Research in Social Stratification and Mobility

(The H4-Index of Research in Social Stratification and Mobility is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Work less, help out more? The persistence of gender inequality in housework and childcare during UK COVID-1944
What happens when schools shut down? Investigating inequality in students’ reading behavior during Covid-19 in Denmark39
Gender inequality and the COVID-19 crisis: Evidence from a large national survey during South Africa’s lockdown36
Large loss in studying time during the closure of schools in Switzerland in 202032
Socio-economic position and local solidarity in times of crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic and the emergence of informal helping arrangements in Germany25
COVID-19 and the decline in Asian American employment25
Two tales of one city: Unequal vulnerability and resilience to COVID-19 by socioeconomic status in Wuhan, China23
Intergenerational mobility, intergenerational effects, sibling correlations, and equality of opportunity: A comparison of four approaches23
Occupations, workplaces or jobs?: An exploration of stratification contexts using administrative data20
Sticky educational expectations: A cross-country comparison18
COVID-19–associated discrimination in Germany17
The declining significance of occupation in research on intergenerational mobility15
Care and careers: Gender (in)equality in unpaid care, housework and employment15
Concerted cultivation in early childhood and social inequalities in cognitive skills: Evidence from a German panel study13