Urban Geography

(The median citation count of Urban Geography is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Lively cities: an urban theory for the twenty-first century74
Working toward infrastructural citizenship: state-society relations and community waste labor in Cape Town51
Urban value chains and re-framing agglomeration-centric conceptions of urban theory42
Doing comparative urbanism: comparative conversation as tactic35
More private than public: the choice neighborhoods initiative as another tool for state-led gentrification in the Sun Valley neighborhood of Denver CO33
Synthesizing collective memory and counter-memory in urban space31
Right to the city or environmental gentrification? A discussion about risks and potential of urban agriculture28
The urbanising dynamics of global China: speculation, articulation, and translation in global capitalism28
Closed or connected? The economic geography of technological collaboration between special economic zones in China’s Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou metropolitan area24
Distinction, difference, and the place(s) of Latine working-class immigrants in the creative city19
Traveling planning concepts revisited: how they land and why it matters17
Performing conviviality in diverse and precarious urban spaces: everyday experiences of Nigerian migrant entrepreneurs in Downtown, Harare16
Border troubles: urban nature and the remaking of public/private divides16
Hybrid entrepreneurial urban governance in post-colonial Ghana: an analysis of Chinese funding of the Kotokuraba market project in Cape Coast16
Geopolitical boundaries and urban borderlands in an Ethiopian frontier city15
Of scale and discourse: China’s ecological civilization and the struggle for development in Anshun15
Interrogating narratives of urban change: disinvestment and development in two neighborhoods in Baltimore, MD15
Making transformative geographies: lessons from Stuttgart’s community economy15
Rethinking the off-grid city14
Writing out Black history in Washington, D.C.: how historical narratives support a performance of progressiveness in gentrifying urban spaces14
From campaign-style governance to multiple environmentalities: urban political ecologies of e-waste regulation in Guiyu, China14
Design and revolution: Morris, modernism and urban gothic13
Mean streets: homelessness, public space, and the limits of capital13
Moving the mountain and greening the sea: the micropolitics of speculative green urbanism at Forest City, Iskandar Malaysia13
How workable is a 20-minute city in Australia? Re-examining the challenge of change in spatial labour and job relations13
Fixing new municipalism discretely and discreetly . Power, participation, and the possibilities of progressive regimes13
“I salute them for their hardwork and contribution”: inclusive urbanism and organizing women recyclers in Ahmedabad, India13
Rhythms, dressage and pacemaking in South Side Chicago: examining the construction site of the Obama Presidential Center13
Resilient climate urbanism and the politics of experimentation for adaptation12
“Homes not shelters”: co-productions of home in financialized social housing for women in Vancouver, Canada12
Community stakeholders, communicative geography, and the urban policy process12
The urban class structure: class change and spatial divisions from a multidimensional class perspective12
Veni, vidi, gentri? – Social class change in London and Paris: gentrification cause or consequence?12
Urban extractivism. Contesting megaprojects in Mexico City, rethinking urban values12
Subverting the “migrant division of labor” through the traditional retail market: the London Latin Village’s struggle against gentrification12
Urban adaptation pathways at the edge of the anthropocene: lessons from the Blue Pacific Continent11
Capital switching, spatial fix, and the paradigm shifts of China’s urbanization11
The Vancouver socioecological fix: indigenous real-estate development as the city’s imagination of sustainability, affordability, and reconciliation11
In the shadow of gentrification: the case of art-led neighborhood change in Osaka’s developmental inner city10
Generationing cultural quarters: the temporal embeddedness of relational places10
Frankenstein Urbanism through the lens of feminist technoscience10
Localizing the SDGs in cities: reflections from an action research project in Bristol, UK10
The new informality? The financialization of informal housing as a parasitic relation (2023) Plenary Commentary10
On autonomy in Frankenstein Urbanism10
