International Journal of Eating Disorders

(The TQCC of International Journal of Eating Disorders is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic on eating disorders: A systematic review156
Social and economic cost of eating disorders in the United States: Evidence to inform policy action148
Intuitive eating and its psychological correlates: A meta‐analysis114
A systematic scoping review of research on COVID‐19 impacts on eating disorders: A critical appraisal of the evidence and recommendations for the field106
Restrictive eating disorders in higher weight persons: A systematic review of atypical anorexia nervosa prevalence and consecutive admission literature83
A systematic review comparing atypical anorexia nervosa and anorexia nervosa77
“This is just how I cope”: An inductive thematic analysis of eating disorder recovery content created and shared on TikTok using #EDrecovery72
Concerns and recommendations for using AmazonMTurkfor eating disorder research60
Disordered eating in a population‐based sample of young adults during the COVID‐19 outbreak58
Validation of the nine itemARFIDscreen (NIAS) subscales for distinguishingARFIDpresentations and screening forARFID57
Positive body image, intuitive eating, and self‐compassion protect against the onset of the core symptoms of eating disorders: A prospective study55
Gut microbiota alteration in adolescent anorexia nervosa does not normalize with short‐term weight restoration51
One size does not fit all. Genomics differentiates among anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge‐eating disorder51
Internalization of body shape ideals and body dissatisfaction: A systematic review and meta‐analysis49
A systematic review of sociodemographic reporting and representation in eating disorder psychotherapy treatment trials in the United States49
Food insecurity associated with elevated eating disorder symptoms, impairment, and eating disorder diagnoses in an American University student sample before and during the beginning of the COVID<48
Shame and eating disorders symptoms: A meta‐analysis46
Effectiveness of a chatbot for eating disorders prevention: A randomized clinical trial44
A mixed‐studies systematic review of the experiences of body image, disordered eating, and eating disorders during the COVID‐19 pandemic44
The association of traumatic events and posttraumatic stress disorder with greater eating disorder and comorbid symptom severity in residential eating disorder treatment centers44
Disorders of gut–brain interaction common among outpatients with eating disorders including avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder43
Positive outcomes from integrating telehealth into routine clinical practice for eating disorders during COVID‐1943
Disparities in disordered eating between gender minority and cisgender adolescents42
Pilot outcomes from a multidisciplinary telehealth versus in‐person intensive outpatient program for eating disorders during versus before the Covid‐19 pandemic41
Reporting racial and ethnic diversity in eating disorder research over the past 20 years40
Perfectionism interventions targeting disordered eating: A systematic review and meta‐analysis39
Orthorexia nervosa is associated with positive body image and life satisfaction in Chinese elderly: Evidence for a positive psychology perspective39
Emotional eating across different eating disorders and the role of body mass, restriction, and binge eating35
Central coherence and set‐shifting between nonunderweight eating disorders and anorexia nervosa: A systematic review and meta‐analysis35
Attentional bias in eating disorders: A meta‐review35
Psychometric evaluation of the Eating Disorders inYouth‐Questionnairewhen used in adults: Prevalence estimates for symptoms of avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder and population norms34
Associations between orthorexia, disordered eating, and obsessive–compulsive symptoms: A systematic review and meta‐analysis34
Bridging executive function and disinhibited eating among youth: A network analysis33
Screen‐detected disordered eating and related traits in a large population sample of females in mainland China: China Health and Nutrition Survey33
Eating‐disorder psychopathology in female athletes and non‐athletes: A meta‐analysis33
Accountability in promoting representation of historically marginalized racial and ethnic populations in the eating disorders field: A call to action32
Comorbidity between eating disorders and psychiatric disorders32
A virtual issue highlighting eating disorders in people of black/African and Indigenous heritage31
Development and usability testing of a chatbot to promote mental health services use among individuals with eating disorders following screening30
Contemporary screen time modalities among children 9–10 years old and binge‐eating disorder at one‐year follow‐up: A prospective cohort study30
Multi‐family therapy for eating disorders: A systematic scoping review of the quantitative and qualitative findings29
DSM‐5 eating disorder prevalence, gender differences, and mental health associations in United States military veterans29
