Scandinavian Journal of Statistics

(The median citation count of Scandinavian Journal of Statistics is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
State estimation for aoristic models13
Robust sure independence screening for nonpolynomial dimensional generalized linear models10
The effect of the working correlation on fitting models to longitudinal data9
The Kendall and Spearman rank correlations of the bivariate skew normal distribution9
Kernel mean embedding of probability measures and its applications to functional data analysis6
Empirical and instance‐dependent estimation of Markov chain and mixing time6
Semiparametric estimation and model selection for conditional mixture copula models5
Statistical inference for Cox proportional hazards models with a diverging number of covariates5
Nonparametric plug‐in classifier for multiclass classification of S.D.E. paths4
Issue Information4
Adaptive estimation of intensity in a doubly stochastic Poisson process4
Conditional Monte Carlo revisited4
Posterior consistency for the spectral density of non‐Gaussian stationary time series4
A conversation with Nils Lid Hjort4
Some mechanisms leading to underdispersion: Old and new proposals4
Asymptotic inference of the ARMA model with time‐functional variance noises4
Nonparametric estimation of densities on the hypersphere using a parametric guide3
Connecting simple and precise P‐values to complex and ambiguous realities (includes rejoinder to comments on “Divergence vs. decision P‐values”)3
Flexible clustering via hidden hierarchical Dirichlet priors3
Maximum likelihood estimator for skew Brownian motion: The convergence rate3
On some publications of Sir David Cox3
Issue Information3
Robust optimal estimation of location from discretely sampled functional data3
Partial correlation graphical LASSO3
Copula measures and Sklar's theorem in arbitrary dimensions3
Issue Information3
Divergence versus decisionP‐values: A distinction worth making in theory and keeping in practice: Or, how divergenceP‐values measure evidence even when decisionP‐values do not3
Empirical best prediction of small area bivariate parameters3
G‐optimal grid designs for kriging models3
Epistemic confidence in the observed confidence interval3
Transform orders and stochastic monotonicity of statistical functionals3
Stable inverse probability weighting estimation for longitudinal studies3
Regression‐based network‐flow and inner‐matrix reconstruction3
A novel semiparametric approach to nonignorable missing data by catching covariate marginal information3
Nonstationary space–time covariance functions induced by dynamical systems3
Discussion of “Divergence vs. Decision P$$ P $$‐values: A Distinction Worth Making in Theory and Keeping in Practice – or, How Divergence P$$ P $$‐values Measure Evidence Even When Decision P$$ P $$‐v2
Flexible specification testing in quantile regression models2
Efficient t0$$ {t}_0 $$‐year risk regression using the logistic model2
Extrapolation estimation for nonparametric regression with measurement error2
Two‐part D‐vine copula models for longitudinal insurance claim data2
Enriched Pitman–Yor processes2
Daisee: Adaptive importance sampling by balancing exploration and exploitation2
Efficient inference of longitudinal/functional data models with time‐varying additive structure2
Sparse concordance‐based ordinal classification2
Dimension‐independent Markov chain Monte Carlo on the sphere2
A new paradigm for high‐dimensional data: Distance‐based semiparametric feature aggregation framework via between‐subject attributes2
Regularized t$$ t $$ distribution: definition, properties, and applications2
Multivariate quantiles with both overall and directional probability interpretation2
4th Workshop on Goodness‐of‐Fit, Change‐Point, and Related Problems, Trento, 20192
Nonparametric adaptive estimation for interacting particle systems2
Nearly unstable integer‐valued ARCH process and unit root testing2
Covariance‐based soft clustering of functional data based on the Wasserstein–Procrustes metric2
Learning the two parameters of the Poisson–Dirichlet distribution with a forensic application2
Emulation‐based inference for spatial infectious disease transmission models incorporating event time uncertainty2
Communication‐efficient low‐dimensional parameter estimation and inference for high‐dimensional Lp$$ {L}^p $$‐quantile regression2
Bayesian nonparametric estimation in the current status continuous mark model2
Comments on Divergence vs. Decision P‐values2
Efficiency of naive estimators for accelerated failure time models under length‐biased sampling1
