Journal of Monetary Economics

(The H4-Index of Journal of Monetary Economics is 36. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
More than words: Fed Chairs’ communication during congressional testimonies262
Resolving the missing deflation puzzle162
Default cycles143
Economic opportunity begins with contraception: Comment on “Intergenerational Mobility Begins Before Birth” by Ananth Seshadri, Anson Zhou102
Editorial Board100
The case for a positive euro area inflation target: Evidence from france, germany and italy95
Duopolistic competition and monetary policy86
Dynamic information aggregation: Learning from the past84
Comment on “Rigid production networks” by Pellet and Tahbaz-Salehi77
No firm is an island? How industry conditions shape firms’ expectations73
College education and income contingent loans in equilibrium72
Editorial Board69
Wage employment, unemployment and self-employment across countries68
Cross-country unemployment insurance, transfers, and trade-offs in international risk sharing61
Wage and earnings inequality between and within occupations: The role of labor supply55
US Fiscal cycle and the dollar52
Averaging impulse responses using prediction pools51
Rising earnings inequality and optimal income tax and social security policies50
Fifty shades of QE: Comparing findings of central bankers and academics48
Information disclosure and the choice between arm’s-length and inside debt47
The emergence of procyclical fertility: The role of breadwinner women47
Comment on Iovino, La’O and Mascarenhas, “Optimal Monetary Policy and Disclosure with an Informationally-Constrained Central Banker”45
The marginal effect of government mortgage guarantees on homeownership45
JME Best Paper Prize 202145
Editorial Board44
Editorial Board44
Market segmentation and spending multipliers41
Discussion of “Government policies in a granular global economy”40
Inflation expectations and the ECB’s perceived inflation objective: Novel evidence from firm-level data40
Editorial Board39
Comment on “The supply and demand for safe assets”38
Editorial Board38
A quantitative theory of time-consistent unemployment insurance38
International tax competition with rising intangible capital and financial globalization38
Learning, parameter drift, and the credibility revolution37
A new approach to assess inflation expectations anchoring using strategic surveys36