Advances in Space Research

(The TQCC of Advances in Space Research is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Improving GNSS triple-frequency cycle slip repair using ACMRI algorithm163
Confirmation of dust scattering echo around MAXI J1421–613 by Swift observation151
Space law education in China: Status quo, shortcomings and possible ways out109
Mini modular plant design for ethylene production using Martian atmosphere on Mars82
Floquet stability analysis of equilibrium points and numerical exploration of pulsating zero-velocity curves and Newton–Raphson basins of attraction69
Learning multi-satellite scheduling policy with heterogeneous graph neural network62
Evolution of the cosmic ray spectrum during a Forbush decrease59
An empirical model for the tropical Indian region using in-situ and space-borne observations taking into account of tropical oscillations58
Numerical simulations of a continuously injected relativistic electron beam relaxation into a plasma with large-scale density gradients57
Power-law dependence of the wavelet spectrum of ground magnetic variations during magnetic storms56
Modeling of nonlinear ion-acoustic solitary, snoidal and superperiodic wave phenomena due to ionospheric escape of Venus54
Correlation betweenfo51
Improved undifferenced ambiguity resolution for LEO precise orbit determination45
Particle filter-based real-time phase line bias estimation for GNSS-based attitude determination with common-clock receivers44
Evaluation of machine learning techniques with AVIRIS-NG dataset in the identification and mapping of minerals43
Author Index42
Author Index41
The 6.7 keV thermal emission lines in the stellar flare spectra of two chromospherically active Binaries: Algol and GT Mus41
Chandra’s surface thermophysical experiment (ChaSTE) onboard Chandrayaan 3 Lander39
Real-time GNSS tropospheric parameter prediction of extreme rainfall events in China based on WRF multi-source data assimilation39
An approximate model for the computation of in-orbit collision probabilities using importance sampling39
An integrated approach for gully erosion susceptibility mapping and factor effect analysis38
Mixed track-to-track association of uncatalogued space objects in radar and optical space surveillance37
Shipborne GNSS water vapor anomaly diagnosis and its response to typhoons Saola and Haikui37
Shape control of space reflector integrated by sub-reflectors utilizing adjustable solar radiation pressure force36
Effect of solar wind disturbances on small-amplitude simultaneous Forbush events during solar cycle 2336
Space based thermal and airborne hyperspectral data in REE exploration - a study in Siwana Ring Complex, Rajasthan, India35
Local database records of solar cycles 22, 23, 24 in Iraq35
Entry trajectory generation for Mars robotic and human missions based on a predetermined bank angle profile35
Author Index35
Disturbance electric fields and their effect on ionospheric TEC and scintillations over south China35
Data-driven prescribed performance control for satellite with large rotational component34
Analysis of coastal altimetry in the Mexican Caribbean34
The LIKED resource - a LIbrary KnowledgE and discovery online resource for discovering and implementing knowledge, data, and infrastructure resources34
An on-orbit cross-calibration between the relativistic electron observations from BeiDou M04 and GPS ns6334
Attitude tracking control for fractionated spacecraft with actuator failures under adaptive event-triggered strategy34
Anomalous events in the TUS orbital detector data32
Investigation of factors affecting the reflectance spectra of GEO Satellites32
Maneuver strategies of Starlink satellite based on SpaceX-released ephemeris31
POBI interpolation algorithm for CYGNSS near real time flood detection research: A case study of extreme precipitation events in Henan, China in 202131
Configuration reconstruction and all-joint synchronous measurement based on vision for segmented linkage manipulator of rigid-flexible dual-arm space robot31
Dampening long-period doppler shift oscillations using deep machine learning techniques in the solar network and internetwork30
Onboard guidance and control algorithms for increased autonomous aerobraking capabilities at Mars30
Atmospheric entry and strewn fields estimation for rubble-pile meteoroids30
Research on Landsat 8 land surface temperature retrieval and spatial–temporal migration capabilities based on random forest model29
Track detection of high-velocity resident space objects in Low Earth Orbit29
Study on low gravity effect on bearing capacity and slope stability of a new lunar highland soil simulant (LSS-ISAC-1) for futuristic moon habitation29
Active object tracking of free floating space manipulators based on deep reinforcement learning29
Trajectory optimization for multi-target Active Debris Removal missions28
Longitudinal variations of ionospheric parameters near totality during the eclipse of December 14, 202028
Performance evaluation of the CDN1 altimetry Cal/Val transponder to internal and external constituents of uncertainty27