Multivariate geometric anisotropic Cox processes1
Modeling multivariate extreme value distributions via Markov trees1
Estimation of treatment effect among treatment responders with a time‐to‐event endpoint1
Issue Information1
Cutoff for a class of auto‐regressive models with vanishing additive noise1
Model‐based clustering in simple hypergraphs through a stochastic blockmodel1
Asymptotically faster estimation of high‐dimensional additive models using subspace learning1
Multiply robust estimators of causal effects for survival outcomes1
A special section honoring Nils Lid Hjort1
Expectile‐based measures of skewness1
Issue Information1
Robust Lasso‐Zero for sparse corruption and model selection with missing covariates1
Empirical likelihood M‐estimation for the varying‐coefficient model with functional response1
Plug‐in machine learning for partially linear mixed‐effects models with repeated measurements1
A new class of nonparametric tests for second‐order stochastic dominance based on the Lorenz P–P plot1
Issue Information1
Issue Information1
Minimax estimation of functional principal components from noisy discretized functional data1
Factorized estimation of high‐dimensional nonparametric covariance models1
Robust quasi‐randomization‐based estimation with ensemble learning for missing data1
Bayesian mixture models (in)consistency for the number of clusters1
Approximate reference priors for Gaussian random fields1
Improper priors and improper posteriors1
Cramér‐von Mises tests for change points1
On a computable Skorokhod's integral‐based estimator of the drift parameter in fractional SDE1
Exact uniformly most powerful postselection confidence distributions1
Adjusted location‐invariant U‐tests for the covariance matrix with elliptically high‐dimensional data1
Structure learning for continuous time Bayesian networks via penalized likelihood1
Sparse principal component analysis for high‐dimensional stationary time series1
Frequentist model averaging for envelope models1
Confidence bands for survival curves from outcome‐dependent stratified samples1
Asymptotic theory for statistics based on cumulant vectors with applications1
Use of multiple imputation in supersampled nested case‐control and case‐cohort studies1
Envelopes for multivariate linear regression with linearly constrained coefficients1
Convergence of likelihood ratios and estimators for selection in nonneutral Wright–Fisher diffusions1
Testing for time‐varying nonlinear dependence structures: Regime‐switching and local Gaussian correlation1
Vector‐valued generalized Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes: Properties and parameter estimation1
Revisiting the sequence symmetry analysis design1
Martingale posterior distributions for cumulative hazard functions1
Statistical evidence and surprise unified under possibility theory1
A robust model averaging approach for partially linear models with responses missing at random1
Bivariate change point detection: Joint detection of changes in expectation and variance1
Accurate bias estimation with applications to focused model selection1
Identification and estimation of threshold matrix‐variate factor models1
Remove unwanted variation retrieves unknown experimental designs1
Estimating absorption time distributions of general Markov jump processes1
Locally correct confidence intervals for a binomial proportion: A new criteria for an interval estimator1
Corrigendum to “On the unification of families of skew‐normal distributions” published in Scand. J. Stat. vol. 33, pp. 561–5741
Greenland, S. (2023). Divergence vs. decision P‐values: A distinction worth making in theory and keeping in practice. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 50, 1–35, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.c1
Sparse additive models in high dimensions with wavelets1
Large‐scale simultaneous inference under dependence1
Asymptotic properties of the maximum smoothed partial likelihood estimator in the change‐plane Cox model1
Cox processes driven by transformed Gaussian processes on linear networks—A review and new contributions1
Inference for all variants of the multivariate coefficient of variation in factorial designs1
Pitfalls of amateur regression: The Dutch New Herring controversies1
Regularization in dynamic random‐intercepts models for analysis of longitudinal data1
Lancaster correlation: A new dependence measure linked to maximum correlation1
Bayesian inverse problems with heterogeneous variance1
Issue Information1
