Journal of Mathematical Biology

(The TQCC of Journal of Mathematical Biology is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Kinetic models for epidemic dynamics with social heterogeneity42
Fixation probabilities in evolutionary dynamics under weak selection39
Spatiotemporal patterns of a diffusive prey-predator model with spatial memory and pregnancy period in an intimidatory environment36
Spatial movement with distributed memory34
Control with uncertain data of socially structured compartmental epidemic models32
A delay suppression model with sterile mosquitoes release period equal to wild larvae maturation period30
Turing conditions for pattern forming systems on evolving manifolds29
A general theory of coexistence and extinction for stochastic ecological communities26
Classes of explicit phylogenetic networks and their biological and mathematical significance22
Optimal control of an SIR epidemic through finite-time non-pharmaceutical intervention21
Bifurcation analysis of the predator–prey model with the Allee effect in the predator21
Global dynamics of a generalist predator–prey model in open advective environments20
Theoretical modeling of collaterally sensitive drug cycles: shaping heterogeneity to allow adaptive therapy20
Analysis of an age-structured tuberculosis model with treatment and relapse19
Open problems in PDE models for knowledge-based animal movement via nonlocal perception and cognitive mapping19
Dynamics of task allocation in social insect colonies: scaling effects of colony size versus work activities18
Vaccination and herd immunity thresholds in heterogeneous populations18
Continuous-time stochastic processes for the spread of COVID-19 disease simulated via a Monte Carlo approach and comparison with deterministic models18
A geometric analysis of the SIRS epidemiological model on a homogeneous network18
Mathematical analysis on an age-structured SIS epidemic model with nonlocal diffusion17
Threshold dynamics of a nonlocal and delayed cholera model in a spatially heterogeneous environment17
Structural identifiability analysis of age-structured PDE epidemic models17
Herd immunity under individual variation and reinfection17
Dynamics of SIR model with vaccination and heterogeneous behavioral response of individuals modeled by the Preisach operator16
On the Lotka–Volterra competition system with dynamical resources and density-dependent diffusion16
Information geometry for phylogenetic trees16
Complete Characterization of Incorrect Orthology Assignments in Best Match Graphs15
Travelling wave solutions in a negative nonlinear diffusion–reaction model15
Spots, stripes, and spiral waves in models for static and motile cells15
Analysis of a two-strain malaria transmission model with spatial heterogeneity and vector-bias14
The structure of infinitesimal homeostasis in input–output networks14
On the global attractivity for a reaction–diffusion malaria model with incubation period in the vector population14
An SIRS model with nonmonotone incidence and saturated treatment in a changing environment13
Impact of releasing period and magnitude on mosquito population in a sterile release model with delay13
Demographic feedbacks can hamper the spatial spread of a gene drive13
Computing nearest neighbour interchange distances between ranked phylogenetic trees12
Permanence via invasion graphs: incorporating community assembly into modern coexistence theory12
Geometric singular perturbation theory analysis of an epidemic model with spontaneous human behavioral change12
Learning black- and gray-box chemotactic PDEs/closures from agent based Monte Carlo simulation data12
Maximizing the total population with logistic growth in a patchy environment12
An all-leader agent-based model for turning and flocking birds11
A model of algal growth depending on nutrients and inorganic carbon in a poorly mixed water column11
Incentives, lockdown, and testing: from Thucydides’ analysis to the COVID-19 pandemic11
A West Nile virus nonlocal model with free boundaries and seasonal succession11
Stationary distributions of persistent ecological systems11
Multiscale modeling of glioma pseudopalisades: contributions from the tumor microenvironment11
A branching process model for dormancy and seed banks in randomly fluctuating environments11
A hierarchical intervention scheme based on epidemic severity in a community network10
Identifiability of local and global features of phylogenetic networks from average distances10
On the qualitative study of a two-trophic plant–herbivore model10
A reaction-advection-diffusion model of cholera epidemics with seasonality and human behavior change10
Identifiability of species network topologies from genomic sequences using the logDet distance9
On asymptotic joint distributions of cherries and pitchforks for random phylogenetic trees9
Distinguishing level-1 phylogenetic networks on the basis of data generated by Markov processes9
Long-time behavior of a PDE replicator equation for multilevel selection in group-structured populations9
Unbounded solutions of models for glycolysis9
Solving the chemical master equation for monomolecular reaction systems and beyond: a Doi-Peliti path integral view9
Indirect identification of horizontal gene transfer9
Trinets encode orchard phylogenetic networks8
Limits of epidemic prediction using SIR models8
