History and Anthropology

(The median citation count of History and Anthropology is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Tracing silences: Towards an anthropology of the unspoken and unspeakable13
Arranged marriages: Whose choice and why? Reflections on the principles underlying spouse selection worldwide*11
‘The church should know its place': The passions and the interests of urban struggle in post-atheist Russia11
New deals for the past: the Cold War, American archaeology, and UNESCO in Egypt and Syria7
Strategies of silence in an age of transparency: Navigating HIV and visibility in Aceh, Indonesia7
Omar is dead: Aphasia and the escalating anti-radicalization business7
Gender and inheritance patterns in rural Europe: Women as wives, widows, daughters and sisters6
Articulations of inferiority: From pre-colonial to post-colonial paternalism in tourism and development among the indigenous Bushmen of Southern Africa6
Merapi multiple: Protection around Yogyakarta’s celebrity volcano through masks, dreams, and seismographs5
Introduction: Ethnographies of escalation5
‘Devious silence’: Refugee art, memory activism, and the unspeakability of loss among Syrians in Turkey5
Bolivian migration and ethnic subsidiarity in Chilean sulphur and borax high-altitude mining (1888–1946)5
Kinship, gender and the spiritual economy in medieval Central European Towns5
Gender, succession and dynastic rule4
Between diversity and hegemony: Transformations of kinship and gender relations in Upper Yemen, seventh- to thirteenth-century CE4
Practising affect for haunted speakability: Triggering trauma through an interactive art project4
‘We Were all Italian!’: The construction of a ‘sense of Italianness’ among Jews from Libya (1920s–1960s)4
Gender, kinship and relatedness in fifteenth-century Tibet: The biography of Chokyi Dronma (1422–1455) through anthropological eyes3
Magnetism of strangeness: Silenced histories of landscapes3
Christianity's stamp: Of hybrids, traitors, false peace, massacres and other horrors3
Waiting for accelerations. Speculating on guar seeds in the Indian desert3
Community, society and memory in late medieval nunneries3
Afterword: Haunted histories and the silences of everyday life3
The global proliferation of radical gynaecological surgeries: A history of the present3
A warlike culture? Religion and war in the Aztec world3
When pilgrimage does not heal: Memory and loss in Greek Cypriots’ pilgrimages to Apostolos Andreas3
Reimagining the enlightenment: Alternate timelines and utopian futures in the Scottish independence movement3
The Escalation of Gambling in Papua New Guinea, 1936–1971: Notable absence to national obsession3
Across regional disparities and beyond family ties: A Ghanaian middle class in the making3
Living Buddhism: Migration, memory, and castelessness in South India2
Materiality in the absence of the church: Practising protestantism during China's Cultural Revolution2
The ship2
Remembering through possessed treasures? Landscapes and memories of societal violence in contemporary Turkey2
Spooks, goons, ‘intellectuals’: The military–catholic network in the Cold War diplomacy of Suharto’s Indonesia2
Pastoralism’s distributive ruse: Extractivism, financialization, Indigenous labour and a rightful share in Northern Australia2
Person and relation as categories: Mauss’ legacy2
Ethnography and liberty: a new look at the anthropological work of Wilhelm von Humboldt2
A crack in everything: Violence in soldiers’ narratives about the Portuguese colonial war in Angola2
The nomads, the settlers and the in-betweens: Nordic clergymen on Sámi livelihoods in the early nineteenth century2
Borderline politics: Reading Nepal-India relations as ‘energohistory’2
Bhakt nation: The return of the Hindu diaspora in Modi’s India2
Events of citizenship: Left militantism and the returns of revolution in Tunisia2
Iron fist or nimble fingers?: An anatomy of Erdogan's strongman politics2
‘Abandoned’ things: Looting German property in post-war Poland2
The gendered politics of fieldwork and state medicine in the Altos of Chiapas, 1940–19602
The emancipatory promise of cooperatives in a historical perspective: Evidence from an ice-cream factory in France2
‘Good men don’t elope’: Afghan migrant men’s discourses on labour migration, marriage and masculinity2
Archival ethnography and ethnography of archiving: Towards an anthropology of riot inquiry commission reports in postcolonial India2