Model‐assisted analysis of covariance estimators for stepped wedge cluster randomized experiments1
Multistate analysis of multitype recurrent event and failure time data with event feedbacks in biomarkers1
Prior distributions expressing ignorance about convex increasing failure rates1
Tobit models for count time series1
A solution to a linear integral equation with an application to statistics of infinitely divisible moving averages0
Tests of multivariate copula exchangeability based on Lévy measures0
Efficient spatial designs using Hausdorff distances and Bayesian optimization0
The geometry of Gaussian double Markovian distributions0
Issue Information0
Consistent Bayesian information criterion based on a mixture prior for possibly high‐dimensional multivariate linear regression models0
Efficient semiparametric estimation of time‐censored intensity‐reduction models for repairable systems0
The Greenwood statistic, stochastic dominance, clustering and heavy tails0
Break point detection for functional covariance0
Large spatial data modeling and analysis: A Krylov subspace approach0
Parameter estimation for linear parabolic SPDEs in two space dimensions based on high frequency data0
General purpose multiply robust data integration procedures for handling nonprobability samples0
Penalized angular regression for personalized predictions0
Optimal designs for testing pairwise differences: A graph‐based game theoretic approach0
Benchmarked linear shrinkage prediction in the Fay–Herriot small area model0
Characterization of valid auxiliary functions for representations of extreme value distributions and their max‐domains of attraction0
Optimal designs for the development of personalized treatment rules0
A nested semiparametric method for case‐control study with missingness0
Nonparametric conditional mean testing via an extreme‐type statistic in high dimension0
Continuous‐time threshold autoregressions with jumps: Properties, estimation, and application to electricity markets0
Uniform convergence rates for nonparametric estimators smoothed by the beta kernel0
Minimax powerful functional analysis of covariance tests with application to longitudinal genome‐wide association studies0
The effect of screening for publication bias on the outcomes of meta‐analyses0
Ultrahigh‐dimensional generalized additive model: Unified theory and methods0
Sequential monitoring of high‐dimensional time series0
Estimation of the adjusted standard‐deviatile for extreme risks0
Outlier detection based on extreme value theory and applications0
Statistical inference for generative adversarial networks and other minimax problems0
Double debiased transfer learning for adaptive Huber regression0
Asymptotic properties of resampling‐based processes for the average treatment effect in observational studies with competing risks0
Issue Information0
Testing the missing at random assumption in generalized linear models in the presence of instrumental variables0
Looking back: Selected contributions by C. R. Rao to multivariate analysis0
Spectral analysis of Markov switching GARCH models with statistical inference0
An n‐dimensional Rosenbrock distribution for Markov chain Monte Carlo testing0
Pointwise comparison of two multivariate density functions0
Commentary on “Pitfalls of amateur regression: The Dutch New Herring controversies”0
Errata for “A framework for covariate balance using Bregman distances”0
Statistical inference with semiparametric nonignorable nonresponse models0
Issue Information0
Preliminary test estimation in uniformly locally asymptotically normal models0
Efficient drift parameter estimation for ergodic solutions of backward SDEs0
Soft maximin estimation for heterogeneous data0
Consistent covariances estimation for stratum imbalances under minimization method for covariate‐adaptive randomization0
Tests under simple order in one‐way ANCOVA0
A conversation with Elja Arjas (Helsinki, November 2021 and March 2022)0
Design for order‐of‐addition experiments with two‐level components0
A historical overview of textbook presentations of statistical science0
Variable selection for high‐dimensional generalized linear model with block‐missing data0
Time‐varying β‐model for dynamic directed networks0
A new reproducing kernel‐based nonlinear dimension reduction method for survival data0
Discussion on the SJS invited paper by Sander Greenland Divergence vs. DecisionP$$ P $$‐values: A Distinction worth making in theory and keeping in Practice0
Comments on Divergence vs. Decision P‐values: A Distinction Worth Making in Theory and Keeping in Practice – or, How Divergence P‐values Measure Evidence Even When Decision P‐valu0
