Journal of Environmental Psychology

(The median citation count of Journal of Environmental Psychology is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
On the nature of eco-anxiety: How constructive or unconstructive is habitual worry about global warming?166
Home garden use during COVID-19: Associations with physical and mental wellbeing in older adults164
What drives pro-environmental activism of young people? A survey study on the Fridays For Future movement148
What is the best way of delivering virtual nature for improving mood? An experimental comparison of high definition TV, 360° video, and computer generated virtual reality142
Climate anxiety, wellbeing and pro-environmental action: correlates of negative emotional responses to climate change in 32 countries128
Climate anxiety: What predicts it and how is it related to climate action?93
When and how pro-environmental attitudes turn into behavior: The role of costs, benefits, and self-control86
The use of virtual reality in environment experiences and the importance of realism85
Listen to others or yourself? The role of personal norms on the effectiveness of social norm interventions to change pro-environmental behavior73
“Re-placed” - Reconsidering relationships with place and lessons from a pandemic69
Social identity as a key concept for connecting transformative societal change with individual environmental activism67
Measuring place attachment with the Abbreviated Place Attachment Scale (APAS)65
Pride and guilt predict pro-environmental behavior: A meta-analysis of correlational and experimental evidence63
The case for impact-focused environmental psychology62
Measuring pro-environmental behavior using the carbon emission task60
Changing environmental behaviour from the bottom up: The formation of pro-environmental social identities58
Influencing climate change attitudes in the United States: A systematic review and meta-analysis57
Virtual immersion in nature and psychological well-being: A systematic literature review55
Does environmental education benefit environmental outcomes in children and adolescents? A meta-analysis54
The affective benefits of nature exposure: What's nature got to do with it?52
Distant from others, but close to home: The relationship between home attachment and mental health during COVID-1952
Biophilic office design: Exploring the impact of a multisensory approach on human well-being51
Fear for the future: Eco-anxiety and health implications, a systematic review51
Development and validation of a climate change perceptions scale51
Why do youth participate in climate activism? A mixed-methods investigation of the #FridaysForFuture climate protests.50
Collective responses to global challenges: The social psychology of pro-environmental action45
Impacts of nature and built acoustic-visual environments on human’s multidimensional mood states: A cross-continent experiment44
Evaluating the impacts of color, graphics, and architectural features on wayfinding in healthcare settings using EEG data and virtual response testing44
Greener Than Thou: People who protect the environment are more cooperative, compete to be environmental, and benefit from reputation43
Emotion recognition changes in a confinement situation due to COVID-1942
The role of national identity in collective pro-environmental action42
More green than gray? Toward a sustainable overview of environmental spillover effects: A Bayesian meta-analysis41
Exploring how climate change subjective attribution, personal experience with extremes, concern, and subjective knowledge relate to pro-environmental attitudes and behavioral intentions in the United 41
The cross-cultural challenges of integrating personal norms into the Theory of Planned Behavior: A meta-analytic structural equation modeling (MASEM) approach41
Climate change anxiety in China, India, Japan, and the United States40
Effects of COVID-19-related stay-at-home order on neuropsychophysiological response to urban spaces: Beneficial role of exposure to nature?40
Psychological well-being and demographic factors can mediate soundscape pleasantness and eventfulness: A large sample study40
Nature promotes self-transcendence and prosocial behavior38
A systematic review of the psychological distance of climate change: Towards the development of an evidence-based construct37
Words not deeds: National narcissism, national identification, and support for greenwashing versus genuine proenvironmental campaigns37
Cut back or give it up? The effectiveness of reduce and eliminate appeals and dynamic norm messaging to curb meat consumption36
How do I feel when I think about taking action? Hope and boredom, not anxiety and helplessness, predict intentions to take climate action36
Restorative effects of exposure to nature on children and adolescents: A systematic review35
Knowledge, perceived potential and trust as determinants of low- and high-impact pro-environmental behaviours35
How to attract employees back to the office? A stated choice study on hybrid working preferences34
The relationship between identity and environmental concern: A meta-analysis34
Price of change: Does a small alteration to the price of meat and vegetarian options affect their sales?33
Exploring psychological restoration in favorite indoor and outdoor urban places using a top-down perspective33
Self-transcendent emotion dispositions: Greater connections with nature and more sustainable behavior33
Global climate marches sharply raise attention to climate change: Analysis of climate search behavior in 46 countries32