Changes in the prevalence and sociodemographic correlates of eating disorder symptoms from 2013 to 2020 among a large national sample of U.S. young adults: A repeated cross‐sectional study27
How the unconscious mind controls body movements: Body schema distortion in anorexia nervosa27
Estimated prevalence of eating disorders in Singapore27
What accounts for the high mortality of anorexia nervosa?27
Structural validity of the Eating Disorder Examination—Questionnaire: A systematic review27
Smartphone apps for eating disorders: A systematic review of evidence‐based content and application of user‐adjusted analyses26
Eating disorder symptomatology in transgender patients: Differences across gender identity and gender affirmation26
Food selectivity, nutritional inadequacies, and mealtime behavioral problems in children with autism spectrum disorder compared to neurotypical children25
Emotion dysregulation and suicidality in eating disorders25
The intersect of gastrointestinal symptoms and malnutrition associated with anorexia nervosa and avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder: Functional or pathophysiologic?—A systematic review25
The impact of COVID‐19 on body‐dissatisfied female university students25
Identifying eating disorders in adolescents and adults with overweight or obesity: A systematic review of screening questionnaires24
Feasibility of conducting a randomized controlled trial comparing family‐based treatment via videoconferencing and online guided self‐help family‐based treatment for adolescent anorexia nervosa24
The case for investigating a bidirectional association between insomnia symptoms and eating disorder pathology23
Reducing eating disorder risk among male athletes: A randomized controlled trial investigating the male athlete body project23
Eating disorder symptoms among adolescent boys and girls in Iran23
The neurobiological reward system and binge eating: A critical systematic review of neuroimaging studies23
Weight teasing experienced during adolescence and young adulthood: Cross‐sectional and longitudinal associations with disordered eating behaviors in an ethnically/racially and socioeconomically divers23
Core eating disorder fears: Prevalence and differences in eating disorder fears across eating disorder diagnoses23
Clinical and cost‐effectiveness of two ways of delivering guided self‐help for people with an eating disorder: A multi‐arm randomized controlled trial22
Intensive multidisciplinary feeding intervention for patients with avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder associated with severe food selectivity: An electronic health record review22
Anhedonia in eating disorders: A meta‐analysis and systematic review22
Negative affect and binge eating: Assessing the unique trajectories of negative affect before and after bingeeating episodes across eating disorder diagnostic classifications21
Anhedonia, positive affect dysregulation, and risk and maintenance of binge‐eating disorder21
Using network analysis to compare diagnosis‐specific and age‐specific symptom networks in eating disorders21
Risk factors in preadolescent boys and girls for the development of eating pathology in young adulthood21
In‐person versus virtual therapy in outpatient eating‐disorder treatment: A COVID‐19 inspired study21
Evaluating disorders of gut‐brain interaction in eating disorders20
Confirmatory factor and measurement invariance analyses of the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire in sexual minority men and women20
The diagnosis of avoidant restrictive food intake disorder in the presence of gastrointestinal disorders: Opportunities to define shared mechanisms of symptom expression20
Food insecurity is associated with eating disorders independent of depression and anxiety: Findings from the 2020–2021 Healthy Minds Study20
The impact of COVID‐19 on adolescents with eating disorders: Increased need for medical stabilization and decreased access to care20
Eating disorder psychopathology, psychiatric impairment, and symptom frequency of atypical anorexia nervosa versus anorexia nervosa: A systematic review and meta‐analysis20
Food for thought: Commentary on Burnette et al. (2021) “Concerns and recommendations for using Amazon MTurk for eating disorder research”20
Depression and eating disorders in early adolescence: A network analysis approach20
Comparing eating disorder characteristics and treatment in self‐identified competitive athletes and non‐athletes from the National Eating Disorders Association online screening tool20
A 1‐year follow‐up study of the longitudinal interplay between emotion dysregulation and childhood trauma in the treatment of anorexia nervosa20
Mindfulness and acceptance‐based behavioral treatment for bulimia‐spectrum disorders: A pilot feasibility randomized trial19
Eating disorders treatment experiences and social support: Perspectives from service seekers in mainland China19
A call to experimentally study acute affect‐regulation mechanisms specific to driven exercise in eating disorders19
Validation of the muscularity‐oriented eating test in adult women in China19
Cognitive behavioral therapy for eating disorders: A map of the systematic review evidence base19
