International Studies in the Philosophy of Science

(The TQCC of International Studies in the Philosophy of Science is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
The Tools of Metaphysics and the Metaphysics of Science9
Ernest Nagel's Model of Reduction and Theory Change5
Artifictional Intelligence: Against Humanity’s Surrender to Computers4
Treatment Effectiveness and the Russo–Williamson Thesis, EBM+, and Bradford Hill's Viewpoints4
Are the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) and the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) Applicable in Determining the Optimal Fit and Simplicity of Mechanistic Models?3
A Defence of Functional Kinds: Multiple Realisability and Explanatory Counterfactuals3
Searching for Features with Artificial Neural Networks in Science: The Problem of Non-Uniqueness3
Navigating Massimi’s Perspectival Garden with Inferential Forking Paths3
In Defence of an Inferential Account of Extrapolation2
Are There Experimental Arguments Independent of Theories? In Defense of a Hackingian Approach to the Scientific Realism Debate2
Reviewers Acknowledgement2
Some Explanatory Issues with Woodward’s Notion of Intervention2
Reviewers Acknowledgement2
Scientific Realism and Blocking Strategies*2
On the Elusive Formalisation of the Risky Condition for Hypothesis Testing2
The Normal and the Revolutionary: Kuhn’s Conversations with Rorty2
From Quantum Holism to the Disunity of Science and Social Activism: The Cat-Feyerabend Correspondence1
Harmful Research and the Paradox of Credibility1
Ehrenhaft’s Experiments on Magnetic Monopoles: Reconsidering the Feyerabend-Ehrenhaft Connection1
In Memoriam Elena Mamchur 8 July, 1935–14 December, 20231
A Philosopher Looks at Science1
Specialisation by Value Divergence: The Role of Epistemic Values in the Branching of Scientific Disciplines1
Induction, Rationality, and the Realism/Anti-realism Debate: A Reply to Shech1
The Challenge of Quantum Mechanics to the Rationality of Science: Philosophers of Science on Bohr1
Kuhn's ‘The Natures of Conceptual Change’: the Search for a Theory of Meaning and the Birth of Taxonomies (1980–1994)1
A Scientometric Approach to the Integrated History and Philosophy of Science: Entrenched Biomedical Standardisation and Citation-Exemplar1
Darwinian-Selectionist Explanation, Radical Theory Change, and the Observable-Unobservable Dichotomy1
Einstein’s Theory of Theories and Mechanicism1
Assessing the Overall Validity of Randomised Controlled Trials1
Incorrigible Science and Doctrinal Pseudoscience1
Natural Selection, Mechanism and Phenomenon1
Mathematical SETIbacks: Open Texture in Mathematics as a New Challenge for Messaging Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence1