International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids

(The TQCC of International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
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A high‐order stabilized solver for the volume averaged Navier‐Stokes equations28
High‐order isogeometric modified method of characteristics for two‐dimensional coupled Burgers' equations20
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On the edge‐based smoothed finite element approximation of viscoelastic fluid flows15
Continuous adjoint‐based shape optimization of a turbomachinery stage using a 3D volumetric parameterization14
The positivity‐preserving finite volume scheme with fixed stencils for anisotropic diffusion problems on general polyhedral meshes14
Unsupervised neural networks for Maxwell fluid flow and heat transfer over a curved surface with nonlinear convection and temperature‐dependent properties13
New compact difference schemes on non‐uniform collocated and staggered grids for convection‐dominated flows12
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The positivity‐preserving finite volume scheme with fixed stencils for anisotropic diffusion problems on general polyhedral meshes12
Improved implicit potential method for incompressible flows on a fully collocated mesh11
A correction for Reynolds‐averaged‐Navier–Stokes turbulence model under the effect of shock waves in hypersonic flows10
Anti‐diffusive alternate‐directions schemes for the transport of step functions10
Employment of an efficient particle tracking algorithm based on barycentric coordinates in hybrid finite‐volume/probability‐density‐function Monte Carlo methods9
High‐order curvilinear Lagrangian finite element methods for shallow water hydrodynamics9
A lattice Boltzmann model for shallow water equations on the smoothed quadtree grid9
A positive preserving gas‐kinetic scheme for relativistic Vlasov‐Bhatnagar‐Gross‐Krook‐Maxwell model9
On the numerical accuracy in finite‐volume methods to accurately capture turbulence in compressible flows9
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Layered shallow water equations: Spatiotemporally varying layer ratios with specific adaptation to wet/dry interfaces8
Computational homogenization of unsteady flows with obstacles8
A novel well‐balanced numerical model for water‐solute mixture underflows coupled with ambient water8
Solution to the Riemann problem for drift‐flux model with modified Chaplygin two‐phase flows8
Locally adaptive bubble function enrichment for multiscale finite element methods: Application to convection‐diffusion problems8
Nonintrusive reduced‐order modeling approach for parametrized unsteady flow and heat transfer problems7
An adaptive, training‐free reduced‐order model for convection‐dominated problems based on hybrid snapshots7
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Collocation Finite Element Method for the Fractional Fokker–Planck Equation7
Designing artificial neural network of nanoparticle diameter and solid–fluid interfacial layer on single‐walled carbon nanotubes/ethylene glycol nanofluid flow on thin slendering needles7
General vorticity‐streamfunction formulation for incompressible binary flow with arbitrary density ratio7
Reducing memory requirements of unsteady adjoint by synergistically using check‐pointing and compression7
Predicting aerosol transmission in airplanes: Benefits of a joint approach using experiments and simulation7
A finite difference Hermite RBF‐WENO scheme for hyperbolic conservation laws7
Simulating dense granular flow using the μ(I)‐rheology within a space‐time framework7
A single‐step and simplified graphics processing unit lattice Boltzmann method for high turbulent flows7
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One‐ and two‐step semi‐Lagrangian integrators for arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian‐finite element two‐phase flow simulations6
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Unconditionally stable fully‐discrete finite element numerical scheme for active fluid model6
Assessment of implicit adaptive mesh‐free CFD modelling6
Front capturing by level set method for the reactive Euler equations6
A consistent sharp interface fictitious domain method for moving boundary problems with arbitrarily polyhedral mesh6
A consistent energy integral model for a film over a substrate featuring topographies6
Pressure‐correction projection methods for the time‐dependent micropolar fluids6
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Natural convection and entropy generation in square and skew cavities due to large temperature differences: A Gay–Lussac‐type vorticity stream‐function approach5
Physics‐informed neural network applied to surface‐tension‐driven liquid film flows5
An efficient direct‐forcing immersed boundary method for flow around a pair of spheres5
Wetting and Drying Treatments With Mesh Adaptation for Shallow Water Equations Using a Runge–Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin Method5
