Journal of Development Economics

(The median citation count of Journal of Development Economics is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The costs of “blue sky”: Environmental regulation, technology upgrading, and labor demand in China217
The effect of air pollution on migration: Evidence from China209
Greening through finance?194
Response and adaptation of agriculture to climate change: Evidence from China186
Which night lights data should we use in economics, and where?182
Fintech and household resilience to shocks: Evidence from digital loans in Kenya83
The impact of forced displacement on host communities: A review of the empirical literature in economics82
Rural road infrastructure & agricultural production: Evidence from India70
Gender gaps in labor informality: The motherhood effect57
Import competition and firm innovation: Evidence from China56
Here waits the bride? The effect of Ethiopia's child marriage law55
The unintended impacts of agricultural fires: Human capital in China53
Give me your tired and your poor: Impact of a large-scale amnesty program for undocumented refugees47
Foreign demand, developing country exports, and CO2 emissions: Firm-level evidence from India47
Brothers or invaders? How crisis-driven migrants shape voting behavior45
Cooking that kills: Cleaner energy access, indoor air pollution, and health45
The long-term consequences of China's “Later, Longer, Fewer” campaign in old age45
China's rising IQ (Innovation Quotient) and growth: Firm-level evidence44
Contract farming and rural transformation: Evidence from a field experiment in Benin42
Labour market reform and firm-level employment adjustment: Evidence from the hukou reform in China41
The new era of unconditional convergence41
Land property rights and rural enterprise growth: Evidence from land titling reform in China39
Refugees' and irregular migrants’ self-selection into Europe39
Exploitation of labor? Classical monopsony power and labor's share38
Across a few prohibitive miles: The impact of the Anti-Poverty Relocation Program in China38
Misperceived quality: Fertilizer in Tanzania36
Women’s well-being during a pandemic and its containment35
Tax revenue and mobile money in developing countries35
Land and labor allocation under communal tenure: Theory and evidence from China34
Exhaustive or exhausting? Evidence on respondent fatigue in long surveys33
Distance, trade, and income — The 1967 to 1975 closing of the Suez canal as a natural experiment33
Under pressure: Women’s leadership during the COVID-19 crisis32
How do households adjust to tariff liberalization? Evidence from China's WTO accession29
Trade liberalization, roads and firm productivity29
Top lights: Bright cities and their contribution to economic development29
What you import matters for productivity growth: Experience from Chinese manufacturing firms28
Stepping up during a crisis: The unintended effects of a noncontributory pension program during the Covid-19 pandemic28
China and the World Bank—How contrasting development approaches affect the stability of African states27
“Moving Umbrella”: Bureaucratic transfers and the comovement of interregional investments in China27
Colonialism and female empowerment: A two-sided legacy27
Female employment and intimate partner violence: Evidence from Syrian Refugee inflows to Turkey27
Land market distortions and aggregate agricultural productivity: Evidence from Guatemala27
Reconciling the conflicting narratives on poverty in China27
The joint effects of information and financing constraints on technology adoption: Evidence from a field experiment in rural Tanzania26
Tractor vs. animal: Rural reforms and technology adoption in China26
Do corporate income tax cuts decrease labor share? Regression discontinuity evidence from China26
Infrastructure investment and growth in China: A quantitative assessment25
Mandarins make markets: Leadership rotations and inter-provincial trade in China25
The effect of computer-assisted learning on students’ long-term development24
Input quality and skills are complementary and increase output quality: Causal evidence from Ecuador’s trade liberalization23
Digital adoption, automation, and labor markets in developing countries23
Industrialization from scratch: The “Construction of Third Front” and local economic development in China's hinterland23
Are we done yet? Response fatigue and rural livelihoods23
Caveat utilitor: A comparative assessment of resilience measurement approaches23
Relief from usury: Impact of a self-help group lending program in rural India23
Clans and calamity: How social capital saved lives during China's Great Famine23
Small firms and the pandemic: Evidence from Latin America23
Things fall apart? Missions, institutions, and interpersonal trust22
Divorce laws and intimate partner violence: Evidence from Mexico22
Information, technology, and market rewards: Incentivizing aflatoxin control in Ghana22
Place-based preferential tax policy and industrial development: Evidence from India’s program on industrially backward districts22
Does insecure land tenure deter investment? Evidence from a randomized controlled trial22
