Continental Shelf Research

(The H4-Index of Continental Shelf Research is 16. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
High-resolution organic and black carbon records in the South Yellow Sea over the last century35
The Natal Bight Coastal Counter-Current: A modeling study31
Assemblages of dinoflagellate resistance cysts and copepod eggs in superficial sediments at the upper Gulf of California27
Dependence of tides and river water transport in an estuarine network on river discharge, tidal forcing, geometry and sea level rise26
Spatiotemporal dynamics of surface sediment characteristics and benthic macrofauna compositions in a temperate high-energy River-dominated Ocean Margin25
Numerical modelling of a Macrotidal Bay over the last 9,000 years: An interdisciplinary methodology to understand the influence of sea-level variations on tidal currents in the Bay of Brest23
The Bonney Coast upwelling: How physical processes shape the feeding behaviour of blue whales22
Geochemical and Isotopic evidence for volcanism on the Alleppey Terrace, southwest Indian continental margin22
Spatiotemporal variability of the nitrogen deficit in bottom waters on the eastern Bering Sea shelf21
ENSO effects in the southern Gulf of California estimated from satellite data20
Assessment of KdV and EKdV theories for simulating internal solitary waves in the continental slope of the South China Sea20
Roles of advection and sediment resuspension-settling in the turbidity maximum zone of the Changjiang Estuary, China18
Ocean surface responses to super typhoon in coastal zone based on biogeochemical buoys data: A case study of “Lekima”17
Thermohaline conditions and circulation in the Gulf of Thailand during the northeast monsoon16
The role of advection and density gradients in driving the residual circulation along a macrotidal and convergent estuary with non-idealized geometry16
Statistical comparisons of sediment particle size distributions16
Influence of oceanography on bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) foraging in the Chukchi Sea as inferred from animal-borne instrumentation16
Long-term changes in ecosystem functioning of a coastal bay expected from a shifting balance between intertidal and subtidal habitats16
Editorial Board16
Editorial Board16
Spatial distribution and habitat relationship of sea urchin assemblages (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) in Hong Kong waters16