Pathways to improve early intervention for eating disorders: Findings from a systematic review and meta‐analysis19
Mediators of change in cognitive behavior therapy and interpersonal psychotherapy for eating disorders: A secondary analysis of a transdiagnostic randomized controlled trial19
Comorbid mental disorders during long‐term course in a nationwide cohort of patients with anorexia nervosa19
Is guided self‐help family‐based treatment for parents of adolescents with anorexia nervosa on treatment waitlists feasible? A pilot trial19
Prevalence of diagnosed eating disorders in US transgender adults and youth in insurance claims19
Realizing the untapped promise of single‐session interventions for eating disorders18
Examining the significance of age of onset in persons with lifetime anorexia nervosa: Comparing child, adolescent, and emerging adult onsets in nationally representative U.S. study18
Trauma exposure and eating disorders: Results from a United States nationally representative sample18
Associations between parental socioeconomic‐, family‐, and sibling status and risk of eating disorders in offspring in a Danish national female cohort18
The longitudinal relationship between family and peer teasing in young adulthood and later unhealthy weight control behaviors: The mediating role of body image18
Psychosocial etiology of maladaptive exercise and its role in eating disorders: A systematic review18
Associations between mealtime anxiety and food intake in anorexia nervosa18
The potential role of stimulants in treating eating disorders17
Toward a more comprehensive understanding and support of parents with a child experiencing an eating disorder17
Project Body Neutrality: Piloting a digital single‐session intervention for adolescent body image and depression17
Examining the efficacy of video‐based microinterventions for improving risk and protective factors for disordered eating among young adult women16
The 17‐year outcome of 62 adult patients with longstanding eating disorders—A prospective study16
Food addiction comorbid to mental disorders: A nationwide survey and register‐based study16
The association between bullying and eating disorders: A case–control study16
People's lived experience with an eating disorder during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A joint virtual issue of research published in leading eating disorder journals16
Family‐based treatment for adolescent anorexia nervosa: Outcomes of a stepped‐care model16
Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and trauma‐informed care in higher levels of care for eating disorders16
Gastrointestinal symptoms following treatment for anorexia nervosa: A systematic literature review16
Hyper‐palatable food consumption during binge‐eating episodes: A comparison of intake during binge eating and restricting16
Emotion dysregulation across the span of eating disorder symptoms: Findings from a community sample of adolescents16
Eating to cope: Advancing our understanding of the effects of exposure to racial discrimination on maladaptive eating behaviors16
Self‐reported symptoms of binge‐eating disorder among adolescents in a community‐based Danish cohort—A study of prevalence, correlates, and impact16
Suicide attempts among people with eating disorders and adverse childhood experiences: Results from a nationally representative sample of adults16
Transgender congruence, body appreciation, body dissatisfaction, and disordered eating in Chinese transgender adults16
A systematic review and meta‐analysis of the prevalence and odds of eating disorders in patients with celiac disease and vice‐versa16
Validating the visceral sensitivity index in an eating disorder sample16
A mechanistic staging model of reward processing alterations in individuals with binge‐type eating disorders16
Early‐onset eating disorders in Australian children: A national surveillance study showing increased incidence15
Health professionals' familiarity and experience with providing clinical care for pediatric avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder15
Enhanced cognitive behavior therapy for severe and extreme anorexia nervosa: An outpatient case series15
Clinical features of adult patients with avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder presenting for medical stabilization: A descriptive study15
Gastrointestinal symptomatology, diagnosis, and treatment history in patients with underweight avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder and anorexia nervosa: Impact on weight restoration in a meal‐ba15
The changing profile of eating disorders and related sociocultural factors in Japan between 1700 and 2020: A systematic scoping review15
Relationships between patterns of weight‐related self‐monitoring and eating disorder symptomology among undergraduate and graduate students15
Introduction to a special issue on eating disorders in Asia15
Associations between eating disorders and illicit drug use among college students15
The impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic on referral numbers, diagnostic mix, and symptom severity in Eating Disorder Early Intervention Services in England15
