Research in Social Stratification and Mobility

(The TQCC of Research in Social Stratification and Mobility is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Sociodemographic inequality in exposure to COVID-19-induced economic hardship in the United Kingdom54
Work less, help out more? The persistence of gender inequality in housework and childcare during UK COVID-1944
The motherhood penalty and The fatherhood premium in employment during covid-19: evidence from The united states43
What happens when schools shut down? Investigating inequality in students’ reading behavior during Covid-19 in Denmark39
Gender inequality and the COVID-19 crisis: Evidence from a large national survey during South Africa’s lockdown36
Large loss in studying time during the closure of schools in Switzerland in 202032
Socio-economic position and local solidarity in times of crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic and the emergence of informal helping arrangements in Germany24
COVID-19 and the decline in Asian American employment24
Disparities in vulnerability to complications from COVID-19 arising from disparities in preexisting conditions in the United States24
Two tales of one city: Unequal vulnerability and resilience to COVID-19 by socioeconomic status in Wuhan, China22
Intergenerational mobility, intergenerational effects, sibling correlations, and equality of opportunity: A comparison of four approaches22
Career trajectories and cumulative wages: The case of temporary employment19
Occupations, workplaces or jobs?: An exploration of stratification contexts using administrative data19
COVID-19–associated discrimination in Germany17
Sticky educational expectations: A cross-country comparison16
Care and careers: Gender (in)equality in unpaid care, housework and employment14
The declining significance of occupation in research on intergenerational mobility14
Resource specificity in intergenerational inequality: The case of education, occupation, and income12
Concerted cultivation in early childhood and social inequalities in cognitive skills: Evidence from a German panel study12
The distributional impacts of the reduction in remittances in Central America in COVID-19 times11
Social origin and secondary labour market entry: Ascriptive and institutional inequalities over the early career in Italy and Germany11
To work or to study? Postmigration educational investments of adult refugees in Germany – Evidence from a choice experiment11
Income inequality, emotional anxiety, and self-rated health in times of the coronavirus pandemic: Evidence from a cross-national survey10
A less objectionable greed? Work-life conflict and unjust pay during a pandemic10
The gender-race intersection and the ‘sheltering-effect’ of public-sector employment10
An investigation of the causal effect of educational expectations on school performance. Behavioral consequences, time-stable confounding, or reciprocal causality?10
Does downward social mobility make people more hostile towards immigrants?9
Social capital and self-efficacy in the process of youth entry into the labour market: Evidence from a longitudinal study in Sweden9
The primary effect of ethnic origin – rooted in early childhood? An analysis of the educational disadvantages of Turkish-origin children during the transition to secondary education in Germany9
The importance of parental ability for cognitive ability and student achievement: Implications for social stratification theory and practice9
Subjective social class has a bad name, but predicts life chances well9
The rise of income and the demise of class and social status? A systematic review of measures of socio-economic position in stratification research8
Caught by surprise: The adaptation of parental expectations after unexpected ability track placement8
Investigating the role of educational aspirations as central mediators of secondary school track choice in Germany8
Both parents matter. Family-based educational inequality in Italy over the second half of the 20th century8
How does exposure to a different school track influence learning progress? Explaining scissor effects by track in Germany8
Gender differences in experiencing coronavirus-triggered economic hardship: Evidence from four developing countries8
Does school matter for students’ self-esteem? Associations of family SES, peer SES, and school resources with Chinese students’ self-esteem8
An anatomy of the intergenerational correlation of educational attainment – Learning from the educational attainments of Norwegian twins and their children7
Parental educational similarity and inequality implications for infant health in Chile: Evidence from administrative records, 1990–20157
Routine-biased technological change does not always lead to polarisation: Evidence from 10 OECD countries, 1995–20137
Men and Women’s Different Dreams on the Future of the Gendered Division of Paid Work and Household Work after COVID-19 in South Korea7
Cumulative disadvantage? The role of race compared to ethnicity, religion, and non-white phenotype in explaining hiring discrimination in the U.S. labour market7
The long arm of parental advantage: Socio-economic background and parental financial transfers over adult children’s life courses7
Concise survey measures for the Big Five personality traits7
Shadow education, pandemic style: Social class, race, and supplemental education during Covid-196
Who benefits from attending elite universities? Family background and graduates’ career trajectories6
Gender inequality in educational performance over the school career: The role of tracking6
Does tracking increase segregation? International evidence on the effects of between-school tracking on social segregation across schools6
Who Benefits More from the College Expansion Policy? Evidence from China6
Occupations, organizations, and the structure of wage inequality in the Netherlands6
What shape great expectations? Gender and social-origin effects on expectation of university graduation6
Non-Cognitive skills and the growing achievement Gap⋆6
Employer preferences for vocational over general education: evidence from an employer survey experiment6
Gene-environment interactions and school tracking during secondary education: Evidence from the U.S.6
Upper secondary tracks and student competencies: A selection or a causal effect? Evidence from the Italian case6
Occupations and Inequalities in the 21st Century: What’s in your Wallet?6
Lifetime inequality: Income and occupational differences and dynamics in the US6
Measurement error in occupation and the impact on intergenerational mobility5
Welfare regime patterns in the social class-fertility relationship: Second births in Austria, France, Norway, and the United Kingdom5
Family, community, and the rural social mobility advantage5
On class and earnings trajectories: The use of class and earnings to study intergenerational mobility5
On the way to becoming a society of downward mobility? Intergenerational occupational mobility in seven West German birth cohorts (1944–1978)5
Employers’ recruitment contexts and hiring preferences in the German youth labor market5
Sibling similarity in income: A life course perspective5
Educational aspirations and decision-making in a context of poverty. A test of rational choice models in El Salvador5
The structure of financial systems and top incomes in advanced economies: A comparative distributional analysis of the financial wage premium4
Do the institutionally disadvantaged students benefit more from boarding at school in their studying? The role of migration and Hukou status in China4
Who benefits most from college? Dimensions of selection and heterogeneous returns to higher education in the United States and the Netherlands4
Understanding differences in children’s reading ability by social origin and gender: The role of parental reading and pre- and primary school exposure in Ireland4
Comparing the social and spatial mobility across UK regions – Evidence from the 1958 and 1970 birth cohorts4
New horizontal inequalities in Japanese education? Examining socioeconomic selectivity in pre-college study abroad intent and participation4
University prestige, cultural distance of the place of education, and wage differences between high-skilled U.S. immigrants with foreign and domestic credentials4
Personality traits as a partial explanation for gender wage gaps and glass ceilings4
Local historical context and multigenerational socioeconomic attainment4
Technology implementation within enterprises and job ending among employees. A study of the role of educational attainment, organizational tenure, age and unionization4
What makes people feel poor when they are economically non-poor? Investigating the role of intergenerational mobility and comparison with friends4
Old habits die hard? School guidance interventions and the persistence of inequalities4
Educational expenditure of Asian American families4
Context in continuity: The enduring legacy of neighborhood disadvantage across generations4
Same major, same economic returns? College selectivity and earnings inequality in young adulthood4