Adjusting scales: Jewish trading networks in and beyond Afghanistan, 1950-present-day2
Religion and war: A synthesis2
Being Bhil: The politics of becoming indigenous in India and Pakistan2
Expelled from public memory: Cato Manor and the segregation of memory in South Africa1
Through a peephole: Vladimír Karbusický, the secret police and the scholarly ethos in socialist Czechoslovakia1
Siting Islamic feminism: The Indonesian Congress of Women Islamic Scholars and the challenge of challenging patriarchal authority1
Cocoa and compliance: How exemptions made mass expulsion in Ghana1
Uncovering disciplined pasts: Tour guiding through Kyiv's changing place names1
The Congo Museum (1898–1910): On collaboration, conflict, bureaucracy and immorality1
Potentiality in crisis: Making and living the potential in Angola’s boom and bust1
Creation and legacy of historic silences in anthropological traditions: An ethnohistorical re-analysis of nineteenth-century Coast Salish genealogy, leadership, and territoriality1
A biographic foreword to Axel Sommerfelt’s 1967 paper – from a daughter’s point of view1
The enchanted moments of place: Mythology, rituals and materiality at the saint Mariam Bawardy Shrine1
The ‘haunting’ and the ‘haunted’: Whiteness, orthography and the (post)-apartheid condition in Namibia1
Post-colonial caste, Ambedkar, and the politics of counter-narrative1
Violence and warfare in Medieval Western Islam1
Expulsions: Knowledge, temporality, and materiality in Africa1
Halted narratives: The combative futurity of Sahrawi female militant’s public memory1
Kinship and gender relations across historical Asia and Europe: An introduction to comparative reassessments between the 8th and 19th centuries CE1
Beyond Idi Amin: urban militarization, Africanization and materiality in Kampalans’ experiences of expulsion1
The village and May Day celebrations in 1970s communist Czechoslovakia: Social events between a tool of the regime and a community holiday1
The route of Orion: Towards a deconstructive history of alien contact in Chile1
An Angolan vernacular-language fiction film as para-ethnographic film: Nationalism and the evolving politics of film circulation and reception1
An archaeology of interruption: Expulsion and hiatus in Southern Africa’s long past1
Book forum on Charles Hirschkind,The Feeling of History: Islam, Romanticism, and Andalusia(Chicago, 2021)1
Testimony from knotted strings: An archival reconstruction of early colonial Andean khipu readings1
Anxiety of treason in a small country: ‘Russian agents’ and disturbed identities in Georgia1
Amerindian war and religion in the Eastern Woodlands of North America, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries1
A glimpse behind closed doors. Alfred L. Kroeber and the representation of native Californian music1
Sacred violence and spirited resistance: on war and religion in African history1
Race and the legacy of slavery in Yemen1
Good enough sovereignty, or on land as property and territory in Latvia1
African archives in the Caribbean: the Yoruba tradition, cultural experts, and the unmaking of religious knowledge in twentieth-century Trinidad1
US Social scientists of the 1950s in the Mezzogiorno and Ernesto de Martino: Two divergent approaches to history and development1
The shipping container1
The end of the bazaar? Morphology of a post-Soviet marketplace1
The Martial Temple in the Song1
Past the canal: An anthropology of maritime passages1
Temporalities, anachronism and politics in stories of the Conquest of the Americas0
Film cultures of conquest and domesticity: The family films of Silvino Santos and Agesilau de Araújo (1927-1929)0
Finding Zion: Spectral intimacy and state indeterminacy at an erased American cemetery0
Settling land, unsettling people: Living with and contesting land, social change and grand schemes in rural central Jordan0
Nationalism and knowledge: Othering and the disciplin(e)ing of anthropology in India0
Messy episodes: Indigenous countersigns in Ludwig Choris’s diary and ethnographic portraits of Aleut, Kamchadal and Chukchi (1822)0
America’s Haven of Health: Hydrotherapy and tourism at Excelsior Springs, Missouri, USA0
Graduate attributes, state policy, and Islamic preaching in Indonesia0
Cadre as informal diplomats: Ferdinand Marcos and the Soviet Bloc, 1965–19750
Social dramas and memory formation. Resistance and the use of the Risorgimento in the Italian politics of memory, 1943–19480
Fieldwork terminable and interminable0