The role of food selectivity in the association between child autistic traits and constipation15
Risk factors for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa in Japan and compared to a U.S. sample14
Prevalence of disordered eating behaviors in adolescents with type 1 diabetes: Results of multicenter Italian nationwide study14
Diets with high carbohydrate contents were associated with refeeding hypophosphatemia: A retrospective study in Japanese inpatients with anorexia nervosa14
The effect of misgendering on body dissatisfaction and dietary restraint in transgender individuals: Testing a Misgendering‐Congruence Process14
How are families included in the treatment of adults affected by eating disorders? A scoping review14
The impact of comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder on eating disorder treatment outcomes: Investigating the unified treatment model14
Appearance and performance‐enhancing drugs and supplements, eating disorders, and muscle dysmorphia among gender minority people14
Estimated prevalence of eating disorders in Malaysia based on a diagnostic screen14
A scoping review of psychological interventions and outcomes for avoidant and restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID)14
Sex differences in refeeding among hospitalized adolescents and young adults with eating disorders14
Food insecurity and binge‐eating disorder in early adolescence14
The nature of night eating syndrome: Using network analysis to understand unique symptomological relationships13
Yoga practice among ethnically/racially diverse emerging adults: Associations with body image, mindful and disordered eating, and muscle‐enhancing behaviors13
Brain‐gut psychotherapies: Promising tools to address gastrointestinal problems in patients with eating disorders13
Sexual and gender minority (SGM) adolescents' disordered eating: Exploring general and SGM‐specific factors13
Disordered eating, body image concerns, and weight control behaviors in primary school aged children: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of universal–selective prevention interventions13
Socio‐cognitive processing in people with eating disorders: Computerized tests of mentalizing, empathy and imitation skills13
Diet pill and laxative use for weight control predicts first‐time receipt of an eating disorder diagnosis within the next 5 years among female adolescents and young adults13
Emotion regulation in adolescents with anorexia and bulimia nervosa: Differential use of adaptive and maladaptive strategies compared to healthy adolescents13
Relationships between educational achievement, intelligence, and perfectionism in adolescents with eating disorders13
The effectiveness of lived experience involvement in eating disorder treatment: A systematic review13
Separating binge‐eating disorder stigma and weight stigma: A vignette study13
Adaptation and validation of the Eating Disorder Examination‐Questionnaire in English among urban Indian adolescents13
Outcomes of a higher calorie inpatient refeeding protocol in Asian adolescents with anorexia nervosa13
Eating disorder behaviors as predictors of suicidal ideation among people with an eating disorder13
The neurostructural and neurocognitive effects of physical activity: A potential benefit to promote eating disorder recovery13
Smartphone apps for eating disorders: An overview of the marketplace and research trends13
Preoccupation in bulimia nervosa, binge‐eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, and higher weight12
Differential comorbidity profiles in avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder and anorexia nervosa: Does age play a role?12
Concordance between youth and caregiver report of eating disorder psychopathology: Development and psychometric properties of the Eating Disorder‐15 for Parents/Caregivers (ED‐15‐P)12
Understanding the relationship between sexual harassment and eating disorder psychopathology: A systematic review and meta‐analysis12
Effectiveness of an online self‐help program, expert‐patient support, and their combination for eating disorders: Results from a randomized controlled trial12
Change in eating‐disorder psychopathology network structure in patients with anorexia nervosa treated with intensive cognitive behavior therapy12
Development of a brief cognitive‐behavioral treatment for avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder in the context of disorders of gut–brain interaction: Initial feasibility, acceptability, and clinic12
Prediction of eating disorder treatment response trajectories via machine learning does not improve performance versus a simpler regression approach12
Feasibility of avirtually deliveredeating disorder prevention program for young females with type 1 diabetes12
Developing a protocol to address co‐occurring mental health conditions in the treatment of eating disorders12
The first 20 weeks of pregnancy is a high‐risk period for eating disorder relapse12
Disordered eating attitudes and body shape concerns among North Indian Kathak dancers12
The Double Consciousness Body Image Scale: A body image assessment centering the experiences of Black women12