Guilt consistently motivates pro-environmental outcomes while pride depends on context31
Pro-environmental behaviour and support for environmental policy as expressions of pro-environmental motivation31
Concern for the future and saving the earth: When does ecological resource scarcity promote pro-environmental behavior?31
Avoidance, rationalization, and denial: Defensive self-protection in the face of climate change negatively predicts pro-environmental behavior31
Offsetting behavioral costs with personal attitude: Identifying the psychological essence of an environmental attitude measure31
Information sources, perceived personal experience, and climate change beliefs30
Pathways of place dependence and place identity influencing recycling in the extended theory of planned behavior29
Beating the blues by viewing Green: Depressive symptoms predict greater restoration from stress and negative affect after viewing a nature video28
How do urban green spaces increase well-being? The role of perceived wildness and nature connectedness27
Referent group specificity: Optimizing normative feedback to increase residential recycling27
Stress recovery from virtual exposure to a brown (desert) environment versus a green environment27
Action, communication, and engagement: How parents “ACE” Children's pro-environmental behaviors27
Out of the noise: Effects of sound environment on maths performance in middle-school students27
Experiencing urban spaces and social meanings through social Media:Unravelling the relationships between Instagram city-related use, Sense of Place, and Sense of Community26
Exploring adolescents’ waste prevention via Value-Identity-Personal norm and Comprehensive Action Determination Models26
Exploring the roles of analytic cognitive style, climate science literacy, illusion of knowledge, and political orientation in climate change skepticism26
Simulated nature walks improve psychological well-being along a natural to urban continuum26
Menu design approaches to promote sustainable vegetarian food choices when dining out25
Greenwash yourself: The relationship between communal and agentic narcissism and pro-environmental behavior25
Exposure to nature in immersive virtual reality increases connectedness to nature among people with low nature affinity25
Less is more? Effects of more vs. less electric light on alertness, mood, sleep and appraisals of light in an operational office25
Proenvironmental attitudes predict proenvironmental consumer behaviors over time24
Would you eat a burger made in a petri dish? Why people feel disgusted by cultured meat24
How and when financial incentives crowd out pro-environmental motivation: A longitudinal quasi-experimental study24
Longitudinal relations between climate change concern and psychological wellbeing24
Nature connectedness boosts the bright side of emotion regulation, which in turn reduces stress24
Religion, environmental guilt, and pro-environmental support: The opposing pathways of stewardship belief and belief in a controlling god24
Space at home and psychological distress during the Covid-19 lockdown in Italy24
Place attachment in green buildings: Making the connections24
Increasing people's acceptance of anthropogenic climate change with scientific facts: Is mechanistic information more effective for environmentalists?24
Is green the new sexy? Romantic of conspicuous conservation24
A meaningful reminder on sustainability: When explicit and implicit packaging cues meet23
Changing diets - Testing the impact of knowledge and information nudges on sustainable dietary choices23
Learning from navigation, and tasks assessing its accuracy: The role of visuospatial abilities and wayfinding inclinations23
When your shop says #lessismore. Online communication interventions for clothing sufficiency23
Gratitude to nature: Presenting a theory of its conceptualization, measurement, and effects on pro-environmental behavior23
Theory enhances impact. Reply to: ‘The case for impact-focused environmental psychology’23
Four Europes: Climate change beliefs and attitudes predict behavior and policy preferences using a latent class analysis on 23 countries22
Where do we want to see other people while relaxing in a city park? Visual relationships with park users and their impact on preferences, safety and privacy22
Landmark-based navigation instructions improve incidental spatial knowledge acquisition in real-world environments22
Perceived responsibility to address climate change consistently relates to increased pro-environmental attitudes, behaviors and policy support: Evidence across 23 countries22
From oppressiveness to stress: A development of Stress Reduction Theory in the context of contemporary high-density city22
Synthesising psychometric evidence for the Climate Anxiety Scale and Hogg Eco-Anxiety Scale22
Beyond self-reports: A call for more behavior in environmental psychology22
Virtual nature, psychological and psychophysiological outcomes: A systematic review22
Objective measures of cognitive performance in activity based workplaces and traditional office types22
The value of eudaimonia for understanding relationships among values and pro-environmental behavior21
Socioeconomic status, time preferences and pro-environmentalism21
See or Be? Contact with nature and well-being during COVID-19 lockdown21
Effects of perceived social norms on support for renewable energy transition: Moderation by national culture and environmental risks21
Discounting environmental policy: The effects of psychological distance over time and space21
