Language Problems & Language Planning

(The TQCC of Language Problems & Language Planning is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Approaching language rights and justice for linguistic minorities from the perspective of constitutional economics7
At the intersection of language, conflict, and security5
Critique de Ó Giollagáin, Camshron, Moireach, Ó Curnáin, Caimbeul, MacDonald & Péterváry (2020)5
Teaching Hebrew as second language in Arab schools in Israel3
Problematising ASEAN language policy3
West African Pidgin as a tool for socio-economic development2
Review of Horn, Lecomte & Tietze (2020): Managing Multilingual Workplaces: Methodological, Empirical and Pedagogic Perspectives2
Immigrant linguistic integration in the multilingual context of Montreal2
Language policy in Italian universities1
Language policies and organizational features of international organizations1
Translation policies in times of a pandemic1
Linguistic territoriality in Switzerland1
Māori loanwords in New Zealand English1
Review of Tesseur (2022): Translation as Social Justice: Translation Policies and Practices in Non-Governmental Organizations1
Review of Gorter & Cenoz (2024): A Panorama of Linguistic Landscape Studies1
Review of van Pinxteren (2022): Language and Education in Africa: A fresh approach to the debates on language, education, and cultural identity1
Translation policy in health care settings in Ontario1
Review of Spolsky (2021): Rethinking language policy1
Language policies as a conflict prevention tool1
Review of Ricento (2021): Refugees in Canada: On the loss of social and cultural capital1
Intelligence artificielle et diversité linguistique1