Implicit approach‐avoidance tendencies toward food and body stimuli absent in individuals with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and healthy controls12
Dialectical behavior therapy compared to cognitive behavior therapy in binge‐eating disorder: An effectiveness study with 6‐month follow‐up12
Gender‐related differences in health‐care and economic costs for eating disorders: A comparative cost‐development analysis for anorexia and bulimia nervosa based on anonymized claims data11
The relationship between working alliance with peer mentors and eating psychopathology in a digital 6‐week guided self‐help intervention for anorexia nervosa11
Establishing consensus for labeling and defining the later stage of anorexia nervosa: A Delphi study11
Associations between mukbang viewing and disordered eating behaviors11
Dissonance‐based eating disorder prevention delivered in‐person after an online training: A randomized controlled trial for Brazilian men with body dissatisfaction11
Targeting the link between social media and eating disorder risk: A randomized controlled pilot study11
Toward inclusivity: A systematic review of the conceptualization of sexual minority status and associated eating disorder outcomes across two decades11
Lessons learned developing and testing family‐based interoceptive exposure for adolescents with low‐weight eating disorders11
Physical exercise‐related endophenotypes in anorexia nervosa11
Healthcare use and costs of adults with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa in Taiwan11
Activity‐based anorexia disrupts systemic oxidative state and induces cortical mitochondrial fission in adolescent female rats11
A biobehavioral circadian model of restrictive eating and binge eating11
Evaluating evidence‐based interventions in low socio‐economic‐status populations11
Eating Disorder Examination‐Questionnaire: Evaluating factor structures and establishing measurement invariance with Asian/Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Black, and White American college men10
Alike and different: Associations between orthorexic eating behaviors and exercise addiction10
The introduction of treatment and the cultural adaptability of western psychotherapies for eating disorders in China10
Prevalence and correlates of weight gain attempts across five countries10
Food insecurity and binge eating: A systematic review and meta‐analysis10
Prone to food in bad mood—Emotion‐potentiated food‐cue reactivity in patients with binge‐eating disorder10
Tobacco product use for weight control as an eating disorder behavior: Recommendations for future clinical and public health research10
Predictors of treatment seeking and uptake among respondents to a widely disseminated online eating disorders screen in the United States10
Implementation of family‐based treatment for Asian adolescents with anorexia nervosa: A consecutive cohort examination of outcomes10
Anorexia nervosa and muscle health: A systematic review of our current understanding and future recommendations for study10
Examination of eating disorder psychopathology across sexual and gender identities among a Canadian sample10
Attitudes toward physical activity as a treatment component for adolescents with anorexia nervosa: An exploratory qualitative study of patient perceptions10
Risk and protective factors for new‐onset binge eating, low weight, and self‐harm symptoms in >35,000 individuals in the UK during the COVID‐19 pandemic10
Increased self‐reported delay of gratification in acutely underweight, but not remitted anorexia nervosa10
Introduction of family‐based treatment to Japan with adaptations to optimize the cultural acceptability and advance current traditional treatments of adolescent anorexia nervosa9
A feasibility study evaluating lisdexamfetamine dimesylate for the treatment of adults with bulimia nervosa9
Digging up the dirt on “clean” dietary labels: Public health considerations and opportunities for increased Federal oversight9
Open science practices for eating disorders research9
Psychometric properties of the Eating Disorder Examination‐Questionnaire and psychopathology in Japanese patients with eating disorders9
Eating disorders and the nine symptoms of borderline personality disorder: A systematic review and series of meta‐analyses9
Behavioral reinforcement of pathological exercise in anorexia nervosa9
Comparing eating disorder treatment outcomes of transgender and nonbinary individuals with cisgender individuals9
The association of perfectionism, health‐focused self‐concept, and erroneous beliefs with orthorexia nervosa symptoms: A moderated mediation model9
Cross‐cultural adaptation and validation of the Nine Item ARFID Screen (NIAS) in Mexican youths9
The application of continuous glucose monitoring technology to eating disorders research: An idea worth researching9
Clinical, biochemical, and hematological characteristics of community‐dwelling adolescent and young adult males with anorexia nervosa9
A brief session‐by‐session measure of eating disorder psychopathology for children and adolescents: Development and psychometric properties of the Eating Disorder‐15 for Youth (ED‐15‐Y)9
Posttraumatic stress disorder, traumatic events, and longitudinal eating disorder treatment outcomes: A systematic review9