Public housing, homeplaces, and entangled spatial strategies of Black freedom10
Influencers and social media: gentrification aesthetics and prosumption through China’s wanghong economy9
Gentrification in large Canadian cities: tenure, age, and exclusionary displacement 1991-20119
Venerated skylines under pressure: a view of three cities9
Building space, building value: residential space additions and the transformation of low-rise housing in Toronto9
State/finance symbiosis9
The sounds of who we are: rethinking divided cities through sound9
Urban life in the shadows of infrastructural death: from people as infrastructure to dead labor and back again9
Linking U.S. government-sponsored redlining to early-stage white flight, 1940–19509
Displacement: cause and consequence of gentrification8
Ontological agility and infrastructure: Palestinian liberation's praxis in the corridor between Ramallah and East Jerusalem8
Activist performances on edge: spatial politics after the end of public space8
Infrastructure in formation: the politics and practices of making progress with infrastructure8
“Let them sing!” The paradoxes of gender mainstreaming in urban policy and urban scholarship8
The limits to urban revolution: the transformation of Ankara, Turkey, under the Justice and Development Party8
Urban policy mobilities in Urban Geography : in retrospect and in prospect8
Refugees in new destinations and small cities: resettlement in Vermont8
Mapping the desirable and affordable city: middle-income renter perceptions of housing opportunity8
Rethinking the post-socialist city8
Meeting afterhours: on the work that night commissions do8
Vernacular place name as a cultural arena of urban place-making and symbolic resistance in Minsk, Belarus7
Liquid borders: reflections from fragmented water infrastructure in Guwahati, Northeast India7
Green, gray, glocal: governing urban resilience in the Tel Aviv metropolitan region7
Coda: reflections on public and private space in a post-Covid world7
Black insurgent aesthetics and the public imaginary7
Revisiting entrepreneurial governance in China’s urban redevelopment: a case from Wuhan7
Spatial clustering of property abandonment in shrinking cities: a case study of targeted demolition in Buffalo, NY’s African American neighborhoods7
Justice and the American city7
“In densification we trust” – on the role of abstract space in the production of urban densification in the Alpine Rhine Valley7
Announcement: goings and comings at Urban Geography7
Continental metropolitanization: Chongqing and the urban origins of China’s Belt and Road Initiative7
(Re)gaining the urban commons: everyday, collective, and identity resistance7
Decentralizing the power of fashion? Exploring the geographies and inter-place connections of fashion cities through fashion weeks7
An analysis of diverse gentrification processes and their relationship to historic preservation activity in Chicago7
Lake-ian pragmatism and the path to engaged practice7
“Cuando Colón baje el dedo”: the role of repair in urban reproduction7
Assembling place-based transitions: capitalist logics of green building in Vancouver, Canada7
The nature of “wilderness” in the settler-colonial suburb7
Beyond revanchism? Learning from sanctioned homeless encampments in the U.S.6
Cultural memory, white innocence, and United States territory: the 2022 Urban Geography Plenary Lecture6
Family experiences of urban transformation: entangled bodies, hopeful imaginations and embodied utopias6
On data cultures and the prehistories of smart urbanism in “Africa’s Digital City”6
“Worlding” Bangladeshi urbanism through water6
Mobilizing heterogeneity: understanding the dynamic qualities and diversity of energy access in Maputo6
Shelter in place: neighborhood policing of homelessness in Montreal, Canada6
Caring for debt: women’s work in Istanbul’s mass housing estates6
Negotiating infrastructural citizenship beyond the state: philanthropy, non-profit organizations, and the Flint Water Crisis6
Community formation in talent worker housing: the case of Silicon Valley Talent Apartments, Shenzhen6
Mapping and the politics of informality in Jakarta6
On writing The City after Property6
Spatial distribution of urban gardens on vacant land and rooftops: A case study of 'The Garden City Initiative' in Taipei City, Taiwan6
African cities in conversation: who are we listening and talking to?6
The work of foodification: an analysis of food gentrification in Turin, Italy5
Urban social infrastructure and care: Japanese examples5
Empowered, almost: luxury consumption and the crooked urban life5
