Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand

(The TQCC of Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Data-driven reduced-order models via regularised Operator Inference for a single-injector combustion process67
Seven weeks of home-cooked meals: changes to New Zealanders’ grocery shopping, cooking and eating during the COVID-19 lockdown53
COVID-19 and the portrayal of older people in New Zealand news media38
Under-represented and overlooked: Māori and Pasifika scientists in Aotearoa New Zealand’s universities and crown-research institutes27
Mathematical modelling to inform New Zealand’s COVID-19 response20
Phase and intensity control of dissipative Kerr cavity solitons19
Understanding vulnerability to COVID-19 in New Zealand: a nationwide cross-sectional study17
Mixed progress in adolescent health and wellbeing in Aotearoa New Zealand 2001–2019: a population overview from the Youth2000 survey series15
In search of mindfulness: a review and reconsideration of cultural dynamics from a cognitive perspective15
The Dunedin study after half a century: reflections on the past, and course for the future14
Pastoral agriculture, a significant driver of New Zealand’s economy, based on an introduced grassland ecology and technological advances14
Negotiating risks and responsibilities during lockdown: ethical reasoning and affective experience in Aotearoa New Zealand14
How Aotearoa New Zealand rapidly revised its Covid-19 response strategy: lessons for the next pandemic plan14
Human EEG and the mechanisms of memory: investigating long-term potentiation (LTP) in sensory-evoked potentials12
Flavonoids – flowers, fruit, forage and the future11
Hongi, Harirū and Hau: Kaumātua in the time of COVID-1911
Understanding cognition and how it changes with aging, brain disease, and lifestyle choices10
A preliminary assessment of machine learning algorithms for predicting CFD-simulated wind flow patterns over idealised foredunes9
Factors influencing individual ability to follow physical distancing recommendations in Aotearoa New Zealand during the COVID-19 pandemic: a population survey9
A short scan of Māori journeys to Antarctica9
Evolution of Rutherford’s ion beam science to applied research activities at GNS Science8
Long-term trends in adolescent alcohol, tobacco and cannabis use and emerging substance use issues in Aotearoa New Zealand8
‘You can’t really define it can you?’ Rangatahi perspectives on hauora and wellbeing7
‘Seeing’ our tamariki in longitudinal studies: exploring the complexity of ethnic identification trajectories within Growing Up in New Zealand7
Seen but unheard: navigating turbulent waters as Māori and Pacific postgraduate students in STEM7
Mental health support experiences of rainbow rangatahi youth in Aotearoa New Zealand: results from a co-designed online survey7
Conservation pest control with new technologies: public perceptions7
Living and dying on the edge of the Empire: a bioarchaeological examination of Otago’s early European settlers7
A new artificial intelligent approach to buoy detection for mussel farming7
For the greater good? Data and disasters in a post-COVID world6
Derivation of induced pluripotent stem cell lines from New Zealand donors6
Islands of Indigenous innovation: reclaiming and reconceptualising innovation within, against and beyond colonial-capitalism6
Impact of COVID-19 on health research in New Zealand: a case study of a research-intensive campus5
Cognitive flexibility in humans and other laboratory animals5
Numerical study of flow structure and pedestrian-level wind comfort inside urban street canyons5
Prevalence and predictors of developmental health difficulties within New Zealand preschool-aged children: a latent profile analysis5
Phylogeography reveals the complex impact of the Last Glacial Maximum on New Zealand’s terrestrial biota5
Insights into Aotearoa New Zealand’s biogeographic history provided by the study of natural hybrid zones5
Longitudinal research in Aotearoa New Zealand using the Integrated Data Infrastructure: a review5
Computer vision in aquaculture: a case study of juvenile fish counting5
Climate change adaptation through an integrative lens in Aotearoa New Zealand4
Key questions on the evolution and biogeography of New Zealand alpine insects4
Taramea, a treasured Māori perfume of Ngāi Tahu from Aciphylla species of Aotearoa New Zealand: a review of Mātauranga Māori and scientific research4
The New Zealand Parkinson’s progression programme4
‘It feels special when you’re Māori’—voices of mokopuna Māori aged 6 to 13 years4
Lockdown design: which features of lockdowns are most important to COVID-19 experts?4
Chemical and other aspects of Rutherford’s nuclear atom4
Moe Kura: a longitudinal study of mother and child sleep and well-being in Aotearoa New Zealand4
In search of the origin of crown Mysticeti4
Lessons learned from developing a COVID-19 algorithm governance framework in Aotearoa New Zealand4
Hapū Ora (pregnancy wellness): Māori research responses from conception, through pregnancy and ‘the first 1000 days’ – a call to action for us all4
Kaupapa Māori concept modelling for the creation of Māori IT Artefacts4
Charting just futures for Aotearoa New Zealand: philosophy for and beyond the Covid-19 pandemic4
Partnering with AI: the case of digital productivity assistants4
Climate change impacts on Aotearoa New Zealand: a horizon scan approach4
A better start national science challenge: supporting the future wellbeing of our tamariki E tipu, e rea, mō ngā rā o tō ao: grow tender shoot for the days destined for you4
Integrated social protection and COVID-19: rethinking Pacific community responses in Aotearoa4
Legality in times of emergency: assessing NZ’s response to Covid-194
Nourishing Hawke’s Bay: He wairua tō te kai – food security, health behaviours and wellbeing in children in regional New Zealand4