Evaluation of three radiation schemes of the WRF-Solar model for global surface solar radiation forecast: A case study in Egypt27
Author Index27
The N4,5 - OO Auger and “N3” N4,5O2,3 Coster-Kronig spectra of xenon induced by electron impact27
Modelling short-term variations of differential code bias aiding in extraction of ionospheric observables with sparse kernel learning27
The refinement of reprocessed GNSS three-decade displacement trajectory model with spectral analysis and hypothesis test27
Mean sea surface and mean dynamic topography determination from Cryosat-2 data around Australia27
Establishment of SAR calibration site at Antarctica: Pre-NISAR calibration activity27
Excitation of electrostatic plasma waves by a moving charged source in a quantum plasma26
Possible relationship of meteor disintegration in the mesosphere and enhancement of sodium atoms: A case study on july 05, 201326
List of Referees26
Innovative Systems Engineering Solutions for Power-Positive Operations: Navigating the Multi-Constraint Challenges of the SWARM-EX CubeSat Mission26
List of Referees26
Satellite-based electron density background definition at mid-latitudes and comparison with IRI-2016 model under different solar conditions25
An improved robust filtering against observation and satellite state anomalies in centralized autonomous orbit determination for GNSS25
4D Lattice Flower Constellations25
Definition of Low Earth Orbit slotting architectures using 2D lattice flower constellations24
Adaptive reactionless control of free-floating space manipulators for detumbling a target with dynamic uncertainties24
Cumulative Author Index for Volume XX - ISSUE 12 OF EACH VOLUME ONLY24
The impact of estimating common tropospheric parameters for co-located VLBI radio telescopes on geodetic parameters during CONT1724
Precipitable water vapor fusion method based on artificial neural network24
The connection between space weather and Single Event Upsets in polar low earth orbit satellites24
Precise line-of-sight modelling for angles-only relative navigation23
Migrating and non-migrating tidal influences on the high occurrence of post-midnight spread F over Ascension Island during solar minimum23
Ionospheric response to an Antarctic cyclone in the Transantarctic Mountains23
The antenna phase center motion effect in high-accuracy spacecraft tracking experiments23
A surface constraint approach for solar sail trajectories23
Probing the lower ionospheric electron density modulation by the 2019 solar eclipse with VLF phase studies and ion-chemistry model23
Ascent trajectory design and optimization of a two-stage throttleable liquid rocket23
Spatial manifestation of resonant ionospheric signatures during the 11 March 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake23
List of Referees23
Quantification of landscape metrics effects on downscaled urban land surface temperature accuracy of satellite imagery22
Fine-grained agricultural and pastoral information extraction using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 intra-year time series in Jingyang District, Deyang City22
On the significant impact of the 17 March 2015 St. Patrick’s Day geomagnetic storm on the ionosphere over Indian region22
Impact of higher-order ionospheric delay on the reliability of RTK ambiguity estimation22
Climatological study of the ion temperature in the ionosphere as recorded by Millstone Hill incoherent scatter radar and comparison with the IRI model22
Performance evaluation of different reflected signal extraction methods on GNSS-R derived sea level heights22
Application of balloon-borne high precision GPS for inertia gravity wave characterization22
Initial assessment of BDS-3 precise point positioning service on GEO B2b signal21
Rotation matrix-based finite-time attitude coordinated control for spacecraft21
Modeling satellite battery aging for an operational satellite simulator21
Characterization of bubble detectors for space application21
An empirical modeling of the D region ionosphere based on F10721
List of Referees21
Robust trajectory optimization of re-entry flight with prescribed endpoint region via sparse grid ensemble pseudospectral optimal control21
Particle radiation environment in the heliosphere: Status, limitations, and recommendations21
Classifying aerosol type using in situ and satellite observations over a semi-arid station, Anantapur, from southern peninsular India20
SHAKING: Adjusted spherical harmonics adding KrigING method for near real-time ionospheric modeling with multi-GNSS observations20
Are Jason-2 significant wave height measurements still useful20
Multi-instrument observations of low-latitude topside plumes after sunrise during the recovery phase of the 27–29 May 2017 magnetic storm20
Support vector machine-based integration of AVIRIS NG hyperspectral and ground geophysical data for identifying potential zones for chromite exploration – A study in Tamil Nadu, India20
Prediction of Total Electron Content (TEC) using Neural Network over Anomaly Crest Region Bhopal20
