Japanese Journal of Religious Studies

(The TQCC of Japanese Journal of Religious Studies is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Traversing the Natural, Supernatural, and Paranormal: Yōkai in Postwar Japan2
Reconstructing the Grand Narrative: The Pure Land of <em>Madoka Magica</em>1
“Deviant Teachings”: The Tachikawa Lineage as a Moving Concept in Japanese Buddhism1
The Human-Fish: Animality, Teratology, and Religion in Premodern Japan1
The Dharma of Music: Gagaku and Buddhist Salvation in Medieval Japan1
Faith as Authenticity: Kyoto’s Gion Festival in 20201
The Making of an Esoteric Deity: Sannō Discourse in the Keiran shūyōshū1
Review of: James Mark Shields, Against Harmony: Progressive and Radical Buddhism in Modern Japan0
We are Warriors for the Movement: Misogi Training in the Imperial Rule Assistance League0
Nenbutsu Orthodoxies in Medieval Japan0
Review of: John C. Maraldo, <em>The Saga of Zen History & the Power of Legend</em>0
An Amenable Arrangement: The Unification of the Nichiren Sect in Sixteenth-Century Kyoto0
Review of: Anna Andreeva, Assembling Shinto: Buddhist Approaches to Kami Worship in Medieval Japan0
The Doctrinal Origins of Embryology in the Shingon School0
Review of: Rafal K. Stepien, ed., Buddhist Literature as Philosophy, Buddhist Philosophy as Literature0
Rethinking the Interdependence of Buddhism and the State in Late Edo and Meiji Japan0
Opening the Curtains on Popular Practice: <em>Kaichō</em> in the Meiji and Taisho Periods0
Editor's Introduction: Religion and Identity in Japan since 19400
Review of: Paul Groner, <em>Precepts, Ordinations, and Practice in Medieval Japanese Tendai</em>0
Review of: Michael Pye, ed., Exploring Shinto0
Review Discussion: Religion, Politics, and the Law in Postwar Japan0
New Religions in Kōshien: Religious Identity and High School Baseball0
Editor's Introduction: Esoteric Traditions in Medieval Japan0
Korea in the <em>Kamiyo</em>: Locating Korea in the Age of the Gods Narratives in Early Modern Japan0
Epilogue: Japanese Religions and their Contributions to One Woman’s Identity0
Review of: Niwa Nobuko 丹羽宣子, “Sōryorashisa” to “joseirashisa” no shūkyō shakaigaku: Nichirenshū josei sōryo no jirei kara 「僧侶らしさ」と「女性らしさ」の宗教社会学—日蓮宗女性僧侶の事例から0
Review of: Timothy O. Benedict, <em>Spiritual Ends: Religion and the Heart of Dying in Japan</em>0
Revealing the Miraculous: Objects Placed inside the Statue of the Kōfukuji Nan’endō Fukūkenjaku Kannon0
Review of: Ōtani Eiichi 大谷栄一, Nichirenshugi to wa nan datta no ka: Kindai Nihon no shisō suimyaku 日蓮主義とはなんだったのか―近代日本の思想水脈0
The Mountain as Mandala: Kūkai’s Founding of Mt. Kōya0
Review of: Fumiaki Miyazaki, Kate Wildman Nakai, and Mark Teeuwen, eds., Christian Sorcerers on Trial: Records of the 1827 Osaka Incident0
Japanese Buddhist War Support and the <em>Kanchō</em> System0
Japanese Food Offerings0
Review of: Yoshida Kazuhiko 吉田一彦, ed., <em>Shinbutsu yūgō no Higashi Ajia shi</em> 神仏融合の東アジア史0
Constructing Identities through the Shikoku Pilgrimage0
Review of: Caleb Swift Carter, <em>A Path Into the Mountains: Shugendō and Mount Togakushi</em>0
“We Alone Can Save Japan”: Soka Gakkai’s Wartime Antecedents and Its Postwar Conversion Campaign0
Religious Change in Modern Japanese Society: Established Religions and Spirituality0
Review of: Brian Daizen Victoria, Zen Terror in Prewar Japan: Portrait of an Assassin0
On the Verge of Damnation and Buddhahood: Motherhood, Female Corporeality, and Koan Exegesis0
Authority and Competition: Shingon Buddhist Monastic Communities in Medieval Japanese Regional Society0
Buddhist Temple Networks in Medieval Japan: Daigoji, Mt. Kōya, and the Miwa Lineage0
Shards from a Wooden Shoe Shop: Religious Experience, Historical Change, and Suzuki Daisetsu0
Review of: Gaétan Rappo, Rhétoriques de l’hérésie dans le Japon médiéval et moderne: Le moine Monkan (1278–1357) et sa réputation posthume0