Funding and financing infrastructure: The joint-use of public and private finance22
Trans-boundary air pollution spillovers: Physical transport and economic costs by distance21
Saving for dowry: Evidence from rural India21
Texts don’t nudge: An adaptive trial to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in India20
Testing willingness to pay elicitation mechanisms in the field: Evidence from Uganda20
Trade, productivity, and the spatial organization of agriculture: Evidence from Brazil20
The effect of refugees on native adolescents’ test scores: Quasi-experimental evidence from PISA20
Sex, lies, and measurement: Consistency tests for indirect response survey methods19
Resources, conflict, and economic development in Africa19
Empowering refugees through cash and agriculture: A regression discontinuity design19
Privacy protection, measurement error, and the integration of remote sensing and socioeconomic survey data18
Refugee camps and deforestation in Sub-Saharan Africa18
Can information influence the social insurance participation decision of China's rural migrants?17
Keeping it in the family: Female inheritance, inmarriage, and the status of women17
The long road to health: Healthcare utilization impacts of a road pavement policy in rural India17
Managing the spread of disease with mobile phone data17
Can virtual replace in-person coaching? Experimental evidence on teacher professional development and student learning16
Go with the wind: Spatial impacts of environmental regulations on economic activities in China16
The political impacts of land expropriation in China16
Site-specific agronomic information and technology adoption: A field experiment from Ethiopia16
The political economy of health epidemics: Evidence from the Ebola outbreak16
A breath of fresh air: Raising awareness for clean fuel adoption16
Foreign direct investment and knowledge diffusion in poor locations16
Gender-targeted job ads in the recruitment process: Facts from a Chinese job board16
How much can we remedy very low learning levels in rural parts of low-income countries? Impact and generalizability of a multi-pronged para-teacher intervention from a cluster-randomized trial in the 15
Early childhood exposure to health insurance and adolescent outcomes: Evidence from rural China15
Natural disasters, intra-national FDI spillovers, and economic divergence: Evidence from India15
Entrepreneurship education and teacher training in Rwanda15
Slums and pandemics15
Agricultural revolution and industrialization15
Financial access and women's role in household decisions: Empirical evidence from India's National Rural Livelihoods project15
Children on the move: Progressive redistribution of humanitarian cash transfers among refugees15
Trade, policy, and economic development in the digital economy15
Hot Days, the ability to Work and climate resilience: Evidence from a representative sample of 42,152 Indian households15
Measuring consumption over the phone: Evidence from a survey experiment in urban Ethiopia14
An age profile perspective on two puzzles in global child health: The Indian Enigma & economic growth14
Land reform and human capital development: Evidence from Peru14
Measuring social unrest using media reports14
Trade policy uncertainty and new firm entry: Evidence from China14
Land titling, human capital misallocation, and agricultural productivity in China14
Is a refugee crisis a housing crisis? Only if housing supply is unresponsive14
Intellectual property regimes and wage inequality14
Public health insurance and pharmaceutical innovation: Evidence from China14
Labor market impacts and responses: The economic consequences of a marine environmental disaster13
Doing business in China: Parental background and government intervention determine who owns busines13
Cash transfers as a response to COVID-19: Experimental evidence from Kenya13
Incentives, penalties, and rural air pollution: Evidence from satellite data13
Adaptation to temperature extremes in Chinese agriculture, 1981 to 201013
Local Governance Quality and the Environmental Cost of Forced Migration13
Seeking the treated: The impact of mobile extension on farmer information exchange in India13
Overcoming smallholder farmers’ post-harvest constraints through harvest loans and storage technology: Insights from a randomized controlled trial in Tanzania13
Climate change, cropland adjustments, and food security: Evidence from China13
Unpacking a multi-faceted program to build sustainable income for the very poor13
A gravity analysis of refugee mobility using mobile phone data13
Discrimination from below: Experimental evidence from Ethiopia12
How productive is public investment? Evidence from formal and informal production in India12
Restricted access: How the internet can be used to promote reading and learning12
Land grabs and labor in Cambodia12
Can youth empowerment programs reduce violence against girls during the COVID-19 pandemic?12
How does delegating decisions to communities affect the provision and use of a public service? Evidence from a field experiment in Bangladesh12
The role of food preferences in determining diet quality for Tanzanian consumers12