De facto states and the everyday paradoxes of non-recognition0
On the nature of tradition: The Japanese notion of furusato and a historical quest for place0
Material historicity: Rethinking objects through the mis/recognition of a Catholic saint0
No place like home for metalworkers: Household-based metal production at Early Bronze Age Çukuriçi Höyük and beyond0
Introduction. Unsettling encounters: Sites, knowledge exchange, and the making of religion in Southeast Asia and the Caribbean0
Of sensory infractions and anthropomorphism across Asian urban histories0
Field archaeology and foreign assistance during the decade of development in Iran and Turkey0
‘Kalli in the ship’: Inughuit abduction and the shaping of Arctic knowledge0
Austria’s post-colonial present: Missing memorialization of colonial violence0
The travelled landscape of Benjamin Harrison and the imagined eolithic world of the Kentish Weald0
St Adalbert as a stranger-king: The heroization and estrangement of a holy man in the Middle Ages0
Visual evidence? Rethinking anthropological photography in republican China (1912–1949)0
Creating community: Burials, cooperation and exclusion in the Amhara eder (iddir)0
From uncanny to sensible pasts: Temporal reorderings in Syrian documentaries0
Generative exhaustions: Thresholds of long-term uncertainty and stink bug infestation in Georgia’s contested borderland0
Book forum on Joel Robbins’ Theology and the Anthropology of Christian Life0
A deconstruction story: Property, memory, and temporality in a Transylvanian village0
Present/absent futures: waiting in the aftermath of a defeated revolution0
Land consolidation, development and local resistance in rural Galiza during the Franco dictatorship (1939–1975)0
The East German intelligentsia and the chronotopes of a lost utopia0
(Un)Earthing violence: Ecologies of remembering, forgetting and reckoning0
Ethnic ‘stereotypes’ in early modern Europe: Russian and Ottoman national costumes0
Time against race: Aesthetic ‘merit’ and histories worth preserving on an American frontier0
Reaching for texts: Evidence and ambiguity in narratives of lineage history in a northern Vietnamese village0
Hope on the move: Israeli humanitarians between resilience and utopianism0
Diasporic convergence, sustained transience and indifferent survival: Indian traders in China0
Thriving in modernity: Crisis and mimesis in the life-experiences of Padre Pio and Ernesto De Martino0
The rise and demise of Ashkenazi cuisine in Israel/Palestine: The marginalization of the foodways of a hegemonic ethnicity0
Contact tracing: The materiality of encounters0
People vs. peoples: sacrifice and the foundations for sovereignty in 1640’s England and contemporary northeast Syria0
Excremental mobilities and minimal technopolitics: Toilets, race, and expulsion in Tanzania0
Observing Adam’s children: Missionary ethnographers and the discovery of a new world of childhood0
Meditation matters: The politics and networks of yoga and spiritual reform between Indonesia, India and the West, 1900s–1970s0
Skiing, science and sovereignty: A material and political history of the road to Hawai‘i's Mauna Kea (1936–2020)0
Interethnic relations in Toro: Some issues0
‘In and out of time’: Towards an anthropology of the mundane experiences of modern and capitalist time0
Micron engagements, macro histories: Machines and the agency of labor in a worker-owned company0
A perfected bank: Catholic capitalism in early twentieth-century Quebec0
Documents, education, and aesthetics: Exploring processes of subjectification among community health workers in Peru0
Introduction to premodern war and religions: comparison, issues and results0
Pretenders, entrepreneurs, and mercurians: An ethnohistorical approach to conceptualizing diplomacy0
The politics of Pentecostal-charismatic Christianity: Religious language, charismatic authority, and temporality in a Melanesian revival movement0
From plantations to ghettos: The longue durée of Mauritius’s former slave population0
‘A twenty-four hour job’. Hildred and Clifford Geertz’s first foray into the field and the scholarly persona of the ethnographer0
Frontier friction: colonial infrastructures, Chinese (im-)mobility, and the attack on Sam Neua (NE Laos) in 19140
Being bad during Ramadan: Temporality, historicity and the refusal of coevalness in the anthropology of Islam0
Overflow: The experience of an escalating chi’xi revolution in Bolivia0
