North American Journal of Fisheries Management

(The TQCC of North American Journal of Fisheries Management is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Salvage using electrofishing methods caused minimal mortality of burrowed and emerged larval lampreys in dewatered habitats18
Life Cycle Model Reveals Sensitive Life Stages and Evaluates Recovery Options for a Dwindling Pacific Salmon Population17
Monitoring and Managing Fishes that Are Invisible and Keep Moving Around: Influences of an Invasive Species and Environmental Factors on Capture Probability13
Adaptive Spatial Management to Deal with Postflood Inshore Bycatch in a Penaeid Trawl Fishery12
Synthesis of larval lamprey responses to dewatering: State of the science, critical uncertainties, and management implications12
Microfishing for Juvenile Bluegill: A Catch‐and‐Release Study on an Emerging Form of Recreational Angling12
Spatiotemporal Variability of Fishery‐Dependent Indices for the Declining Louisiana Southern Flounder Fishery11
Spatial Variability in the Fish Assemblage of a Large River–Reservoir Ecosystem11
Water and Endangered Fish in the Klamath River Basin: Do Upper Klamath Lake Surface Elevation and Water Quality Affect Adult Lost River and Shortnose Sucker Survival?11
Alternative Prey Reduces Largemouth Bass Predation Mortality on Newly Stocked Channel Catfish Fingerlings11
Relative Catchability of Channel Catfish and Blue Catfish × Channel Catfish Hybrids by Anglers in Put‐and‐Take Urban Fisheries10
Reviewer Acknowledgments10
Effects of a Shallow Lake Condition Shift on Habitat, Zooplankton, and Yellow Perch Dynamics10
Lake Sturgeon population trends in the St. Clair–Detroit River system, 2001–201910
Environmental Variation and Habitat Use Affect Blue Catfish Low‐Frequency Electrofishing Catch Rates10
Effects of Chase Boat Use, Electrofishing Duration, and Water Velocity on Sample Efficiency and Size Structure of Blue Catfish9
Genetic Structure and Diversity of the Endemic Carolina Madtom and Conservation Implications9
Evaluating the viability of the use of T‐bar and radiotelemetry tags on prespawn Arctic Lampreys8
Oxygen consumption of sexually mature adult, first‐feeding larval, and yearling Pacific Lampreys8
Patterns in distribution and density of larval lampreys in the main‐stem Columbia River, Washington–Oregon8
Diet Patterns and Niche Overlap of Muskellunge and Co‐Occurring Piscivores in Minnesota Lakes8
Effect of Hull Cleaning on Electrical Resistance and Anodic Fields of Direct‐Current Electrofishing Boats8
Evaluation of Potential Regulations for Improving Flathead Catfish Size Structure in Iowa’s Large Reservoirs8
Foraging Dynamics of a Domesticated Strain of Brook Trout8
Issue Information7
Understanding and Enhancing Angler Satisfaction with Fisheries Management: Insights from the “Great Red Snapper Count”7
Use of the North American Standard Gill Net for Sampling the Invasive White Perch: Information from Three Kansas Reservoirs7
Successful Restoration of a Native Fish Assemblage in the Blue River, Arizona7
Historical Data Provide Important Context for Understanding Declines in Cutthroat Trout7
Assessing Size‐Dependent Population‐Level Effects of Largemouth Bass Tournament Mortality7
Issue Information7
Relating American Eel Abundance to Environmental DNA Concentration in the Bronx River7
Effects of Frozen Storage on Fish Wet Weight, Percent Dry Weight, and Length Revisited7
Evaluation of Walleye Minimum Length Limits with Changing Water Regimes in the Great Plains7
Natal Origin Differentiation Using Eye Lens Stable Isotope Analysis7
Differences in Population Characteristics and Modeled Response to Harvest Regulations in Reestablished Appalachian Walleye Populations6
Laboratory studies of potential competition for food and substrate among early juvenile Missouri River sturgeon and sympatric chub species6
Proportions of Hatchery Fish in Escapements of Summer‐Run Chum Salmon in Southeast Alaska, 2013–20156
Recruitment Bottlenecks for Age‐0 Walleye in Northern Wisconsin Lakes6
Potential Effects of Bigheaded Carps on Four Laurentian Great Lakes Food Webs6
Limited Utility of Early Life‐History Indices for Predicting Yellow Perch Year‐Class Strength in Eastern South Dakota Glacial Lakes6
Exploring the Use of Price Indices to Adjust Angler Expenditure Profiles over Time6
Improving Salmonid Monitoring by Nocturnal Counting in Rivers6
Population genomics of coastal Pacific Hake6
The return of the adult Pacific Lamprey offspring from translocations to the Columbia River6
Analysis of a Catch‐and‐Harvest Fishing Contest for Brown Trout Spanning 50+ Years: Long‐Term Trends Influenced by Fisheries Management Actions and Angler Behavior6
