Board5
Editorial Board5
A new dynamic programming algorithm for the simplified partial digest problem5
Variety of mutual-visibility problems in graphs5
Quantitative estimates for the size of an intersection of sparse automatic sets5
Recoloring subgraphs of K2 for sports scheduling5
State complexity of finite partial languages5
On the parameterized complexity of the acyclic matching problem5
On the solution bound of two-sided scaffold filling5
Cellular automata and bootstrap percolation5
Enumeration of irredundant forests5
Complexity and approximability of Minimum Path-Collection Exact Covers5
Sublinear P system solutions to NP-complete problems5
Structural parameterizations of budgeted graph coloring5
Parameterized complexity of perfectly matched sets5
Guest editorial: Structural Information and Communication Complexity 20215
Nonuniform SINR+Voronoi diagrams are effectively uniform5
The family of generalized variational network of cube-connected cycles4
Joint realizability of monotone Boolean functions4
Unique key Horn functions4
The longest almost increasing subsequence problem with sliding windows4
Finer-grained reductions in fine-grained hardness of approximation4
Streaming adaptive submodular maximization4
Adaptively code-correlation robustness functions and its applications to private set intersection4
Web of things based social media fake news classification with feature extraction using pre-trained convoluted recurrent network with deep fuzzy learning4
Extricating web pages from deep web using deaima architecture4
Complexity and bounds for disjunctive total bondage4
Editorial Board4
A compositional view of derivations as interactive processes with applications to regulated and distributed rewriting4
Discovering and certifying lower bounds for the online bin stretching problem4
Decision problems and projection languages for restricted variants of two-dimensional automata4
Information disclosure in the framework of Kolmogorov complexity4
Approximation algorithms for fuzzy C-means problem based on seeding method4
A hierarchy of local decision4
Sample complexity of hidden subgroup problem4
The cardinality constrained inverse center location problems on tree networks with edge length augmentation4
A linear time algorithm for connected p-centdian problem on block graphs4
The diagnosability of wheel networks with the condition: 2-extra4
Hamiltonian cycles of balanced hypercube with more faulty edges4
The structural complexity landscape of finding balance-fair shortest paths4
New results on multi-level aggregation4
On the advice complexity of the online dominating set problem4
Truncating abstraction of bit-vector operations for BDD-based SMT solvers4
Computational power of sequential dendrite P systems4
Distributed coloring and the local structure of unit-disk graphs4
Towards composable computations by RNA co-transcriptional folding: A proof-of-concept demonstration of nested loops in oritatami4
Grid exploration by a swarm of autonomous robots with minimum repetitions4
Digital misinformation and fake news detection using WoT integration with Asian social networks fusion based feature extraction with text and image classification by machine learning architectures4
Computing the longest common almost-increasing subsequence4
Attractor separation and signed cycles in asynchronous Boolean networks4
Editorial: Special issue on Algorithms and Computation4
Relationships between bounded languages, counter machines, finite-index grammars, ambiguity, and commutative regularity4
Scheduling games with machine-dependent priority lists4
Editorial Board4
Performance analysis of distance-1 distributed algorithms for admission control under the 2-hop interference model4
Reliability measure of the n-th cartesian product of complete graph K4 on h-extra edge-connectivity4
Embedded connectivity of ternary n-cubes4
A parametric worst-case approach to fairness in cooperative games with transferable utility4
Editorial Board4
An improved lower bound for competitive graph exploration4
I/O-efficient data structures for non-overlapping indexing4
Independent perfect dominating sets in semi-Cayley graphs4
Automata for solid codes4
Complexity of paired domination in AT-free and planar graphs4
Nimber-preserving reduction: Game secrets and homomorphic Sprague-Grundy theorem4
Towards strong regret minimization sets: Balancing freshness and diversity in data selection4
On the approximability of robust network design4
Editorial Board4
Power, positive closure, and quotients on convex languages4
Editorial Board4
On recognising words that are squares for the shuffle product4
Editorial Board4
Monotonic self-stabilization and its application to robust and adaptive pattern formation4
Editorial Board4
Gaussian downlink user selection subject to access limit, power budget, and rate demands4
On the binary digits of n and n24
Improved Budgeted Connected Domination and Budgeted Edge-Vertex Domination4
On balanced and abelian properties of circular words over a ternary alphabet4
Hardness and approximation for the star p-Hub Routing Cost Problem in metric graphs4
Algorithm and hardness results in double Roman domination of graphs4
Remarks on external contextual grammars with selection4
Palindromic length and reduction of powers4
Further construction of even-variable balanced rotation symmetric Boolean functions with optimal algebraic immunity4
Three remarks on W graphs4