MIS Quarterly

(The median citation count of MIS Quarterly is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Everything Old Can Be New Again: Reinvigorating Theory Borrowing for the Digital Age94
The Fault in Our Stars: Molecular Genetics and Information Technology Use80
Applying and Extending the Theory of Effective Use in a Business Intelligence Context76
Designing Payment Contracts for Healthcare Services to Induce Information Sharing: The Adoption and the Value of Health Information Exchanges (HIEs)65
The Dark Side of Voluntary Data Sharing52
Ruptures During IT-enabled Change: A Sensemaking and Imbrication Analysis51
Algorithmic Processes of Social Alertness and Social Transmission: How Bots Disseminate Information on Twitter48
Toward a Process-Based, Interpretive Understanding of How Collaborative Groups Deal With ICT Interruptions46
Nudging Private Ryan: Mobile Microgiving under Economic Incentives and Audience Effects45
The Dialectics of Technology Standardization43
Enterprise Systems and M&A Outcomes for Acquirers and Targets42
An Empirical Investigation of Company Response to Data Breaches36
A Prescriptive Analytics Framework for Optimal Policy Deployment Using Heterogeneous Treatment Effects33
Real-Effort Incentives in Online Labor Markets: Punishments and Rewards for Individuals and Groups33
Is AI Ground Truth Really True? The Dangers of Training and Evaluating AI Tools Based on Experts’ Know-What32
Behavior Toward Newcomers and Contributions to Online Communities31
How Do Organizations Learn from Information System Incidents? A Synthesis of the Past, Present, and Future28
The Critical Challenge of using Large-scale Digital Experiment Platforms for Scientific Discovery28
Enterprise Systems and the Likelihood of Horizontal, Vertical, and Conglomerate Mergers and Acquisitions27
Peer-to-Peer Loan Fraud Detection: Constructing Features from Transaction Data27
Putting Religious Bias in Context: How Offline and Online Contexts Shape Religious Bias in Online Prosocial Lending26
Deviant Affordances: When Tensions, Deadlocks, and Nonconformance Generate Performance25
Evaluating Information Technology Investments: Insights from Executives’ Trades24
Do Security Fear Appeals Work When They Interrupt Tasks? A Multi-Method Examination of Password Strength24
How Ephemerality Features Affect User Engagement with Social Media Platforms24
How Does Employee Infusion Use of CRM Systems Drive Customer Satisfaction? Mechanism Differences Between Face-to-Face and Virtual Channels23
The Impact of the Sharing Economy on Household Bankruptcy23
The Path of the Righteous: Using Trace Data to Understand Fraud Decisions in Real Time22
No News is Bad News: The Internet, Corruption, and the Decline of the Fourth Estate22
Avoiding an Oppressive Future of Machine Learning: A Design Theory for Emancipatory Assistants21
Infectious Confidence: Unraveling the Effects of Confidence Contagion on Overfunding in Equity Crowdfunding21
Conceptualization and Measurement of Voice Interaction Usability: The Development of Cooperative Principle Theory for Smart Product Use20
Dynamics of Competition on Openness Strategies and Software Maintenance20
Free-Riding in Products with Positive Network Externalities: Empirical Evidence from a Large Mobile Network19
Time Will Tell: The Case for an Idiographic Approach to Behavioral Cybersecurity Research19
Engaging Users on Social Media Business Pages: The Roles of User Comments and Firm Responses19
Designing Promotional Incentives to Embrace Social Sharing: Evidence from Field and Online Experiments18
Cross-Lingual Cybersecurity Analytics in the International Dark Web with Adversarial Deep Representation Learning18
Profit vs. Equality? The Case of Financial Risk Assessment and A New Perspective on Alternative Data18
New-Media Advertising and Retail Platform Openness17
Unemployment and Online Labor: Evidence from Microtasking17
Microblogging Replies and Opinion Polarization: A Natural Experiment16
Economic Impacts of Platform-Endorsed Quality Certification: Evidence from Airbnb16
Skin in the Game: The Transformational Potential of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations16
Effects of Explicit Sponsorship Disclosure on User Engagement in Social Media Influencer Marketing15
Interleaved Design for E-learning: Theory, Design, and Empirical Findings15
iRepair or I Repair? A Dialectical Process Analysis of Control Enactment in the iPhone Repair Aftermarket15
Recognition in Personal Data: Data Warping, Recognition Concessions, and Social Justice15
Reputation Spillover from Agencies on Online Platforms: Evidence from the Entertainment Industry14
Digital Platform Ecosystem Dynamics: The Roles of Product Scope, Innovation, and Collaborative Network Centrality14
Deliberative or Automatic: Disentangling the Dual Processes Behind the Persuasive Power of Online Word-of-Mouth14
Does IT Matter to Acquisitions? The Impacts of IT Distance on Post-Acquisition Performance13
Can Positive Online Social Cues Always Reduce User Avoidance of Sponsored Search Results?13
