International Journal of Robotics Research

(The TQCC of International Journal of Robotics Research is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
How to train your robot with deep reinforcement learning: lessons we have learned291
Cable manipulation with a tactile-reactive gripper119
Kimera: From SLAM to spatial perception with 3D dynamic scene graphs114
Canadian Adverse Driving Conditions dataset109
Towards 3D LiDAR-based semantic scene understanding of 3D point cloud sequences: The SemanticKITTI Dataset77
NTU VIRAL: A visual-inertial-ranging-lidar dataset, from an aerial vehicle viewpoint71
A hip–knee–ankle exoskeleton emulator for studying gait assistance70
Hierarchical control of soft manipulators towards unstructured interactions69
Design of multirotor aerial vehicles: A taxonomy based on input allocation63
Dynamic movement primitives in robotics: A tutorial survey45
Learning compositional models of robot skills for task and motion planning42
Boreas: A multi-season autonomous driving dataset40
Closed-loop control of soft continuum manipulators under tip follower actuation37
Biologically inspired electrostatic artificial muscles for insect-sized robots37
A modular, multi-arm concentric tube robot system with application to transnasal surgery for orbital tumors33
Learning reward functions from diverse sources of human feedback: Optimally integrating demonstrations and preferences32
ColoRadar: The direct 3D millimeter wave radar dataset31
SVIn2: A multi-sensor fusion-based underwater SLAM system31
Offline motion libraries and online MPC for advanced mobility skills31
Inverse optimal control from incomplete trajectory observations30
Concept2Robot: Learning manipulation concepts from instructions and human demonstrations29
GKNet: Grasp keypoint network for grasp candidates detection28
Joint-level force sensing for indirect hybrid force/position control of continuum robots with friction23
RadarSLAM: A robust simultaneous localization and mapping system for all weather conditions22
Adaptively Informed Trees (AIT*) and Effort Informed Trees (EIT*): Asymmetric bidirectional sampling-based path planning21
Interpreting and predicting tactile signals for the SynTouch BioTac20
Coordination of lateral body bending and leg movements for sprawled posture quadrupedal locomotion19
Frequency modulation of body waves to improve performance of sidewinding robots19
Energy budgets for coordinate invariant robot control in physical human–robot interaction18
Continuum robot state estimation using Gaussian process regression on SE(3)18
Multi-fidelity black-box optimization for time-optimal quadrotor maneuvers17
AIR-Act2Act: Human–human interaction dataset for teaching non-verbal social behaviors to robots17
Force sensing in robot-assisted keyhole endoscopy: A systematic survey16
Task space adaptation via the learning of gait controllers of magnetic soft millirobots16
Provably constant-time planning and replanning for real-time grasping objects off a conveyor belt16
Systematic object-invariant in-hand manipulation via reconfigurable underactuation: Introducing the RUTH gripper15
Self-supervised learning for using overhead imagery as maps in outdoor range sensor localization15
Representation, learning, and planning algorithms for geometric task and motion planning15
The UMA-SAR Dataset: Multimodal data collection from a ground vehicle during outdoor disaster response training exercises14
GRSTAPS: Graphically Recursive Simultaneous Task Allocation, Planning, and Scheduling14
Contact-initiated shared control strategies for four-arm supernumerary manipulation with foot interfaces13
Method for generating real-time interactive virtual fixture for shared teleoperation in unknown environments13
Versatile articulated aerial robot DRAGON: Aerial manipulation and grasping by vectorable thrust control13
Backpropagation through signal temporal logic specifications: Infusing logical structure into gradient-based methods13
Sniffing out fugitive methane emissions: autonomous remote gas inspection with a mobile robot13
Passive and active acoustic sensing for soft pneumatic actuators13
Enabling impedance-based physical human–multi–robot collaboration: Experiments with four torque-controlled manipulators13
Inducing structure in reward learning by learning features13
Magnetic concentric tube robots: Introduction and analysis13
Learning from demonstration using products of experts: Applications to manipulation and task prioritization12
Generation of synchronized configuration space trajectories with workspace path constraints for an ensemble of robots12
HARMONIC: A multimodal dataset of assistive human–robot collaboration12
AURORA, a multi-sensor dataset for robotic ocean exploration12
Hybrid sparse monocular visual odometry with online photometric calibration11
Robust feedback motion planning via contraction theory11
Locally active globally stable dynamical systems: Theory, learning, and experiments11
Tac2Pose: Tactile object pose estimation from the first touch11
Shape-induced obstacle attraction and repulsion during dynamic locomotion11
A bathymetric mapping and SLAM dataset with high-precision ground truth for marine robotics10
Combining physics and deep learning to learn continuous-time dynamics models10
Learning to solve sequential physical reasoning problems from a scene image10
Physical interaction as communication: Learning robot objectives online from human corrections10
Autonomous navigation of underactuated bipedal robots in height-constrained environments9
Simplified decision making in the belief space using belief sparsification9
Semi-infinite programming for trajectory optimization with non-convex obstacles9
Eiffel Tower: A deep-sea underwater dataset for long-term visual localization9
Quatro++: Robust global registration exploiting ground segmentation for loop closing in LiDAR SLAM9
Hybrid control for combining model-based and model-free reinforcement learning9
Reactive navigation in partially familiar planar environments using semantic perceptual feedback8
Reactive task and motion planning for robust whole-body dynamic locomotion in constrained environments8
Transendoscopic flexible parallel continuum robotic mechanism for bimanual endoscopic submucosal dissection8
Hamiltonian coordination primitives for decentralized multiagent navigation8
Constrained stochastic optimal control with learned importance sampling: A path integral approach8