Economics of Education Review

(The median citation count of Economics of Education Review is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Financial education in schools: A meta-analysis of experimental studies89
The effects of high school personal financial education policies on financial behavior61
Student internships and employment opportunities after graduation: A field experiment40
Hitting where it hurts most: COVID-19 and low-income urban college students39
Learning-adjusted years of schooling (LAYS): Defining a new macro measure of education34
Boys lag behind: How teachers’ gender biases affect student achievement33
The effect of education on poverty: A European perspective31
No experience, no employment: The effect of vocational education and training work experience on labour market outcomes after higher education30
Free Lunch for All! The Effect of the Community Eligibility Provision on Academic Outcomes28
The impact of financial education for youth26
Choice of majors: are women really different from men?25
The impact of COVID-19 on the U.S. child care market: Evidence from stay-at-home orders25
Assessing the impact of financial education programs: A quantitative model24
The gender gap in college major choice in Chile21
Class size effects in higher education: Differences across STEM and non-STEM fields18
Experiential financial education: A field study of my classroom economy in elementary schools18
Child beliefs, societal beliefs, and teacher-student identity match17
Effects of COVID-19 on school enrollment17
The impact of banning mobile phones in Swedish secondary schools15
The evolution of gender gaps in numeracy and literacy between childhood and young adulthood15
Can education reduce traditional gender role attitudes?15
Beauty Premiums Among Academics14
The effect of ability matching and differentiated instruction in financial literacy education. Evidence from two randomised control trials14
Gender differences in leaving questions blank on high-stakes standardized tests14
Digital messaging to improve college enrollment and success13
Long-term effects of school-starting-age rules13
Equal time for equal crime? Racial bias in school discipline12
Employer learning, statistical discrimination and university prestige12
Culture and adult financial literacy: Evidence from the United States12
Minimum Spending in Education and the Flypaper Effect12
Bye bye Ms. American Sci: Women and the leaky STEM pipeline11
Industry Fluctuations and College Major Choices: Evidence from an Energy Boom and Bust11
Does student-teacher race match affect course grades?11
Disabled Peers and Student Performance: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from China11
Pathways of Disadvantage: Unpacking the Intergenerational Correlation in Welfare11
Gritting it out: The importance of non-cognitive skills in academic mismatch11
A familiar face: Student-teacher rematches and student achievement11
Are girls always good for boys? Short and long term effects of school peers’ gender10
Gender differences in time allocation contribute to differences in developmental outcomes in children and adolescents10
Rent-Seeking through collective bargaining: Teachers unions and education production☆10
The effect of female education on fertility: Evidence from China’s compulsory schooling reform10
Under pressure: How faculty gender and contract uncertainty impact students’ grades9
Parental misbeliefs and household investment in children's education9
Impact of early childcare on immigrant children’s educational performance9
The impact of dual apprenticeship programmes on early labour market outcomes: A dynamic approach9
Choosing differently? College application behavior and the persistence of educational advantage9
Instruction time and student achievement: The moderating role of teacher qualifications8
The effects of the great recession on college majors8
The effect of international accreditations on students’ revealed preferences: Evidence from French Business schools8
The effects of public high school subsidies on student test scores8
Birth control, family size and educational stratification: Evidence from the Han and ethnic minorities in China8
Socio-economic inequality and academic match among post-compulsory education participants8
The skill development of children of immigrants8
Only a matter of time? The role of time in school on four-day school week achievement impacts8
Tutoring in (online) higher education: Experimental evidence8
Estimating pecuniary and non-Pecuniary returns to college education for academically marginal students: Evidence from the college enrollment quota policy in south korea8
Is the math gender gap associated with gender equality? Only in low-income countries7
Walking in your footsteps: Sibling spillovers in higher education choices7
Online teaching, procrastination and student achievement7
The Challenge of Sustaining Effective Teaching: Spillovers, Fade-out, and the Cost-effectiveness of Teacher Development Programs7
The Effect of Subway Access on School Choice7
Centralized college admissions and student composition7
Estimating the impact of school feeding programs: Evidence from mid day meal scheme of India7
Higher education and fertility: Evidence from reforms in Greece7
Relative age and investment in human capital7
Is ‘first in family’ a good indicator for widening university participation?7
Online teaching and gender bias7
Teacher relationship skills and student learning7