A novel hybrid Machine learning model to forecast ionospheric TEC over Low-latitude GNSS stations20
First results from the ENTOTO neutron monitor: Quantifying the waiting time distribution20
Author Index20
Temperature increase on folded solar sail membranes20
Identifying illumination conditions most suitable for attitude detection in light curves of simple geometries20
List of Referees20
Cosmic-ray atmospheric cutoff energies of polar neutron monitors20
The integration of RUSLE-SDR lumped model with remote sensing and GIS for soil loss and sediment yield estimation20
Pulsar identification method based on adaptive grey wolf optimization algorithm in X-ray pulsar-based navigations19
The physics of solar spectral imaging observations in dm-cm wavelengths and the application on space weather19
Evaluation of ionospheric and solar proxy indices for IRI-Plas 2020 model over Pakistan and Japan during different solar activity epochs19
Data-driven solutions to spacecraft relative attitude-position fault-tolerant control19
Prescribed performance based adaptive model-free control for highly flexible spacecraft detumbling rotating satellites19
Local and conjugate ionospheric total electron content variation during the 21 June 2020 solar eclipse19
A maximum a posteriori estimation based method for estimating pulse time delay19
Electron density fluctuations from Swarm as a proxy for ground-based scintillation data: A statistical perspective19
Magnetohydrodynamic simulation of coronal mass ejections using interplanetary scintillation data observed from radio sites ISEE and LOFAR19
Shaping low-thrust multi-target visit trajectories via theory of functional connections19
On Lyapunov stability of artificial potential function-based low-thrust constellation reconfiguration control19
Transformer-based semantic segmentation for large-scale building footprint extraction from very-high resolution satellite images19
Analytical study on the inflated shape of a super pressure balloon covered with a diamond-shaped net19
Time suboptimal formation flying manoeuvres through improved magnetic charged system search19
Equinoctial asymmetry during solar minima at low to mid latitude19
Evaluating SWOT water level information using a large scale hydrology simulator: A case study over India19
A DTSD model based on PS-InSAR surface multi-type deformation monitoring of villages in the mining area19
Solar sail propulsion limitations due to hydrogen blistering19
On the improvement of the sensitivity levels of VLBI solutions from a combination with GNSS18
Extended-state-observer-based adaptive control of flexible-joint space manipulators with system uncertainties18
Dynamic modeling and tracking control strategy for flexible telescopic space manipulator based on neural network compensation18
Fourier-series based optimal spin frequency estimation and profile recovery of X-ray pulsar18
An integrated optimum 3D transition orbit design procedure with guidance for a spacecraft18
F-region variations prior to magnetic storms (a review)18
NN-based reinforcement-learning optimal sliding mode control for drag-free and attitude of spacecraft with state constraints18
Two trajectory configurations for the low-thrust transfer between northern and southern halo orbits in the Earth-Moon system18
Contribution of the lower atmosphere to the day-to-day variation of thermospheric density18
Low-latitude plasma blobs above Africa: Exploiting GOLD and multi-satellite in situ measurements18
Revealing the equilibrium dynamics of a binary system of prolate or oblate elliptical galaxies18
Simulation of radiation environment and design of multilayer radiation shield for orbital exploration of Jupiter18
Landslide deformation and temporal prediction of slope failure in Himalayan terrain using PSInSAR and Sentinel-1 data18
Local-time, seasonal and solar cycle variation of Nitric Oxide radiative emission over Indian longitude sector18
An improved satellite-induced code bias correction model for BDS un-GEO satellites in consideration of elevation and azimuth angles17
Microvibration transfer and suppression of satellite under multi-source coupling disturbances based on energy flow analysis17
Correlation of anomaly rates in the Slovak electric transmission grid with geomagnetic activity17
Deepening of radiation belt particles in South Atlantic Anomaly Region: A scenario over past 120 years17
On the multi-scale dynamics and energy flow near reconnection regions in the magnetopause and magnetotail using the MMS, Cluster and THEMIS observations during the geomagnetic storm of 31 December 20117
Large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances over central and eastern Europe during moderate magnetic storm period on 22–24 September 202017
Constrained nonlinear high-efficiency model predictive technics for test mass capture17
An optimal indoor trust-region PPP algorithm with constrain of homologous array pseudolite17
Heuristic construction of field line random walk diffusion coefficients17