On the optimal control of SIR model with Erlang-distributed infectious period: isolation strategies8
The emergence of a virus variant: dynamics of a competition model with cross-immunity time-delay validated by wastewater surveillance data for COVID-198
The tree of blobs of a species network: identifiability under the coalescent8
Basic reproduction ratio of a mosquito-borne disease in heterogeneous environment8
Dynamics of a periodic tick-borne disease model with co-feeding and multiple patches8
Corrigendum to “Best match graphs”8
Stoichiometry and environmental change drive dynamical complexity and unpredictable switches in an intraguild predation model7
Impact of population size and movement on the persistence of a two-strain infectious disease7
Efficiency functionals for the Lévy flight foraging hypothesis7
Population dynamics under climate change: persistence criterion and effects of fluctuations7
Estimating the extent of glioblastoma invasion7
Time dependent asymptotic analysis of the gene regulatory network of the AcrAB-TolC efflux pump system in gram-negative bacteria7
Use of mathematical modelling to assess respiratory syncytial virus epidemiology and interventions: a literature review7
Incorporating carbon dioxide into a stoichiometric producer–grazer model7
Bistability in deterministic and stochastic SLIAR-type models with imperfect and waning vaccine protection7
Stoechiometric and dynamical autocatalysis for diluted chemical reaction networks7
Discrete coalescent trees7
A reaction–diffusion model of spatial propagation of A$$\beta $$ oligomers in early stage Alzheimer’s disease7
Temperature sensitivity of pest reproductive numbers in age-structured PDE models, with a focus on the invasive spotted lanternfly7
General conditions for Turing and wave instabilities in reaction -diffusion systems7
The impact of infection-derived immunity on disease dynamics7
Epidemic modeling with heterogeneity and social diffusion7
A non-parametric method for determining epidemiological reproduction numbers7
A systematic procedure for incorporating separable static heterogeneity into compartmental epidemic models7
Analysis of a diffusive epidemic system with spatial heterogeneity and lag effect of media impact7
Analytic solutions for stochastic hybrid models of gene regulatory networks6
Parameter estimation in fluorescence recovery after photobleaching: quantitative analysis of protein binding reactions and diffusion6
Structural identifiability analysis of epidemic models based on differential equations: a tutorial-based primer6
An SIR model with viral load-dependent transmission6
Quasi-neutral dynamics in a coinfection system with N strains and asymmetries along multiple traits6
Stochastic dynamics of an SIS epidemic on networks6
The intrarenal renin-angiotensin system in hypertension: insights from mathematical modelling6
Stochastic models of infectious diseases in a periodic environment with application to cholera epidemics6
The dynamics of sexually transmitted diseases with men who have sex with men6
An HIV stochastic model with cell-to-cell infection, B-cell immune response and distributed delay6
A Fokker–Planck feedback control framework for optimal personalized therapies in colon cancer-induced angiogenesis6
Stability of a one-dimensional morphoelastic model for post-burn contraction6
A novel mathematical model of heterogeneous cell proliferation6
Analysis of the onset of a regime shift and detecting early warning signs of major population changes in a two-trophic three-species predator-prey model with long-term transients6
Invasive behaviour under competition via a free boundary model: a numerical approach6
Coevolutionary dynamics of host-pathogen interaction with density-dependent mortality6
A Markovian arrival stream approach to stochastic gene expression in cells6
Dispersal-induced growth in a time-periodic environment6
Heteroclinic cycling and extinction in May–Leonard models with demographic stochasticity6
Haldane’s formula in Cannings models: the case of moderately strong selection6
Pulled, pushed or failed: the demographic impact of a gene drive can change the nature of its spatial spread6
Long-range seed dispersal enables almost stationary patterns in a model for dryland vegetation6
Slowest first passage times, redundancy, and menopause timing6
Scheduling fixed length quarantines to minimize the total number of fatalities during an epidemic6
A delay model for persistent viral infections in replicating cells6
Imperfect and Bogdanov–Takens bifurcations in biological models: from harvesting of species to isolation of infectives6
Low-rank tensor methods for Markov chains with applications to tumor progression models6
Evolution of a structured cell population endowed with plasticity of traits under constraints on and between the traits6
Exploring dynamics of plant–herbivore interactions: bifurcation analysis and chaos control with Holling type-II functional response5
Global stability and parameter analysis reinforce therapeutic targets of PD-L1-PD-1 and MDSCs for glioblastoma5
Operon dynamics with state dependent transcription and/or translation delays5
Revisiting Shao and Sokal’s B2 index of phylogenetic balance5
Operating diagrams for a three-tiered microbial food web in the chemostat5
Perceptive movement of susceptible individuals with memory5
