Journal of Monetary Economics

(The median citation count of Journal of Monetary Economics is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Measuring the effects of federal reserve forward guidance and asset purchases on financial markets242
Monetary policy uncertainty197
Financial fragility in the COVID-19 crisis: The case of investment funds in corporate bond markets154
Designing central bank digital currencies133
The making of hawks and doves100
Innovation, automation, and inequality: Policy challenges in the race against the machine96
A unified measure of Fed monetary policy shocks95
Evaluating Central Banks’ tool kit: Past, present, and future93
Delphic and odyssean monetary policy shocks: Evidence from the euro area86
Central bank digital currency in an open economy78
The real effects of the bank lending channel77
The propagation of monetary policy shocks in a heterogeneous production economy75
News-driven inflation expectations and information rigidities73
Some unpleasant markup arithmetic: Production function elasticities and their estimation from production data72
Central bank communication that works: Lessons from lab experiments72
Banks’ exposure to interest rate risk and the transmission of monetary policy68
Finance and productivity growth: Firm-level evidence67
Does a big bazooka matter? Quantitative easing policies and exchange rates61
The effects of a money-financed fiscal stimulus61
Government consumption and investment: Does the composition of purchases affect the multiplier?56
State-level economic policy uncertainty52
Managing self-organization of expectations through monetary policy: A macro experiment51
Deep learning for solving dynamic economic models.51
The Treasury Market in Spring 2020 and the Response of the Federal Reserve50
Austerity in the aftermath of the great recession47
Taylor rule estimation by OLS47
Distinguishing constraints on financial inclusion and their impact on GDP, TFP, and the distribution of income47
Business complexity and risk management: Evidence from operational risk events in U.S. bank holding companies45
News and uncertainty about COVID-19: Survey evidence and short-run economic impact45
Inflation expectations, consumption and the lower bound: Micro evidence from a large multi-country survey45
Backtesting global Growth-at-Risk44
Kaldor and Piketty’s facts: The rise of monopoly power in the United States43
Central banking challenges posed by uncertain climate change and natural disasters41
No firm is an island? How industry conditions shape firms’ expectations40
The price of residential land for counties, ZIP codes, and census tracts in the United States40
Fifty shades of QE: Comparing findings of central bankers and academics38
Bank capital in the short and in the long run38
Structural scenario analysis with SVARs38
Workers, capitalists, and the government: fiscal policy and income (re)distribution38
Expectation formation in a new environment: Evidence from the German reunification37
Do survey expectations of stock returns reflect risk adjustments?37
Loan types and the bank lending channel36
Misallocation or Mismeasurement?36
The importance of technology in banking during a crisis36
Output hysteresis and optimal monetary policy35
Learning, confidence, and business cycles34
What drives heterogeneity in the marginal propensity to consume? Temporary shocks vs persistent characteristics33
The FOMC Risk Shift33
Disagreement about inflation expectations and monetary policy transmission33
Central bank communication with non-experts – A road to nowhere?32
Resolving the missing deflation puzzle32
Wealth redistribution in bubbles and crashes31
The risks of old capital age: Asset pricing implications of technology adoption31
The Phillips multiplier31
The effect of interest rates on home buying: Evidence from a shock to mortgage insurance premiums29
Debt sustainability in a low interest rate world29
Effectiveness and addictiveness of quantitative easing28
Predicting the demand for central bank digital currency: A structural analysis with survey data27
The origins of aggregate fluctuations in a credit network economy27
Hitting the elusive inflation target27
Household spending and fiscal support during the COVID-19 pandemic: Insights from a new consumer survey27
Optimal capital account liberalization in China25
State dependence of fiscal multipliers: the source of fluctuations matters25
The supply and demand for safe assets25
Can government demand stimulate private investment? Evidence from U.S. federal procurement25
Optimal Time-Consistent Monetary, Fiscal and Debt Maturity Policy25
Subjective intertemporal substitution24
Policy uncertainty, lender of last resort and the real economy24
Female entrepreneurship, financial frictions and capital misallocation in the US24
Aggregate expected investment growth and stock market returns24
Efficient redistribution23
Price level targeting with evolving credibility23
Optimal capital taxation revisited23
Fiscal and monetary stabilization policy at the zero lower bound: Consequences of limited foresight23
Price elasticities and demand-side real rigidities in micro data and in macro models23
The macroeconomics of automation: Data, theory, and policy analysis22
International evidence on long-run money demand22
Foreign exchange reserves as a tool for capital account management22
