Aquatic Botany

(The TQCC of Aquatic Botany is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Rediscovery of Althenia (Potamogetonaceae) in Portugal, 168 years after the last collection49
Reciprocal competitive effects of congeneric invaders, Trapa natans L. and Trapa bispinosa Roxb. var. iinumai Nakano, in established freshwater plant cultures48
Physiological and biochemical characterization of new wild strains of Kappaphycus alvarezii (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) cultivated under land-based hatchery conditions43
Editorial Board25
New highlights on Old World giant Phragmites (Poaceae) using leaf and floral bract microscopic characters22
Improving satellite monitoring of coastal inundations of pelagic Sargassum algae with wind and citizen science data22
Effects of water colour on the pigment content of a floating-leaved macrophyte—Implications of lake brownification18
Editorial for the virtual special issue: The role of plants in regulating aquatic methane fluxes17
Restoring charophytes is still a challenge: A call for developing successful methods16
Macrophyte removal affects nutrient uptake and metabolism in lowland streams15
Comparison of mitochondrial DNA sequences points to the European populations as the direct origin of Undaria pinnatifida that has spread to the northern Wadden Sea15
Fruit development in the seagrass Thalassia testudinum: Possible relationships between structure, physiology and defense14
Low pH enhances germination of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) seeds despite ubiquitous presence of Phytophthora gemini14
Herbivory increases on freshwater plants exposed to artificial light at night13
High irradiance impairs Isoëtes cangae growth12
Seasonal variation in the biomass, reproduction and biochemical composition of Hypnea musciformis (Cystocloniaceae, Rhodophyta) from Playa Xcalacoco, Quintana Roo, Mexico12
Genetic diversity and population structure of Bruguiera cylindrica along coastal areas in Thailand12
Editorial Board11
Total mercury and methylmercury concentrations in water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) from a South Carolina coastal plain river11
Crossing the Atlantic: The tropical macroalga Caulerpa ashmeadii Harvey 1858 as a recent settler in Porto Santo Island (Madeira archipelago, North-eastern Atlantic)10
Uncharted waters: Inbreeding negatively affects germination performance in Marathrum foeniculaceum (Podostemaceae)10
Is the protection of habitat directive Eleocharis carniolica in its northern limits really needed? – A life strategy based investigation9
Short-term effect of filamentous macroalgae Chaetomorpha linum on Cymodocea nodosa: Does clonal integration alleviate macroalgae impacts?9
High methane emissions as trade-off for phosphorus removal in surface flow treatment wetlands9
Zn ions and Fe plaque jointly alleviate Cu toxicity in Sargassum patens C. Agardh9
Effects of light quality, nitrogen source and Fe3+ concentration on female gametophyte development of Costaria costata9
Mercury concentrations in macrophytes, periphyton, and detritus in the Everglades, Florida, USA, with special attention to Utricularia species9
Editorial Board8
Identifying nitrogen source and seasonal variation in a Black Mangrove (Avicennia germinans) communityof the south Texas coast8
Competitive success of the invasive species, Hydrilla verticillata, over Vallisneria neotropicalis in nature could be linked to differences in nitrogen metabolism8
Distribution and diversity of the sympatric macroalgae of the pelagic Sargassum horneri in the Yellow and East China seas8
Probabilities of detecting submersed aquatic vegetation species using a rake method may vary with biomass8
Editorial Board8
Genetic diversity and occupation strategy of Egeria najas (Hydrocharitaceae) in different habitats along the Upper Paraná River corridor7
Seed bank and germination ecology of sub-tropical Vallisneria americana7
Hydroperiod modulates early growth and biomass partitioning in Rhizophora mangle L.7
Sargassum species as hydrozoans substrates: Key patterns of association or just availability?7
An outbreak of the invasive macroalgae Rugulopteryx okamurae in Alicante Bay and its colonization on dead Posidonia oceanica matte7
The combined effect of seawater salinity and duration on the survival and growth of eelgrass Zostera marina7
Growth rates of pelagic Sargassum species in the Mexican Caribbean7
First characterization of seagrasses at Sámara Bay, Pacific coast of Costa Rica7
Factors influencing submerged macrophyte presence in fresh and brackish eutrophic waters and their impact on carbon emissions7
Distribution of emergent aquatic vegetation leaf inclination angle and its simulation7