A Hybrid Approach of Buongiorno's Law and Darcy–Forchheimer Theory Using Artificial Neural Networks: Modeling Convective Transport in Al2O3EO Mono‐Nanoflui5
A hybrid volume of fluid and level set interface capturing scheme with quartic surface representation for unstructured meshes5
A discontinuous Nitsche‐based finite element formulation for the imposition of the Navier‐slip condition over embedded volumeless geometries5
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An unconditionally stable third order scheme for mixed convection flow between parallel plates with oscillatory boundary conditions5
Enhanced conservative phase field method for moving contact line problems5
A positivity‐preserving Lagrangian discontinuous Galerkin scheme with exact Riemann solver for gas‐water compressible flows5
Learning reduced‐order dynamics for parametrized shallow water equations from data5
A Practical Approach to Time‐Varying Inflow Simulation and the Influence on Intermittent Airflow Within Urban Street Canyons5
Development and validation of Navier–Stokes characteristic boundary conditions applied to turbomachinery simulations using the lattice Boltzmann method5
Reduced order models for the incompressible Navier‐Stokes equations on collocated grids using a ‘discretize‐then‐project’ approach4
Two‐scale conjugate heat transfer solution for micro‐structured surface4
A Time‐Space Dual Adaptive Uncoupled Method for Supersonic Combustion4
Slip velocity boundary conditions for the lattice Boltzmann modeling of microchannel flows4
Comparative analysis of nondimensionalization approaches for solving the 2‐D differentially heated cavity problem4
A mass conserving arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian formulation for three‐dimensional multiphase fluid flows4
Volume‐of‐fluid based two‐phase flow methods on structured multiblock and overset grids4
A flux‐vector splitting scheme for the shallow water equations extended to high‐order on unstructured meshes4
Coupling fully resolved light particles with the lattice Boltzmann method on adaptively refined grids4
High‐order gas kinetic flux solver for viscous compressible flow simulations4
Enhancement on parallel wall distance calculation methodology for partitioned unstructured grid4
Asymptotic preserving schemes on conical unstructured 2D meshes4
A coupled CAD‐free parameterization‐morphing method for adjoint‐based shape optimization4
Simulation of fluid‐structure interaction using the boundary data immersion method with adaptive mesh refinement4
Full space‐time adaptive method based on collocation strategy and implicit multirate time stepping4
Computational aeroacoustic modeling using hybrid Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes/large‐eddy simulations methods with modified acoustic analogies4
Semi‐Lagrangian discontinuous Galerkin methods for scalar hyperbolic conservation laws4
Probabilistic constrained Bayesian inversion for transpiration cooling4
Issue Information3
An immersed boundary vector potential‐vorticity meshless solver of the incompressible Navier–Stokes equation3
Beyond the cubic law: A finite volume method for convective and transient fracture flow3
Numerical modeling of flow past a volumeless and thin rigid body using direct forcing immersed boundary method3
Finite‐element‐based machine‐learning algorithm for studying gyrotactic‐nanofluid flow via stretching surface3
Construction of hybrid 1D‐0D networks for efficient and accurate blood flow simulations3
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Lattice Boltzmann method for compressible Euler equations based on exact kinetic system3
Uncertainty quantification and identification of SST turbulence model parameters based on Bayesian optimization algorithm in supersonic flow3
A conforming sliding mesh technique for an embedded‐hybridized discontinuous Galerkin discretization for fluid‐rigid body interaction3
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Flow resistance co‐efficient of meandering river in alluvial plain and its prediction using artificial neural network3
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An ALE‐based finite element strategy for modeling compressible two‐phase flows3
Variable passing method for combining 3D MPM–FEM hybrid and 2D shallow water simulations of landslide‐induced tsunamis3
High‐order numerical method for 2D biharmonic interface problem3
Directionally‐split volume‐of‐fluid technique for front propagation under curvature flow3
A weighted essentially nonoscillatory‐based phase field lattice Boltzmann method for incompressible two‐phase flows with high density contrast3
A unified time discontinuous Galerkin space‐time finite element scheme for non‐Newtonian power law models3
A novel gas kinetic flux solver for simulation of continuum and slip flows3
A centered limited finite volume approximation of the momentum convection operator for low‐order nonconforming face‐centered discretizations3