Love for the globe but also the country matter for the environment: Links between nationalistic, patriotic, global identification and pro-environmentalism21
Comparative study on birdsong and its multi-sensory combinational effects on physio-psychological restoration21
Imagining a sustainable world: Measuring cognitive alternatives to the environmental status quo21
Subjective and physiological responses towards daylit spaces with contemporary façade patterns in virtual reality: Influence of sky type, space function, and latitude20
Going rural: Qualitative perspectives on the role of place attachment in young people's intentions to return to the country20
The influence of different efficacy constructs on energy conservation intentions and climate change policy support20
Perceived responsibility towards future generations and environmental concern: Convergent evidence across multiple outcomes in a large, nationally representative sample20
Looking at buildings or trees? Association of human nature relatedness with eye movements in outdoor space20
Acceptability of policies to reduce consumption of red and processed meat: A population-based survey experiment20
Explaining the difference between the predictive power of value orientations and self-determined motivation for proenvironmental behavior20
The role of environmental identity and individualism/collectivism in predicting climate change denial: Evidence from nine countries19
The supportive role of environmental attitude for learning about environmental issues19
Promoting new pro-environmental behaviors: The effect of combining encouraging and discouraging messages19
Bringing nature into hospital architecture: Machine learning-based EEG analysis of the biophilia effect in virtual reality19
Psychological responses to buildings and natural landscapes19
Political ingroup conformity and pro-environmental behavior: Evaluating the evidence from a survey and mousetracking experiments19
Spaces for relaxing, spaces for recharging: How parks affect people's emotions19
Testing the Biophilia theory: Automatic approach tendencies towards nature19
The COVID-19 crisis does not diminish environmental motivation: Evidence from two panel studies of decision making and self-reported pro-environmental behavior19
Straw wars: Pro-environmental spillover following a guilt appeal19
Green exercise, mental health symptoms, and state lockdown policies: A longitudinal study19
Disgusting? No, just deviating from internalized norms. Understanding consumer skepticism toward sustainable food alternatives18
Beyond subjective and personal: Endorsing pro-environmental norms as moral norms18
Do past-focused environmental messages promote pro-environmentalism to conservatives? A pre-registered replication18
Walk it off! The effectiveness of walk and talk coaching in nature for individuals with burnout- and stress-related complaints18
Why does nature enhance psychological well-being?A Self-Determination account18
Satisfaction with activity-support and physical home-workspace characteristics in relation to mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic18
Test-retest reliability and construct validity of the Pro-Environmental Behavior Task18
Effects of home environment structure on navigation preference and performance: A comparison in Veneto, Italy and Utah, USA18
Beauty of the Beast: Beauty as an important dimension in the moral standing of animals18
Anger consensus messaging can enhance expectations for collective action and support for climate mitigation18
Greening the room: A quasi-experimental study on the presence of potted plants in study rooms on mood, cognitive performance, and perceived environmental quality among university students17
The relation between workplace attachment style, design satisfaction, privacy and exhaustion in office employees: A moderated mediation model17
Are low-level visual features of scenes associated with perceived restorative qualities?16
The role of gratitude in motivating intergenerational environmental stewardship16
Association between caregiver perceived green space quality and the development of prosocial behaviour from childhood to adolescence: Latent class trajectory and multilevel longitudinal analyses of Au16
BIO-WELL: The development and validation of a human wellbeing scale that measures responses to biodiversity16
Climate-change worry among two cohorts of late adolescents: Exploring macro and micro worries, coping, and relations to climate engagement, pessimism, and well-being16
Assessing the mobilization potential of environmental advocacy communication16
Self-construals and environmental values in 55 cultures16
Do autistic traits predict pro-environmental attitudes and behaviors, and climate change belief?15
Which is primary: Preference or perceived instoration?15
Attitudes and emotions as predictors of support for wolf management15
From theory to action: Explaining the process of knowledge attitudes and practices regarding the use and disposal of plastic among school children15
The importance for wellbeing of having views of nature from and in the home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Results from the GreenCOVID study15
Mechanisms underlying childhood exposure to blue spaces and adult subjective well-being: An 18-country analysis15
Promoting plant-based food choices: Findings from a field experiment with over 150,000 consumer decisions15
Promoting the work engagement of the health worker: The role of secure workplace attachment, perceived spatial-physical comfort, and relationship with patients14