Ethical concerns arising from recruiting workers from Amazon's Mechanical Turk as research participants: Commentary on Burnette et al. (2021)9
The relationship between disordered eating behaviors and injury rates in adolescent athletes9
Negative urgency combined with negative emotionality is linked to eating disorder psychopathology in community women with and without binge eating9
Use of high‐frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation to probe the neural circuitry of food choice in anorexia nervosa: A proof‐of‐concept study9
Evaluating differences in setting expected body weight for children and adolescents in eating disorder treatment9
Non‐suicidal self‐injury, suicidal thoughts and behaviors in individuals with an eating disorder relative to healthy and psychiatric controls: A systematic review and meta‐analysis9
Factors related to length of stay, referral on discharge and hospital readmission for children and adolescents with anorexia nervosa9
Network investigation of eating disorder symptoms and positive and negative affect in a clinical eating disorder sample9
Cost‐effectiveness of three internet‐based interventions for eating disorders: A randomized controlled trial9
Turning eating disorders screening in primary practice into treatment: A clinical practice approach9
Internalization of muscularity and thinness ideals: Associations with body dissatisfaction, eating disorder symptoms, and muscle dysmorphic symptoms in at risk sexual minority men9
Feasibility and acceptability of home treatment as an add‐on to family based therapy for adolescents with anorexia nervosa. A case series9
Food cravings and loss‐of‐control eating in youth: Associations with gonadal hormone concentrations9
The effects of puberty on associations between mood/personality factors and disordered eating symptoms in girls9
Documenting the course of loss of control over eating prior to, during and after pregnancy among women with pre‐pregnancy overweight and obesity9
The factor structure and validity of a diagnostic interview for avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder in a sample of children, adolescents, and young adults9
Hunger games: Associations between core eating disorder symptoms and responses to rejection by peers during competition8
The association between leptin and weight maintenance outcome in anorexia nervosa8
The need for future research into the assessment and monitoring of eating disorder risk in the context of obesity treatment8
The project COMPASS protocol: Optimizing mindfulness and acceptance‐based behavioral treatment for binge‐eating spectrum disorders8
Time‐of‐day and day‐of‐week patterns of binge eating and relevant psychological vulnerabilities in binge‐eating disorder8
Prevalence of eating disorders and comorbid psychopathology in a US sample of treatment‐seeking veterans8
Biased and inflexible interpretations of ambiguous social situations: Associations with eating disorder symptoms and socioemotional functioning8
Introduction to a special issue on eating disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms—The chicken or the egg?8
ARFID Parent Training Protocol: A randomized pilot trial evaluating a brief, parent‐training program for avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder8
Secondary effects of body dissatisfaction interventions on adolescent depressive symptoms: A meta‐analysis8
In pursuit of biomarkers for predicting susceptibility to activity‐based anorexia in adolescent female rats8
Cognitive bias modification training of attention and interpretation to reduce expectations of social rejection in adolescents with eating disorders: A small efficacy randomized controlled trial8
Inflammatory dysregulation in women with an eating disorder: Relationships with altered emotional reactivity8
The clash of culture and cuisine: A qualitative exploration of cultural tensions and attitudes toward food and body in Chinese young adult women8
The prevalence and correlates of bulimia nervosa, binge‐eating disorder, and anorexia nervosa: The Saudi National Mental Health Survey8
Clinical moderators and predictors of cognitive‐behavioral therapy by guided‐self‐help versus therapist‐led for binge‐eating disorder: Analysis of aggregated clinical trials8
Psychometric properties of the Compulsive Exercise Test in a large sample of female adolescent and adult inpatients with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa8
A school‐based eating disorder prevention program (Me, You & Us) for young adolescents in Korea: A 3‐year follow‐up study8
Eating disorders and substance use: Examining associations among US college students8
Intestinal barrier integrity in anorexia nervosa (a pilot study)8
A daily diary study of emotion regulation as a moderator of negative affect‐binge eating associations8
Sensor technology in eating disorders research: A systematic review8
The COVID‐19 pandemic and youth with anorexia nervosa: A retrospective comparative cohort design8
Binge‐eating disorder is associated with an unfavorable body mass composition in patients with non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease8