Rehabilitation Nursing

(The TQCC of Rehabilitation Nursing is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
COVID-19 and Inpatient Rehabilitation Nursing Care: Lessons Learned and Implications for the Future19
Barriers and Facilitators to Engagement in Rehabilitation Among Stroke Survivors17
Stress and Resilience Among Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic15
Using the Preparedness Assessment for the Transition Home After Stroke Instrument to Identify Stroke Caregiver Concerns Predischarge: Uncertainty, Anticipation, and Cues to Action14
Psychometric Properties of the Preparedness Assessment for the Transition Home After Stroke Instrument8
Extrinsic and Behavioral Fall Risk Factors in People With Parkinson’s Disease: An Integrative Review7
Updated Competency Model for Professional Rehabilitation Nursing: Practice Applications6
Designing and Evaluating a Goal-Setting Tip Sheet for Stroke Family Caregiver Health6
The Effects of Cooling Therapies on Fatigue, Physical Activity, and Quality of Life in Multiple Sclerosis6
Spasticity, Pain, and Fatigue6
The Role of Disease Acceptance, Life Satisfaction, and Stress Perception on the Quality of Life Among Patients With Multiple Sclerosis: A Descriptive and Correlational Study5
Hospital Environmental Effects on Sleep in Adults With Traumatic Brain Injury in Rehabilitation4
Grief and Loss Among Veterans With Spinal Cord Injury: A Qualitative Study4
Effects of the Interruption Management Strategy “Stay S.A.F.E.” During Medication Administration4
Older Persons and Nursing Staff’s Perspectives on Continence Care in Rehabilitation4
Educating Nurses on Supported Mirror Viewing for Patients After Amputation and Other Visible Disfigurements4
Are Symptoms of Spasticity, Pain, and Fatigue Related in People With Stroke?4
Rehabilitation Nursing Challenges for Patients With Lower Limb Amputation3
Supported Communication Video Training for the Nursing Department in an Inpatient Rehabilitation Hospital3
Exergames to Improve Rehabilitation for Shoulder Injury: Systematic Review and GRADE Evidence Synthesis3
Burdens and Educational Needs of Informal Caregivers of Older Adults With Urinary Incontinence: An Internet-Based Study3
Examining Fall Risk Assessment in Geriatric Rehabilitation Settings Using Translational Research3
Reliability and Validity of the Function-Focused Care Checklist for Caregivers3
Dosing Patterns In Treatment of Disabling Spasticity With Intrathecal Baclofen3
Self-Care and Gratitude3
Access, Utilization, and Implementation of Research Among Rehabilitation Nurses: A Qualitative Study2
Flattening the Learning Curve: Notable Updates in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 7th Edition2
Patient-Provider Communication Regarding Referral to Cardiac Rehabilitation2
A Self-Efficacy Reinforcement Stretching Exercise Program for Community-Dwelling Older Women With Osteoarthritis: A Pilot Study2
Balance Confidence and Falls Self-Efficacy in Older Breast Cancer Survivors2
Characteristics and Outcomes of Medicare Patients Treated in Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities: 2013–20182
Physical and Cognitive Training to Enhance Intensive Care Unit Survivors’ Cognition2
Professional Development for Inexperienced Speakers: Making Effective Oral Presentations and Audience Connections2
Racism in Health Care2
Health Literacy-Based Self-Management Intervention for Patient–Family Caregiver Dyads Undergoing Hemodialysis2
Using Mirror Therapy to Optimize the Efficacy of Balance Programs for Older Adults With Poststroke Balance Impairment1
The Reality of Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities Inequities1
Moving Beyond the LGBTQIA+ Acronym1
COVID-19: The Effects on the Course, Outcomes, and Discharge Destination From Acute Rehabilitation1
Empathy, Not Sympathy1
Intrathecal Baclofen Therapy and the Role of the Rehabilitation Nurse1
Inside Looking Out1
The Role of Nursing Staff Regarding Goal Setting and Achieving in Geriatric Rehabilitation: A Focus Group Study1
Introducing Standardized Assessment and Management of Oral Cares in a Rehabilitation Unit: Patient Outcomes and Experiences1
Efficacy of Rapid Rehabilitation Nursing in Postoperative Care in China: A Meta-Analysis1
The Experiences of Robot-Assisted Gait Training in Patients With Neurological Disorders: A Qualitative Study1
Nasal Tube Securement1
The Road to Family Resiliency: A Case Report of a Family’s Experiences Following Adolescent Stroke1
Impact of a Sleep Enhancement Protocol on Nighttime Room Entries in an Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility1
Engaging Rehabilitation Technicians Through a Career Ladder During a Pandemic1
Male External Catheter Care and Maintenance1
Effect of Sitting Ba-Duan-Jin Exercises on Balance and Quality of Life Among Older Adults: A Preliminary Study1
Implementing a Comprehensive Caregiver Assessment and Tailored Family Care Plan Is Essential to a Successful Discharge Home1
Rapid Response Team Activation Triggers in Adults and Children: An Integrative Review1
Human Trafficking in Rehabilitation: What Nurses Need to Know1
Technical Standards for Nursing Education Programs in the 21st Century1
Interventions for Informal Caregivers of Stroke Survivors: Is There Racial and Ethnic Representation in Stroke Caregiver Studies?1
Improving VA Whole-Person Health Care Using Functional Nutrition and Mindful Eating in Patients with SCI and Neurologic Disorders1
Efficacy of Rapid Rehabilitation Nursing in Postoperative Care in China1
Looking Beyond Physical Disability: Cognitive Impairment in Persons With Multiple Sclerosis1
Anosognosia for Hemiplegia and Falls After Stroke1
Social Needs Data to Support Attaining Health Equity1
Development and Validation of a Resilience Questionnaire for Patients During Stroke Rehabilitation in China1
Barriers and Facilitators to Engagement in Rehabilitation Among Stroke Survivors: An Integrative Review1