Saw the office, want the job: The effect of creative workspace design on organizational attractiveness14
Nature guided imagery: An intervention to increase connectedness to nature14
Different types of virtual natural environments enhance subjective vitality through restorativeness14
Psychological and demographic predictors of plastic bag consumption in transaction data14
Place attachment satisfies psychological needs in the context of environmental risk coping: Experimental evidence of a link between self-determination theory and person-place relationship effects14
Seeing nature from low to high levels: Mechanisms underlying the restorative effects of viewing nature images14
Personal or planetary health? Direct, spillover and carryover effects of non-monetary benefits of vegetarian behaviour14
Structural salience of landmark pictograms in maps as a predictor for object location memory performance14
“Nature is mine/ours”: Measuring individual and collective psychological ownership of nature14
Motivating sustainability through morality: A daily diary study on the link between moral self-control and clothing consumption14
The emotional influence of different geometries in virtual spaces: A neurocognitive examination14
Associations of time spent gardening with mental wellbeing and life satisfaction in mid-to-late adulthood14
The effect of water sound level in virtual reality: A study of restorative benefits in young adults through immersive natural environments14
Replicating the focus theory of normative conduct as tested by Cialdini et al. (1990)13
Immersive storm surge flooding: Scale and risk perception in virtual reality13
Policy attributes, perceived impacts, and climate change policy preferences13
Protecting the commons: Predictors of willingness to mitigate communal land degradation among Maasai pastoralists13
Ocean connectedness and consumer responses to single-use packaging13
The impacts of nature connectedness on children's well-being: Systematic literature review13
A comparison of children's play and non-play behavior before and after schoolyard greening monitored by video observations13
Opposing effects of Spirituality and Religious Fundamentalism on environmental attitudes13
Making theory useful for understanding high-impact behavior. A response to van Valkengoed et al. (2021)13
Psychometric properties of the climate change anxiety scale13
It is just wrong: Moral foundations and food waste13
High-income Households—Damned to consume or free to engage in high-impact energy-saving behaviours?13
Episodic memory and self-reference in a naturalistic context: New insights based on a virtual walk in the Latin Quarter of Paris13
Design by nature: The influence of windows on cognitive performance and affect13
In search of weakened resolve: Does climate-engineering awareness decrease individuals’ commitment to mitigation?13
Short virtual nature breaks in the office environment can restore stress: An experimental study13
Too attached to let others in? The role of different types of place attachment in predicting intergroup attitudes in a conflict setting12
Is the political divide on climate change narrower for people of color? Evidence from a decade of U.S. polling12
Environmental learning in a virtual environment: Do gender, spatial self-efficacy, and visuospatial abilities matter?12
Adding native plants to home landscapes: The roles of attitudes, social norms, and situational strength12
Natural environments, psychosocial health, and health behaviors in a crisis – A scoping review of the literature in the COVID-19 context12
Good eats, bad intentions? Reputational costs of organic consumption12
Differentiating mental health promotion effects of various bluespaces: An electroencephalography study12
Here I belong!: Understanding immigrant descendants’ place attachment and its impact on their community citizenship behaviors in China12
Using natural intervention to promote subjective well-being of essential workers during public-health crises: A Study during COVID-19 pandemic11
Personality changes associated with increasing environmental concerns11
The way we perceive a place implies who can live there: Essentialisation of place and attitudes towards diversity11
Botanical priming helps overcome plant blindness on a memory task11
Measuring pro-environmental orientation: Testing and building scales11
A meta-analysis of physiological stress responses to natural environments: Biophilia and Stress Recovery Theory perspectives11
The warm glow of recycling can make us more wasteful11
Anticipated guilt and anti-littering civic engagement in an extended norm activation model11
Free days for future? Longitudinal effects of working time reductions on individual well-being and environmental behaviour11
Different names for “natural gas” influence public perception of it11
Climate change policy support, intended behaviour change, and their drivers largely unaffected by consensus messages in Germany11
A “vegetarian curry stew” or just a “curry stew”? - The effect of neutral labeling of vegetarian dishes on food choice among meat-reducers and non-reducers11
I can still see, hear and smell the fire: Cognitive, emotional and personal consequences of a natural disaster, and the impact of evacuation11
Rounded or angular? How the physical work environment in makerspaces influences makers’ creativity11
Ocean imagery relates to an individual's cognitions and pro-environmental behaviours11
Positive affect and natural landscape in virtual reality: A systematic review comparing interventions, measures, and outcomes10