Separating the effects of earthside and far side solar events. A case study17
Attribution of vegetation fluorescence changes in China based on a decision tree stratification strategy17
Multilayer nanoparticle-polymer metamaterial for radiative cooling of the stratospheric airship17
Modeling the chemical evolution and kinetics of pure H2O Ices under various types of radiation employing the PROCODA code17
Multi-frequency study of large size radio galaxies 3C 35 and 3C 28417
Detection of long-range correlation causing multifractality in H time series of geomagnetic field over the Northern Hemisphere during quiet geomagnetic conditions17
Scalable architecture for rapid setup and execution of multi-satellite simulations16
Synergy between surface drifters and altimetry to increase the accuracy of sea level anomaly and geostrophic current maps in the Gulf of Mexico16
Immersion and invariance based adaptive robust control for attitude tracking of spacecraft with input saturation16
Extending the record of Antarctic ice shelf thickness change, from 1992 to 201716
One day ahead prediction of global TEC using Pix2pixhd16
Estimation of PM2.5 concentrations in North China with high spatiotemporal resolution using the ERA5 dataset and machine learning models16
Multi-altitude observations of the lower atmospheric disturbances and its ionospheric signatures over the Indian region16
Solar and interplanetary events that drove two CIR-related geomagnetic storms of 1 June 2013 and 7 October 2015, and their ionospheric responses at the American and African equatorial ionization Anoma16
MLP-based user-applicable method for SBAS GIVD calibration: A comparative study based on CODE final GIM products16
Characterizing slope correction methods applied to satellite radar altimetry data: A case study around Dome Argus in East Antarctica16
High-rate GNSS multi-frequency uncombined PPP-AR for dynamic deformation monitoring16
Geospatial investigation on transitional (quiescence to surge initiation) phase dynamics of Monacobreen tidewater glacier, Svalbard16
Temporal characterization of pre-midnight fading events over low latitudes16
The first photometric, period variation, and flare activity studies of TIC 24233294: Reviewing with the latest results of well-studied late-type active binaries16
DCB estimation and analysis using the single receiver GPS/GLONASS observations under various seasons and geomagnetic activities16
Measurement of fragments generated by hypervelocity impacts of micron-sized iron particles at grazing incidents16
Solar sail optimal control with solar irradiance fluctuations16
The possible linkage of satellite based cloud microphysical parameters (CMP) to the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) active and break phase16
Bathymetry of reservoirs using altimetric data associated to optical images16
Relation between Dst* and interplanetary parameters during single-step geomagnetic storms16
Towards mitigating the effect of plasma bubbles on GPS positioning accuracy through wavelet transformation over Southeast Asian region16
Modeling the particle capture performance by vertically aligned carbon nanotubes for a comet rendezvous sample return15
Comparative analysis of multi-source data for machine learning-based LAI estimation in Argania spinosa15
Attitude dynamics and control of solar sail with multibody structure15
Ionospheric electron density over Resolute Bay according to E-CHAIM model and RISR radar measurements15
The geomagnetic response to the X-class solar flares of September 201715
Negative VTEC with spherical harmonic expansion model under different solar activity conditions15
Precise position measurement for resident space object with point spread function modeling15
Statistical study of energetic electrons in Jupiter’s inner magnetosphere by Juno/JEDI15
Detection of time variable gravity signals using terrestrial clock networks15
Signature of thunderstorm induced acoustic and gravity waves at low latitude Indian sector15
Retrieval of crop biophysical-biochemical variables from airborne AVIRIS-NG data using hybrid inversion of PROSAIL-D15
A fault tolerant neural network for space-based 3D printing quality assessment15
Progressive aqueous alteration and iron oxidation record in the matrix of Mukundpura CM2 chondrite, a new fall15
Maintaining real-time precise point positioning during outages of the corrections broadcast by BDS-3 global short-message communication15
Author Index14
The ionospheric response during the 2013 stratospheric sudden warming over the East Asia region14
An emergency observation method for space debris dangerous conjunction events based on nanosatellite constellation14
Ionospheric measurement using a linearly polarized tri-band small satellite beacon14
Forecasting hourlyfo14
Observed (GPS) and modeled (IRI and TIE-GCM) TEC trends over southern low latitude during solar cycle-2414
LandslideNet: A landslide semantic segmentation network based on single-temporal optical remote sensing images14
A quantitative approach to the scientific production on radar altimetry14