Areal extent of vegetative cover: A challenge to regional upscaling of methane emissions7
Activity and abundance of methane-oxidizing bacteria on plants in experimental lakes subjected to different nutrient and warming treatments6
Seasonal changes in the photophysiology of Ulva batuffolosa in a coastal barrier reef6
First record of Ruppia brevipedunculata in Indonesia6
Germination of the invasive water primrose Ludwigia grandiflora in Belgium and potential implications for management6
The plasticity of the photosynthetic apparatus and antioxidant responses are critical for the dispersion of Rhizophora mangle along a salinity gradient6
Editorial Board6
Rare occurrence of only female flowers suggests a lack of sexual reproduction and potential clonality of the seagrass Halophila baillonii Asch. on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica6
Easier than it looks: Notes on the taxonomy of Typha L. (Typhaceae) in East Europe6
The past, current, and future distribution modeling of four water lilies (Nymphaea) in Africa indicates varying suitable habitats and distribution in climate change6
The mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes of the kelp, Ecklonia radiata6
A thirty-year assessment of the endangered aquatic macrophyte, Zizania texana, endemic to the upper reach of the San Marcos River in Central Texas, USA6
Editorial Board6
Drainage Influences Coastal Salt Marsh Productivity and Soil Biogeochemistry6
Hormonal profiles in shoot apices in (sub)tropical populations of the aquatic carnivorous plant Aldrovanda vesiculosa in summer and winter6
Long-term analysis of aquatic macrophyte diversity and structure in the Paraguay river ecological corridor, Brazilian Pantanal wetland6
Towards linking freshwater plants and ecosystems via functional biogeography6
DNA barcoding and phylogenetic relationships of ecologically and commercially important seaweed species from the Azores (NE Atlantic)6
Editorial Board6
The complete plastome of Blidingia marginata and comparative analysis with the relative species in Ulvales6
Habitat requirements of Luronium natans (L.) Raf. in northern Belgium6
Fine-scale genetic structure of co-occurring seagrass species highlights the importance of repeated seedling recruitment (Leyte Island, Philippines)5
Chromosomal evolution in seagrasses: Is the chromosome number decreasing?5
Characterization of three species of aquatic mosses in axenic culture for biomonitoring and biotechnological applications5
Evolutionary analysis for Phragmites ecotypes based on full-length plastomes5
Effects of parent species type, flower color, and stamen petaloidy on the fruit-setting rate of hybridization and selfing in lotus (Nelumbo)5
Low irradiance disrupts the internal O2 dynamics of seagrass (Thalassia testudinum) leading to shoot meristem H2S intrusion5
Responses of the germination and growth of Ulva prolifera parthenogametes, the causative species of green tides, to gradients of temperature and light5
Sediment carbon storage in subtidal beds of the invasive seagrass Halophila stipulacea along an extreme water depth gradient, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands5
Ecological niches of an introduced species Typha laxmannii and native Typha species in Austria5
Book Review5
Effect of salinity stress on growth, chlorophyll, antioxidant enzymes and nutrient content in Azolla spp.5
Vertical distribution of epiphytic diatoms in relation to the eelgrass Zostera noltii canopy biomass and height5
Foreseeing reed invasions: European genotypes of common reed (Phragmites australis) grow equally well in China as in their native environment and show similar performance as native Chinese genotypes5
Depth distribution of three submerged macrophytes under water level fluctuations in a large plateau lake5
Warming induced shade tolerance to become a key trait in invasion success of free-floating plant Pistia stratiotes over the native Hydrocharis morsus-ranae5
Seasonal shifts in morphology, physiology and population traits in the seagrass Halodule wrightii (Cymodoceaceae) in a subtropical arid area5
Editorial Board5
Assessing the genuine identity of alien Vallisneria (Hydrocharitaceae) species in Europe5
Submerged macrophyte root oxygen release reduces sediment oxygen demand: A positive feedback loop in shallow lakes5
Allelopathic interactions between Lemna minor and Microcystis aeruginosa are influenced by the antimalarial drug lumefantrine5
Species-specific wet-dry mass calibrations for common submersed macrophytes in the Upper Mississippi River5
Editorial Board5
Editorial Board5
Macroalgal assemblages associated to Mediterranean rhodolith beds5