Quaternary Science Reviews

(The TQCC of Quaternary Science Reviews is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Distinct response of Asian summer monsoon circulation and precipitation to orbital forcing during six Heinrich events79
A high-resolution tephra record from Castiglione maar reveals the timing and unveils cryptic eruptions over the most recent volcanic activity at Colli Albani, central Italy69
Disentangling seasonal and annual precipitation signals in the tropics over the Holocene: Insights from δD, alkanes and GDGTs65
Long-term Holocene warming trend in Southern China revealed by corrected pollen data50
The origin of the ice-free areas of the Hurd Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica)44
Passage and removal of the Amundsen Gulf Ice Stream, NW Laurentide Ice Sheet, recorded by the glacial and sea level history of southern Banks Island, Arctic Canada40
Reply to comment on “The Kalahari sediments and hominins in southern Africa” (Matmon et al., Quat. Sci. Rev. 334, 108716, 2024)39
Brine exploitation at Cacica (Romania): An application of radial model of salt supplying39
From a coastal plain to an anthropized fluvial valley (NW Brittany, France): 7.3 kyr of paleoenvironmental evolution from sedimentological, palynological and paleogenomic perspectives37
Holocene coastal environmental evolution and human adaptation in the Yaojiang-Ningfeng plain, eastern China, revealed by reanalysis of the radiocarbon dates36
Imprints of Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation on pantropical seawater pH inferred from coral δ11B records36
Method development and application of object detection and classification to Quaternary fossil pollen sequences35
The contribution of stone tool residues in reconstructing Late Pleistocene hominin stone tool behaviour at Grotta di Fumane, Italy34
Landscape and paleoenvironmental change in stream valleys of the Central Great Plains, North America, during Marine Isotope Stage 3 (ca. 59–27 ka)33
Islands on the edge: 42,000-year-old occupation of the Tanimbar islands and its implications for the Sunda-Sahul early human migration discourse33
New age constraints on the MIS 9 – MIS 5.3 marine terraces of the Pontine Plain (central Italy) and implications for global sea levels33
Laurentide Ice Sheet extent over the last 130 thousand years traced by the Pb isotope signature of weathering inputs to the Labrador Sea31
Reconstructing the environmental conditions experienced by early modern humans at Tam Pà Ling (northeast Laos) using higher plant wax biomarkers29
Death at the water hole: Opportunistic hunting and scavenging events in the upper sequence of Middle Paleolithic Nesher Ramla, Israel28
Lake level fluctuations and varve preservation – The sediment record from Lake Suminko (Poland) reflects European paleoclimatic changes28
Stalagmite-inferred European westerly drift in the early Weichselian with centennial-scale variability in marine isotope stage 5a27
Comparing age model techniques for the last glacial cycle: A case study of ten Iberian Margin sediment cores27
Editorial Board26
History of Anvers-Hugo Trough, western Antarctic Peninsula shelf, since the Last Glacial Maximum. Part II: Palaeo-productivity and palaeoceanographic changes during the Last Glacial Transition26
Character of advance and retreat of the southwest sector of the British-Irish Ice Sheet during the last glaciation26
Editors & Editorial board26
Palaeoenvironmental sequences surrounding Border Cave, South Africa, and review of conditions during middle and later stone age occupation26
Southwest Greenland ice-sheet retreat during the 8.2 ka cold event26
Late Pleistocene and Holocene climate and environmental evolution of a subantarctic fjord ingression basin in the southwest Pacific26
Editors & Editorial board25
Paleoglaciology of the central East Antarctic Ice Sheet as revealed by blue-ice sediment25
Editors & Editorial board24
Mechanisms of East Asian winter monsoon response to North Atlantic freshwater forcing: Pivotal role of the Tibetan Plateau24
Orbital-scale vegetation-ocean-atmosphere linkages in western Japan during the last 550 ka based on a pollen record from the IODP site U1427 in the Japan Sea24
Constraining two climate field reconstruction methodologies over the North Atlantic realm using pseudo-proxy experiments24
Revisiting the paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Orce sites and the early Homo habitats in western Europe. A response to Palmqvist et al. (2022)24
