Journal of Ethnobiology

(The median citation count of Journal of Ethnobiology is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Scientists' Warning to Humanity on Threats to Indigenous and Local Knowledge Systems107
Ethnobiology Phase VI: Decolonizing Institutions, Projects, and Scholarship45
Bane or Blessing? Reviewing Cultural Values of Bats across the Asia-Pacific Region28
Relations of Blood: Hunting Taboos and Wildlife Conservation in the Idu Mishmi of Northeast India18
Dog-Human Coevolution: Cross-Cultural Analysis of Multiple Hypotheses18
Using Traditional Ecological Knowledge to Understand the Diversity and Abundance of Culturally Important Trees18
Ethnobiology of Bats: Exploring Human-Bat Inter-Relationships in a Rapidly Changing World16
Conceptualizing Indigenous Cultural Ecosystem Services (ICES) and Benefits under Changing Climate Conditions in the Klamath River Basin and Their Implications for Land Management and Governance16
Social and Biological Correlates of Wild Meat Consumption and Trade by Rural Communities in the Jutaí River Basin, Central Amazonia15
Coexistence through the Ages: The Role of Native Livestock Guardian Dogs and Traditional Ecological Knowledge as Key Resources in Conflict Mitigation between Pastoralists and Large Carnivores in the R13
Attitudes towards Bats in Swedish History13
Negotiating the Futures of Nature and Cultures: Perspectives from Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities about the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework13
Crop Diversity Management: Sereer Smallholders' Response to Climatic Variability in Senegal13
Understanding Local Ecological Knowledge, Ethnozoology, and Public Opinion to Improve Pangolin Conservation in the Center and East Regions of Cameroon12
Attitudes towards and Relationships with Cave-Roosting Bats in Northwest Cambodia12
Wild Meat Species, Climate Change, and Indigenous Amazonians12
Interactions between Climate Change and Infrastructure Projects in Changing Water Resources: An Ethnobiological Perspective from the Daasanach, Kenya11
Widespread Use of Traditional Techniques by Local People for Hunting the Yellow-Footed Tortoise (Chelonoidis denticulatus) Across the Amazon10
Human-Dog Relationships across Communities Surrounding Ranomafana and Andasibe-Mantadia National Parks, Madagascar10
Wild Meat in Changing Times10
Human-Bat Interactions in Rural Southwestern Madagascar through a Biocultural Lens9
Listening to Bats: Namibian Pastoralists' Perspectives, Stories, and Experiences9
Dogs and People: Exploring the Human-Dog Connection9
Traditional Agriculture and Food Sovereignty: Quilombola Knowledge and Management of Food Crops8
The Origins of Maya Stingless Beekeeping8
At the Crossroad of Emergency: Ethnobiology, Climate Change, and Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities8
“That Was Our Candy!”: Sweet Foods in Indigenous Peoples' Traditional Diets in Northwestern North America7
“A Returntoandofthe Land”: Indigenous Knowledge and Climate Change Initiatives across the Canadian Prairies7
Sweetness beyond Desserts: The Cultural, Symbolic, and Botanical History of Angelica (Angelica archangelica) in the Nordic Region7
Age, Religion, and Taboos Influence Subsistence Hunting by Indigenous People of the Lower Madeira River, Brazilian Amazon7
Wild Meat Trade Chain on the Bird's Head Peninsula of West Papua Province, Indonesia7
Adaptation Measures to Climate Change as Perceived by Smallholder Farmers in the Andes6
Love Sustains Life:Jkyo jkwainïand Allied Strategies in Caring for the Earth6
Ambiguous Birds: Ideas about Bats on Flores Island and Elsewhere6
Adaptive Management Strategies of Local Communities in Two Amazonian Floodplain Ecosystems in the Face of Extreme Climate Events6
Digging Deep: Place-Based Variation in Late Pre-Contact Mā‘ohi Agricultural Systems, Society Islands5
To Pick or Not to Pick: Photographic Voucher Specimens as an Alternative Method to Botanical Collecting in Ethnobotany5
Seeking a More Ethical Future for Ethnobiology Publishing: A 40-Year Perspective from Journal of ethnobiology5
Semi-Domesticated Crops Have Unique Functional Roles in Agroecosystems: Perennial Beans (Phaseolus dumosus and P. coccineus) and Landscape Ethnoecology in the Colombian Andes4
Adapting a Traditional Hunting Technique to Improve Capture Rates for the Endangered Yellow-Footed Tortoise (Chelonoidis denticulatus) during Ecological Surveys in Amazonia4
Useful Plants from the Wild to Home Gardens: An Analysis of Home Garden Ethnobotany in Contexts of Habitat Conversion and Land Use Change in Jeju, South Korea4
Persistence of the Salty-Sweet Nipah Sugar in the Popular Foodways of Brunei Darussalam4
Searching for Germane Questions in the Ethnobiology of Food Scouting4
Local Knowledge of the Interactions between Agrobiodiversity and Soil: A Fertile Substrate for Adapting to Changes in the Soil in Madagascar?4
Bycatch of the Day: Wild Meat Consumption, Ecological Knowledge, and Symbolic Capital among Indigenous Maroon Parrot Hunters of Jamaica4
“A Part of the People”: Human-Dog Relationships among the Northern Coast Salish of SW British Columbia4
Indigenous Use of Lerps in Australia: So Much More than a Sweet Treat4
Differential Use of Game Species in an Amazonian Indigenous Community: Navigating Economics, Subsistence, and Social Norms3
Integrating Historical Ecology and Environmental Justice3
“Weaving” Different Knowledge Systems through Studying Salience of Wild Animals in a Dryland Area of Argentina3
Cultural Keystone Species without Boundaries: A Case Study on Wild Woody Plants of Transhumant People around the Georgia-Turkey Border (Western Lesser Caucasus)3
“There are No Trees Here”: Understanding Perceived Intergenerational Erosion of Traditional Medicinal Knowledge among Kenyan Purko Maasai in Narok District3
Bills of Fare, Consumer Demand, Social Status, Ethnicity, and the Collapse of California Abalone3
Ancient Agriculture on Lava Flows: Using LiDAR and Soil Science to Reassess Pre-Hispanic Farming on Malpaís Landforms in West Mexico3
Knowing the Clouds through the Land: Perceptions of Changes in Climate through Agricultural Practices in Two Nahua Indigenous Communities3
Human Dimensions of Pangolin Conservation: Indigenous and Local Knowledge, Ethnozoological Uses, and Willingness of Rural Communities to Enhance Pangolin Conservation in Nepal3
Traditional Knowledge on the use of Turtles in a Protected Area of the Amazon in Maranhão (Brazil): A Conservation Proposal3
Plantations Beyond Monocrops: Cannabis Ecologies From Colonial Angola to São Tomé2
Local Ecological Knowledge and Use of the Pacific Seahorse (Hippocampus ingens) by Residents of the State of Sinaloa, Mexico2
Much More Than Firewood: Woody Plants in Household Well-Being Among Rural Communities in Argentina2
Sweetness and Loss: An Urgent Call for Affiliative Modes of Living2
Human-Dog Bond in the Contemporary Mayab: Social Perceptions and Benefits Associated with the Hunter-Milpa Dog in Maya Peasant-Hunter Life Strategies in Yucatan, Mexico2
Overview and Investigation of Australian Aboriginal Lizard Traps2
What Happened to Seri Sweets? Dietary Transition through Culinary Acculturation2
Sampling Bias in Ethnobotanical Studies on Medicinal Plants Conducted in Local Markets2
Differentiating Knowledge of Agave Landraces, Uses, and Management in Nanacamilpa, Tlaxcala2
Folk Taxonomy of the Inter- and Intraspecific Edible Plant Diversity of Huastec Mayan Farmers in Mexico2
Pluralist Ethnobiology: Between Philosophical Reflection and Transdisciplinary Action2
Cooperation and Cattle Herding in Eighteenth Century Acadia: Implications for Archaeological Studies of Agropastoralism2
Negotiating (with) Fire: Contemporary Fire Domestication in Swedish Sápmi2
Invisible Things Forgotten: A Multi-Proxy Study of Wetland Plant Use at a Precolumbian Village on the Gulf Coast of Florida2