Beyond state absence - clientelised statehood in a Colombian conflict region0
Hyper-familiarity in profound uncertainty: how Syrian youth in Jordan work towards non-existent futures0
The Social Life of Syrian Diplomacy: Transnational Kinship Networks of the Asad Regime0
Souvenirs from North America: Understanding and representing ‘Indianness’ in nineteenth-century Sweden0
Spirits and thieves, religious deviants and sexual/liberal others: Shifting idioms of danger, disruption, and crime talk in Malaysia0
Value-dense indexes and the escalation of a Muslim–Christian conflict0
‘This stuff speaks to me’: Settler materiality, identity and nationalism among collectors of Native American material culture0
Ascetic Ressentiment: Historical consciousness and mountain politics in Northeastern Japan0
Pious publicity, moral ambivalence and the making of religious authority in the Tablighi Jamaat in Pakistan0
Walls of resistance: Underground memories and political violence in Colombia0
The broker0
The spear as measure: Rage, revenge spear-killing and the transformation of indigenous citizenship in Ecuador0
An unpublished contribution toEthnic Groups and Boundaries: ‘Interethnic relations in Toro’ by Axel Sommerfelt0
‘A laboratory habit of mind’: Exhibit making and nineteenth century experimental anthropology at the United States National Museum0
From peasant to housewife. Feminine roles and agriculturaltraining in Franco's Spain0
On stone tools and the ‘prehistoric’: The value of Tasmanian Aboriginality at the Smithsonian0
To the future guests of Lesvos: Hospitality and history among Syrian refugees in Greece0
Mute-ability of the past and the culture of martyrdom in Iran: remembering the Iran–Iraq war and civic piety amongst the revolutionaries of postwar generations0
‘He has not been playing the game with us’: Paul Kirchhoff in imperial Britain0
Strongmen and informal diplomats: Toward an anthropology of international relations0
Overlooked but Not Forgotten: The Jewish Exemption Claim and the Society of Tehran Jews0
‘Ostracized by law’: The sociopolitical and juridical construction of the ‘criminal tribe’ in Colonial India0
Syrian futures: Percolation, temporality and historical experience in the plural0
The battle of dragoon hole: Imagined histories and mythical memories0
The ethnographic archive and the poetics of history: Revisiting Godfrey Lienhardt’s archive0
Uncertain futures: Memory, performance and temporality among Syrian Sufis0
Peeking under the Asian Iron Curtain: Socialist, Persianate and anti-colonial modes of friendship between Pakistani and Tajik poets0
Ingesting indenture: Lydia Cabrera, yellow blindness, Chinese bodies, and the generation of Afro-Chinese religious knowledge0
Practising (for) revolution: street mobilizations in Athens as political performatives0
Little Mecca in Canton: representations and resurgences of the graveyard of Sa’d ibn Abī Waqqās0
Medicinal rule and the interdependent duality of power between ntemi (chief) and ngole (queen): A historical ethnographic work on Sukuma c0
Charting a Malay-Islamic past: An emerging transnational geography of meaning and the consolidation of an exclusivist identity in Malaysia0
Public monuments, palliative solutions? Political geographies of memory in Goa, India0
Trickster hospitality: A Moroccan escalation act0
Gaming empire: Confidence tricksters and the reinvention of self in the 1930s0
‘Everywhere’ and ‘on the spot’: locality and attachments to the fallen ‘out of place’ in contemporary rural Germany0
The dredger0
Rupture, reproduction, and the state: The Arab Spring on Lampedusa as ‘Layered Event’0
The land of forgetting: silence and resonance in Chile’s histories of political violence0
Re-evaluating a tree’s ‘real worth’: The historical dispossession of ecological stewardship and its legacy for a Japanese textile tradition0
A book forum on Scott Maclochlainn The copy generic (University of Chicago Press, 2022)0
Escalation: Assemblage, archive, animation0
Axel Sommerfelt in the history of social anthropology0
Community as a category of empire: ‘The work of community’ among Burmese Indians in Myanmar0
Cooperative segregation and the culture of co-existence at an integrated religious shrine0
Statement of Removal0
‘Because of the missionaries': The ambiguous presence of past missionaries in the Marshall Islands0
Overlooking whiteness? Discourses of race and primitiveness in accounts of the Ainu by Benjamin Douglas Howard and Henry Savage Landor (1893)0