Response to the comment by Kobashi and Nakaegawa24
Post-glacial RSL changes and the demise of a local remnant Laurentide Ice-Sheet ice cap: A view from Anticosti island beach-ridges (Gulf of St Lawrence, Canada)23
Giant limpets in southern Iberian coastal and continental archaeological sites, from Neanderthals to Copper Age23
Mid-Holocene coprolites from southern New Zealand provide new insights into the diet and ecology of the extinct little bush moa (Anomalopteryx didiformis)23
Stratigraphic and palaeo-geomorphological evidence for the glacial-deglacial history of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet in the north-western Irish Sea23
Barrow Island lithic scatters: A unique record of occupation patterns on the North West Shelf before insularisation23
Atmospheric Δ14C in the northern and southern hemispheres over the past two millennia: Role of production rate, southern hemisphere westerly winds and ocean circulation changes23
Orbital control on the thermocline structure during the past 568 kyr in the Solomon Sea, southwest equatorial Pacific22
Editors & Editorial board22
A complete sabertooth cat cranium from the Midcontinent of North America and its evolutionary and ecological context22
The latest Early Pleistocene hippopotami from the human-bearing locality of Buia (Eritrea)21
The wood lemming and the development of taiga in Late Pleistocene Central Europe21
Simultaneous extinction of Madagascar's megaherbivores correlates with late Holocene human-caused landscape transformation21
Reply to comments on “Chronology and environmental context of the early prehistoric peopling of Kamchatka, the Russian north far east (Ponkratova, I. Yu., Chlachula, J., Clausen. I, Quaternary Science21
Fluvial responses to late Holocene hydroclimate variability in the midcontinental United States21
Distal tephra reveal new MIS 5e Kos eruptions: Implications for the chronology and volcanic evolution histories in the Eastern Mediterranean region21
Distal ash fall from the mid-Holocene eruption of Mount Hudson (H2) discovered in the Falkland Islands: New possibilities for Southern Hemisphere archive synchronisation21
Long-term African dust delivery to the eastern Atlantic Ocean from the Sahara and Sahel regions: Evidence from Quaternary paleosols on the Canary Islands, Spain21
Cave canem! The earliest Canis (Xenocyon) (Canidae, Mammalia) of Europe: Taxonomic affinities and paleoecology of the fossil wild dogs20
Editors & Editorial board20
A two-centennial perspective on spatially compounding hydroclimate events in arid and semi-arid north China20
Oxygen isotopes of land snail shells in high latitude regions20
Reply to comment by Hillaire-Marcel and de Vernal on “A sedimentary record from the Makarov Basin, Arctic Ocean, reveals changing middle to late Pleistocene glaciation patterns” [Quat. Sci. Rev., 270 20
Comparison of Holocene temperature reconstructions based on GISP2 multiple-gas-isotope measurements20
A case of sharp force trauma on an island without metals. Reconsidering isolation of pre-Hispanic Gran Canaria island20
Enhanced east–west climatic contrast in northern China under past global warming: Evidence from paleovegetation records and numerical simulations20
Chronology of the earliest peopling of the Ethiopian highlands at Melka Kunture pre-dating the 1.925 Ma base of the Olduvai subchron20
Comments on Sookhan et al. “Lidar-based quantitative assessment of drumlin to mega-scale glacial lineation continuums and flow of the paleo Seneca-Cayuga paleo-ice stream” [Quat. Sci. Rev. 263 (2021):19
Linking sedimentary and speleothem precipitation isotope proxy records to improve lacustrine and marine 14C chronologies19
Late-Holocene sea levels from vermetids and barnacles at Ponta do Papagaio, 27° 50′S latitude and a comparison with other sectors of southern Brazil19
Reconstruction of modified Circumpolar Deep Water intrusion and its oceanographic impact in Prydz Bay, East Antarctica19
BrGDGTs-based temperature and hydrological reconstruction from loess-paleosol deposits in the Eastern European Plain since 200 ka19
Human-environment interactions in the Mesolithic – The case of site Paliwodzizna 29, a lakeside site in central Poland19
Sedimentary stratigraphy and provenance off Dronning Maud Land (East Antarctica) during the mid-Pleistocene transition: Implications for paleoclimate and ice dynamics19
Subsurface warming in the tropical Atlantic for the last 3 deglaciations: Insights from organic molecular proxies19