Predictors of hurricane evacuation decisions: A meta-analysis10
Dynamics of stress and recovery and relationships with perceived environmental mastery in extreme environments10
The effects of secondary stressors, social identity, and social support on perceived stress and resilience: Findings from the COVID-19 pandemic10
Exposure to nature leads to a stronger natural-is-better bias in Chinese people10
Problem awareness does not predict littering: A field study on littering in the Gambia10
Form and color visual perception in green exercise: Positive effects on attention, mood, and self-esteem10
Examining perceived safety and park use in public open spaces: The case of Barcelona10
The relationship between the built environment and subjective wellbeing – Analysis of cross-sectional data from the English Housing Survey10
A matter of time… consideration of future consequences and temporal distance contribute to the ideology gap in climate change scepticism10
Navigating the divided city: Place identity and the time-geography of segregation10
Important to me and my society: How culture influences the roles of personal values and perceived group values in environmental engagements via collectivistic orientation10
Comparing the effect of mindful and other engagement interventions in nature on attention restoration, nature connection, and mood10
Orientation behavior in men and women: The relationship between gender stereotype, growth mindset, and spatial self-efficacy10
Climate change threatens nomadic herding in Mongolia: A model of climate change risk perception and behavioral adaptation10
Socio-political efficacy explains increase in New Zealanders’ pro-environmental attitudes due to COVID-1910
A meta-analysis of the association of aircraft noise at school on children's reading comprehension and psychological health for use in health impact assessment10
Nature walks versus medication: A pre-registered randomized-controlled trial in children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder9
Mixed evidence for the effect of virtual nature exposure on effortful pro-environmental behavior9
Can participation promote psychological ownership of a shared resource? An intervention study of community-based safe water infrastructure9
Swimming in nature: A scoping review of the mental health and wellbeing benefits of open water swimming9
Conceptual replication study and meta-analysis suggest simulated nature does not reliably restore pure executive attention measured by the attention network task9
Regulate me! Self-control dissatisfaction in meat reduction success relates to stronger support for behavior-regulating policy9
Do people's assumptions about the social world matter? The effects of social axioms on environmental attitude and efficacy beliefs9
“Do you consider animal welfare to be important?” activating cognitive dissonance via value activation can promote vegetarian choices9
Individual differences in preference for architectural interiors9
Polluted humanity: Air pollution leads to the dehumanization of oneself and others9
The influence of social exclusion on adolescents' social withdrawal behavior: The moderating role of connectedness to nature9
Empirical characterisation of agents’ spatial behaviour in pedestrian movement simulation9
Intergenerational transmission of environmental knowledge and pro-environmental behavior: A dyadic relationship9
Implementing an activity-based work environment: A longitudinal view of the effects on privacy and psychological ownership9
Political message matching and green behaviors: Strengths and boundary conditions for promoting high-impact behavioral change9
Aesthetics and logistics in urban parks; can moving waste receptacles to park exits decrease littering?9
Household crowding can have political effects: An empirical study on support for anti-democratic political systems during the COVID-19 lockdown in Italy9
Paths that lead astray: Examining the situational predictors of intention-behaviour gaps in meat consumption9
Water bottles or tap water? A descriptive-social-norm based intervention to increase a pro-environmental behavior in a restaurant9
Parental factors affecting children's nature connectedness9
How do schoolchildren perceive litter? Overlooked in urban but not in natural environments9
They can and will: Preschoolers encourage pro-environmental behavior with rewards and punishments9
Boosting neighbourhood identification to benefit wellbeing: Evidence from diverse community samples8
Navigation ability in young, middle-aged and older adults: Different domains of knowledge and their relationship with visuospatial factors8
Psychological and physiological effects of a wooden office room on human well-being: Results from a randomized controlled trial8
Effects of social position and household affordances on COVID-19 lockdown resilience and coping8
Introducing and testing the personal-collective-governmental efficacy typology: How personal, collective, and governmental efficacy subtypes are associated with differential environmental actions8
The effect of environmental versus social framing on pro-environmental behavior8
Experience or attribution? Exploring the relationship between personal experience, political affiliation, and subjective attributions with mitigation behavioural intentions and COVID-19 recovery polic8
Burglars’ choice of intrusion routes: A virtual reality experimental study8
The contribution of personal and place-related attributes to the resilience of conflict-affected communities8
Acute stress effects of impulsive noise during mental work8