Rapid Colonization of Upstream Habitats by Oncorhynchus Mykiss Following Culvert Modification6
Aerial Application of Organic Pellets Eliminates Lake Trout Recruitment from a Primary Spawning Reef in Yellowstone Lake6
Mark–recapture surveys affect nest site fidelity but not reproductive timing of male Smallmouth Bass6
Efficacy of one‐time rotenone application for Westslope Cutthroat Trout restoration in Boulder Creek, Montana6
Pedigree Analysis of an Integrated Hatchery Steelhead Program from the Mad River, California, Provides Insight into Life History Patterns and Informs Management6
Abundance and Distribution of American Eel in a Heavily Dammed Urban River6
Automated acoustic detection of river herring (Alewife and Blueback Herring) spawning activity6
Sport fish movement responses to a littoral zone coarse woody habitat addition6
It’s Complicated and It Depends: A Review of the Effects of Ecosystem Changes on Walleye and Yellow Perch Populations in North America6
Why are larger fish farther upstream? Testing multiple hypotheses using Silver Chub in two Midwestern United States riverscapes6
Incorporating Batch Mark–Recapture Data into an Integrated Population Model of Brown Trout6
Does release size into net‐pens affect survival of captively reared juvenile endangered suckers in Upper Klamath Lake?6
Silver Chub spawning confirmed in the Maumee River, a tributary of Lake Erie5
Population demographics and angler exploitation of Suwannee Bass in two Georgia rivers5
Methodological factors affecting capture of juvenile salmon in baited “minnow” traps5
Evaluating Remote Site Incubators in Michigan Streams: Implications for Arctic Grayling Reintroduction5
Live‐bait industry as a pathway for movement of nonnative and invasive species: Implications for conservation of native Texas fishes5
Accuracy, Precision, and Optimal Sampling Duration of Low‐Frequency Electrofishing for Sampling Reservoir Flathead Catfish Populations5
An Assessment of Fish Herding Techniques: Management Implications for Mass Removal and Control of Silver Carp5
Using environmental DNA to elucidate range expansion of bigheaded carp in two Missouri River tributaries in eastern South Dakota5
Rapid Molecular Determination of Sex for Western North American Chub (Gila spp.)5
Critical Thermal Maximum Values for Stream Fishes, Including Distinct Populations of Smallmouth Bass5
Reproductive Characteristics Differ in Two Invasive Populations of Blue Catfish5
Less Soak Time Saves Those upon the Line: Capture Times and Hooking Mortality of Sharks Caught on Bottom Longlines5
Age‐Structured Interactions among Reintroduced Sockeye Salmon, Resident Kokanee, Invasive Mysids, and their Zooplankton Prey in Skaha Lake, British Columbia5
Do Carbonated Beverages Reduce Bleeding from Gill Injuries in Angled Northern Pike?5
Brook Trout population response to Brown Trout removal by electrofishing in a Wisconsin Driftless Area stream5
Using Otolith Chemistry to Determine Early Life Environments and Movement of the Emerging Bigheaded Carp Population in Pools 16–19 of the Upper Mississippi River5
Establishment of Bull Trout in a previously fishless subalpine lake by translocation5
Influence of Ice Angler Culling Practices on Bluegill Physiological Stress Responses and Mortality5
Estuary‐Level Genomic Variation Confirms Demographic and Life History Differences among Black Drum Populations in Texas5
Perceived Constraints and Negotiations to Trout Fishing in Georgia Based on Angler Specialization Level5
The duality of drought: Pelagic‐ and benthic‐spawning stream fishes show opposing responses to drought in the southern Great Plains5
Using environmental DNA to assess the response of steelhead/Rainbow Trout and Coastrange Sculpin populations to postfire debris flows in coastal streams of Big Sur, California5
Assessing the utility of computer vision for age determination of Gulf Menhaden5
Contemporary Growth and Survival of Stocked and Wild Lake Trout in Lake Champlain Evaluated Using Maxillary Age Estimates5
Origin, Postrelease Survival, and Imprinting of Pen‐Acclimated and Direct‐Stocked Chinook Salmon in Lake Ontario5
Exposure of Juvenile Lake Sturgeon to Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CECs), Including Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs): Location Differences and Effects on Thyroid Hormones5
Temporal changes in lengths of Dolphinfish revealed by sampling at sportfishing tournaments in the southeastern United States5
The Relationship between Disturbance Events and Substantial Changes in Stream Conditions on Public Lands in the Inland Pacific Northwest5
Determining Discard Mortality of Monkfish in a Sea Scallop Dredge Fishery5
Wood Removals from Lakes May Not Necessarily Elicit Fish Population Responses5