Spatial and temporal abilities of proxies used to detect pre-Columbian Indigenous human activity in Amazonian ecosystems19
Revised temporal and morphostratigraphic context for Clark Quarry: A late-Pleistocene, fluvially-reworked, Atlantic coast backbarrier deposit19
Hydroclimate response in Texas and Gulf of Mexico to rapid warming during the last deglacial: High-resolution speleothem proxy and monitoring evidence18
Holocene coastal sedimentary evolution and neolithic human adaption in response to sea level changes in the Palaeo-Taihu valley, East China18
Evidence for wind patterns and associated landscape response in Western Europe between 46 and 16 ka cal. BP18
Response of aquatic ammonia-oxidizing archaea to thermal stratification and nutrient levels since the Last Glacial Maximum in the deep lake Fuxian, southwestern China18
Reconstructing warm-season temperatures using brGDGTs and assessing biases in Holocene temperature records in northern Fennoscandia18
First small-sized Dinofelis: Evidence from the Plio-Pleistocene of North Africa18
The influence of climatic change, fire and species invasion on a Tasmanian temperate rainforest system over the past 18,000 years18
A continental-scale chironomid training set for reconstructing Arctic temperatures18
Geochemical relationships between shells of the gastropod Gyraulus convexiusculus and modern water bodies on the Tibetan Plateau, and their paleoenvironmental significance18
A tale of two signals: Global and local influences on the Late Pleistocene loess sequences in Bulgarian Lower Danube18
Carbon isotope constraints on glacial Atlantic meridional overturning: Strength vs depth18
New human remains from the Late Epigravettian necropolis of Arene Candide (Liguria, northwestern Italy): Direct radiocarbon evidence and inferences on the funerary use of the cave during the Younger D18
Co-variations of climate and silicate weathering in the Nile Basin during the Late Pleistocene17
Interstadial conditions over the Southern Alps during the early penultimate glacial (MIS 6): a multiproxy record from Rio Martino Cave (Italy)17
Occurrence mode of Holocene tsunami overwash controlled by the geomorphic development along the eastern Nankai Trough, central Japan17
Nature of the beast? Complex drivers of prey choice, competition and resilience in Pleistocene wolves (Canis lupus L., 1754)17
Dust correlation and oxygen isotope stratigraphy in the Southern Ocean over the last 450 kyrs: An Indian sector perspective17
Reconstructing paleohydrology in the northwest Great Basin since the last deglaciation using Paisley Caves fish remains (Oregon, U.S.A.)17
Ecological shifts and hominin adaptations during the Mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition in Northeast Asia as evidenced by isotopic analysis (δ13C, δ18O) of mammalian enamel from Early Paleolithic site17
The last Fennoscandian Ice Sheet glaciation on the Kola Peninsula and Russian Lapland (Part 1): Ice flow configuration17
Multimillennial fire history of northern Finland along a latitude/elevation gradient17
Historical population changes of Adélie penguins in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica, and its climatic forcings17
Stable carbon isotopes and bulk-sediment geochemistry as indicators of relative sea-level change in tidal marshes, mangroves and isolation basins: Application and developments17
Stalagmite multi-proxy records of weak Asian summer monsoon interval during Termination III as an analogue to Termination I17
Deglacial and Holocene sediment dynamics and provenances off Lancaster Sound: Implications for paleoenvironmental conditions in northern Baffin Bay17
A Holocene tephrochronological framework for Finland16
Editors & Editorial board16
The evolution of Australian island geographies and the emergence and persistence of Indigenous maritime cultures16
The role of wetland expansion and successional processes in methane emissions from northern wetlands during the Holocene16
Response of a low elevation carbonate lake in the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico) to climatic and human forcings16
Late Quaternary persistent impacts of permafrost on lake hydrology and landscape evolution on the NE Tibetan Plateau16
Holocene paleolimnological changes in rundvågshetta lakes in the Soya Coast region and their paleoenvironmental significance with glacial isostatic adjustment in East Antarctica16
Pleistocene dynamics of dust accumulation and soil formation in the southern Caspian Lowlands - New insights from the loess-paleosol sequence at Neka-Abelou, northern Iran16