A simple in-host model for COVID-19 with treatments: model prediction and calibration5
Gain and loss of function mutations in biological chemical reaction networks: a mathematical model with application to colorectal cancer cells5
Equilibrium and surviving species in a large Lotka–Volterra system of differential equations5
A mathematical model for simulating the spread of a disease through a country divided into geographical regions with different population densities5
Reduced biomechanical models for precision-cut lung-slice stretching experiments5
Inference on autoregulation in gene expression with variance-to-mean ratio5
A game-theoretic model of rabies in domestic dogs with multiple voluntary preventive measures5
Physiological insights into electrodiffusive maintenance of gastric mucus through sensitivity analysis and simulations5
An algebraic characterization of self-generating chemical reaction networks using semigroup models5
Pace and motor control optimization for a runner5
SIRC epidemic model with cross-immunity and multiple time delays5
Optimal vaccine allocation for the control of sexually transmitted infections5
Theoretical growth rate of microalgae under high/low-flashing light5
Population dynamics with resource-dependent dispersal: single- and two-species models5
Within-host bacterial growth dynamics with both mutation and horizontal gene transfer5
Foundations of static and dynamic absolute concentration robustness5
Classification of infinitesimal homeostasis in four-node input–output networks5
Wave speed and critical patch size for integro-difference equations with a strong Allee effect5
On inverse problems for several coupled PDE systems arising in mathematical biology5
Differential equation model for central-place foragers with memory: implications for bumble bee crop pollination5
Stochastic control of ecological networks5
Traveling waves in non-local pulse-coupled networks5
Dynamics of epidemic spreading on connected graphs5
Adaptation in a heterogeneous environment I: persistence versus extinction4
Towards a replicator dynamics model of age structured populations4
Dynamics of a new HIV model with the activation status of infected cells4
Novel spatial profiles of some diffusive SIS epidemic models4
An investigation of tuberculosis progression revealing the role of macrophages apoptosis via sensitivity and bifurcation analysis4
A PDMP model of the epithelial cell turn-over in the intestinal crypt including microbiota-derived regulations4
Optimal control by deep learning techniques and its applications on epidemic models4
Cost optimisation of hybrid institutional incentives for promoting cooperation in finite populations4
Modeling tumour heterogeneity of PD-L1 expression in tumour progression and adaptive therapy4
Optimal control of bioproduction in the presence of population heterogeneity4
Evolutionary dynamics in an SI epidemic model with phenotype-structured susceptible compartment4
Feasibility of sparse large Lotka-Volterra ecosystems4
Viral dynamics with immune responses: effects of distributed delays and Filippov antiretroviral therapy4
Life history traits and dispersal shape neutral genetic diversity in metapopulations4
Exact expressions and numerical evaluation of average evolvability measures for characterizing and comparing $$\textbf{G}$$ matrices4
Implicit versus explicit vector management strategies in models for vector-borne disease epidemiology4
The model-specific Markov embedding problem for symmetric group-based models4
Population growth and competition models with decay and competition consistent delay4
Detecting minimum energy states and multi-stability in nonlocal advection–diffusion models for interacting species4
Rich dynamics of a bidirectionally linked immuno-epidemiological model for cholera4
Pedigree in the biparental Moran model4
Relative prevalence-based dispersal in an epidemic patch model4
Reduction of a stochastic model of gene expression: Lagrangian dynamics gives access to basins of attraction as cell types and metastabilty4
A Turing mechanism in order to explain the patchy nature of Crohn’s disease4
Multivariate phase-type theory for the site frequency spectrum4
Bifurcations driven by generalist and specialist predation: mathematical interpretation of Fennoscandia phenomenon4
Analysis of trophic networks: an optimisation approach4
Spectral analysis of transient amplifiers for death–birth updating constructed from regular graphs4
Mathematical model for the estrogen paradox in breast cancer treatment4
Long time behavior and stable patterns in high-dimensional polarity models of asymmetric cell division4
A dual process for the coupled Wright–Fisher diffusion4
Effects of dispersal rates in a two-stage reaction-diffusion system4
The role of A$$\beta $$ and Tau proteins in Alzheimer’s disease: a mathematical model on graphs4
Mathematical indices for the influence of risk factors on the lethality of a disease4
Spatiotemporal dynamics induced by intraguild predator diffusion in an intraguild predation model4
Spatial dynamics of a vegetation model with uptake–diffusion feedback in an arid environment4
Semigroup models for biochemical reaction networks4
Niche differentiation in the light spectrum promotes coexistence of phytoplankton species: a spatial modelling approach4