Studies in American Jewish Literature

(The TQCC of Studies in American Jewish Literature is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Sharon Oster. No Place in Time: The Hebraic Myth in Late-Nineteenth-Century American Literature1
Ozick’s Idols1
Book Review1
“Exiled from Exile Itself”: Jewish Privilege and the Feminist Afterlives of Yiddish in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and Broad City1
Depicting the Holocaust for American Orthodox Jewish Children in Olomeinu0
Between Granite and Rainbow: Woolfian Literary Speculation in Ozick’s Nonfiction0
Telling Tales of Difference: Portrayals of Immigrant Identity in Cahan’s, Cohen’s, and Yezierska’s “Landscapes” of Otherness and Contrast0
Kaufmann Kohler and the Reform Jewish Press: The Jewish Reformer (1886)0
Either War Is Finished or We Are: Why Herman Wouk’s Duology Deserves a Second Look0
“The Dark Path Back”: Investigating Holocaust Memory in Sara Paretsky’s Novel Total Recall0
Introduction: Representing the Jewish American Woman in Popular Culture0
“EatMor Dairy”: Ben Katchor’s Genealogy of the Dairy Restaurant0
Maeera Y. Shreiber. Holy Envy: Writing in the Jewish Christian Borderzone0
The Role of the Periodical in the Organization of the American Orthodox Rabbinate: Beit Va’ad laChachamim (Hebrew, 1902–1903)0
Editors’ Introduction: Cynthia Ozick and the Art of Nonfiction0
The Jewish Messenger’s 1865 Hebrew Lincoln Acrostic: Who Wrote It, When, and Why Was It Published?0
Sarah Imhoff. The Lives of Jessie Sampter: Queer, Disabled, Zionist0
Dean Franco. The Border and the Line: Race, Literature and Los Angeles0
Jewish Studies and Jewish Ethics0
Yekl to Jake: Reading Cahan with Arendt0
Chaim Potok and the Holocaust0
Nomadism and Stasis in Transparent0
A Looking Glass for Early American Zionism: The Maccabaean (1901–1920)0
Dana Mihãilescu. Eastern European Jewish American Narratives, 1890–1930.0
Cynthia Ozick’s “Outcry of Failure”0
“Devoted to the Interests of Jewish Women”: The American Jewess (1895–1899)0
Zev Eleff. Authentically Orthodox: A Tradition-Bound Faith in American Life0
A Satiric Watchdog of Yiddish Culture: Der groyser kundes (Yiddish, 1908–1927)0
Moloch and Monotheism: Ozick’s Aestheticism0
“Love, Alex”: Queering Jonathan Safran Foer’s Everything Is Illuminated0
Charles Reznikoff in the Menorah Journal: Cross-National Judaism, “Exile,” and “Zion”0
Book Review0
Un libro no convencional”: Communities of Response and Finding Jewishness in Alex Appella’s Writing0
The Limits of Drag: Women, Gender, and the Other in Hayehudim Baim0
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and the Fantasy of Becoming0
“Converts Made by Cupid”: Abraham Cahan and Boundary Crossing in Turn-of-the-Twentieth-Century American Journalism0
Toward a Guide to Jewish American Periodicals0
Sasha Senderovich. How the Soviet Jew Was Made0
The Weight of RBG’s Crown: Jewish Feminism and Its Appropriations0
Going To and Fro and Walking Up and DownMeets “I Do This, I Do That”: Reconnecting Charles Reznikoff and Frank O’Hara0
An “Ambiguously Menacing Predicament”: Reading The Plot Against America in the Age of Donald Trump0
Empowering the Literary Essay: Cynthia Ozick and the Search for Authority0
Traumatic Mapping and Generational Topographies in Amy Kurzweil’sFlying Couch0
Sheila E. Jelen. Salvage Poetics: Post-Holocaust American Jewish Folk Ethnographies0
The First Hebrew Rabbinic Periodical in America, or, the Preacher as Journalist: Toldot Yaacov Yosef b’Newyork (Hebrew, 1888/9)0
Resistance to—and Persistence of—Theory0
A Syrian Sabbath Leaflet Grows in Brooklyn: Congregation “Beth Yosef” (Hebrew, English, Arabic, 1996–current)0
The Periodical Origins of Jewish American Literature0
Jacques Berlinerblau. The Philip Roth We Don’t Know: Sex, Race, and Autobiography0
The Last Black (Jewish) Unicorn: Tiffany Haddish’s Black Mitzvah and the Reframing of Jewish Female Identity0
Abraham Cahan’sThe Rise of David LevinskyinMcClure’s Magazine: Race, Capitalism, and Jewish American Identity0
Pre/Occupied Longing: Toward a Definition of Postnostalgia in Jonathan Safran Foer’s Everything Is Illuminated0
The Lord of History in Cynthia Ozick’s “Ruth”0
Memory and the Exigencies of Literary Form: Anthony Hecht’s “The Book of Yolek”0
Josh Lambert. The Literary Mafia: Jews, Publishing, and Postwar American Literature0
Ozick’s Feminism and the Woman Writer0
Barbara E. Mann. The Object of Jewish Literature: A Material History0
An Outlet for Brave, Serious, Civil, and Accessible Jewish Conversations: Sh’ma: A Journal of Jewish Responsibility (1970–2019)0
Essay as Novel and Fiction as Art: The Evolution of Two Genres in the Oeuvre of Cynthia Ozick0
Under “The Mast”: American Hebraism and the Jewish American Periodical Ha’Toren (Hebrew, 1913–1925)0
“Don’t Be Hopeless, Kid”: A Literary-Biographical Consideration of Isaac Bashevis Singer’s First Years in New York, 1935–19370
Postmemory and Race: Thylias Moss and the African-Americanization of the Holocaust0
Victoria Aarons, ed. The New Jewish American Literary Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.0
Shana Rosenblatt Mauer. Mordecai Richler’s Imperfect Search for Moral Values0
The Melodrama of Cynthia Ozick’s Imagination0
Midge: A Women of Her Time, but Also of Our Own?0
“My Father’s Face”: Judaism, God, and Ritual Practice in Philip Roth’sEveryman,Indignation, andNemesis0
Estranging Adorno: The Dialectics of Alienation in Leonard Michaels’s “I Would Have Saved Them If I Could”0
Victoria Aarons and Holli Levitsky, eds. New Directions in Jewish American and Holocaust Literatures: Reading and Teaching.0
All the Realities and All the Illusions0
Book Review0