Threats to central bank independence: High-frequency identification with twitter21
Money and monetary stability in Europe, 1300–191421
Wealth inequality dynamics in europe and the united states: Understanding the determinants21
Bank credit risk networks: Evidence from the Eurozone20
The macroeconomic effects of social security contributions and benefits20
Reaching for dividends20
Credit growth and the financial crisis: A new narrative19
US Fiscal cycle and the dollar19
Low interest rates and risk incentives for banks with market power18
Monetary Policy and Bank Equity Values in a Time of Low and Negative Interest Rates18
Information frictions among firms and households18
More unequal income but less progressive taxation18
Flowers of evil? Industrialization and long run development18
House prices, home equity and entrepreneurship: Evidence from U.S. census micro data18
The liquidity channel of fiscal policy17
Quantitative easing with heterogeneous agents17
On average establishment size across sectors and countries17
Understanding post-COVID inflation dynamics17
Inequality and financial fragility16
Monetary policy and production networks: an empirical investigation16
Cash: A Blessing or a curse?16
History remembered: Optimal sovereign default on domestic and external debt16
Health versus wealth: On the distributional effects of controlling a pandemic16
Job Search under Debt: Aggregate Implications of Student Loans16
Perceived FOMC: The making of hawks, doves and swingers16
The short-term effects of tax changes: The role of state dependence16
The inflationary effects of sectoral reallocation15
From secular stagnation to robocalypse? Implications of demographic and technological changes15
Intangibles, markups, and the measurement of productivity growth15
Financial shocks, firm credit and the Great Recession15
Globalization and entrepreneurial entry and exit: Evidence from U.S. households15
The zero lower bound and estimation accuracy15
Identification with External Instruments in Structural VARs15
The scars of supply shocks: Implications for monetary policy14
What goes around comes around: How large are spillbacks from US monetary policy?14
Employment inequality: Why do the low-skilled work less now?14
Macroprudential policy with capital buffers14
Dynamics of bond and stock returns13
Why have interest rates fallen far below the return on capital?13
Volatile hiring: uncertainty in search and matching models13
Wealth accumulation, on-the-job search and inequality13
Entry costs and aggregate dynamics13
Inflation’s role in optimal monetary-fiscal policy13
Rational inattention, menu costs, and multi-product firms: Micro evidence and aggregate implications13
Is there news in inventories?13
Monetary policy surprises and their transmission through term premia and expected interest rates13
What matters in households’ inflation expectations?13
Money and capital in a persistent liquidity trap12
Pegging the interest rate on bank reserves: A resolution of New Keynesian puzzles and paradoxes12
Deposit market power, funding stability and long-term credit12
Unemployment crises12
Taking off into the wind: Unemployment risk and state-Dependent government spending multipliers12
Public bank guarantees and allocative efficiency12
Through scarcity to prosperity: Toward a theory of sustainable growth12
Monetary policy and intangible investment12
Discussion of “designing central bank digital currency” by Agur, Ari and Dell'Ariccia12
The convenience of electronic payments and consumer cash demand12
Central bank reputation, cheap talk and transparency as substitutes for commitment: Experimental evidence11
The welfare cost of inflation revisited: The role of financial innovation and household heterogeneity11
Institutions, tax evasion, and optimal policy11
Globalization, trade imbalances and inequality11
Would households understand average inflation targeting?11
Comment on (Un)pleasant ... by Bond et al (2020)11
Empirical evidence on the Euler equation for consumption in the US11
Will the AI revolution cause a great divergence?11
State-dependent fiscal multipliers with preferences over safe assets11
Monetary policy, customer capital, and market power10
Price setting under uncertainty about inflation10
Government debt and risk premia10
On the perils of stabilizing prices when agents are learning10
The international spillovers of synchronous monetary tightening10
The unbearable lightness of equilibria in a low interest rate environment10
The real-time macro content of corporate financial reports: A dynamic factor model approach10
Economic leadership and growth10
Capital and income inequality: An aggregate-demand complementarity10
Liquidity requirements and the interbank loan market: An experimental investigation10
Financial crises and shadow banks: A quantitative analysis10
Intratemporal nonseparability between housing and nondurable consumption: Evidence from reinvestment in housing stock10
Default cycles10
Domestic price dollarization in emerging economies9
Lending effects of the ECB’s asset purchases9
Were there fire sales in the RMBS market?9
The “Matthew effect” and market concentration: Search complementarities and monopsony power9
Consumption dynamics under time-varying unemployment risk9
Structural change in labor supply and cross-country differences in hours worked9
Government policies in a granular global economy9
The Dynamic Effects of Antitrust Policy on Growth and Welfare9
The expectational effects of news in business cycles: Evidence from forecast data9
Two-sided market, R&D, and payments system evolution9
Employment and the residential collateral channel of monetary policy9
Does fiscal policy matter for stock-bond return correlation?9
A model of retail banking and the deposits channel of monetary policy8
Endogenous forecast switching near the zero lower bound8
The macroeconomic consequences of subsistence self-employment8
A new approach to assess inflation expectations anchoring using strategic surveys8
Does demand noise matter? Identification and implications8
Money velocity and the natural rate of interest8
Does the Cream Always Rise to the Top? The Misallocation of Talent in Innovation8
Worker churn in the cross section and over time: New evidence from Germany8
How should governments create liquidity?8
A natural level of capital flows8
A quantitative theory of time-consistent unemployment insurance8
Time preferences over the life cycle and household saving puzzles8
Central bank transparency, exchange rates, and demand imbalances8
Exchange rates, local currency pricing and international tax policies8
Price selection8
Bubbly firm dynamics and aggregate fluctuations8
Financial intermediation, resource allocation, and macroeconomic interdependence8
The economic impact of recession announcements8
Inflation expectations and the ECB’s perceived inflation objective: Novel evidence from firm-level data8
Trade wars and industrial policy competitions: Understanding the US-China economic conflicts8
Toothless tiger with claws? Financial stability communication, expectations, and risk-taking8
Price rigidities and the relative PPP7
Diminishing treasury convenience premiums: Effects of dealers’ excess demand and balance sheet constraints7
How does caste affect entrepreneurship? birth versus worth7
Investment without Q7
Wealth creation, wealth dilution and demography7
Local scars of the US housing crisis7
Fiscal forward guidance: A case for selective transparency7
Optimal bailouts and the doom loop with a financial network7
Propagation of shocks in an input-output economy: Evidence from disaggregated prices7
Learning and job search dynamics during the Great Recession7
Regulation and security design in concentrated markets7
Leaning against house prices: A structural VAR investigation7
The economic effects of firm-level uncertainty: Evidence using subjective expectations6
Credit subsidies6
Financial heterogeneity and monetary union6
Concentration in international markets: Evidence from US imports6
Participation following sudden access6
How much consumption insurance in the U.S.?6
Agnostic Structural Disturbances (ASDs): Detecting and reducing misspecification in empirical macroeconomic models6
Local information and firm expectations about aggregates6
Recessions and recoveries: Multinational banks in the business cycle6
Rational inattention, misallocation, and the aggregate economy6
Asset price beliefs and optimal monetary policy6
College education and income contingent loans in equilibrium6
The marginal effect of government mortgage guarantees on homeownership6
Central Bank Policy and the concentration of risk: Empirical estimates6
Taxation, expenditures and the Irish miracle6
Endogenous uncertainty and the macroeconomic impact of shocks to inflation expectations6
Stabilization with fiscal policy6
Information management in times of crisis6
How sovereign is sovereign credit risk? Global prices, local quantities6
Inflation disasters and consumption6
Wealth Inequality and Endogenous Growth6
Market segmentation and spending multipliers6
Public financing with financial frictions and underground economy6
Demographics and the evolution of global imbalances6
The collateral rule: Evidence from the credit default swap market6
Does history repeat itself? Business cycle and industry returns6
Trade and diffusion of embodied technology: an empirical analysis5
Money runs5
A new approach to integrating expectations into VAR models5
Firm dynamics and pricing under customer capital accumulation5
Learning and the capital age premium5
Pecuniary externalities in economies with downward wage rigidity5
The emergence of procyclical fertility: The role of breadwinner women5
The signalling channel of negative interest rates5
The cyclical component of labor market polarization and jobless recoveries in the US5
Price points and price dynamics5
Fiscal foresight and the effects of government spending: It’s all in the monetary-fiscal mix5
Rising wealth inequality: Intergenerational links, entrepreneurship, and the decline in interest rate5
Adverse selection, lemons shocks and business cycles5
Double overreaction in beauty contests with information acquisition: Theory and experiment5
On wars, sanctions, and sovereign default5
Fencing off Silicon Valley: Cross-border venture capital and technology spillovers5
Austerity and distributional policy5
Inefficiently low screening with Walrasian markets5
More than words: Fed Chairs’ communication during congressional testimonies5
The case for a positive euro area inflation target: Evidence from france, germany and italy4
Rising earnings inequality and optimal income tax and social security policies4
Risk endogeneity at the lender/investor-of-last-resort4