Mechanical suppression of invasive Northern Pike in Box Canyon Reservoir, Washington5
Biotic and abiotic factors that influence Walleye recruitment in stocked lakes in Michigan5
Comparing conventional tagging methods and acoustic telemetry to inform management of Lake Whitefish in Lake Michigan5
The spatial and seasonal patterns and stability of the Lake Whitefish fishery in Michigan waters of southern Lake Huron5
Assessing Blue Catfish population dynamics across varying introduction timelines in Georgia4
Comparing Channel Catfish Populations in the Fragmented Minnesota River4
Valuing Angling on Reservoirs Using Benefit Transfer4
Do Electrofishing Activities Disrupt Stream Biofilm Standing Stocks? An Assessment from Two Headwater Streams in Western Oregon4
Population Dynamics and Simulated Effects of Length‐Based Trophy Regulations for Flathead and Channel Catfish in the Lower James River, South Dakota4
Rates of PIT tag ingestion and gastric retention in three species of hatchery‐reared salmonids and potential implications for postrelease monitoring4
A comparison of recreational and survey‐grade side‐scan sonar systems in mapping reservoir fish habitat4
Size‐Specific Exploitation of Flathead Catfish and Blue Catfish by Recreational and Commercial Fishers in the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers, Missouri4
Engaging Stakeholders to Develop a Decision Support Model of Conservation Risk and Management Capacity to Prioritize Investments in Bull Trout Recovery4
Mark–Recapture Models Accurately Predict Growth Trajectories of Known‐Age Muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan4
Digital Data Help Explain Drivers of Angler Satisfaction: An Example from Southern Norway4
Movement, home range, and structural habitat use of the Largemouth Bass complex in two large Texas reservoirs4
Microhabitat conditions and habitat configuration influence juvenile salmonid use of off‐channel features in the Cedar River, Washington4
Bigheaded Carp Spatial Reproductive Dynamics in Illinois and Wabash River Tributaries4
Dorsal fin height is not an effective tool to distinguish hatchery and wild steelhead in the field4
Identifying Potential Anglers and Customer Segments of Texas Catfish Anglers to Guide Management Actions4
The Abundance and Distribution of Hatchery and Naturally Produced Chinook Salmon in Columbia River Estuary Nearshore Habitat4
Quantifying seasonal variations in space use within the home range of Burbot4
Hydrologic Effects on Growth and Hatching Success of Age‐0 Channel Catfish in the Tallapoosa River Basin: Implications for Management in Regulated Systems4
Validation and Comparison of Age Estimates for Smallmouth Buffalo in Oklahoma Based on Otoliths, Pectoral Fin Rays, and Opercula4
Characteristics of four Blue Catfish fisheries with implications for harvest management4
Transplantation of prespawn adult Sea Lampreys as an important restoration strategy4
Retention of Passive Integrated Transponder Tags in a Small‐Bodied Catfish4
Social Fish‐Tancing in Wisconsin: The Effects of the COVID‐19 Pandemic on Statewide License Sales and Fishing Effort in Northern Inland Lakes4
Economic evaluation of barriers to minimize reservoir sport fish escapement4
Precision and Bias of Three Bigmouth Buffalo Aging Structures4
Genetic monitoring of steelhead in the Klickitat River to estimate productivity, straying, and migration timing4
Evaluation of an Artisanal Freshwater Fishery in Guatemala Finds Underfished Conditions4
Suitability of an Upper Mississippi River Tributary for Invasive Carp Reproduction4
A genetic assessment of natural barriers for isolating a proposed Greenback Cutthroat Trout reintroduction area4
A Synthesis of Juvenile Coastal Cutthroat Trout Emigration Studies: Considerations for Researchers and Resource Managers4
Oklahoma Bowfishing Values and Perspectives toward Nongame Fishes and Their Management4
Acoustic telemetry tracking of Coho Salmon smolts released from a community‐run hatchery into a marine inlet reveals low early ocean survival4
Development and Evaluation of Habitat Suitability Criteria for Native Fishes in Three Arizona Streams4
Passage Efficiency of Alewife in a Denil Fishway Using Passive Integrated Transponder Tags4
Low‐level infection of parasitic copepods on Rainbow Trout does not affect vulnerability to angling or short‐term survival following catch‐and‐release angling4
Pacific Lamprey and Western River Lamprey marine ecology: Insight from new ocean collections4
Usefulness of Otolith Weight for EstimatingAge‐BasedLife History Metrics of Lake Trout4
Season and Discharge Predict Downstream Emigration Rates for Reservoir Sport Fish Populations4