An analytical model for solar energy reflected from space with selected applications14
A shipboard integrated navigation algorithm based on smartphone built-in GNSS/IMU/MAG sensors14
MADOCA: Japanese precise orbit and clock determination tool for GNSS14
Multi-class classification of ionospheric scintillations using SMOTE-Super Learner ensemble technique14
Possible atmospheric-ionospheric precursors of the 2020 Hotan China earthquake from various satellites14
Analytic optimal control for multi-satellite assembly using linearized twistor-based model14
Fuel-optimal acquisition and control of a cartwheel formation in Earth displaced heliocentric orbit14
Solar sail deployment dynamics14
Lunar flyby transfers to TianQin configuration14
Research on adaptive penetration characteristics of space harpoon based on aluminum honeycomb buffer14
Enhanced gravity wave activity in the mesosphere lower thermosphere region over Tirunelveli as a response to tropospheric convective event14
Mapping of the Ionospheric Total Electron Content over the East African Low–Latitude Region14
Ionospheric anomalies probably related to the Mw 7.1 northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge earthquake14
Precise point positioning with mixed single- and dual-frequency GNSS observations from Android smartphones considering code-carrier inconsistency14
Diurnal and semi-diurnal effects of ocean tides on polar motion and UT1: An updated assessment14
Comparison and validation of MOF observations and MUF predictions from seven different models14
Performance assessment of real-time orbit determination for the Haiyang-2D using onboard BDS-3/GPS observations13
SWOT and the ice-covered polar oceans: An exploratory analysis13
Active shape control for flexible space structures using an optimal gyricity distribution13
Performance analysis of crosslink radiometric measurement based autonomous orbit determination for cislunar small satellite formations13
Neural network prediction of the topside electron content over the Euro-African sector derived from Swarm-A measurements13
Airborne hyperspectroscopy using AVIRIS- NG data for detecting surface signatures of kimberlite and kimberlite clan of rocks in Bundelkhand Craton, India13
Response of crop water indices to soil wetness and vegetation water content13
Solar sails for perturbation relief: Application to asteroids13
Detection and mapping of vegetation stress using AVIRIS-NG hyperspectral imagery in coal mining sites13
Relative and absolute on-board optimal formation acquisition and keeping for scientific activities in high-drag low-orbit environment13
Characterization of some secondary radio-climatic factors for reliable radio wave propagation and link’s design over North western Nigeria13
The interconnection and phase asynchrony between the geomagnetic indices’ periodicities: A study based on the interplanetary magnetic field polarities 1967–2018 utilizing a cross wavelet analysis13
Accurate dynamic modeling of detumbling rotating satellites with large flexible solar panels13
Variations in aerosols and aerosols–cloud interactions in Bangkok using MODIS satellite data during high PM2.5 concentrations13
Analysis of space debris impact source localization based on PVDF piezoelectric film13
Using DORIS data for validating real-time GNSS ionosphere maps13
Typical ionospheric disturbances revealed by the plasma analyzer package onboard the China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite13
BeiDou-3 orbit and clock quality of the IGS Multi-GNSS Pilot Project13
BDS/GNSS multipath reflectometry (BDS/GNSS-MR) based altimetry with new signals: Initial assessment and comparison13
Local empirical model of ionospheric variability13
Estimation of vertical land motion along the south and west coast of Turkey from multi-sensor observations13
Experimental investigation on particle size and launch angle distribution of lofted dust particles by electrostatic forces13
Temperature-Vegetation-soil Moisture-Precipitation Drought Index (TVMPDI); 21-year drought monitoring in Iran using satellite imagery within Google Earth Engine13
Improved service method and its positioning performance of the Galileo satellite clock correction13
Alex magnetometer and telluric station in Egypt: First results on pulsation analysis13
Maneuver detection methods for space objects based on dynamical model13
Research on docking ring pose estimation method based on point cloud grayscale image13
ADU-Net: Semantic segmentation of satellite imagery for land cover classification13
Evolution of primordial dark matter planets in the early Universe13
An improved time-domain multipath mitigation method based on the constraint of satellite elevation for low-cost single frequency receiver12
Modelling inland Arctic bathymetry from space using cloud-based machine learning and Sentinel-212
Thickness parameters in the empirical modeling of bottomside electron density profiles12
Considerations in the design and deployment of flexible booms for a solar sail12