Becoming killable: white-tailed deer management and the production of overabundance in the Blue Hills5
Whose sidewalk is it? Street vendors and the battle for San Diego’s foodscape5
Rental sector liberalization and the housing outcomes for young urban adults5
Reimagining the physical/social infrastructure of the American street: policy and design for mobility justice and conviviality5
On structures and events5
Maintaining Portland’s “progressive dystopia”: housing, carcerality, and the real estate state5
“Blacklighting” the shaping of place: theories, strategies, and spatial imaginaries from the ‘Shaw5
Charting the design and implementation of the smart city: the case of citizen-centric bikeshare in Hamilton, Ontario5
Regulating sidewalk delivery robots as a disruptive new urban technology5
Climate transparency and the affective politics of adaptation in Miami5
The slow violence of waiting in the un making of public housing5
Trading crime for culture? Activating territorial stigma through cultural regeneration in Paisley5
The promise and reality of middle-class homeownership in China: housing assetisation, speculative urban (re)development and residential inequalities5
Trust and social space – a relational perspective5
Coyotes and more-than-human commons: exploring co-existence through Toronto’s Coyote Response Strategy5
Dialogic practices of urban gardening in Rome: “Reading for difference” in social innovation5
Socio-material governance tensions in nature-based solution experiments: lessons from Turin4
Aging, everyday active mobility and the challenge of the tourist city: an illustration from Barcelona4
Participatory micro-regeneration: governing urban redevelopment in Qinghe, Beijing4
Making urban humanitarian policy: the “neighbourhood approach” in Lebanon4
Policing tenancy: the struggle for housing and land in Los Angeles4
Cultural variables differ informal settlement interventions in Accra and Buenos Aires4
Urban uprisings between revolutionary openings and reactionary outcomes: making sense of the 2013 “June Days” in Brazil4
Self-exploiting for survival in the urban global South: insights of agrarian political economy for urban theory4
From shopping centers to cultural centers: Los Angeles strip malls as sites of ethnic and immigrant placemaking4
Governing urban infrastructures under pandemic conditions: some thoughts4
The role of the diaspora: malaga, vā, and contesting the financialization of customary land in Samoa4
Osmosis across defensible space: observations and lessons from dérives in London during COVID-194
Citizens in the “smart city”: participation, co-production, governance4
What is progressive city building? Global expertise and local entanglements in Latin America4
Aestheticizing the beautiful city: democratic politics and design review4
Divine and wine: negotiating the past in Nashik’s urban future4
Community benefits agreements and growth coalitions: leveraging the growth machine thesis for alternative organizing strategies4
Injected urbanism: urban theory from India?4
Claiborne love song: black place-making toward a vast imaginary of freedom4
Social governance for value creation: state-led land assembly, the property mind, and speculative urbanism in Taiwan4
Keeping up with the zones(es): how competing local governments in China use development zones as back doors to urbanization4
Review symposium: transnational architecture and urbanism: rethinking how cities plan, transform, and learn4
Narratives of dispossession: a precondition of colonialism in Detroit4
Authoritarian urbanism in Pakistan and Indonesia: a conjunctural comparison of two new cities4
“鱼龙混杂 yúlóng-hùnzá” - fish and dragons (bad and good people) mixing together: young people, urban life and alcohol, drinking, drunkenness in China4
Does public rental housing foster social ties? A study of the everyday social lives of rural migrants in Chongqing, China4
The limits of right-sizing: analyzing social housing strategies in French shrinking cities4
Theme park follies: the publics of art biennials in Dakar and Taipei4
Luxury housing and gentrification in New York City, 2010-20194
Governing homeowner associations in China’s gated communities: the extension of state infrastructural power and its uneven reach3
Creating therapeutic spaces for the public: elderly exercisers as leaders in urban China3
Spaces of social reproduction, mobility, and the Syrian refugee care crisis in Izmir, Turkey3
“Art district without artists”: urban redevelopment through industrial heritage renovation and the gentrification of industrial neighborhoods in China3