Identifying groups of determinants in Bayesian model averaging using Dirichlet process clustering0
Log‐density gradient covariance and automatic metric tensors for Riemann manifold Monte Carlo methods0
Structure recovery for partially observed discrete Markov random fields on graphs under not necessarily positive distributions0
Issue Information0
Combining information across diverse sources: The II‐CC‐FF paradigm0
Approximate exchangeability and de Finetti priors in 20220
On maximizing the likelihood function of general geostatistical models0
Approximate maximum likelihood estimation for one‐dimensional diffusions observed on a fine grid0
Generalizing the information content for stepped wedge designs: A marginal modeling approach0
Locally adaptive Bayesian isotonic regression using half shrinkage priors0
Functional central limit theorems for persistent Betti numbers on cylindrical networks0
Moment‐based estimation for the multivariate COGARCH(1,1) process0
Nadaraya–Watson estimator for I.I.D. paths of diffusion processes0
Estimation of the conditional tail moment for Weibull‐type distributions0
Some approximations to the path formula for some nonlinear models0
Multiply robust matching estimators of average and quantile treatment effects0
Issue Information0
Multidimensional parameter estimation of heavy‐tailed moving averages0
Density estimation and regression analysis on hyperspheres in the presence of measurement error0
A two‐step estimation procedure for semiparametric mixture cure models0
Improving Lasso for model selection and prediction0
Robust inference for high‐dimensional single index models0
Deep neural network classifier for multidimensional functional data0
Truncated two‐parameter Poisson–Dirichlet approximation for Pitman–Yor process hierarchical models0
Finite sample inference for empirical Bayesian methods0
Unconditional empirical likelihood approach for analytic use of public survey data0
Issue Information0
Envelopes for censored quantile regression0
Graph neural networks for the localization of faults in a partially observed regional transmission system0
Professor Elja Arjas: A prominent figure in establishing statistics in Finland0
Estimation for change point of discretely observed ergodic diffusion processes0
Spatial bootstrapped microeconometrics: Forecasting for out‐of‐sample geo‐locations in big data0
The negative binomial process: A tractable model with composite likelihood‐based inference0
Interactions and computer experiments0
Semiparametric efficient estimation in high‐dimensional partial linear regression models0
On the expectations of equivariant matrix‐valued functions of Wishart and inverse Wishart matrices0
Asymptotic approximation of the likelihood of stationary determinantal point processes0
Targeted estimation of state occupation probabilities for the non‐Markov illness‐death model0
Distributed inference for two‐sample U‐statistics in massive data analysis0
Large‐scale covariate‐assisted two‐sample inference under dependence0
Equivalence theorems for c and DA‐optimality for linear mixed effects models with applications to multitreatment group assignments in health care0
Large‐sample approximations and change testing for high‐dimensional covariance matrices of multivariate linear time series and factor models0
Longitudinal network models and permutation‐uniform Markov chains0
On the robustness to outliers of the Student‐t process0
Data‐driven estimation for multithreshold accelerated failure time model0
Nonparametric detection of changes over time in image data from fluorescence microscopy of living cells0
On the sign recovery by least absolute shrinkage and selection operator, thresholded least absolute shrinkage and selection operator, and thresholded basis pursuit denoising0
Gradient‐based approach to sufficient dimension reduction with functional or longitudinal covariates0
Efficient estimation via envelope chain in magnetic resonance imaging‐based studies0
Nonparametric asymptotic confidence intervals for extreme quantiles0
Validation of point process predictions with proper scoring rules0
Maximum composite likelihood estimation for spatial extremes models of Brown–Resnick type with application to precipitation data0
Marginal additive models for population‐averaged inference in longitudinal and cluster‐correlated data0
Projection‐based and cross‐validated estimation in high‐dimensional Cox model0
Robust inference with censored survival data0
Sequential change point tests based on U‐statistics0
Multivariate boundary regression models0