MIS Quarterly

(The H4-Index of MIS Quarterly is 26. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Everything Old Can Be New Again: Reinvigorating Theory Borrowing for the Digital Age94
The Fault in Our Stars: Molecular Genetics and Information Technology Use80
Applying and Extending the Theory of Effective Use in a Business Intelligence Context76
Designing Payment Contracts for Healthcare Services to Induce Information Sharing: The Adoption and the Value of Health Information Exchanges (HIEs)65
The Dark Side of Voluntary Data Sharing52
Ruptures During IT-enabled Change: A Sensemaking and Imbrication Analysis51
Algorithmic Processes of Social Alertness and Social Transmission: How Bots Disseminate Information on Twitter48
Toward a Process-Based, Interpretive Understanding of How Collaborative Groups Deal With ICT Interruptions46
Nudging Private Ryan: Mobile Microgiving under Economic Incentives and Audience Effects45
The Dialectics of Technology Standardization43
Enterprise Systems and M&A Outcomes for Acquirers and Targets42
An Empirical Investigation of Company Response to Data Breaches36
Real-Effort Incentives in Online Labor Markets: Punishments and Rewards for Individuals and Groups33
A Prescriptive Analytics Framework for Optimal Policy Deployment Using Heterogeneous Treatment Effects33
Is AI Ground Truth Really True? The Dangers of Training and Evaluating AI Tools Based on Experts’ Know-What32
Behavior Toward Newcomers and Contributions to Online Communities31
How Do Organizations Learn from Information System Incidents? A Synthesis of the Past, Present, and Future28
The Critical Challenge of using Large-scale Digital Experiment Platforms for Scientific Discovery28
Peer-to-Peer Loan Fraud Detection: Constructing Features from Transaction Data27
Enterprise Systems and the Likelihood of Horizontal, Vertical, and Conglomerate Mergers and Acquisitions27
Putting Religious Bias in Context: How Offline and Online Contexts Shape Religious Bias in Online Prosocial Lending26