Empirical Studies of the Arts

(The TQCC of Empirical Studies of the Arts is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
The Role of AI Attribution Knowledge in the Evaluation of Artwork35
How Individual States and Traits Predict Aesthetic Appreciation of Haiku Poetry18
Why Do People Visit Art Museums? Examining Visitor Motivations and Visit Outcomes15
Artist Names as Human Brands: Brand Determinants, Creation and co-Creation Mechanisms11
Intersections Between Awe and the Sublime: A Preliminary Empirical Study9
Can the Arts Cure Pandemic Hearts? - Cultural Activity During the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Consequences for Psychological Well-Being8
Curiosity Emerging From the Perception of Change in Music6
The Relations of Empathy and Gender to Aesthetic Response and Aesthetic Inference of Visual Artworks6
Judged Beauty of Fractal Symmetries6
Aesthetics of Graffiti: Comparison to Text-Based and Pictorial Artforms5
Global Saccadic Eye Movements Characterise Artists’ Visual Attention While Drawing5
The Aesthetic Emotion Lexicon: A Literature Review of Emotion Words Used by Researchers to Describe Aesthetic Experiences5
Experiences of Ugliness in Nature and Urban environments5
Can Narrative Bibliotherapy Reduce Vulnerability to Eating Disorders? Evidence from a Reading Experiment4
What Type of Title Would You Put on Your Paintings?: The Impact on the Price of Artwork According to Its Title4
Probing the Extremes of Aesthetics: The Role of Typicality and Novelty in the Aesthetic Preference of Industrial Boilers4
How Do We Move in Front of Art? How Does This Relate to Art Experience? Linking Movement, Eye Tracking, Emotion, and Evaluations in a Gallery-Like Setting4
Examining Facebook Groups Engaging in Reading Experiences: The Interactive Therapeutic Process Perspective4
Concert Hall, Museum, Cinema, and Theater Attendance: What Difference Do Audience Motivations and Demographics Make?3
Humans Prefer to See and Imagine Drawing Curved Objects3
Dance Across Cultures: Joint Action Aesthetics in Japan and the UK3
Drawing and Memory: What is the Content of Children’s Drawings and How Does it Differ From Their Verbal Reports?3
Creators Matter. Perception and Pricing of Art Made by Human, Cyborgs and Humanoid Robots3
Quantitative Analysis of Visual Representation of Sign Elements in COVID-19 Context2
Clustering the Raagas of Sankari Sangeet—A Computational Approach2
Aesthetic Disposition, Educational Capital, Personality Trait Openness, and Sex: A Study of French High-School Students2
Flourishing Aims of Art Museums: A Survey of Art Museum Professionals2
An Aesthetic Model for Popular Illustration2
How Do We Understand Artworks? Exploring the Role of Artwork Inherent Features in Art Processing2
The Curation of Music Discovery: The Presentation of Unfamiliar Classical Music on Radio, Digital Playlists and Concert Programmes2
Does Dance Expertise Enhance Sensitivity? A Comparative Study2
Studying Emotive Effects in Poetry by Quantifying Open-Ended Impressions2