New cosmogenic nuclide constraints on Late Glacial and Holocene glacier fluctuations in the sub-Antarctic Indian Ocean (Kerguelen Islands, 49°S)16
Mapping Middle Stone Age human mobility in the Makgadikgadi Pans (Botswana) through multi-site geochemical provenancing of silcrete artefacts16
Comprehensive magnetic analysis of the tephras in Middle-Late Pleistocene loess records of Serbia, and implications for tephra identification, correlation and loess chronology16
Wildfire-vegetation-climate-human interactions in the central Taiwan region during 17.3–2.0 cal kyr BP, inferred from sediments of Toushe Basin16
Paleoclimate reconstruction of the last 36 kyr based on branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers in the Padul palaeolake record (Sierra Nevada, southern Iberian Peninsula)16
Ice-sheet expansion from the Ross Sea into McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, during the last two glaciations16
Fluvial landscape change in Anqing through the last glacial cycle: Implications for eustatic controls on the Yangtze River's continental-scale incision-aggradation cycles15
Editorial Board15
Late Pleistocene palaeoenvironments and a possible glacial refugium on northern Vancouver Island, Canada: Evidence for the viability of early human settlement on the northwest coast of North America15
A multi-decadal geochemical record from Rano Aroi (Easter Island/Rapa Nui): Implications for the environment, climate and humans during the last two millennia15
Stratigraphic evidence of two historical tsunamis on the semi-arid coast of north-central Chile15
A post-glacial relative sea level curve for the central Douglas Channel area, British Columbia, Canada15
The Briquetage of the Seille proto-industrial salt extraction during the European Iron Age15
Brine-boiling not using briquetage? Technical, socio-economical and ritual aspects of salt production at the Villafáfila lagoons (central Iberia) in Late Chalcolithic/Bronze Age15
MIS5-MIS3 Neanderthal occupations at Amalda III cave (Northern Iberian Peninsula)15
Early Neolithic human remains from Galería del Sílex in Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain15
Retreat patterns and dynamics of the former Norske Trough ice stream (NE Greenland): An integrated geomorphological and sedimentological approach15
New zooarchaeological perspectives on the early Upper Paleolithic Rostamian sequence of Ghar-e Boof (southern Zagros Mountains, Iran)15
Fire as high-elevation cold adaptation: An evaluation of fuels and Terminal Pleistocene combustion in the Central Andes15
Submerged landscapes, marine transgression and underwater shell middens: Comparative analysis of site formation and taphonomy in Europe and North America15
Paleolimnology of Lago Pichilaguna over the past ∼12,600 years based on a fine-resolution diatom record, northwestern Patagonia (41°S)15
East and Southeast Asian hominin dispersal and evolution: A review15
Evaluating middle to late Holocene climate variability from δ18O of aquatic invertebrate remains in southwestern Greenland15
Updating the Eifel record: Zircon double-dating of tephras from Wehr volcano (East Eifel, Germany) as marker horizons for the European Pleistocene loess stratigraphy15
Source-sink dynamics drove punctuated adoption of early pottery in Arctic Europe under diverging socioecological conditions15
Fire and human management of late Holocene ecosystems in southern Africa15
What are the drivers of Caspian Sea level variation during the late Quaternary?15
Midwest North American full glacial paleohydrology from fresh water ostracodes: Comparison of Clementsian and Gleasonian methodologies15
Evaluation of geomagnetic relative palaeointensity as a chronostratigraphic tool in the Southern Ocean: Refined Plio-/Pleistocene chronology of IODP Site U1533 (Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica)14
An updated review on Equus stenonis (Mammalia, Perissodactyla): New implications for the European early Pleistocene Equus taxonomy and paleoecology, and remarks on the Old World Equus evolution14
Six centuries of adaptation to a challenging island environment: AMS 14C dating and stable isotopic analysis of pre-Columbian human remains from the Bahamian archipelago reveal dietary trends14
Patterns of alluvial deposition in Andean lake consistent with ENSO trigger14
Spatio-temporal patterns of centennial-scale climate change over the Tibetan Plateau during the past two millennia and their possible mechanisms14
Sub-speciation processes of equids in the Iberian Peninsula: Ecological strategies and refuge areas14
Sea level change and Kuroshio intrusion dominated Taiwan sediment source-to-sink processes in the northeastern South China Sea over the past 244 kyrs14
Comment on Arnold et al. (2021): CP in the MCA?14
Late Quaternary geology, archaeology, and geoarchaeology of Hall's Cave, Texas14
A commentary on holocene relative sea-level histories of far-field islands in the mid-pacific by F. Tan, N. S. Khan, T. Li, A. J. Meltzner, J. Majewski, N. Chan, P. M. Chutcharavan, N. Cahill, M. Vacc14
Late Quaternary evolution of a lowland anastomosing river system: Geological-topographic inheritance, non-uniformity and implications for biodiversity and management14
A spatiotemporal gradient in the anthropization of Pyrenean landscapes. Preliminary report14
10Be exposure ages and paleoenvironmental significance of rock glaciers in the Western Tatra Mts., Western Carpathians14
Editorial Board14
A maximum rupture model for the central and southern Cascadia subduction zone—reassessing ages for coastal evidence of megathrust earthquakes and tsunamis14
40,000 years of technological continuity and change at Matja Kuru 2, Timor-Leste14
Volcanism and the Greenland ice cores: A new tephrochronological framework for the last glacial-interglacial transition (LGIT) based on cryptotephra deposits in three ice cores14
Summer temperature variability since 1730 CE across the low-to-mid latitudes of western North America from a tree ring blue intensity network14
Summer temperatures during the last glaciation (MIS 5c to MIS 3) inferred from a 50,000-year chironomid record from Füramoos, southern Germany14
Distal tephras along the SE European margin date powerful explosive eruptions from the Elbrus volcanic center (Greater Caucasus)14
An integrative geochronological framework for the Pleistocene So'a basin (Flores, Indonesia), and its implications for faunal turnover and hominin arrival14
Comment on Arnold et al. “Drought and the collapse of the Tiwanaku Civilization: New evidence from Lake Orurillo, Peru” [Quat. Sci. Rev. 251 (2021): 106693]14
Early-warning signals for Cenozoic climate transitions14
Weak precipitation δ2H response to large Holocene hydroclimate changes in eastern North America14
Tracking sediment delivery to central Baffin Bay during the past 40 kyrs: Insights from a multiproxy approach and new age model14
Tree-ring oxygen isotope across monsoon Asia: Common signal and local influence13
Investigating the roles of relative sea-level change and glacio-isostatic adjustment on the retreat of a marine based ice stream in NW Scotland13
Geomagnetic dipole moment variations for the last glacial period inferred from cosmogenic radionuclides in Greenland ice cores via disentangling the climate and production signals13
Holocene biome reconstruction on the Chinese loess plateau based on pollen13
Late mid-Holocene cooling indicated by the Chibuzhang Co record in the central Tibetan Plateau13
Three millennia of salt production: Briquetage and salt structures on the east coast of Lincolnshire, England13
Seismic geomorphology and evolution of the Melville Bugt trough mouth fan, northwest Greenland13
Ancient sedimentary DNA shows rapid post-glacial colonisation of Iceland followed by relatively stable vegetation until the Norse settlement (Landnám) AD 87013
The last deglaciation of Alaska and a new benchmark 10Be moraine chronology from the western Alaska Range13
Anthropogenic warming reduces the carbon accumulation of Tibetan Plateau peatlands13
Spatial fingerprints and mechanisms of precipitation and temperature changes during the Younger Dryas in eastern North America13
A climatic evaluation of the southern dispersal route during MIS 5e13
Deglacial to Mid Holocene environmental conditions on the northeastern Greenland shelf, western Fram Strait13
Millennial to orbital scale Indian summer monsoon evolution inferred from grain size end-members in Tengchongbeihai wetland, southwestern China13
Lake and crannog: A 2500-year palaeoenvironmental record of continuity and change in NE Scotland13
Prehistoric human response to climate change in the Bonneville basin, western north America: The Bonneville Estates Rockshelter radiocarbon chronology13
Incorporation of Al into diatom frustule as a proxy of seawater Al/Si ratios in the Antarctic Zone of the Southern ocean: Implications for surface silicic acid concentrations during the last glacial p13
Pollen, macrofossils and sedaDNA reveal climate and land use impacts on Holocene mountain vegetation of the Lepontine Alps, Italy13
Reconstruction of the holocene climate and environmental changes of Niayes peat bog in northern coast of Senegal (NW Africa) based on stable isotopes and charcoals analysis13
Coupled temperature variations in the Huguangyan Maar Lake between high and low latitude13
Framing Australian Pleistocene coastal occupation and archaeology13
The Ticino-Toce glacier system (Swiss-Italian Alps) in the framework of the Alpine Last Glacial Maximum13
Salt and pastoralism in the Protohistory of the Veneto13
Highly resolved δ13C and trace element ratios of precisely dated stalagmite from northwestern China: Hydroclimate reconstruction during the last two millennia13
Competing forces: Subsistence strategies and human-carnivore interactions during the middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in Northern Iberia13
The connection of east Asia and southwestern north America in climate change mode since the last glacial maximum at various timescales13
Modern and early Holocene ice shelf sediment facies from Petermann Fjord and northern Nares Strait, northwest Greenland13
Direct evidence for thinning and retreat of the southernmost Greenland ice sheet during the Younger Dryas13
Causes and consequences of the late Holocene extinction of the marine flightless duck (Chendytes lawi) in the northeastern Pacific13
A cold but stable 4,200 yr event in Britain and the northeastern Atlantic region12
Independent temperature records since the last deglaciation from the varved sediments of Sihailongwan maar lake, northeastern China12
Meat on the menu: GIS spatial distribution analysis of bone surface damage indicates that Oldowan hominins at Kanjera South, Kenya had early access to carcasses12
Beyond extinction: Uncovering morphological aspects of the last typotherid population (Mesotherium cristatum) and the unexpected body mass decrease12
Response to comments by Karig (2021) on Sookhan et al. “Lidar-based quantitative assessment of drumlin to mega-scale glacial lineation continuums and flow of the paleo Seneca-Cayuga paleo-ice stream”12
A review of benthic foraminiferal oxygen and carbon isotopes12
Human prey choice refutes “Levantine overkill”: Comment on Dembitzer et al. (2022)12
Tracing Holocene temperatures and human impact in a Greenlandic Lake: Novel insights from hyperspectral imaging and lipid biomarkers12
Paleohydrology and human driven paleoproductivity during the Late Holocene from Schliersee, Bavaria12
Editorial Board12
Labrador Coastal Current and productivity variations offshore Nain (Nunatsiavut) during the late Holocene12
Oasis civilization collapse under 3.9 ka climate event in Bactria, Central Asia12
Global monsoonal systems during the last glacial-interglacial cycle12
Luminescence dating of late pleistocene glacial and glacio-fluvial sediments in the Central Himalaya, India12
Variations in the South Atlantic Convergence Zone over the mid-to-late Holocene inferred from speleothem δ18O in central Brazil12
Chronology and paleoclimatic context of hominin occupations in the Fenhe River Basin of northern China during the middle to Late Pleistocene12
Massive Gulf of California diatom blooms mark silica boost from the Southern Ocean and intensification of El Niño and the North American monsoon in the transition to Greenland interstadial 1212
The timing and structure of the 8.2 ka event revealed through high-resolution speleothem records from northwestern Madagascar12
Multiproxy reconstruction of late quaternary upper ocean temperature in the subtropical southwestern Atlantic12
Climate and human impact on vegetation and fire in an arid Colorado Plateau ecosystem in Western North America12
Retreating ice sheet caused a transition from cold-dry to cold-humid conditions in arid Central Asia12
The geomorphic record of marine-based ice dome decay: Final collapse of the Barents Sea ice sheet12
Timing of the last deglaciation phases in the southern Baltic area inferred from Bayesian age modeling12
Provenance of Quaternary aeolian silts in western China and its spatial difference with source of the Yellow River sediments12
Coastal boulders emplaced by extreme wave events impacting the ABC islands (Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao; Leeward Antilles, Caribbean)12
Exploring branching corals as high-resolution paleo-SST archives12
Long-term demographic trends and spatio-temporal distribution of past human activity in Central Europe: Comparison of archaeological and palaeoecological proxies12
Quaternary landscape evolution of patagonia at the Chilean Triple Junction: Climate and tectonic forcings12
A neanderthal hunting camp in the central system of the Iberian Peninsula: A zooarchaeological and taphonomic analysis of the Navalmaíllo Rock Shelter (Pinilla del Valle, Spain)12
Himalayan fir reveals moist phase during Little Ice Age in the Kashmir region of the western Himalayas12
Enhanced summer extreme precipitation over the Asian-African land monsoon regions during past warm periods: A modelling perspective from CESM212
Strong coupling between the East Asian summer monsoon and regional hydrological conditions as evidenced by multiproxy stalagmite records for the last deglaciation12
Quaternary and Pliocene sea-level changes at Camarones, central Patagonia, Argentina12
Long-term fungus–plant covariation from multi-site sedimentary ancient DNA metabarcoding12
Radiocarbon dating and isotopic paleoecology of Notiomastodon platensis (Mammalia: Proboscidea) from the late Pleistocene of Minas Gerais, Brazil12
Understanding the Atlantic influence on climate and vegetation dynamics in western Iberia over the last 2000 years12
Quaternary landscape evolution of the river Seine (France): Synthesis and new results from ESR dating and magnetostratigraphy of fluvial and cave deposits12
A review on the Pleistocene occurrences and palaeobiology of Hippopotamus antiquus based on the record from the Barranc de la Boella Section (Francolí Basin, NE Iberia)11
Why has my paper been rejected without scientific review?11
Single-grain K-feldspar pIRIR dating of the Shalongka archeological site revealed the relationship between monsoon, overbank flooding, and human occupation during the Holocene on the northeastern Tibe11
First Pediastrum–temperature transfer function and its application to mid-to-late Holocene reconstruction in Central Asia11
Validating the potential application of δ2Hwax and soil brGDGTs in paleoelevation estimates on the southern slopes of the Himalaya11
The archaeology of human permanency on the Tibetan plateau: a critical review and assessment of current models11
Sea ice in the northern North Atlantic through the Holocene: Evidence from ice cores and marine sediment records11
Regional precipitation variations during Heinrich events and Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles in the northern margin of the East Asian summer monsoon region11
Characterization of Saharan and Sahelian dust sources based on geochemical and radiogenic isotope signatures11
Holocene fire history in southwestern China linked to climate change and human activities11
Modeling the climate sensitivity of Patagonian glaciers and their responses to climatic change during the global last glacial maximum11
The Holocene silicon biogeochemistry of Yellowstone Lake, USA11
Southward retreat of the Keriya River drove human migration in the Taklimakan Desert during the late Holocene11
Marine Isotope Stage 11c: An unusual interglacial11
Evaluation of the sources and seasonal production of brGDGTs in lake Sihailongwan (N.E. China) and application to reconstruct paleo-temperatures over the period 60–8 ka BP11
Climate reconstruction from paired oxygen-isotope analyses of chironomid larval head capsules and endogenic carbonate (Hawes Water, UK) - Potential and problems11
Climate and vegetation codetermine the increased carbon burial rates in Tibetan Plateau lakes during the Holocene11
Ancient genome provides insights into the history of Eurasian lynx in Iberia and Western Europe11
Developing a continental-scale testate amoeba hydrological transfer function for Asian peatlands11
Retreat and stabilization of a marine-based ice margin along a high arctic fjord-cross-shelf trough system11
Geochronology and glass geochemistry of major Pleistocene eruptions in the Main Ethiopian Rift: Towards a regional tephrostratigraphy11
Large-scale climatic drivers of bison distribution and abundance in North America since the Last Glacial Maximum11
A window into a late Pleistocene megafauna community: Stable isotopes show niche partitioning among herbivorous taxa at the Arroyo del Vizcaíno site (Uruguay)11
Using multiple chronometers to establish a long, directly-dated lacustrine record: Constraining >600,000 years of environmental change at Chew Bahir, Ethiopia11
A 1.8 million year history of Amazon vegetation11