Catching the Fast Payments Trend: Optimal Designs and Leadership Strategies of Retail Payment and Settlement Systems13
The Effect of Posted Prices on Auction Prices: An Empirical Investigation of a Multichannel B2B Market13
Equality Does Not Make You Happy: Effects of Differentiated Leader-Member Exchange and Team-Member Exchange on Developer Satisfaction in Agile Development Teams13
When IT Creates Legal Vulnerability: Not Just Overutilization but Underprovisioning of Health Care Could be a Consequence13
Managing Collective Enterprise Information Systems Compliance: A Social and Performance Management Context Perspective12
Examining the Neural Basis of Information Security Policy Violations: A Noninvasive Brain Stimulation Approach12
Heterogeneous Demand Effects of Recommendation Strategies in a Mobile Application: Evidence from Econometric Models and Machine-Learning Instruments12
Does IT Enable Collusion or Competition: Examining the Effects of IT on Service Pricing in Multimarket Multihospital Systems11
Repairing Integrity-Based Trust Violations in Ascription Disputes for Potential E-Commerce Customers11
Social Influence, Competition, and Free Riding: Examining Seller Interactions Within an Online Social Network11
Information Technology Investment and Commercialized Innovation Performance: Dynamic Adjustment Costs and Curvilinear Impacts11
Novelty and the Structure of Design Landscapes: A Relational View of Online Innovation Communities11
In-Consumption Information Cues and Online Video Consumption10
Motivating User-Generated Content: The Unintended Consequences of Incentive Thresholds10
Understanding the Returns from Integrated Enterprise Systems: The Impacts of Agile and Phased Implementation Strategies10
Prejudiced against the Machine? Implicit Associations and the Transience of Algorithm Aversion10
Can Fact-Checking Influence User Beliefs About Misinformation Claims: An Examination of Contingent Effects9
Deconstructing Technostress: A Configurational Approach to Explaining Job Burnout and Job Performance9
How Green Information Technology Standards and Strategies Influence Performance: Role of Environment, Cost and Dual Focus9
The Entrainment of Task Allocation and Release Cycles in Open Source Software Development9
Investigating the Nature of Change in Factors Affecting Gender Equity in the IT Sector: A Longitudinal Study of Women in Ireland9
Ambivalence Is Better than Indifference: A Behavioral and Neurophysiological Assessment of Ambivalence in Online Environments9
Creating Proactive Cyber Threat Intelligence with Hacker Exploit Labels: A Deep Transfer Learning Approach9
Stuck Online: When Online Engagement Gets in the Way of Offline Sales9
Just Enough Information? The Contingent Curvilinear Effect of Information Volume on Decision Performance in IS-Enabled Teams8
Wearable Sensor-Based Chronic Condition Severity Assessment: An Adversarial Attention-Based Deep Multisource Multitask Learning Approach8
Are Foreign and Domestic Information Technology Professionals Complements or Substitutes?8
When Algorithms Delegate to Humans: Exploring Human-Algorithm Interaction at Uber8
Crowdfunding for Microfinance Institutions: The New Hope?8
The Interplay between Healthcare Information Technologies and Denied Claims8
Dual Pathways of Value Creation from Digital Strategic Posture: Contingent Effects of Competitive Actions and Environmental Uncertainty8
Technological Entitlement: It’s My Technology and I’ll (Ab)Use It How I Want To7
When Digital Technologies Enable and Threaten Occupational Identity: The Delicate Balancing Act of Data Scientists7
Special Issue Introduction: Digital Technologies and the Advancement of Social Justice: A Framework and Agenda7
Theorizing Process Dynamics with Directed Graphs: A Diachronic Analysis of Digital Trace Data7
When Paying for Reviews Pays Off: The Case of Performance-Contingent Monetary Rewards7
Exploiting Expert Knowledge for Assigning Firms to Industries: A Novel Deep Learning Method7
When and Who Do Platform Companies Acquire? Understanding the Role of Acquisitions in the Growth of Platform Companies7
Impact of Customer Compensation Strategies on Outcomes and the Mediating Role of Justice Perceptions: A Longitudinal Study of Target’s Data Breach7
Equity Crowdfunding and Access to Capital for User Entrepreneurs: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment7
The Impact of IT Decision-Making Authority on IT Project Performance in the U.S. Federal Government7
Digital Strategic Initiatives and Digital Resources: Construct Definition and Future Research Directions7
AI on Drugs: Can Artificial Intelligence Accelerate Drug Development? Evidence from a Large-Scale Examination of Bio-Pharma Firms7
Privacy Concerns and Data Sharing in the Internet of Things: Mixed Methods Evidence from Connected Cars7
Do Early Words from New Ventures Predict Fundraising? A Comparative View of Social Media Narratives7
Reconciling the Paradoxical Findings of Choice Overload Through an Analytical Lens7
