
(The TQCC of Boreas is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Detailing the impact of the Storegga Tsunami at Montrose, Scotland55
A quasi‐continuous long‐term (5 Ma) Mid‐European mountain permafrost record based on fluvial magnetic susceptibility and its contribution to the explanation of Plio–Pleistocene glaciations20
Lateglacial and Holocene chronology of climate‐driven postglacial landscape evolution in northeast Greenland18
Deglaciation of the highest mountains in Scandinavia at the Younger Dryas–Holocene transition: evidence from surface exposure‐age dating of ice‐marginal moraines16
Issue Information15
Multi‐proxy climate and environmental records from a Holocene eutrophic mire, southern taiga subzone, West Siberia15
Identifying the influence of terrestrial–aquatic connectivity on palaeoecological inferences of past climate in Arctic lakes14
Multi‐proxy palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Skagerrak from the Lateglacial to Middle Holocene14
When were the straits between the Baltic Sea and the Kattegat inundated by the sea during the Holocene?14
Chironomidae‐based inference model for mean July air temperature reconstructions in the eastern Baltic area12
Cryptotephras in the Lateglacial ICDP Dead Sea sediment record and their implications for chronology11
Holocene mountain landscape development and monsoon variation in the southernmost Russian Far East11
Lateglacial and Holocene vegetation and environmental change in the Jom‐Bolok volcanic region, East Sayan Mountains, South Siberia, Russia11
Holocene history of the eastern side of Novaya Zemlya from glaciomarine sediment records in the Tsivol’ki Fjord11
Middle and Late Holocene relative sea level changes and coastal development at Rugård, Denmark10
Luminescence dating of sand wedges constrains the Late Wisconsin (MIS 2) permafrost interval in the upper Midwest, USA10
A resilient ice cover over the southernmost Mendeleev Ridge during the late Quaternary10
The deglaciation of Upernavik trough, West Greenland, and its Holocene sediment infill: processes and provenance10
Issue Information8
Late Middle Pleistocene (MIS 11‐6) in Europe – introduction8
Evidence of the largest Late Holocene mountain glacier extent in southern and southeastern Greenland during the middle Neoglacial from 10Be moraine dating8
Boreas Reviewers, volume 538
The geodynamic and limnological evolution of Balkan Lake Ohrid, possibly the oldest extant lake in Europe7
The relationship between the loess stratigraphy in the Vojvodina region of northern Serbia and the Saalian and Rissian Stage glaciations – a review7
Season‐of‐death and age‐at‐death of the easternmost European cave bears: Cementum and dentine increment analysis provides new insight into the cave bear ecology7
Stratigraphy of Late Mid‐Pleistocene in Lithuania: the current status and issues7
Millennial‐scale oscillations and an environmental regime shift around the Middle to Late Holocene transition in the North Atlantic region based on a multiproxy record from Isfjorden, West Spitsbergen7
Northeast Greenland: ice‐free shelf edge at 79.4°N around the Last Glacial Maximum 25.5–17.5 ka7
Holocene relative sea level changes in the Västervik‐Gamlebyviken region on the southeast coast of Sweden, southern Baltic Sea7
Obliquity‐driven mountain permafrost‐related fluvial magnetic susceptibility cycles in the Quaternary mid‐latitude long‐term (2.5 Ma) fluvial Maros Fan in the Pannonian Basin6
A rapid sediment pulse induced by glacial melting during the MIS 8/7e transition buried well‐developed karst in the Railton Valley, Tasmania, Australia6
Holocene vegetation and hydroclimate changes in the Kansk forest steppe, Yenisei River Basin, East Siberia6
Issue Information6
Growth and retreat of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet, 31 000 to 15 000 years ago: the BRITICE‐CHRONO reconstruction6
An updated biochronology of Ukrainian small mammal faunas of the past 1.8 million years based on voles (Rodentia, Arvicolidae): a review6
Geomorphological record of the glacial to periglacial transition from the Bølling–Allerød to the Holocene in the Central Pyrenees: the Lòcampo cirque in the regional context6
Issue Information6
Fluvial magnetic susceptibility as a proxy for long‐term variations of mountain permafrost development in the Alp‐Carpathian region6
A Late Pleistocene channelized subglacial meltwater system on the Atlantic continental shelf south of Ireland6
Thrust faulting in glaciers? Re‐examination of debris bands near the margin of Storglaciären, Sweden6
Chironomid‐inferred summer temperature development during the late Rissian glacial, Eemian interglacial and earliest Würmian glacial at Füramoos, southern Germany6
Environmental changes on the northern Taymyr Peninsula (Russian Arctic) during the last 62 ka inferred from the lacustrine pollen record6
Lateglacial and Holocene sedimentary dynamics in northwestern Baffin Bay as recorded in sediment cores from Cape Norton Shaw Inlet (Nunavut, Canada)5
Sediment sequence at Muhos, western Finland – a window to the Pleistocene history of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet5
Interrogating glacier mass balance response to climatic change since the Little Ice Age: reconstructions for the Jotunheimen region, southern Norway5
Issue Information5