Are students in receiving schools hurt by the closing of low-Performing schools? Effects of school closures on receiving schools in Sweden 2000–20167
The signaling value of university rankings: Evidence from top 14 law schools7
Foreign direct investment and youth educational outcomes in Mexican municipalities7
Expanding access to secondary education: Evidence from a fee reduction and capacity expansion policy in Kenya7
Effectiveness of interactive satellite-transmitted instruction: Experimental evidence from Ghanaian primary schools6
Does sibling gender affect personality traits?6
Qualitative information in undergraduate admissions: A pilot study of letters of recommendation6
Engaging girls in math: The unequal effects of text messaging to help parents support early math development6
Teacher Turnover and Financial Incentives in Underprivileged Schools: Evidence from a Compensation Policy in a Developing Country6
Free and reduced-price meal enrollment does not measure student poverty: Evidence and policy significance6
Career choice motivation using behavioral strategies6
Intergovernmental transfer under heterogeneous accountabilities: The effects of the 2006 Chinese Education Finance Reform6
The role of the teaching assistant: Female role models in the classroom6
High school role models and minority college achievement6
Who's minding the kids? Experimental evidence on the demand for child care quality6
Education and skill mismatches among immigrants: The impact of host language proficiency6
Does state-mandated financial education reduce high school graduation rates?5
Child bodyweight and human capital: Test scores, teacher assessments and noncognitive skills5
Benefits left on the table: Evidence from the Servicemembers’ Civil Relief Act5
Limited contracts, limited quality? effects of adjunct instructors on student outcomes☆5
Labor versus capital in the provision of public services: Estimating the marginal products of inputs in the production of student outcomes✰5
Impact of online computer assisted learning on education: Experimental evidence from economically vulnerable areas of China5
Teachers’ willingness to pay for retirement benefits: A national stated preferences experiment5
Quality measures in higher education: Norwegian evidence5
Unequal pay for equal work? Unpacking the gender gap in principal compensation5
The educational impacts of cash transfers in Tanzania5
Too hot or too cold to study? The effect of temperature on student time allocation5
Upside-Down Down-Under: Cold Temperatures Reduce Learning in Australia5
Natural disasters and human capital accumulation: Evidence from the 1976 Tangshan earthquake5
(Em)Powered by Science? Estimating the Relative Labor Market Returns to Majoring in Science in High School in India5
Decomposing financial inequality across U.S. higher education institutions5
The impact of grade retention on juvenile crime5
Bias in education disability accommodations5
Understanding the response to financial and non-financial incentives in education: Field experimental evidence using high-stakes assessments5
Re-examining the relationship between education and adult mental health in the UK: A research note4
It’s time to learn: School institutions and returns to instruction time4
Making college affordable? The impacts of tuition freezes and caps4
Relative performance feedback and the effects of being above average — field experiment and replication4
Refugees and the educational attainment of natives: Evidence from Norway4
School resources, peer inputs, and student outcomes in adult education4
The effect of import competition on educational attainment at the postsecondary level: Evidence from NAFTA4
Do timing and reference frame of feedback influence high-stakes educational outcomes?4
Gender differences in college applications: Aspiration and risk management4
The heterogeneity of Covid-19 learning loss across Italian primary and middle schools4
Post-secondary funding and the educational attainment of indigenous students4
The child education and health ethnic inequality consequences of climate shocks in Vietnam4
Field of study and partner choice4
Inequalities in test scores between Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth in Canada4
Can learning be measured by phone? Evidence from Kenya4
How informal mentoring by teachers, counselors, and coaches supports students' long-run academic success4
A failure of the market for college education and on-the-job human capital4
The impact of attending an independent upper secondary school: Evidence from Sweden using school ranking data4
Who teaches the teachers? A RCT of peer-to-peer observation and feedback in 181 schools4
Understanding performance in test taking: The role of question difficulty order4
Paralysis by analysis? Effects of information on student loan take-up4
On the labor market for full-time non-tenure-track lecturers in economics3
The effect of technology funding on school-level student proficiency3
Using high-stakes grades to incentivize learning3
Labor market returns to a prison GED3
When behavioral barriers are too high or low – How timing matters for text-based parenting interventions3
Adolescents’ time allocation and skill production3
Connected networks in principal value-added models3
Knowing what it takes: The effect of information about returns to studying on study effort and achievement3
IT skills, occupation specificity and job separations3
The Importance of Peer Quality for Completion of Higher Education3
Heterogeneity in the educational impacts of natural disasters: Evidence from Hurricane Florence3