Behavioral change promotion, cash transfers and early childhood development: Experimental evidence from a government program in a low-income setting12
Endogenous gender power: The two facets of empowerment12
Neighborhood quality and opposition to immigration: Evidence from German refugee shelters12
Macroeconomic outcomes in disaster-prone countries12
Aspirations and financial decisions: Experimental evidence from the Philippines12
Social media as a recruitment and data collection tool: Experimental evidence on the relative effectiveness of web surveys and chatbots11
Environmental effects of development programs: Experimental evidence from West African dryland forests11
Neighborhood violence, poverty, and psychological well-being11
Endogenous weights and multidimensional poverty: A cautionary tale11
High-skilled services and development in China11
The legacy effect of unexploded bombs on educational attainment in Laos11
Subsidies for technology adoption: Experimental evidence from rural Cameroon11
The value of redistribution: Natural resources and the formation of human capital under weak institutions11
Rural roads, agricultural extension, and productivity11
Does terrorism make people pessimistic? Evidence from a natural experiment11
A structural estimation of the return to infrastructure investment in China11
Income inequality under colonial rule. Evidence from French Algeria, Cameroon, Tunisia, and Vietnam and comparisons with British colonies 1920–196011
The globalization of refugee flows11
Distorted quality signals in school markets11
Partisanship and local fiscal policy: Evidence from Brazilian cities11
Efficient irrigation and water conservation: Evidence from South India11
Using household grants to benchmark the cost effectiveness of a USAID workforce readiness program10
Segregation and internal mobility of Syrian refugees in Turkey: Evidence from mobile phone data10
Agricultural composition and labor productivity10
Network adoption subsidies: A digital evaluation of a rural mobile phone program in Rwanda10
Competition in household human capital investments: Strength, motivations and consequences10
Productivity, non-compliance and the minimum wage10
Wider economic benefits of transport corridors: Evidence from international development organizations10
Railways and cities in India10
Equality of opportunity and human capital accumulation: Motivational effect of a nationwide scholarship in Colombia10
Misperceiving and misreporting input quality: Implications for input use and productivity10
IMF programs and economic growth: A meta-analysis10
Training the disadvantaged youth and labor market outcomes: Evidence from Bangladesh9
Endogenous inclusion in the Demographic and Health Survey anthropometric sample: Implications for studying height within households9
The housing quality, income, and human capital effects of subsidized homes in urban India9
Malaria and Chinese economic activities in Africa9
Numeracy development in Africa: New evidence from a long-term perspective (1730–1970)9
The dirty business of eliminating open defecation: The effect of village sanitation on child height from field experiments in four countries9
Refugees and foreign direct investment: Quasi-experimental evidence from US resettlements9
Overtreatment and benevolent provider moral hazard: Evidence from South African doctors9
Exposure to transit migration: Public attitudes and entrepreneurship9
Relative power: Explaining the effects of food and cash transfers on allocative behaviour in rural Nepalese households9
Learning by searching: Spatial mismatches and imperfect information in Southern labor markets9
Contract employment as a worker discipline device9
Information and behavioral responses during a pandemic: Evidence from delays in Covid-19 death reports9
Active learning improves financial education: Experimental evidence from Uganda9
Sanitation and property tax compliance: Analyzing the social contract in Brazil9
How do policymakers update their beliefs?9
Leverage and productivity9
Historical instruments and contemporary endogenous regressors8
Live tutoring calls did not improve learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in Sierra Leone8
Farming output, concentration, and market access: Evidence from the 19th-century American railroad expansion8
Robots and export quality8
Social protection amidst social upheaval: Examining the impact of a multi-faceted program for ultra-poor households in Yemen8
Intranational trade costs, product scope and productivity: Evidence from India's Golden Quadrilateral project8
The lesser shades of labor coercion: The impact of seigneurial tenure in nineteenth-century Quebec8
Irrigation and the spatial pattern of local economic development in India8
The long-term causal effect of U.S. bombing missions on economic development: Evidence from the Ho Chi Minh Trail and Xieng Khouang Province in Lao P.D.R8
Mobile Internet access and political outcomes: Evidence from South Africa8
Deadly discrimination: Implications of “missing girls” for workplace safety8
Thermal stress and financial distress: Extreme temperatures and firms’ loan defaults in Mexico8
Information, migration, and the value of clean air8