A general computational framework for Lagrangian hydrodynamic scheme. I: Unification of staggered‐grid and cell‐centered methods3
A comparative investigation of a time‐dependent mesh method and physics‐informed neural networks to analyze the generalized Kolmogorov–Petrovsky–Piskunov equation3
High‐Order Alternative Formulation of Weighted Essentially Non‐Oscillatory Scheme With Minimized Dispersion and Controllable Dissipation for Compressible Flows3
Physics‐based preconditioning of Jacobian‐free Newton–Krylov solver for Navier–Stokes equations using nodal integral method2
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On the accuracy, robustness, and performance of high order interpolation schemes for the overset method on unstructured grids2
Phase‐field formulation of a fictitious domain method for particulate flows interacting with complex and evolving geometries2
Imposing C0 and C1 continuity constraints during CAD‐based adjoint optimization2
An efficient stabilized finite element scheme for simulating viscoelastic flows2
Hybrid large eddy simulation and Lagrangian simulation of a compressible turbulent planar jet with a chemical reaction2
Self‐adjusting steepness based remapping: A preliminary study2
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An explicit‐implicit numerical scheme for time fractional boundary layer flows2
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A scalable compressible volume of fluid solver using a stratified flow model2
High‐resolution mapping type WENO‐Z schemes for solving compressible flow2
A hybrid marching cubes based IsoAlpha method for interface reconstruction2
Particle‐resolved simulations of four‐way coupled, polydispersed, particle‐laden flows2
Periodic hill flow simulations with a parameterized cumulant lattice Boltzmann method2
Time‐dependent flows in grooved non‐isothermal channels2
An extended discontinuous Galerkin shock tracking method2
A Hybrid Method Combining Mimetic Finite Difference and Discontinuous Galerkin for Two‐Phase Reservoir Flow Problems2
A meshfree Lagrangian method for flow on manifolds2
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On the investigation of oblique shock‐wave/turbulent boundary‐layer interactions with a high‐order discontinuous Galerkin method2
Applications of finite difference‐based physics‐informed neural networks to steady incompressible isothermal and thermal flows2
Iterated discretization error transport equations for laminar and turbulent flows2
Rotation‐translation collision model for DSMC with restricted energy exchange2
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Multi‐Objective Optimization and Experimental Research of Ship Form Based on Improved Bare‐Bones Multi‐Objective Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm2
A stabilized finite element method based on characteristic‐based polynomial pressure projection scheme for incompressible flows2
Four‐dimensional elastically deformed simplex space‐time meshes for domains with time‐variant topology2
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A sharp immersed method for electrohydrodynamic flows accompanied by charge evaporation2
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Hull form optimization research based on multi‐precision back‐propagation neural network approximation model2
A Multi‐Fidelity Model for Wave Energy Converters2
Stability effect of multidimensional velocity components in numerical flux SLAU2
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PDNNs: The parallel deep neural networks for the Navier–Stokes equations coupled with heat equation2
A two‐phase volume of fluid approach to model rigid‐perfectly plastic granular materials2
Lattice Boltzmann modeling of the capillary rise of non‐Newtonian power‐law fluids2
A data‐driven turbulence modeling for the Reynolds stress tensor transport equation2
A one‐point second‐order Dirichlet boundary condition for the thermal lattice Boltzmann method2
Adaptive geometric multigrid for the mixed finite cell formulation of Stokes and Navier–Stokes equations2
Nonlinear time‐domain wave‐structure interaction: A parallel fast integral equation approach2
An arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian discontinuous Galerkin method for two‐dimensional compressible flows on adaptive quadrilateral meshes2
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Fitted finite difference technique for singularly perturbed reaction diffusion equations of third order with integral boundary condition2
Computational fluid–structure interaction framework for passive feathering and cambering in flapping insect wings2
A modified fifth‐order WENO‐Z scheme based on the weights of the reformulated adaptive order WENO scheme2
Analysis and comparison of boundary condition variants in the free‐surface lattice Boltzmann method2
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