History and Anthropology

(The TQCC of History and Anthropology is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Tracing silences: Towards an anthropology of the unspoken and unspeakable13
Arranged marriages: Whose choice and why? Reflections on the principles underlying spouse selection worldwide*11
‘The church should know its place': The passions and the interests of urban struggle in post-atheist Russia11
Omar is dead: Aphasia and the escalating anti-radicalization business7
New deals for the past: the Cold War, American archaeology, and UNESCO in Egypt and Syria7
Strategies of silence in an age of transparency: Navigating HIV and visibility in Aceh, Indonesia7
Articulations of inferiority: From pre-colonial to post-colonial paternalism in tourism and development among the indigenous Bushmen of Southern Africa6
Gender and inheritance patterns in rural Europe: Women as wives, widows, daughters and sisters6
Kinship, gender and the spiritual economy in medieval Central European Towns5
Merapi multiple: Protection around Yogyakarta’s celebrity volcano through masks, dreams, and seismographs5
Introduction: Ethnographies of escalation5
‘Devious silence’: Refugee art, memory activism, and the unspeakability of loss among Syrians in Turkey5
Bolivian migration and ethnic subsidiarity in Chilean sulphur and borax high-altitude mining (1888–1946)5
Practising affect for haunted speakability: Triggering trauma through an interactive art project4
‘We Were all Italian!’: The construction of a ‘sense of Italianness’ among Jews from Libya (1920s–1960s)4
Gender, succession and dynastic rule4
Between diversity and hegemony: Transformations of kinship and gender relations in Upper Yemen, seventh- to thirteenth-century CE4
When pilgrimage does not heal: Memory and loss in Greek Cypriots’ pilgrimages to Apostolos Andreas3
Reimagining the enlightenment: Alternate timelines and utopian futures in the Scottish independence movement3
The Escalation of Gambling in Papua New Guinea, 1936–1971: Notable absence to national obsession3
Across regional disparities and beyond family ties: A Ghanaian middle class in the making3
Gender, kinship and relatedness in fifteenth-century Tibet: The biography of Chokyi Dronma (1422–1455) through anthropological eyes3
Magnetism of strangeness: Silenced histories of landscapes3
Christianity's stamp: Of hybrids, traitors, false peace, massacres and other horrors3
Waiting for accelerations. Speculating on guar seeds in the Indian desert3
Community, society and memory in late medieval nunneries3
Afterword: Haunted histories and the silences of everyday life3
The global proliferation of radical gynaecological surgeries: A history of the present3
A warlike culture? Religion and war in the Aztec world3
‘Abandoned’ things: Looting German property in post-war Poland2
The gendered politics of fieldwork and state medicine in the Altos of Chiapas, 1940–19602
The emancipatory promise of cooperatives in a historical perspective: Evidence from an ice-cream factory in France2
‘Good men don’t elope’: Afghan migrant men’s discourses on labour migration, marriage and masculinity2
Archival ethnography and ethnography of archiving: Towards an anthropology of riot inquiry commission reports in postcolonial India2
Adjusting scales: Jewish trading networks in and beyond Afghanistan, 1950-present-day2
Religion and war: A synthesis2
Being Bhil: The politics of becoming indigenous in India and Pakistan2
Living Buddhism: Migration, memory, and castelessness in South India2
Materiality in the absence of the church: Practising protestantism during China's Cultural Revolution2
The ship2
Remembering through possessed treasures? Landscapes and memories of societal violence in contemporary Turkey2
Spooks, goons, ‘intellectuals’: The military–catholic network in the Cold War diplomacy of Suharto’s Indonesia2
Pastoralism’s distributive ruse: Extractivism, financialization, Indigenous labour and a rightful share in Northern Australia2
Person and relation as categories: Mauss’ legacy2
Ethnography and liberty: a new look at the anthropological work of Wilhelm von Humboldt2
A crack in everything: Violence in soldiers’ narratives about the Portuguese colonial war in Angola2
The nomads, the settlers and the in-betweens: Nordic clergymen on Sámi livelihoods in the early nineteenth century2
Borderline politics: Reading Nepal-India relations as ‘energohistory’2
Bhakt nation: The return of the Hindu diaspora in Modi’s India2
Events of citizenship: Left militantism and the returns of revolution in Tunisia2
Iron fist or nimble fingers?: An anatomy of Erdogan's strongman politics2