Technology-Centric Contestation over Symbolic and Social Boundaries: The Social Justice Implications of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Technologies7
Standardize or Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom? Interface Design Coordination between Software Platforms and Hosted Apps6
Linking Exploits from the Dark Web to Known Vulnerabilities for Proactive Cyber Threat Intelligence: An Attention-Based Deep Structured Semantic Model6
Online Product Reviews: Is a Finer-Grained Rating Scheme Superior to a Coarser One?6
Who Are You and What Are You Selling? Creator-Based and Product-Based Racial Cues in Crowdfunding6
How AI-Based Systems Can Induce Reflections: The Case of AI-Augmented Diagnostic Work6
Commercializing Social Media? How Showrooms on Social Media Fan Pages Influence Customer Behavior6
Stability of Transaction Fees in Bitcoin: A Supply and Demand Perspective6
The Role of Social Cues and Trust in Users’ Private Information Disclosure6
Combining Crowd and Machine Intelligence to Detect False News on Social Media6
The Complex Effects of Cross-Domain Knowledge on IS Development: A Simulation-Based Theory Development6
Surge Pricing and Short-Term Wage Elasticity of Labor Supply in Real-Time Ridesharing Markets5
Are IT Professionals Unique? A Second-Order Meta-Analytic Comparison of Turnover Intentions Across Occupations5
The Persuasive Power of Emoticons in Electronic Word-of-Mouth Communication on Social Networking Services5
The Voice of Commerce: How Smart Speakers Reshape Digital Content Consumption and Preferences5
Human Capital Acquisition in Response to Data Breaches5
How Mergers and Acquisitions Increase Data Breaches: A Complexity Perspective5
CEO Risk-Taking Incentives and IT Innovation: The Moderating Role of a CEO’s IT-Related Human Capital5
A Robust Inference Method for Decision-Making in Networks5
Performance Implications of Digital Disruption in Strategic Competition5
How Artifact-Based and Authority-Based Coordination Affect Propagation Costs in Open Source Software Development4
Disinformation Spillover: Uncovering the Ripple Effect of Bot-Assisted Fake Social Engagement on Public Attention4
When Constructs Become Obsolete: A Systematic Approach to Evaluating and Updating Constructs for Information Systems Research4
Exclusion for Public Safety or Inclusion for Gig Employment: Managing the Tension with a Trilogy of Guardians4
Equal Opportunity for All? The Long Tail of Crowdfunding: Evidence from Kickstarter4
Extracting Actionable Insights from Text Data: A Stable Topic Model Approach4
Ruckus in the Rentals, Seeking New Arrangements: Remedying the Impact of Home-Sharing on Urban Noise4
Assessing the Unacquainted: Inferred Reviewer Personality and Review Helpfulness4
United We Stand, Divided We Fall: An Autogenic Perspective on Empowering Cybersecurity in Organizations4
Time for a Decentralization Journey of Digital Infrastructures? Reflections on the 2023 Impact Award4
Behaviorally Measuring Usability by Analyzing Users’ Mouse Movement Efficiency4
Competing with the Sharing Economy: Incumbents’ Reaction on Review Manipulation4
The Effect of Bots on Human Interaction in Online Communities4
Automated Analysis of Changes in Privacy Policies: A Structured Self-Attentive Sentence Embedding Approach4
RADAR: A Framework for Developing Adversarially Robust Cyber Defense AI Agents with Deep Reinforcement Learning4
Connecting Customers and Merchants Offline: Experimental Evidence from the Commercialization of Last-mile Stations at Alibaba4
The Returns of Early Adoption of Information Technologies: Order of Adoption or Level of Adoption Advantages?4
Do Technology Resources Influence Income Mobility? The Role of Regional and Caste Spillovers from Computer Ownership3
Will Humans-in-the-Loop Become Borgs? Merits and Pitfalls of Working with AI3
How Trust Leads to Commitment on Microsourcing Platforms: Unraveling the Effects of Governance and Third-Party Mechanisms on Triadic Microsourcing Relationships3
Tweet to the Top? Social Media Personal Branding and Career Outcomes3
Algorithmic Management of Work on Online Labor Platforms: When Matching Meets Control3
Privacy Concerns and Data Donations: Do Societal Benefits Matter?3
Capability Development through Just-in-Time Access to Knowledge in Document Repositories: A Longitudinal Examination of Technical Problem Solving3
Website Localization Strategies to Promote Global E-Commerce: The Moderating Role of Individualism and Collectivism3
Designing Digital Market Offerings: How Digital Ventures Navigate the Tension Between Generative Digital Technology and the Current Environment3
The OPM Data Breach: An Investigation of Shared Emotional Reactions on Twitter3
Coordinating Human and Machine Learning for Effective Organization Learning3
Combining Crowd and Machine Intelligence to Detect False News on Social Media3
Building a Reputation as a Business Partner in Information Technology Outsourcing3
Information Technology and Government Corruption in Developing Countries: Evidence from Ghana Customs3