Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand

(The TQCC of Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Emergency power supply enabling solar PV integration with battery storage and wireless interface41
Queen of Beauty As a hybrid novel: hybrid literature and the construction of identity22
An indigenous research narrative: rangatahi in the research space20
New Zealand travellers to high-risk destinations for arbovirus infection make little effort to avoid mosquito bites18
An overview of environmental labelling and claims on fish and seafood products in New Zealand supermarkets18
The future of molecular ecology in Aotearoa New Zealand: an early career perspective16
Regulatory compliance of online vendor selling dental whitening products in New Zealand16
Charting just futures for Aotearoa New Zealand: philosophy for and beyond the Covid-19 pandemic15
Deconstructing and reconstructing turn-taking in caregiver-infant interactions: a platform for embodied models of early cooperation14
The size of the helium nucleus: then and now12
Auckland hearing science discovery and translation in purinergic signaling and inner ear therapeutics11
Oral health of children in Aotearoa New Zealand–time for change10
‘Seeing’ our tamariki in longitudinal studies: exploring the complexity of ethnic identification trajectories within Growing Up in New Zealand9
For the greater good? Data and disasters in a post-COVID world9
Rutherford and the Cavendish Laboratory8
A new fossil dolphin with tusk-like teeth from New Zealand and an analysis of procumbent teeth in fossil cetaceans8
Water distribution in community irrigation using a multi-agent system8
Diversification and trait evolution in New Zealand woody lineages across changing biomes8
Case study of user experience-driven design in a new local anaesthetic dentistry jet injection device8
A scoping review of the spatial perception of tinnitus and a guideline for the minimum reporting of tinnitus location7
Mental health support experiences of rainbow rangatahi youth in Aotearoa New Zealand: results from a co-designed online survey6
A review of chyme reinfusion: new tech solutions for age old problems6
Peak loads vs. cold showers: the impact of existing and emerging hot water controllers on load management6
Caregiver response types and children language outcomes in preschoolers with and without hearing loss in Aotearoa New Zealand5
Sustainability within Aotearoa New Zealand’s aerospace sector: current state and implications for the future5
Understanding New Zealand firm innovation: exploring human resource factors by firm size and strength5
Proactivity, mindsets and the development of students’ entrepreneurial self-efficacy: behavioural skills as the catalyst5
Next day cochlear implant switch-on: the New Zealand experience5
Growing for good: producing a healthy, low greenhouse gas and water quality footprint diet in Aotearoa, New Zealand5
Assessing the energy storage potential of electric hot water cylinders with stochastic model-based control5
Melting ice and rising seas – connecting projected change in Antarctica’s ice sheets to communities in Aotearoa New Zealand5
Translating evidence into action: overcoming barriers to gastric cancer prevention in Aotearoa5
Envisioning a sustainable future for space launches: a review of current research and policy5
Implementing genomic medicine in New Zealand5
Lockdown design: which features of lockdowns are most important to COVID-19 experts?5
Applying a social-ecological systems lens to patterns of policy, operational change, and gender participation in a large Aotearoa New Zealand organisation4
Long-term trends in adolescent alcohol, tobacco and cannabis use and emerging substance use issues in Aotearoa New Zealand4
A new artificial intelligent approach to buoy detection for mussel farming4
Automating advocacy: creating local alcohol harm risk profiles to assist community input into alcohol license applications4
How has the cost of feeding New Zealand children well changed from 2018 to 2023? Monthly price changes of a modelled lower-cost healthy diet4
He Pito Mata – awakening the potential4
Developing onshore wind farms in Aotearoa New Zealand: carbon and energy footprints4
Exploring the link between burning mouth syndrome and human herpesvirus-6B: a narrative review on pathogenesis4
Facilitating the ecosystem-based management transition in Aotearoa New Zealand4
A new multi-object tracking pipeline based on computer vision techniques for mussel farms4
Revisiting Eothyrsites holosquamatus Chapman (Trichiuroidea: Gempylidae), an Eocene gemfish from the Burnside Mudstone, Dunedin, New Zealand4
Knowledge, mātauranga and science: reflective learning from the interface4
Creating an environment to inform, build, and sustain a Māori health research workforce4
Improving health and preventing cancer through a better transport system in Aotearoa/New Zealand4
A treatment-focused approach to medical investigations for hearing loss in infants4
Messenger, inquisitor and newsgatherer? Press Gallery journalists on their role(s) at COVID-19 briefings in Aotearoa New Zealand4
Pastoral agriculture, a significant driver of New Zealand’s economy, based on an introduced grassland ecology and technological advances4
Nourishing Hawke’s Bay: He wairua tō te kai – food security, health behaviours and wellbeing in children in regional New Zealand4
Perspectives of early career hearing and vestibular researchers in Aotearoa New Zealand4
Climate change, risk perceptions and barriers to adaptation among forest growers in New Zealand3
Defining our legacy to all future generations3
Mathematical modelling to inform New Zealand’s COVID-19 response3
Intra-carotid body inter-cellular communication3
Effects of quantum mechanical identity in particle scattering: experimental observations (and lack thereof)3
A bioinformatic analysis of gene editing off-target loci altered by common polymorphisms, using ‘PopOff’3
Relational and collective excellence: unfolding the potential of Pacific early career researchers3
Phylogeography reveals the complex impact of the Last Glacial Maximum on New Zealand’s terrestrial biota3
First records of two mackerel shark species ( Carcharodon planus comb. nov. and Carcharodon hubbelli ; Lamnidae) from New Zealand3
Explainable artificial intelligence for assault sentence prediction in New Zealand3
He Tamariki Kokoti Tau: Whānau of preterm Māori infants (pēpi) reflect on their journeys from birth to first birthday3
Adolescent understanding of concepts related to the developmental origins of health and disease: a Pacific perspective3
Evolution of Rutherford’s ion beam science to applied research activities at GNS Science3
Legality in times of emergency: assessing NZ’s response to Covid-193
YOLOv8E: an efficient YOLOv8 method for instance segmentation of individual tree crowns in Wellington City, New Zealand3
Hapū Ora (pregnancy wellness): Māori research responses from conception, through pregnancy and ‘the first 1000 days’ – a call to action for us all3
Rutherford and Russian Physics: the critical influence of the human factor3
Exceptional endemicity of Aotearoa New Zealand biota shows how taxa dispersal traits, but not phylogeny, correlate with global species richness3
Taonga in a digital world: Maori adornment and the possibilities of reconnection3
Sociodemographic, mental health, education, employment and income characteristics of adults with obsessive–compulsive disorder who accessed secondary health services in Aotearoa | New Zealand3
A scoping review of ear and hearing health research in Aotearoa New Zealand: a focus on equity3