Historiographia Linguistica

(The TQCC of Historiographia Linguistica is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Une cause et ses raisons d’être Solution latine à un problème de terminologie arabe2
The Beginning of Quantitative Sociolinguistics in the Nineteenth Century2
L’arabe algérien parmi les pères blancs2
The Linguistic Situation in the Parish of Aaby, Aarhus County2
Expanding the comparative view2
On the four grades / four calls of Chinese rime tables1
Erminnie A. Smith (1836–1886)1
L. V. Ščerba’s conception of language1
An ablative for the Greeks?1
… and the Word was God: Missionary Linguistics and Missionary Grammar. Ed. by Even Hovdhaugen1
Les études basques comme sujet d’enquête1
The ghost of Vulgar Latin1
The Περὶ ἀντιστοίχων in MS. Barocci 10 and MS. Barocci 480
Compte rendu de Rey (2023): Léonard de Vinci, génie des langues0
The first biolinguist?0
Critique de Colombat & Lahaussois (2019): Histoire des parties du discours0
From Mandarin to Cantonese Lexicography0
Anachronistic bias in the study of Arabic grammatical tradition0
L’architecture des études de linguistique romane au XVIe siècle*0
Compte rendu de Larcher (2021): L’invention de la luġa al-fuṣḥā: une histoire de l’arabe par les textes0
Review of Vincent (2020): Ferdinand de Saussure, Le premier cours de linguistique générale: La trilogie achevée0
Jan Ignacy Necisław Baudouin de Courtenay (1845–1929)0
The Pronunciation of German ch as Velar or Palatal from 1784 to 18410
The Koernerian revolution0
Review of Aarssen, Genis & van der Veken (2018–2020)0
Otto Jespersen, one more broken leg in the historical stool of generative linguistics0
Review of Schöntag (2022): Das Verständnis von Vulgärlatein in der Frühen Neuzeit vor dem Hintergrund der questione della lingua. Eine Untersuchung zur Begriffsgeschichte im Rahmen der sozio- und var0
Compte rendu de Bronckart & Bronckart (2022): Ferdinand de Saussure. Une science du langage pour une science de l’humain0
Review of Imrényi & Mazziotta (2020): Chapters of Dependency Grammar. A historical survey from Antiquity to Tesnière0
The threefold aspect of linguistic phenomena and experiment in linguistics*, **0
Reception, translation and cultural context0
The Adaptation of Western and Chinese Categories to the Description of Manchu0
Review of Householder, Saporta & Adams (2022): Problems in Lexicography0
Bibliographie linguistique de l’année 2016 et complément des années précédentes / Linguistic Bibliography for the Year 2016 and supplement for previous years0
The ‘Brazilian Connection’ in the History of American Linguistics0
Review of Van Rooy, Van Hecke & Van Hal (2022): Trilingual Learning: The Study of Greek and Hebrew in a Latin World (1000–1700)0
Review of Lambert & Bonnet (2021): Apollonius Dyscole et Priscien: Transmettre, traduire, interpréter. Éléments d’une histoire problématique0
Kritik über Walker (2022): Wilhelm von Humboldt and Transcultural Communication in a Multicultural World: Translating Humanity0
Kritik über McElvenny (2023): The Limits of Structuralism. Forgotten Texts in the History of Modern Linguistics0
Compte rendu de Denecker, Desmet, Jooken, Lauwers, van Hal & van Rooy (2022): The Architecture of Grammar. Studies in Linguistic Historiography in Honor of Pierre Swiggers0
Review of Rundle (2022): The Routledge Handbook of Translation History0
Review of De Palo & Gensini (2022): With Saussure, beyond Saussure. Between linguistics and philosophy of language0
Three Cases of Plagiarism?0
Glossing in the Linguistic Survey of India0
Review of Thomas (2020): Formalism and Functionalism in Linguistics. The Engineer and the Collector0
Kritik über Hübner & Simon (2021): Fremdsprachenlehrwerke in der Frühen Neuzeit. Perspektiven – Potentiale – Herausforderungen0
Review of Ringmacher, Tintemann, Klimp & Zimmer (2016): Wilhelm von Humboldt: Einleitende und vergleichende amerikanische Arbeiten0
Review of McElvenny (2019): Gabelentz and the Science of Language0
Editors’ end-of-the-year notes0
Review of Wolff (2019): A history of African linguistics0
Review of Benveniste, Coquet & Fenoglio (2019): Last Lectures. Collège de France 1968 and 19690
Missionary linguistics in the East Indies in the seventeenth century0
Review of Koerner (2020): Last Papers in Linguistic Historiography0
Review of Estienne, Trudeau, Barataud, Colombat & Moreux (2020): La latinité injustement soupçonnée suivi de Dissertation sur la latinité de Plaute0
Une ‘grammaire’ des grammaires de la Renaissance0
Crisis in the Linguistic Society of America0
Strukturalismus und kein Ende?*0
Der Einfluss der akademischen Interaktionen auf die Auflagen- und Wirkungsgeschichte von Hermann PaulsPrinzipien0
Diglossia and language ideology Petrarch on linguistic variation and differentiation0
Innere Sprachform0
The Place of Jakób Handel (1888–c.1942) in the History of Language Study in Poland0
Jacques van Ginneken and Significs0
Critique de Neveu & Roig (2022): L’œuvre de Lucien Tesnière. Lectures contemporaines0
Review of Considine (2022): Sixteenth-Century English Dictionaries0
Karl Tekusch (1890–1977), his concept of Sprachechtheit, and the purism movement in Austria0
Review of Kilarski (2021): A History of the Study of the Indigenous Languages of North America0
Editors’ notes0
Editors’ notes0
Adelung’s English-German dictionary (1783, 1796)0
The monolingual approach in American linguistic fieldwork0
Father Iakinf Bičurin’s theory of mental inflection in Chinese0
Historiographia linguistica Folha de Estilo0
A letter from Zellig Harris to André Lentin0
Lapsus et apposition de rectification de l’arabe0
Kritik über Jäger & Kablitz (2023): Saussure et l’épistémè structuraliste. / Saussure und die strukturalistische Episteme0
Who Copied Whom?0
Compte rendu de Riemer (2021): L’emprise de la grammaire. Propositions épistémologiques pour une linguistique mineure0
Review of Hirschkop (2019): Linguistic Turns, 1890–1950: Writing on language as social theory0
Revisions to the Siraya lexicon based on the original Utrecht Manuscript0
Review of Joseph (2018): Language, Mind, and Body: A conceptual history0
Review of Goldsmith & Laks (2019): Battle in the Mind Fields0
Bibliography of writings by E. F. Konrad Koerner0