School attendance and child labor: Evidence from Mexico’s Full-Time School program3
Let's stay together: The effects of repeat student-teacher matches on academic achievement3
Escaping into a master's degree in times of crisis? Master's degree applications and enrolment over the business cycle3
Do refugee students affect the academic achievement of peers? Evidence from a large urban school district3
First-in-their-family students at university: Can non-cognitive skills compensate for social origin?3
Gender gaps in early wage expectations3
Education reforms and adult skills: Evidence from Estonia3
Earthquake exposure and schooling: Impacts and mechanisms3
Central exams and adult skills: Evidence from PIAAC3
Playing catch up: A term-level investigation of the racial gap in STEM retention3
Evidence on the Dimensionality and Reliability of Professional References’ Ratings of Teacher Applicants3
Do learning communities increase first year college retention? Evidence from a randomized control trial3
How to recruit teachers for hard-to-staff schools: A systematic review of evidence from low- and middle-income countries3
What Explains Vietnam's Exceptional Performance in Education Relative to Other Countries? Analysis of the 2012, 2015, and 2018 PISA Data3
International Student Flows from Developing Countries: Do Donors Have an Impact?3
Comparing earnings outcome differences between all graduates and title IV graduates3
“Against all odds” Does awareness of the risk of failure matter for educational choices?3
The importance of external assessments: High school math and gender gaps in STEM degrees3
Childhood Medicaid Eligibility and Human Capital3
Financial education for female foreign domestic workers in Singapore3
Teacher quality and cross-country differences in learning in francophone Sub-Saharan Africa3
Bias in online classes: Evidence from a field experiment3
Reinforcing the STEM pipeline in vocational-technical high schools: The effect of female teachers3
The impact of standardized test feedback in math: Exploiting a natural experiment in 3rd grade3
Minority student and teaching assistant interactions in STEM3
Weekend feeding (“BackPack”) programs and student outcomes3
The effect of breakfast after the bell on student academic achievement3
Particulate pollution and learning3
Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking3
The value of formal host-country education for the labour market position of refugees: Evidence from Austria3
Is intervention fadeout a scaling artefact?3
Closing the income-achievement gap? Experimental evidence from high-dosage tutoring in Dutch primary education3
School supply constraints in track choices: A French study using high school openings3
When does gender occupational segregation start? An experimental evaluation of the effects of gender and parental occupation in the apprenticeship labor market2
Deregulating Teacher Labor Markets2
English learners reclassification and academic achievement: Evidence from Minnesota2
The effects of exam frames on student effort and performance2
Demand for School Quality and Local District Administration2
Teachers’ use of class time and student achievement2
Math scores in high stakes grades2
Does formal education for adults yield long-term multiplier effects or human capital depreciation?2
What drives segregation? Evidence from social interactions among students2
The effects of online vs in-class testing in moderate-stakes college environments2
Health benefits of having more female classmates: Quasi-experimental evidence from China2
The effects of performance-based school closure and restart on student performance2
Heterogeneous responses to school track choice: Evidence from the repeal of binding track recommendations2
Heterogeneous effects of comprehensive vs. single-track academic schools: Evidence from admission lotteries2
Age matters for girls: School entry age and female graduate education2
Decreasing time to baccalaureate degree in the United States2
Labor market conditions and college graduation: Evidence from Brazil2
Who refers whom? The effects of teacher characteristics on disciplinary office referrals2
School closures and effective in-person learning during COVID-192
Sorting it Out: The Effects of Charter Expansion on Teacher and Student Composition at Traditional Public Schools2
Can conditional grants attract better students? Evidence from Chinese teachers’ colleges2
College-major choice to college-then-major choice: Experimental evidence from Chinese college admissions reforms2
Recruit to reject? Harvard and African American applicants2
Mother tongue reading materials as a bridge to literacy2
Short-run shock, long-run consequences? The impact of grandparental death on educational outcomes2
Attending a school with heterogeneous peers: The effects of school detracking and its attenuation2
The educational experiences of Indian children during COVID-192
Is a name change a game change? The impact of college-to-university conversions2
Free compulsory education can mitigate COVID-19 disruptions’ adverse effects on child schooling2
Uniform admissions, unequal access: Did the top 10% plan increase access to selective flagship institutions?2
Unintended consequences of free college: Self-selection into the teaching profession2
Who benefits from general knowledge?2
Conceptualizing grade inflation2
The best in the class2
Returns to bachelor’s degree completion among stopouts2
Social networks and college performance: Evidence from dining data2