Journal of Neuroscience

(The H4-Index of Journal of Neuroscience is 48. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-06-01 to 2024-06-01.)
Traumatic Brain Injury Causes Chronic Cortical Inflammation and Neuronal Dysfunction Mediated by Microglia178
Age-Related Hearing Loss Is Dominated by Damage to Inner Ear Sensory Cells, Not the Cellular Battery That Powers Them150
Evidences for Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis in Humans144
The Glymphatic System: A Novel Component of Fundamental Neurobiology119
Hallucinogens in Mental Health: Preclinical and Clinical Studies on LSD, Psilocybin, MDMA, and Ketamine105
Ferroptosis Mediates Cuprizone-Induced Loss of Oligodendrocytes and Demyelination103
Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation in Humans Induces Pupil Dilation and Attenuates Alpha Oscillations94
Positive Controls in Adults and Children Support That Very Few, If Any, New Neurons Are Born in the Adult Human Hippocampus90
Parvalbumin and Somatostatin Interneurons Contribute to the Generation of Hippocampal Gamma Oscillations88
Microglia Elimination Increases Neural Circuit Connectivity and Activity in Adult Mouse Cortex84
A Developmental Analysis of Juxtavascular Microglia Dynamics and Interactions with the Vasculature82
Revaluing the Role of vmPFC in the Acquisition of Pavlovian Threat Conditioning in Humans76
The Neuroimmunology of Chronic Pain: From Rodents to Humans76
How to Interpret Resting-State fMRI: Ask Your Participants75
Neural Markers of Speech Comprehension: Measuring EEG Tracking of Linguistic Speech Representations, Controlling the Speech Acoustics74
Astrocyte-Derived Estrogen Regulates Reactive Astrogliosis and is Neuroprotective following Ischemic Brain Injury71
The Functional Relevance of Task-State Functional Connectivity69
Linguistic Structure and Meaning Organize Neural Oscillations into a Content-Specific Hierarchy69
Flexible Coordinator and Switcher Hubs for Adaptive Task Control69
Evidence for Immediate Enhancement of Hippocampal Memory Encoding by Network-Targeted Theta-Burst Stimulation during Concurrent fMRI68
The Neural Bases of Tinnitus: Lessons from Deafness and Cochlear Implants67
Anxiety and the Neurobiology of Temporally Uncertain Threat Anticipation67
Neuron-Derived Estrogen Is Critical for Astrocyte Activation and Neuroprotection of the Ischemic Brain67
α-Synuclein Oligomers Induce Glutamate Release from Astrocytes and Excessive Extrasynaptic NMDAR Activity in Neurons, Thus Contributing to Synapse Loss66
Acute Inflammation Alters Brain Energy Metabolism in Mice and Humans: Role in Suppressed Spontaneous Activity, Impaired Cognition, and Delirium66
Patch-seq: Past, Present, and Future64
Primary Neural Degeneration in Noise-Exposed Human Cochleas: Correlations with Outer Hair Cell Loss and Word-Discrimination Scores64
Mechanosensory Signaling in Astrocytes62
Dissecting the Role of GABA Neurons in the VTAversusSNr in Opioid Reward62
Associations between Vascular Function and Tau PET Are Associated with Global Cognition and Amyloid61
Characterizing Cortex-Wide Dynamics with Wide-Field Calcium Imaging61
Astrocytes Protect Human Dopaminergic Neurons from α-Synuclein Accumulation and Propagation60
Overlooked Tertiary Sulci Serve as a Meso-Scale Link between Microstructural and Functional Properties of Human Lateral Prefrontal Cortex58
DrosophilaVoltage-Gated Sodium Channels Are Only Expressed in Active Neurons and Are Localized to Distal Axonal Initial Segment-like Domains57
Interoception Primes Emotional Processing: Multimodal Evidence from Neurodegeneration56
Sleep Spindles Preferentially Consolidate Weakly Encoded Memories56
Adult-Born Hippocampal Neurons Undergo Extended Development and Are Morphologically Distinct from Neonatally-Born Neurons55
Dynamical Mechanisms of Interictal Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Epilepsy54
Hippocampal Theta Oscillations Support Successful Associative Memory Formation54
The VLPFC versus the DLPFC in Downregulating Social Pain Using Reappraisal and Distraction Strategies52
Parvalbumin+and Npas1+Pallidal Neurons Have Distinct Circuit Topology and Function52
Piezo2 Mediates Low-Threshold Mechanically Evoked Pain in the Cornea52
Self-Other Representation in the Social Brain Reflects Social Connection50
Memory Reactivation during Learning Simultaneously Promotes Dentate Gyrus/CA2,3Pattern Differentiation and CA1Memory Integration50
Chemogenetic Modulation and Single-Photon Calcium Imaging in Anterior Cingulate Cortex Reveal a Mechanism for Effort-Based Decisions49
Motion Extrapolation in Visual Processing: Lessons from 25 Years of Flash-Lag Debate49
Depression and Social Defeat Stress Are Associated with Inhibitory Synaptic Changes in the Nucleus Accumbens49
It Is All in the Right Amygdala: Increased Synaptic Plasticity and Perineuronal Nets in Male, But Not Female, Juvenile Rat Pups after Exposure to Early-Life Stress48
Bidirectional Regulation of Cognitive and Anxiety-like Behaviors by Dentate Gyrus Mossy Cells in Male and Female Mice48