Rebranding place “to build community”: neighborhood branding in Buffalo, NY3
Notions of time in a neighborhood destined for state-led regeneration3
Limited urban citizenship: the case of community councils in East Jerusalem3
The datafication of water infrastructure and its implications for (il)legible water consumers3
Migrants and city-making: dispossession, displacement, and urban regeneration3
New urban politics as post-politics of schooling marketization and distribution in entrepreneurial Chinese cities3
Seeing like the shadow state: philanthropy, memory, and public housing redevelopment in Syracuse, NY3
The sub/urban fix3
Introduction: displacement, asylum and the city – theoretical approaches and empirical findings3
Animating caste: visceral geographies of pigs, caste, and violent nationalisms in Chennai city3
Space and social capital: social contacts in a segregated city3
Insourcing the smart city: assembling an ideo-technical ecosystem of talent, skills, and civic-mindedness in Singapore3
Simulating the “city of joy”: state choreography and the re-appropriation of public spaces in Kolkata3
Cultivated, feral, wild: the urban as an ecological formation3
Gentrification and the role of the professional-managerial middle class3
A visual ethnography of an urban neighborhood3
Shark Fin City: transitional marine wildlife economies in Global Hong Kong3
“Just as much as there is Islamophobia, there is racism:” corporeal encounters with the Muslim Other in Amsterdam3
Trust the people: a lesson in listening, learning and following the lead of Black people in The City after Property Trust the people: a lesson in liste3
Beyond the car: how electric vehicles may enable new forms of material politics at the intersection of the smart grid and smart city3
Making the city through participatory video: implications for urban geography2
Frankenstein urbanism and why feminists, literature and AI can help us resist the end of the city2
Curating smart cities2
Mitungi as … thinking about urban space and infrastructure with the jerry can2
Community gardening in Hellinikon as a resistance struggle against neoliberal urbanism: spatial autogestion and the right to the city in post-crisis Athens, Greece2
Making sense ofsensinghomes: exploring ‘regimes of engagement’ in a smart urban energy context2
More-than-human territoriality: the contested spaces and beastly places of Canada geese in Europe’s largest urban wetland2
Bunkering down? The geography of elite residential basement development in London2
Rethinking vacancy within the urbanization process: towards a new research agenda2
State and collective ownership: thwarting and enabling financialization?2
Cities on the new silk road: the global urban geographies of China’s belt and road initiative2
Negotiating urban solidarities: multiple agencies and contested meanings in the making of solidarity cities2
Restaurants and the labor of urban revitalization, placemaking and rebranding in Louisville, Kentucky2
Understanding different levels of segregation in urban China: a comparative study among 21 cities in Guangdong province2
Cities for a guaranteed income: renewing the urban politics of cash assistance in the United States2
Special issues: Urban Geography’s renewed commitment2
Activist performances on edge: spatial politics after the end of public space2
Transnational gentrification and the housing market during pandemic times, Lisbon style2
From “killing deserts” to “killing cities”: weaponizing urban landscapes in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands2
Territorializing the Pearl River Delta: “state entrepreneurialism” in the cultural facility boom2
Rural idyll in a global creative city: gentrification, cultural governance and creative placemaking2
Diversity our strength? Exploring the influence of power dynamics on shaping suburban ethnic strips and place-making2
The policing of Black debt: how the municipal bond market regulates the right to water2
Revisioning Urban Pulse2
Temporal logics in urban place-making: the case of refugee-background Ethiopians in Australia2
Community governance during the Shanghai COVID-19 lockdown I: the roles and actions of residents’ committees2
Navigating constraints, finding freedom: exploring asylum seekers’ access to urban arrival infrastructures2
Neoliberalism and the splintering of city-regionalism: the case of Denver’s regional transit agency in times of COVID-19 urban austerity2
Decolonising feminist explorations of urban futures2
The people as infrastructure concept: appraisal and new directions2
On women, pans, and politics: imagining decolonial gendered urban spatialities2