Place-based policies, rural employment, and intra-household resources allocation: Evidence from China’s economic zones8
Program targeting with machine learning and mobile phone data: Evidence from an anti-poverty intervention in Afghanistan8
(Mis)information and anxiety: Evidence from a randomized Covid-19 information campaign8
Can school environmental education programs make children and parents more pro-environmental?8
Countering misinformation on social media through educational interventions: Evidence from a randomized experiment in Pakistan8
Index insurance and basis risk: A reconsideration7
Does legal representation increase investment? Evidence from a field experiment in Kenya7
Agricultural trade and depletion of groundwater7
The impact of cash transfers on Syrian refugees in Lebanon: Evidence from a multidimensional regression discontinuity design7
Last corrupt deed before retirement? Evidence from a lower middle-income country7
Winners and losers from agrarian reform: Evidence from Danish land inequality 1682–18957
Grandmothers and the gender gap in the Mexican labor market7
Impacts of industrial and entrepreneurial jobs on youth: 5-year experimental evidence on factory job offers and cash grants in Ethiopia7
On track or not? Projecting the global Multidimensional Poverty Index7
Biased teachers and gender gap in learning outcomes: Evidence from India7
Inter-regional barriers and economic growth: Evidence from China7
The welfare effects of India’s rural employment guarantee7
When do refugees return home? Evidence from Syrian displacement in Mashreq7
Protecting infants from natural disasters: The case of vitamin A supplementation and a tornado in Bangladesh7
Contingent determinants7
The short-lived effects of unconditional cash transfers to refugees7
When nature calls back: Sustaining behavioral change in rural Pakistan7
Parental investment, school choice, and the persistent benefits of an early childhood intervention7
Jobs! Electricity shortages and unemployment in Africa7
Marriage squeeze, marriage age and the household savings rate in China7
Measuring honesty and explaining adulteration in naturally occurring markets6
Large multiproduct exporters across rich and poor countries: Theory and evidence6
Welfare rationales for conditionality of cash transfers6
Ethnic switching: Longitudinal evidence on prevalence, correlates, and implications for measuring ethnic segregation6
What do jobseekers want? Comparing methods to estimate reservation wages and the value of job attributes6
Are age-of-marriage laws enforced? Evidence from developing countries6
Preparing for genocide: Quasi-experimental evidence from Rwanda6
Labeled loans and human capital investments6
The cost of fear: Impact of violence risk on child health during conflict6
Religion and abortion: The role of politician identity6
Targeting humanitarian aid using administrative data: Model design and validation6
Population displacement and urban conflict: Global evidence from more than 3300 flood events6
To invest or not to invest in sanitation: The role of intra-household gender differences in perceptions and bargaining power6
Direct vs indirect management training: Experimental evidence from schools in Mexico6
Standards and political connections: Evidence from Tunisia6
Child marriage as informal insurance: Empirical evidence and policy simulations6
It takes two: Experimental evidence on the determinants of technology diffusion6
Measuring remittances6
Disbursing emergency relief through utilities: Evidence from Ghana6
Road expansion, allocative efficiency, and pro-competitive effect of transport infrastructure: Evidence from China6
Firms and inequality when unemployment is high6
Quantifying welfare effects in the presence of externalities: An ex-ante evaluation of sanitation interventions6
Firms amid conflict: Performance, production inputs, and market competition6
How light is too light touch: The effect of a short training-based intervention on household poultry production in Burkina Faso5
Public governance versus corporate governance: Evidence from oil drilling in forests5
Do referrals improve the representation of women in mobile phone surveys?5
Can information correct optimistic wage expectations? Evidence from Mozambican job-seekers5
On the economic effects of Indigenous institutions: Evidence from Mexico5
Knowledge, stigma, and HIV testing: An analysis of a widespread HIV/AIDS program5
Informal institutions and comparative advantage of South-based MNEs: Theory and evidence5
Psychological and social motivations in microfinance contracts: Theory and evidence5
Marriage markets and the rise of dowry in India5
Social stigma as a barrier to HIV testing: Evidence from a randomized experiment in Mozambique5
Import competition and vertical integration: Evidence from India5
The more the poorer? Resource sharing and scale economies in large families5
Group lending with covariate risk5
Intergenerational mobility around the world: A new database5
Heterogenous teacher effects of two incentive schemes: Evidence from a low-income country5
The “miseries” of sex imbalance: Evidence using subjective well-being data5
Collective action in games as in life: Experimental evidence from canal cleaning in Haiti5