Estimating predation rates of stocked juvenile Chinook Salmon using novel acoustic predation transmitters4
Stock Assessment of the Lemon Shark off the Southeast United States4
Relationships between Gizzard Shad, Impoundment Characteristics, and Sympatric Fish Species3
Evaluating the Performance of Methods Used to Estimate Growth Parameters from Subsampled Age Data3
Seasonal Diet and Habitat Use of Large, Introduced Rainbow Trout in an Ozark Highland Stream3
Characterizing the Flow Regime in Brook Trout Incubation Habitats and Implications for Management in a Hydro‐Regulated River3
Issue Information3
Examining the consequences of angling tournament culling practices on Largemouth Bass3
Gafftopsail Catfish in Texas estuaries: Population trends and ecosystem implications3
Physiological Consequences of Different Fishing Tournament Culling Methods on Largemouth Bass3
Effect of Bag Limits on Angler Harvest, Catch Rates, and Satisfaction at Put‐and‐Take Community Pond Fisheries3
Growth Dynamics of Invasive Blue Catfish in Four Subestuaries of the Chesapeake Bay, USA3
Streamwide Evaluation of Survival and Reproduction of MYY and Wild Brook Trout Populations3
Are Alberta’s Northern Pike Populations at Risk from Walleye Recovery?3
Issue Information3
Flow augmentation from off‐channel storage improves salmonid habitat and survival3
Big Catch, Undecided Risks: Perspectives of Risk, Reward, and Trade‐Offs in Alaska's Salmon Enhancement Program3
Issue Information3
Nonlethal Fin Sampling of North American Freshwater Fishes for Food Web Studies Using Stable Isotopes3
Estimating internal transmitter and external tag retention by Walleye in the Laurentian Great Lakes over multiple years3
Changes in Habitat Conditions, Fish Populations, and the Fishery in Northern Green Bay, Lake Michigan, 1989–20193
Differential Effects of Three Crab Trap Escape Ring Sizes on Retention of Male and Female Blue Crabs3
Catch‐and‐Release Angling Effects on Lake Sturgeon in Wisconsin, USA3
Development and Application of a Size Structure Index for Blue Sucker3
Alaskan Yelloweye Rockfish Fecundity Revealed through an Automated Egg Count and Digital Imagery Method3
Population characteristics, seasonal distribution, and suppression potential of introduced Northern Pike in a Great Plains stream3
Structural Habitat in Lakes and Reservoirs: Physical and Biological Considerations for Implementation3
Fish and Prey Resources in Reservoir Coves with and without Offshore Artificial Habitat Structures3
Juvenile Chinook Salmon Weight Prediction Using Image‐Based Morphometrics3
Overwintering Distribution and Postspawn Survival of Steelhead in the Upper Columbia River Basin3
Issue Information3
Weirs: An effective tool to reduce hatchery–wild interactions on the spawning grounds?3
From Gold Mining to Gold Medal Fishery: Evaluating the Fishery Response to Stream Restoration on the Upper Arkansas River, Colorado3
Relationship of Trout Growth to Frequent Electrofishing and Diet Collection in a Headwater Stream3
The Effect of Harvest Regulations on White Crappie Fisheries in Kansas Impoundments3
Passage and Survival of Juvenile Salmonid Smolts through Dams in the Columbia and Snake Rivers, 2010–20183
Comparison of Active and Passive Larval Sampling Gears in Monitoring Reproduction of Invasive Bigheaded Carps in Large‐River Tributaries3
State‐Space Model to Estimate Salmon Escapement Using Multiple Data Sources3
Using Pectoral Fin Ridges to Assign Sex to Bighead Carp3
First‐year movement and survival of stocked Striped Bass in a coastal system inferred from individually marked fish3
Accuracy and Precision of Otolith‐Derived Age Interpretations for Known‐Age Lake Trout3
Intra‐Annual Variability of Common Carp and Bigmouth Buffalo Electrofishing Data in Shallow Lakes3
Short‐term survival and growth of American Eel elvers marked with visible implant elastomer tags3
Combining Imaging Sonar Counting and Underwater Camera Species Apportioning to Estimate the Number of Atlantic Salmon and Striped Bass in the Miramichi River, New Brunswick, Canada3
Temporal Variation in Capture Efficiency Underrepresents Spring Out‐Migrating Bull Trout in a Trap‐and‐Haul Program3
Factors Affecting Spatiotemporal Variation in Survival of Endangered Winter‐Run Chinook Salmon Out‐migrating from the Sacramento River3
Upstream and Downstream Dispersal Behavior of Hard‐ and Soft‐Released Juvenile Atlantic Salmon3
Assessment of Largemouth Bass Growth in Northern Idaho Lakes: Spatiotemporal Patterns and Extrinsic Associations3
Population Dynamics and Harvest Management of the Bonneville Cutthroat Trout Fishery in Bear Lake, Idaho–Utah3
An evaluation of the relative size, body condition, and survival of triploid Walleye in the wild3