“By what authority?” The contested politics of urban toponymic inscription in Zimbabwe2
Urban renewal without gentrification: toward dual goals of neighborhood revitalization and community preservation?2
Crypto-urban statecraft: post-pandemic urban governance experiments in Miami2
Eco-cities as urban laboratories of Chinese ecological modernization: eco-experimentation and the modernization of urban governance2
Digital platforms and the spatial transformation of urban villages in southern China: a case for platform-urban villagism?2
The ivory tower in China’s speculative urbanism: instrumentalizing the university-healthcare nexus2
Neoliberalization and urban redevelopment: the impact of public policy on multiple dimensions of spatial inequality2
Is there a global convergence of management foci in city credit quality assessments? A computational analysis approach2
Zoning initiatives, divide or unite? Anti-displacement struggles in Chinatown and the Lower East Side, New York City, 2002–20181
“We are the forerunners in Southern Europe”: Experimenting with Business Improvement Districts in Greater Barcelona1
“Regarding the pain of others”: urban geography after empathy1
From virtual special issues to virtual collections1
No place for trust—the significance of trust in housing development1
What Los Angeles tells us about Dracula Urbanism1
The need to design a nocturnal 15-min city1
The politics of “urban expertise”: shifting horizons for critical urban scholarship?1
Embodied counter-mapping of gendered urban violence and resistance across body-community–city territories in Rio de Janeiro1
Down and out in Dhaka: understanding land financialization and displacement in austerity urbanism1
Contrasts in suburban decline: a tale of three key outer suburban “Business Core Cities” in Tokyo Metropolis1
From the square to the shopping mall: new social media, state surveillance, and the evolving geographies of urban protest1
Nigerian migrants, daily life domains and bordering processes in the city of Guangzhou1
Re-producing public space: the changing everyday production of outdoor retail markets1
The role of urban transformation on inter-suburban commuting: evidence from Jakarta metropolitan area, Indonesia1
Touristification, rent gap and the local political economy of Airbnb in Salzburg (Austria)1
Included or left behind? Residents’ perceptions on public investments, city growth, and local decision-making1
Before displacement: studentification, campus-led gentrification and rental market transformation in a multiethnic neighborhood (Parc-Extension, Montréal)1
The long shadow of the state: financializing the Chinese city1
“Freedom Cities”: Trump and an American global new city1
The politics of post-developmentalist expertise: progressive movements, strategic localism, and urban governance in Seoul1
The dragon’s head or Athens’ sacrifice zone? Spatiotemporal disjuncture, logistical disruptions, and urban infrastructural justice in Piraeus port, Greece1
Urban geographies of waste1
Mobilizing alternative urbanisms in the semiperipheral smart city agenda1
Ritornello: “People as Infrastructure”1
Thinking topologically about urban climate finance: geographical inequalities and Mexico’s urban landscapes of infrastructure investment1
Offshore campus development and the worlding of Dubai as an international education hub1
Living with, or despite, organized abandonment: social reproduction and real estate speculation on Chicago’s Large Lots1
Memory, land, and white innocence in the empire-state (2022) Plenary Commentary1
The spatiality of poverty and popular agency in the GCR: constituting an extended urban region1
Planning and developing a high-speed railway new town under state entrepreneurialism in China1
Are mixed neighborhoods more socially cohesive? Evidence from Nanjing, China1
Tracing the smart virus in a smart city: a discursive analysis of Singapore’s early pandemic surveillance response1
Questioning “progressive” gentrification in Asia: evidence from Kampung Sungai Baru, Kuala Lumpur1
Co-producing urban expertise for SDG localization: the history and practices of urban knowledge production in South Africa1
Place branding in resource peripheries: attracting the knowledge elite to Antofagasta, Chile1
Growing up sustainable? Politics of race and youth in Urbanplan, Copenhagen1
“There’s nothing left to tax”: the effects of automobility on the downtowns of America’s mid-size cities 1913–20131
Māṇḍavlī: negotiating with digital governance in Mumbai1
Turning land into assets: local government borrowing through land assetization in China1